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Haber (to have) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: exist, to hold, to exist, denote, there is, there are, to possess

Conjugation of haber

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I have
you have
he/she/it has
we have
you all have
they have
Present perfect tense
he habido
I have had
has habido
you have had
ha habido
he/she/it has had
hemos habido
we have had
habéis habido
you all have had
han habido
they have had
Past preterite tense
I had
you had
he/she/it had
we had
you all had
they had
Future tense
I will have
you will have
he/she/it will have
we will have
you all will have
they will have
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would have
you would have
he/she/it would have
we would have
you all would have
they would have
Past imperfect tense
I used to have
you used to have
he/she/it used to have
we used to have
you all used to have
they used to have
Past perfect tense
había habido
I had had
habías habido
you had had
había habido
he/she/it had had
habíamos habido
we had had
habíais habido
you all had had
habían habido
they had had
Future perfect tense
habré habido
I will have had
habrás habido
you will have had
habrá habido
he/she/it will have had
habremos habido
we will have had
habréis habido
you all will have had
habrán habido
they will have had
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have
(if/so that) you have
(if/so that) he/she/it have
(if/so that) we have
(if/so that) you all have
(if/so that) they have
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya habido
I have had
hayas habido
you have had
haya habido
he/she/it has had
hayamos habido
we have had
hayáis habido
you all have had
hayan habido
they have had
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have had
(if/so that) you have had
(if/so that) he/she/it have had
(if/so that) we have had
(if/so that) you all have had
(if/so that) they have had
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have had
(if/so that) you have had
(if/so that) he/she/it have had
(if/so that) we have had
(if/so that) you all have had
(if/so that) they have had
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera habido
I had had
hubieras habido
you had had
hubiera habido
he/she/it had had
hubiéramos habido
we had had
hubierais habido
you all had had
hubieran habido
they had had
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese habido
I had had
hubieses habido
you had had
hubiese habido
he/she/it had had
hubiésemos habido
we had had
hubieseis habido
you all had had
hubiesen habido
they had had
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have had
(if/so that) you will have had
(if/so that) he/she/it will have had
(if/so that) we will have had
(if/so that) you all will have had
(if/so that) they will have had
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere habido
I will have had
hubieres habido
you will have had
hubiere habido
he/she/it will have had
hubiéremos habido
we will have had
hubiereis habido
you all will have had
hubieren habido
they will have had
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's have!
Imperative negative mood
no hayas
do not have!
no haya
let him/her/it have!
no hayamos
let us not have!
no hayáis
do not have!
no hayan
do not have!

Examples of haber

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Oh , querida , querida , me parece haber dejado mi cartera en casa ."Oh, dear, my dear, I seem to have left my wallet at home.
" por haber vuelto a Illinois,"to have been back in illinois,
"...eres aún demasiado joven para haber sufrido?""...you're too young to have suffered?"
"Afirmaba haber estudiado... -... en el conservatorio de Lyon."He even said to have attended the Conservatory of Lyon.
! Dios mío que he hecho!Dear God, what have I done?
! Es que acaso he podido elegir? !Did I have a choice?
! Jamas he visto Policia tan copuchento!l haven't seen such nosy police before!
! Jamás he sido tan humillado!Never have I ever been so... so humiliated!
! No he hecho nada.I haven't done anything.
! - ¿Me has estado escuchado?You've not been listening, have you?
! Dónde has estado ?Where have you been?
! Porque te has aprovechado de nuestra confianza, y tendrás que volver a ganártela.Because you have taken advantage of our trust, and you're gonna have to earn it back.
! - Señor, este ejercicio ha ido de las manos.- Sir, this exercise has gotten out of hand.
! Creo que el ataque ha sido retrasado, debido a la niebla.l believe that the attack has been delayed, due to the fog.
! Cuantas veces ha hecho eso!How many times has he done that?
! No hemos discutido esto.We haven't discussed this.
! Todavía no hemos encontrado a este varón en el nightclub.We still haven't accounted for this male at the nightclub.
