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Deber (to owe) conjugation

124 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: ought to, probably, must, ought, to be due to, probably or most likely do or happen something

Conjugation of deber

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I owe
you owe
he/she/it owes
we owe
you all owe
they owe
Present perfect tense
he debido
I have owed
has debido
you have owed
ha debido
he/she/it has owed
hemos debido
we have owed
habéis debido
you all have owed
han debido
they have owed
Past preterite tense
I owed
you owed
he/she/it owed
we owed
you all owed
they owed
Future tense
I will owe
you will owe
he/she/it will owe
we will owe
you all will owe
they will owe
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would owe
you would owe
he/she/it would owe
we would owe
you all would owe
they would owe
Past imperfect tense
I used to owe
you used to owe
he/she/it used to owe
we used to owe
you all used to owe
they used to owe
Past perfect tense
había debido
I had owed
habías debido
you had owed
había debido
he/she/it had owed
habíamos debido
we had owed
habíais debido
you all had owed
habían debido
they had owed
Future perfect tense
habré debido
I will have owed
habrás debido
you will have owed
habrá debido
he/she/it will have owed
habremos debido
we will have owed
habréis debido
you all will have owed
habrán debido
they will have owed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I owe
(if/so that) you owe
(if/so that) he/she/it owe
(if/so that) we owe
(if/so that) you all owe
(if/so that) they owe
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya debido
I have owed
hayas debido
you have owed
haya debido
he/she/it has owed
hayamos debido
we have owed
hayáis debido
you all have owed
hayan debido
they have owed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have owed
(if/so that) you have owed
(if/so that) he/she/it have owed
(if/so that) we have owed
(if/so that) you all have owed
(if/so that) they have owed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have owed
(if/so that) you have owed
(if/so that) he/she/it have owed
(if/so that) we have owed
(if/so that) you all have owed
(if/so that) they have owed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera debido
I had owed
hubieras debido
you had owed
hubiera debido
he/she/it had owed
hubiéramos debido
we had owed
hubierais debido
you all had owed
hubieran debido
they had owed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese debido
I had owed
hubieses debido
you had owed
hubiese debido
he/she/it had owed
hubiésemos debido
we had owed
hubieseis debido
you all had owed
hubiesen debido
they had owed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have owed
(if/so that) you will have owed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have owed
(if/so that) we will have owed
(if/so that) you all will have owed
(if/so that) they will have owed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere debido
I will have owed
hubieres debido
you will have owed
hubiere debido
he/she/it will have owed
hubiéremos debido
we will have owed
hubiereis debido
you all will have owed
hubieren debido
they will have owed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's owe!
Imperative negative mood
no debas
do not owe!
no deba
let him/her/it owe!
no debamos
let us not owe!
no debáis
do not owe!
no deban
do not owe!

