! Me alegro saber que estás aqui! | l'm glad to know you're here! |
! Obviamente, necesito saber cualquier cosa que tu padre haya podido decirte sobre el caso o las pruebas. | Obviously, I need to know what, if anything, your father might have said lately about the case or the evidence. |
! ¿Quieres saber lo que yo creo? | You want to know what I think? |
! - Lo sé, tengo tanta suerte. | - I know, I'm so lucky. |
! - Lo sé... tú solo vas a recoger algo. | - I know... you just got to go pick something up. |
! - Lo sé. | - [Mark] l know. |
! - No consigo sentirlo, ¿sabes? . | - I just don't feel this, you know. |
! - No, no la tenemos, - la tiene Ya-sabes-quien. | Oh, it's not gone, gone, just you-know-who has it. |
! - Uno nunca va por el mercado, tú sabes eso Mo. | - One never goes on the market, you know that Mo. |
! - Vale, ¿sabes qué? | - Okay, you know what? |
! Hasta un niño de 8 años sabe que padre y bate no riman! | - Even an eight-year-old knows you don't rhyme dad with bat! |
! Parece que... tu esposa sabe más que tú. | It would seem your wife knows more of the world than you. |
! Quién sabe quizá a su hijo mañana este trabajando en mi club montando caballo! | Who knows maybe your son will run my Riding Club tomorrow! |
! - ¡Eso todavía no lo sabemos! | - We don't know that yet! |
! Lo que no sabemos! | (Hannah) What we don't know! |
! Lo sabemos! | What we know! |
! ¡No sabemos, Michael! | - We don't know, Michael! |
" Incluso la propia", lo sabemos. | Even your own. We know. |
"A donde voy lo sabéis, y ya conocéis el camino". | "Whither I go ye know, and the way ye know." |
"Así que fui a echarle un ojo, y ¿sabéis qué? | "So I went and had a look at it, and you know what?" |
"Como sabéis, | "As you know, |
"Cuando ya su rama está tierna y brotan las hojas sabéis que el verano está cerca. " | "When his branch is yet tender... and putteth forth leaves... know that summer is nigh." |
! Ahora que lo saben, me denunciarán. | Now that they know they'll report me. |
! Así que todos lo saben! | So everybody knows! |
! Eres la única testigo... y los asesinos no saben qué viste. | - You're the only witness, and the killers don't know what you saw. |
! Eso es todo lo que saben hacer! | That's all you people know! |
"...supe por primera vez quién era yo realmente." | I knew for the first time who I really was." |
"Cosmo," en el 98. Y supe que te gustaba el Merlot de tu entrevista en "Vogue". | And I knew you liked that Merlot from your "Vogue" interview. |
"Cuando conocí a Chris Turk, supe que era un tipo con el que podría salir de fiesta de por vida". | I knew this was a guy I could party with forever. Yeah!" |
"Desde el mismo momento en que la vi, supe que estaba destinada a hacer grandes cosas". | The moment I saw her I knew she was destined for great things. |
"Toma el dinero y olvida que alguna vez supiste que es un casino flotante. " | "Take the money and forget you ever knew what a gambling boat was." |
"Y buscaste en tus brazos..." "...el perfume ausente y supiste..." | "And you searched your arms for the missing perfume and knew..." |
"¿Por qué no viniste enseguida que lo supiste? | "Why didn't you come right round, as soon as you knew? |
# Ella es la importante pero vos siempre lo supiste | # She's the real thing but you knew it all along |
# En todas tus fantasías # siempre lo supiste | BOTH: ♪ In all your fantasies ♪ You always knew |
"Al fin, él supo que iba a morir" | "At last he knew that he was going to die." |
"Chandler, aunque éramos amigos una parte de mí supo que quería más". | "Chandler, even though we were friends there was a part of me that knew I wanted more. " |
"Cuando vio la mirada del hombre, la rata supo que se le había asignado una forma de morir." | "Meeting the man's eyes, the rat knew it had been assigned a kind of death." |
"Ella sintió su corazón detenerse por un instante, y en ese momento, supo que él había muerto." | "She felt her heart stop a beat, "And in that moment, "She knew he was gone. |
"Muchos, muchos matis murieron, no supimos por que. " | Many Matis died, we never knew why. |
"hemos conocido Rahul bastante en un día para, pero nunca supimos que él es familiar" | We've known Rahul for quite sometime, but we never knew he's family |
( cop ) lnmediatamente supimos que algo estaba mal. | ( cop ) Right away we knew something was wrong. |
- Ayer nos llamó, y así supimos de usted. | He rang us yesterday. That's how we knew about you. |
- Bueno, sólo desde que supimos que tú... No puedo esperar a volver a Radio 4. | - Well, only since we knew you were... (SIGHS) Can't wait to go back to Radio 4. |
"Siempre supisteis que tenía una pistola" | "You always knew I had this gun." |
- Nunca lo supisteis, ¿no? | - You never knew, did you? |