" Ah, pero, " él dijo, " nosotros hemos gastado el dinero.But, he said "we have spent money".
! ¡¿Es qué no habéis todavía acabado con Itto Ogami?Why have you still not dealt with Ogami?
! ¿Por que lo habéis hecho?Please have mercy!
""Con vuestra gesta, habéis añadido un verso nuevo al himno de los marines. Nos habéis mostrado el camino de la victoria y eso servirá de inspiración a los nuestros"".""By your accomplishments you have added a new verse to the Marine Hymn, set the patern for our victory and tower as an inspiration for every American.""
""Ningún comandante os pediría más de lo que habéis dado día y noche"".""No commander could ask more than you have given each hour of the day and night.""
"...a ser casa de oración; pero vosotros la habéis convertido en una casa de ladrones.""...the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."
! - Aún no han pillado a nadie, ¿verdad?Nobody's been picked up yet, have they?
! - ¡Aún no lo han aprobado!I haven't been approved yet!
! ...que sus guías le han enviado a otra parte.~ .. that his Guides have sent him elsewhere.
! Hay gente que me está gritando... porque ustedes han estado jodiendo todo! !There are people screaming at me now... because you guys have been screwing everything up!
Cuando hube abierto el quinto sello, vi las almas de aquellos que habían muerto en nombre de Dios.When I had opened the fifth seal, I saw the souls of those who had been slaughtered for the word of God.
Lo hube de cambiar por las encuestas de hecho.I had it changed by deed poll.
Para cuando hube acabado, habría tenido exactamente nueve minutos para cruzar la ciudad y ir al Metropolitano antes de que lo cerraran.By the time I was finished, I would've had exactly nine minutes to get across town to the Met before it closed.
"La ciudad del millar de años, y todo cuanto la humanidad jamás hubo aprendido;"The city of a thousand years, and all that men had learned;
"No hubo más quejas, pero eso no es inusual en casos de este tipo.There had, he admitted, been no further complaints. But that was not unusual in cases of this kind.
"No hubo más remedio."We had no option, lover, honest.
"Nunca en los anales del crimen hubo asamblea de bandidos igual a la del sábado a la tarde."Never had there been such an assembly of desperados "as met on the Saturday afternoon."
A menudo hubimos de despedirnosWe have often had to say farewell
Dirigimos la mirada hacia Inglaterra, y evocamos los mil momentos difíciles de las guerras de York y Lancaster que hubimos de soportar.Thence we looked towards England... and cited up a thousand fearful times... during the wars of York and Lancaster that had befallen us.
"Apenas hubieron pasado, el conejo Benjamín se deslizó hacia el camino y salió saltando y brincando a llamar a sus parientes, que vivían en el bosque detrás del jardín del Sr. McGregor"."As soon as they had passed, Benjamin Bunny... "slid into the road and set off... "with a hop, skip and a jump to call upon his relations...
Cuando el polvo se hubo asentado y los dulces se hubieron acabado, fue tiempo de contar las ganancias y ver quién iba a montar la carroza.When the dust had settled and the candy was gone, it was time to count up the earnings and see who was gonna ride that float.
Cuando hubieron acabado, los Primeros se fueron.When they had finished, the First Ones went away.
Cuando los seres humanos no hubieron nacido nuestra Madre Dao fue a una profundidad interminable y recogió los puntos cardinalesWhen human beings hadn't been born our Mother Dao went to an endless profundity she collected the cardinal directions
"Cuando lean estas líneas, habré dejado el cohete.""When you read these lines, I will have left the rocket."
"Cuando leas esto, me habré unido a los del piso de arriba..."By the time you read this, I will have joined the organization upstairs...
"Habrá pasado mucho tiempo... "...y yo no te habré visto crecer."It will have been a long time and I will have missed seeing you grow."
"Jean, en una hora habré dejado..."Jean, in a hour I will have left...
"Me habré perdido ver cómo crecías"And I will have missed you growing
"Lara, estoy seguro de que ya habrás descubierto el reloj que escondí.Lara, by now I'm sure you will have discovered the clock I concealed.
- Te habrás gastado 500 francos.- You will have spent 500 francs.
- Y tú habrás terminado con él.~ And you will have done with him.
A estas alturas, ya habrás hecho sonar su seguridad.By this point, you will have triggered_BAR_their security.
Al final del día habrás recuperado tu honor, tendrás el amor de papá, tendrás todo lo que quieres.At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have your father's love. You will have everything you want.
"..obtendrá su efecto. Jamás habrá visto el bello cielo detrás del monte Subasio"."... will have her effect, never seeing the beauty of my sky behind Mount Subasio."
"Algo surgió" le habrá dicho."something's come up," He will have told her.
"En la vida de todo hombre, habrá tres amores verdaderos.""Every man's life will have three true loves."
# Todos nos habremos hecho mayores,... # y muchos habrán cambiado.# We'll all have become older, # and many of us will have changed.
# Todos nos habremos hecho mayores... # y muchos habrán cambiado.# We'll all have become older, # and many of us will have changed.
Al final habremos acumulado un montón de millas aéreas.We will have got a lot of air miles by the end of it
Algo habremos conseguido algún avance, como en la pintura.Some objective will have been achieved, some fronts like painting.
Ahora, son las tres tribus las que están preocupadas, preguntándose que habréis hecho.Now, are the three tribes which they are concerned, wondering that you will have done.
Como muchos de vosotros os habréis imaginado, estoy a punto de convertirme en el hazmerreír de todos.Um, as many of you will have just realised, I am about to become a laughing stock.
Escuchad, voy a coger el teléfono y estoy segura de que lo habréis solucionado para cuando vuelva.You know what, I'm gonna go get that, and I'm sure you guys will have all of this worked out by the time I get back.
Haciendo así, me habréis dado en justicia lo que me era debido.you will have given me, at the end of the day, what is justly due to me.
# Todos nos habremos hecho mayores,... # y muchos habrán cambiado.# We'll all have become older, # and many of us will have changed.
# Todos nos habremos hecho mayores... # y muchos habrán cambiado.# We'll all have become older, # and many of us will have changed.
# Y los sitios a los que ahora vamos,... # muchos de ellos habrán cerrado.# And the places to which we now go, # many of them will have closed.
- Qué va, se habrán hecho a la idea.- Ah, they will have figured it out by now.
- Ustedes, los marines... habrán ganado la guerra en dos meses.Why, you leathernecks... will have this war won in two months.
! si hubiera sabido que esto iba a pasar, habría ido a la escuela para otro trabajo!If I knew this would happen, I would have gone to school for another job!
" y asestado un golpe sobre la espalda de Smith que habría presentado un toro."and delivered a blow across Smith's back that would have laid out a bull.
" habrías dejado un par de cientos de dólares punta para el equipo ""you would have left a couple hundred dollars tip for the team."
"Hola, ¿te apetece ir a la parte de atrás... y hacerlo sobre una gran lata de melocotones?", habrías ido a por ello."Hey, you wanna go to the back room and screw on a big can of peaches?" You would have gone for it.
"Me pregunto qué habrías hecho tú"."I wonder what you would have done. "
"Tú habrías querido".You would have liked.
"¡Rodrigo!", habría dicho ella. ¿La habrías dejado acercarse esta vez?"Rodrigo!" she would have said, if in such a case you had let her approach him.
"Nosotros habríamos querido".We would have liked.
- Bueno, la habríamos nominado, pero ella es mayor.- Well, we would have nominated her, but she's a junior.
- Entonces sí lo habríamos completado.We would have been done.
- Mucho os habríais asombrado.- It would have much amazed you.
Además, habríais sido incapaces de evitarme.In addition, you would have been unable avoided.
Así el rey habría conservado su corona. Y vos habríais vivido con tranquilidad y alegría, en vez de pasaros la vida escondiéndoos sin tener casa o carroza donde cobijaros.The King would have kept his crown and you would still be living in peace and joy instead of spending your life in hiding without a house or carriage for shelter.