Entre tanta gente sólo vos supisteis que estaba enfermo. Una buena taza de té. | Of all that ghastly crowd, you were the only one who knew that I was ill. |
Piensa atrás al momento... cuando Patrick y tu supisteis que estabais hechos el uno para el otro. | Think back to the one moment when you and patrick knew you were meant for each other. |
"El gato persiguió al ratón hasta que supieron cómo se llamaban". | Sat cat chasing the rat, until she finally knew each other's name. |
"Y con el sonido de la campana, los Sabios supieron dónde vivir". | "With the ringing of the bell, the Sages knew where they must dwell." |
"Y todos supieron que había sido muerto | "And all men knew that he had been slain |
"ponte los calcetines más chillones que puedas encontrar," "y así lo sabré." | Wear the brightest socks you can find, and I will know." |
, si usas palabras, sabré lo que quieres, lo que necesitas. | I will know what you want, what you need. |
- Cuando sea, lo sabré. | We will know more later. |
- Lo sabré con seguridad cuando consigamo una línea temporal de los gusanos de Curtis. | - I will know for sure when we get a timeline from Curtis' maggots. |
" Entonces lo sabrás | Then you will know |
"Cuando lo veas, lo sabrás". Eso fue lo que me dijo. | 'You will know it when you see it,' is what he said. |
"En el futuro, si recibes mi cartas tarde, sabrás que algunos jueces... no aprecian lo que es el verdadero arte". | "In the future, if my letters are a little late, "You will know some judges don't appreciate real art. |
"No sabrás cuándo, pero cuando llegue sabrás por qué". | You will not know when, but when it comes" "you will know why. |
" Y nada sabrá de ellos ... " hasta que muera . " | And none other will know of them... until he dies." |
"Con suficiente charla él sabrá su nombre y le complacerá recordarlo". | "If there be rags enough, he will know her name and be well pleased remembering it". |
"Cuando haya leído esta carta, sabrá quién, de Gaby o yo, le ha prestado favores al otro... | When you read this letter, you will know, that Gaby and I have given each other favors ... |
"Una ballena, a las dos en punto, tres en punto" así sabremos adónde mirar. | "A sharp, two in point, three-point "... so we will know where to aim. |
"ese día, nosotros también lo sabremos | "That day, we too will know |
- Entonces sabremos quién está dónde. | Then we will know who is where. |
- Lo sabremos cuando tengas 30. | - You will know in your 30. |
Ahora sabréis cuán pequeños y frágiles sois en realidad. | Now you will know what frail, small creatures you truly are. |
Así que si no me siento cómodo durante el partido, diré "Fidelio", esa es mi palabra de seguridad, y sabréis que hacer, ¿no? | So if I ever feel uncomfortable during the game, I'm gonna say "Fidelio"-- that's my safe word-- and you guys will know what to do, right? |
Lo sabréis Porque lo diré a gritos | 'Cause you will know From the way that I shout it |
Lo sabréis cuando llegue el momento. | You will know when the moment comes. |
Me honráis, Padre, y lo sabréis todo. | You honor me, Father, and you will know everything. |
"Será mejor que me veas o todos lo sabrán" | "You had better see me or everyone will know |
# Y todos lo sabrán # | And everyone will know |
'Como parte de vuestra recompensa por haber ganado el reto de hoy...' '...sólo ustedes seis sabrán que hay otro ídolo escondido en el campamento.' | As part of your reward for Winning today's challenge, only You six will know that there is Yet another idol hidden back at Camp. |
"Al pasar las semanas, llegamos a entender las actividades del Fuerte Rojo tan bien como cualquiera sabría las idas y venidas de su propia casa, incluso mejor." | "As the weeks passed, we came to understand the ants' activities in Red Fort as well as any man would know the comings and goings of his own house, if not better. " |
( Pensando ) Si este hombre es tan santo como dicen, sabría que esta mujer es una pecadora y la reprendería. ( Fin de pensamiento ) | (thinking) If this man is as holy as they say, He would know that this woman is a sinner and He would rebuke her. |
, eso es fácil yo sabría si.... | That's easy. I would know that any... |
! Claramente, no sabía que era sobre vampiros, porque no estaba prestando atención, lo cuál tu sabrías, si tu alguna vez me prestaras atención a mí. | Clearly, I didn't know it was about vampires, because I wasn't paying attention, which you would know, if you ever paid attention to me! |
"Si te hiciera un dibujo de mi corazón, sabrías con placer indescriptible que he visto muchos años pasarnos por encima... con un afecto elevado y mejorado por el tiempo. | "Should I draw you the picture of my heart, you would know with what indescribable pleasure I have seen so many scores of years roll over our heads... with an affection heightened and improved by time. |