"Horrible", habrían dicho."Horrible," they would have said.
"La vieja guardia se habría comido vivo a tipos como Peralta para desayunar y lo habrían descargado para la hora de comer"."The old guard would have eaten a guy like Peralta for breakfast and unloaded him by lunch."
"Los recursos militares a nuestra disposición habrían sido totalmente inadecuados incluso para una resistencia moderada."The military resources at our disposal would have been wholly inadequate for even a moderate resistance.
"No es robar", me dije, pense que habrían sido una gran tentación para cualquiera que anduviera por ahíI thought..." It's not like you're stealing it, really..." It would have been a huge temptation for anyone.
"Sin ellos la industria moderna no sería posible, y los vuelos espaciales se habrían postergado hasta el próximo siglo. ""Without them modern industry would have been impossible, and space flights would have been postponed to the next century. "
! Obviamente, necesito saber cualquier cosa que tu padre haya podido decirte sobre el caso o las pruebas.Obviously, I need to know what, if anything, your father might have said lately about the case or the evidence.
! Quizá lo haya provocado el regreso del Goa'uld!The Goa'uld's return may have induced it!
" Misiles " cuenta con mis condolencias por sus actuales problemas, pero naturalmente, me alegra que este importante contrato de exportación no se haya perdido para nuestro país."'Missiles have my sympathy in their present troubles, "'but I naturally rejoice "'that this valuable export order will not been lost to the Old Country."'
"'Aunque puede que haya estudiado con un experto en dialéctica y gramática# "Although she may have studied with an expert dialectician and grammarian" #
"... y una mujer. con la que haya hablado cosas de amor."And women who have spoken of love...
"Cuando los hayas purificado con agua bendita, colocar altares allí. ""When you have purified them with holy water, place altars there."
"En verdad te digo, que no saldrás de allí hasta que hayas pagado el último centavo"."Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny."
"Estimado Rocklin: Me alegra que te hayas decidido a venir."Dear Rocklin, glad you have made up your mind to come."
"Juliette, qué bueno que te hayas recuperado."Juliette, good you have recovered.
"Chico, me alegro de que hayamos conseguido que hacer con éxito.""Boy, I'm glad that we have gotten that done successfully."
"Cuando hayamos abandonado este despojo mortal,"When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
"Espero que no lo pierda Antes de que nos hayamos conocido"I hope I don't lose you before we have met
"Internet es la primera cosa que la humanidad ha construído que la humanidad no entiende, el mayor experimento en anarquía que hayamos tenido alguna vez.""The Internet is the first thing "That humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, The largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had."
"Ahora os quedaréis en mi Casa, mis niños, hasta que hayáis recibido la aprobación de vuestra madre.""Now you will stay in my house, my children, until you have received your mother's approval."
"Compañeros, puede que hayáis recibido un mensaje de San Valentín de mi.""coworkers, you may have received a valentine from me.
"No me preocupa que hayáis caído."I am not concerned that you have fallen.
-Volverá pronto? No lo se. Espero que no hayáis discutido.i don't know you haven't quarreled i hope?
"...que hayan jugado un papel tan importante en la historia del mundo..."... have played such an important part in the history of the world...
"Aunque las pasiones hayan puesto bajo tensión,"though passion may have strained,
"Después de que se hayan pagado todos los gastos del funeral, blah, blah, blah"."After all funeral expenses have been paid, blah, blah, blah. "
"El Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles tiene razones para creer que puede que usted sea víctima de un robo de identidad y que puede que se hayan hecho de forma indebida inversiones fraudulentas... en su nombre."The Los Angeles police department has reason to believe "that you may have been the victim of identity theft "and that fraudulent investments and illegal loans may..."
- Ella no habría tenido que hacer esto si hubiera intentado más darle a mi nieta unas vacaciones reales.- She wouldn't have had to do any of this if I just tried harder to give my granddaughter a real vacation.
- Lo hubiera intentado.- I'd have had a guess.
- No hubieras podido.- Fine chance you would have had.
- Porque tu hubieras dicho no. Empezarías a ordenar papeles, y yo no tenía tiempo.You would have had to push papers around, and I couldn't wait
- Si no le hubieras disparado a Tobías en el culo, no tendría por qué haber sido su enfermera.If you hadn't shot Tobias in the ass, I wouldn't have had to nurse him back to health.
- ¡Chuck! Si no hubieras estado jugando a juegos de mesa con la chica que está dentro, ¡quizás habríamos tenido un poco más de tiempo para arreglar la viga!(Tucker) If you hadn't been playing board games with that little girl inside, we would have had a little more time to fix the beam!
- Nos hubiéramos despedido en una hora.- We'd have had to in an hour, anyway.
-De hecho, si papá no hubiera aparecido, supongo que hubiéramos tenido que hacer dedo hasta Columbus.-As a matter of fact, if Dad hadn't shown up, I guess we'd have had to thumb our way back to Columbus.
Algo que desearía que nosotros hubiéramos tenido.Something I wish we'd have had.
Anne, sabes muy bien que si no hubiera sido por Brookhaven, hubiéramos desayunado al día siguiente y nos habríamos partido de risa.Anne, you know very well if it hadn't been for Brookhaven, we would have had a wonderful breakfast the next morning and laughed our heads off.
Si escuchas tu voz interior y andas por ese camino puede que hubierais tenido una vida mejor.If you would listen to you inner voice and tread on that path then may be you would have had a better life.
-Son seres humanos y hubieran rogado por sus vidas como tú, si hubieran podido.They're human beings, and theywould have pleaded fortheir lives just like you did if they'd have had the chance.
45 minutos y los hubieran puesto en cuarentena.Forty-five minutes, they would have had you in quarantine.
Ahora, si hubieran sido jalea, yo habría tenido dos.Now, if they had been jelly, I would have had two.
Antes de que apareciera esa cosa, tú y tu hermano me hubieran violado,- Before that thing turned up, you and your brother would have had me,
"Tokutaro hubiese tenido una vida feliz.""Tokutaro would have had a happy life."
- No hubiese tenido que amputar si...- I wouldn't have had to amputate if he'd...
Ahora pienso que si me hubiese casado con Roy, nunca hubiese tenido una carrera.I think now if I'd married Roy, I'd never have had a career.
Al ser de las SS, Kolb tenía tatuado su grupo sanguíneo... y habría tenido que quitárselo si hubiese escapado, por lo tanto debe tener una cicatriz.Kolb was tattooed with an SS blood group and he would have had it removed if he was on the run so you must have the scar.
-Si no te hubieses metido, la habría pasado.(AIbert) I could have had it, but you got in my way.
Bueno, porque si no hubieses robado la alubia, no hubiesen tenido oportunidad de llevarse a Henry, no estaríamos en esta isla, y no estaría muriendo a causa de la sombra de los sueños.Well, because if you didn't steal that bean, they wouldn't have had a chance to take Henry, we wouldn't be on this island, and I wouldn't be dying of dreamshade.
Bueno, ¿nunca pensaste que quizas si vos no hubieses ignorado las citaciones... que se te mandaron al principio no hubiesemos tenido que hacer todo ésto?Well, did you ever think that maybe if you hadn't ignored the summons in the first place I wouldn't have had to do all this?
El no hubiese tenido nada que grabar si hubieses sido un poco mas responsable.He wouldn't have had anything to record if you were a little more responsible.
Habrías pasado un año más tranquilo si hubieses estado al loro.You might have had an easier year of it if you'd come on board.
Así que sin los fans, no creo que hubiésemos tenido la energía que tuvimos.So without the fans, I don't think it would have had the energy that it did.
De ese modo, vos y yo quizás hubiésemos tenido una oportunidad.That way, you and l might have had a chance.
Bueno, quizás si hubieseis mostrado un poco más de interés en los últimos años, no hubiese tenido que intervenir.Well, perhaps if you'd shown a little more interest in the last few years, I would not have had to intervene.