- Bueno, lo sabrías si hubieras contestado a mi llamada. | Well, you would know if you would have answered my call. |
- Lo sabrías de haber venido. | - Which you would know if you had come. |
# Para que sabríamos no tenemos que llorar # | ♪ So that we would know we don't have to cry ♪ |
- ¿No crees que ya lo sabríamos? | - Don't you think we would know by now? |
-No, creo que lo sabríamos si lo hubiera hecho. | - No, I think we would know if he was. |
Aquellos de quienes no hablamos son criaturas mucho más grandes que coyotes, y sabríamos si han estado aquí. | Those We Don't Speak Of are much larger creatures than coyotes and we would know if they had been here. |
Pero pensaba que sabríais que si ganamos la semana que viene, todavía seremos campeones de conferencia e iremos a la Major Bowl. | But I thought you would know that if we won next week, we'd still be conference champs and go to a major bowl. |
Pues si supierais el significado de la palabra, sabríais, que hay algunas líneas que no se deben cruzar. | Well, if you knew the meaning of the word, you would know there are some lines you do not cross! |
Si conocierais de dónde viene, sabríais cómo lo hizo. | If you knew where He came from, you would know how He did it. |
Si fuera así, sabríais que un objeto cercano a una estructura vital solo se extrae en quirófano. | You would know never pull something near a vital structure unless in the O.R. |
Si lo hubiera hecho, seguro que lo sabríais. | Pretty sure you guys would know if I did. |
- Ellos lo sabrían - ¿Tú no eres "ellos"? | - They would know. - Aren't you " they" ou " ? |
- No paraban de preguntar cómo sabrían que harías el trabajo. | - They keep asking how they would know that you were doing the work. |
- Si vuelvo, lo sabrían todos al instante, con sólo mirar mi pasaporte. | If I did come back, they would know when I come through passport control. |
- entonces todos sabrían que soy... | - then everyone would know I'm... |
! El cual es asegurar que esta unidad sepa qué medidas tomar en un evento, digamos... no sé, un desastre nuclear. | Which is to ensure this squad knows what measures to take in the event of, say, I don't know, a nuclear disaster. |
" No pedirá más Cuando sepa lo que le espera | Oliver, Oliver, won't ask for more when he knows what's in store |
! Solo quiero que sepas, que de todos los zombies que encontre, tu eres... el mas humano. | I just want you to know, of all the zombies I've encountered, you're... the most human. |
" Escribe sobre algo que sepas. | "Write about something you know. |
"... Dios quiere que sepamos..." | God wants very much for us to know... |
"Aunque sepamos la respuesta, nos hacemos la pregunta..." | Though we know the answer, we ask the question... |
"Hasta que sepamos que nunca tendremos que volver a enfrentarlo". | "Till we know we'll never have to face him again." |
"La mayoría de nosotros ni siquiera te conocemos bien. " "Pero eso no quiere decir que no sepamos lo que haces. " | "Most of us never found the time to get to know you, but that doesn't mean we haven't noticed you." |
"¿Podemos llevárnoslo como referencia para que sepamos adónde no debemos ir?" | "Could we just hang on to that for reference, just so we know where we're not supposed to be?" |
! Que os oiga esa multitud que sin que vos lo sepáis, nos rodea. | Let this crowd that surrounds you unbeknown hear your voice. |
"Es mejor que lo sepáis ya, las chicas vienen solo por los chicos..." | You better know it now girls come here for boys only... |
"Lo que el gobierno no quiere que sepáis". | What the government doesn't want you to know." |
"Pero bueno, que sepáis que no tengo bichos en la cabeza (jajaja)" | I want you to know, I didn't have bugs in my hair (lol)" |
"Aquellos que aman a Muhammad sepan que él era un hombre y ha muerto... pero sepan que Dios está vivo y no puede morir." | "If anyone worships Muhammad, Let him know that Muhammad is dead but who worships God Let him know that God is alive and cannot die" |
"Cuando juzguen a uno de los nuestros y evalúen dejarlo a merced de Estados Unidos, sepan que nosotros, Los extraditables, los juzgaremos a ustedes, y nuestra sentencia será mucho más dura. | "As you pass judgment on one of our sons and consider sending him to his fate in the United States, know we, the Extraditables, will pass judgment on you and bring a sentence far harsher." |
"Ella dirá un montón de cosas que no quieres que se sepan". | She's gonna say a lot of things that you don't want known." |
"Este negocio se trata de pasar casting en el sofá "así que quiero que sepan que me llamo Joan Rivers y me abro de piernas". | "This business, it's all about casting couches, "so I want you to know, my name is Joan Rivers, and I put out." |
"Gordito", en caso de que no lo sepan, es el nombre de la bomba, en caso de que tengan otras ideas. | "Fat Boy," in case you didn't know, is the name of the bomb, in case you had other ideas. |
- Bueno, sl yo supiera... que se acercaba una tormenta, habría comprado más leña para la chimenea. | - Well, lf I'd have known... a storm was coming In I'd have brought you more wood forthe fire. |
- Fue una coincidencia no había forma que lo supiera ni en un millón de años, pero aún así-- | - It was a coincidence. No way I could have known in a million years, but still... |
- Si yo supiera de eso. | - If I'd have known... |
Aunque quizás no lo supiera... | Though he may not have known it, |
- No había forma de que supieras su nombre. | You couldn't have known her name. |
Claro, la única manera de que supieras lo de Patrick es que ella lo hablase contigo. | Yeah, the only way that you would have known about Patrick is if she discussed it with you. |
Cómo es posible que lo supieras? | How could you possibly have known? |
Era imposible que supieras que era por culpa del equipo. | There's no way you could have known it was because of our instruments. I should have put it together. |
Era imposible que supieras que fueras a salir de allí con vida. | There's no way you could have known you'd make it out alive. |
Fue como si supiéramos que vendrías. | We might almost have known you were coming. |
Si Mack con su ejército hubiera sido derrotado, ya lo supiéramos. | If Mack's been defeated and the allied forces destroyed, we would have known about it. |
Así pues, ¿qué posibilidades hay que esos tíos supieran que la puerta estaba abierta? | So there's a chance those guys could have known the gate was open? |
Puede que supieran la causa. | They may have known what caused this. |
Bueno, el tío debe haber sabido algo que nuestro asesino no quería que nadie más supiese. | Well, guy must have known something our killer didn't want anybody else to find. |
Los reclusos hablan entre ellos, puede que supiese sobre la fuga y lo que Joe iba a hacer cuando saliese. | Cons talk to cons; he might have known about the escape and what Joe was gonna do when he got out. |
Chloe, no había manera que supieses lo peligrosa que era, | Chloe, there's no way you could have known how dangerous she was. |
La única forma que supieses que tenia el rada'han es si una de las hermanas te lo dijo. | The only way you could have known I even had a rada'han is if one of the Sisters told you. |
También es posible que supiesen quién es desde un principio. | It can also be possible that they have known about him all the time. |
"A aquellos que quieran interferir con la sagrada misión de la Alianza de Juan en Bolivia, sabed esto: | To those who would wish to interfere with the holy mission of the Covenant of John in Bolivia, know this: |
"Si el mundo os odia, sabed... que me odió a mí antes que a vosotros." | If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me Before you |
"por favor sabed que esto es una invitación" | "Please know you've got an open invitation" |
" Debimos haberlo sabido | "We must have known |
" que los niños viviendo allí, sabiendo lo que pasa" | "the children living in this house... "knowing what's happening... |
--La mujer afortunada sabé que está llegando? | - Lucky lady know it's coming? |
" Decidimos "¿sabés qué? | We decided, "you know what? |
"...aunque siempre he sabido... | When I've known all along |
"Debería haberlo sabido." | "I should have known." |
"Deberíamos haberlo sabido. | "We should have known. |
""En gratitud por una labor excepcional, y sabiendo que lograréis la victoria final, os digo: "Que Dios os bendiga a todos""". | ""ln deep appreciation for ajob superbly done, and knowing you will win until victory, we say "God bless you all.""" |
"A" está siendo nuestra "amigo-enemiga", obligándonos a conseguir lo que queremos, pero sabiendo que cuando lo hagamos... se armará la de Dios. | "A" is being our ultimate "frienemy," forcing us to get what we want, but knowing that when we do... All hell breaks loose. |
"Así que te dejaré sabiendo que, como dice el poema... 'eres un mejor hombre que yo, Gunga Din'". | So, I'll leave you knowing that like the poem says: "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din." |
Ahora la gente ya no piensa que Jesús, es el juez justo, iAhora lo sabé! | Well, at least the people no longer think that Jesus is a righteous judge, now they know he is! |
Dios sabé qué ve en ella el viejo Howard. | God knows what old Howard sees in her. |
"El pasto siempre es verde", tú sabés... | The grass is always greener, you know? |
"No lo sé, quizás empezar una discográfica, contratar a Nirvana, o algo por el estilo", ya sabés. | "I don't know, maybe start a record label, sign Nirvana, or something like that," you know. |
"No olvidés, hermano, vos sabés, no hay que jugar." | "Remember brother, you know betting's wrong." |