Bueno, porque si no hubieses robado la alubia, no hubiesen tenido oportunidad de llevarse a Henry, no estaríamos en esta isla, y no estaría muriendo a causa de la sombra de los sueños.Well, because if you didn't steal that bean, they wouldn't have had a chance to take Henry, we wouldn't be on this island, and I wouldn't be dying of dreamshade.
Chica, si yo estuviese sentada ahí, serías un simple ladrillo, porque si no me hubiesen expulsado, hubiese tenido más oportunidades de ganar el dinero, más que alguna de ustedes.Home girl,you know if i was sitting next to you,you'd be bricks right now, Because without you getting me out,i would have had more chances of winning winning that y than any of you.
Creo que todos les debemos mucho porque si nunca se hubiesen casado entonces, no me habrían tenido y piensen en cómo todos ustedes me habrían echado de menos.We all owe them so much, I think, because, if they were never married, then they never would have had me, and think of what all you people would be missing out on.
Erais ocho, nuestro Guía que lo sabe todo me lo mostró. Me hubiese costado localizar a los otros dos, si no hubiesen despegado en un cohete y desvelado su presencia.There were eight of you, the guidance Ro-man who understands everything showed me that, yet I might have had trouble locating the other two, had they not taken off in a rocket ship and revealed their presence.
Esas medicina hubiesen anulado cualquier reacción provocada por el perro. Lo que significa que ella miente sobre ser alérgica.Those meds would have suppressed any reaction she might have had to the dog, which means she lied about being allergic.
Ahora, mi idea acerca de esto es que la cubierta frontal debía habe sido una imagen como la medieval, que muestra una sección del Cosmos.Now, my idea about this is that the front display must have been a picture like these mediaeval ones, that show the cosmos in cross-section.
Cualquiera de nosotros podria habe hecho lo mismo para desconectar a Theo.Any one of us would have done the same to disconnect Theo.
Debo habe manejado mas de una horaI must have driven that road for an hour.
Quizás debí habe hecho algo completamente diferente.Maybe I should have done something completely different.
"Ed, yo solicite el reporte y la razón por la que lo hice fue por que había habido muchas amenazas..."Umm, Ed, I asked for the briefing and the reason I did is because there had been a lot of threat... eee gheee (Blablabla-Gigi D´Agostino:) )
"De acuerdo con el artículo 248.5 del Reglamento del Ejército... el soldado Chips McGraw, habiendo cumplido 20 años de servicio... queda por la presente retirado del servicio activo en el ejército de los EE.UU... por orden del ministro, Philip Sheridan, segundo teniente y ayudante"."In conformance with Army regulations, 2481/2 Private McGraw, having completed 20 years enlistment is hereby retired from active service in the U.S. Army. By order of the Secretary, Philip Sheridan Second Lieutenant and Adjutant. "
"No había habido miradas, y no había culpas."There had been no Looks, and there was no blame.
"Quizá haya habido alguna revuelta."Maybe there had been some sort of revolt.
"ha habido algunas deficiencias y se dejo caer sobre una silla llorando.""It had some deficiencies". It was left to fall in a chair soluçando.
"¡Imagina si hubiese habido más gas!""Imagine if there had been more gas!"
"El hecho es, sin embargo, 'que todos nuestros vehículos eran más rápidos que el Servicio Nacional de Salud, 'y habiendo demostrado que, 'nos dijeron que salir y hacer ellos un poco más ambulancia-y. ''The fact is, though, 'that all our vehicles were faster than the National Health Service, 'and having proved that, 'we were told to go off and make them a bit more ambulance-y.'
"Habiendo sido el más raro de todos los animales... y habiendo seducido la virginal castidad de Eva... inspiró el deseo del coito bestial... y toda impudicia y toda prostitución del hombre.""Having been the cleverest of all the animals... and having seduced Eva's virginal chastity... he was filled with the desire for bestial coitus... and all impudence and all mankind's prostitution."
"La acción mencionada más arriba... habiendo sido interpuesta por la demandante para solicitar un juicio de divorcio...""The above entitled action, having been brought on by plaintiff... forjudgment of divorce"-

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