Examples of deber

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Vas a deber más.You're just going to owe more.
200 libras, eso es mucho a deber.£200, that's a lot to owe.
Desde el momento en que naciste, empezaste a deber algo.From the moment you are born you start to owe something.
Dile que si voy a salvar la imagen pública de Juliette Barnes, me va a deber una.Tell him if I'm gonna save Juliette Barnes' public image, he is going to owe me.
Eso debería cubrir lo que debo, lo que voy a deber y una ronda para todos.That ought to cover what I owe you, what I'm going to owe, and drinks for everybody.
" Aún debo 50.000 dólares".I still owe $50,000."
" ¿A qué debo el honor...""To what do I owe the honor..."
"Al Dr. Chase, a quien le debo todo""To Doctor Chase, I owe you everything."
"Al menos, le debo eso".I owe him that, at least.
"Aquí están los 60 $ que te debo por hacer trampas más los intereses."Here's the $60 I owe you for cheating, "plus interest for you.
! Voy a coger lo que me debes al final!I am going to take what is finally owed m me!
" Nos debes otro libro."You owe us another book.
"... Y debes hacer todo lo que este en su mano para ayudarla. ""...and you must do everything in your power to help her."
"Ahora me debes una cena"."Now you owe me dinner."
"Cuando debes al banco 100 dólares, estás en apuros."When you owe the bank one hundred dollars, you're in trouble.
"... y debe la felicidad.""..and owes happiness."
"Clark Gable me debe un libro."Clark Gable owes me a book.
"Diré una cosa, ¡le debe su vida a este perro!""I'll say one thing, he owes his life to that dog!"
"El agua es oscura y fría" "Pero su familia debe dinero""The water is dark and cold" "But the family owes money"
"Esta promesa... la humanidad la debe... al número infinito.... de madres que sufren... viudas y huérfanos... que han visto cómo les han arrebatado... la luz... el sostén de su vida...""This wish, "humanity owes it "to the infinite number
"...y le debemos algo". Entonces ella perdió los estribos."...and we do owe her something." That's when she really blew up.
"Considero conveniente construir un nuevo edificio para el laboratorio, pero, por la falta de recursos, debemos abstenernos temporalmente de hacerlo"."l deem appropriate the construction of a new building of the laboratory. However, in view of lack of funds, we should temporarily abstain from it."
"Entrenadora, le debemos una"."Coach. "We owe you. Love from your pussies. "
"Estamos convencidos de que debemos mejorar el nivel de vida de los desamparados. Porque la mayoría de esta pobre gente vive en condiciones inhumanas y degradantes, ...lejos de lo que nos enseña el Señor.""We are convinced that we should improve the fate of the lower class because a large part of them live in undeserved misery."
"Le debemos tanto a él, Mark."We owe so much to him, Mark.
"Majestad, vos me debéis la vida de ésta que me confiasteis hace dieciséis años,"Majesty, you owe me the life that was confided in me sixteen years ago,
"O tú o ella me debéis $3,50."Either you or her owe me $3.50. That's all I'm saying.
"¡Me debéis dinero!" Ella creía que esos vagabundos le debían dinero"You owe me money!" She thinks that the tramps owe her money.
"¿Dónde está mi droga?". "Me debéis la droga"."Where are the drugs?" "You owe me those drugs."
, ya que los habéis admitido, me debéis dos marcos leoneses., As you've taken them on, you owe me two Leon marks.
"A pesar del afecto que deben a nuestra patria común... "nada les impedirá, mientras viva, "servir y honrar al país que los vió nacer.In spite of the allegiance you owe our common nation... nothing will prevent you, so long as l live... from serving and honoring your fatherland
"A pesar del afecto que deben a nuestra patria común..."In spite of the allegiance you owe our common nation...
"Elsa, Anna, no sé si podremos regresar... pero deben saber que nos equivocamos al querer quitarle los poderes a Elsa"."Elsa, Anna," I don't know if your father and I will ever get back to you, but I need you to know "we were wrong to tell Elsa to conceal her powers."
"Las flores de ajo deben ser colocadas..."The flowers of garlic should be placed...
"Lo que más me impactó de la producción, a la que se me permitió echar un primer vistazo, es cuánto deben las estrellas femeninas pop de "Hit List""What struck me most about the production, "which I was granted an early look at, "is how much the female pop stars of Hit list owe to Ms. Monroe."
- Jamás debí haberlo permitido.- I never should've allowed it.
- Me dejé llevar por los nervios. - No debí hacerlo.I allowed myself to be carried away, I shouldn't have
- No debí meterte allí.I should never have allowed you into that place.
Coronel... lo siento... nunca debí dejar que me capturaran.Colonel, l'm sorry. l should never have allowed myself to be captured.
Cuando dijiste que te trasladabas a Nueva York debí haberte seguido.When you said you were moving to New York, I should have followed you.
- No debiste permitirlo.- You shouldn't have allowed it.
- No debiste seguirme aqui.- You shouldn't have followed me here.
Jamás debiste seguirme aquí.- Shut up. You shouldn't have followed me.
Mi hijo rompió las reglas del tiempo y te mostró algo que jamás debiste haber visto.My son broke the laws of time and showed you you what you should never have seen.
No debiste haberme seguido.- You shouldn't have followed me.
"Nunca en la historia de los conflictos humanos se le debió tanto, por tanta gente, a tan pocos"Neverinthefieldofhuman conflict, wassomuchowedbyso many to so few.
"y la mayor parte de su fuerza se debió a su consejero principal Merlín,"and much of his strength he owed to his chief counsellor Merlin,
- El vicario debió cogerlo prestado.- The vicar must have borrowed it.
- Le debió haber prestado.- You should have borrowed.
- Les debió prestar su coche ese día.They must've borrowed his car that day.
- ¡Entonces debimos seguirlos!The kinship would have killed us. So we should have followed them!
Los Castilla nunca debimos plata a nadie.Us, the Castilla, never owed money to anyone.
No debimos consentir que Francia reclamara su colonia en el 45... pero queríamos que se alinearan con nosotros frente a los rusos.We never should have allowed the French to reclaim their colonies in 45, but we needed them aligned with us against the Soviets and that was their price.
No debimos consentir que la Sra. Barrows se acercara.Mrs Barrows should never have been allowed near.
No debimos dejarte solo--We should never have allowed you to be alone...
"Nunca tan pocos debieron tanto a tantos."He said, "Never have so few owed so much to so many. "
- Los de Aktaion debieron seguirme.Aktaion must have followed me.
Ellos nunca debieron cometer esos errores con la imagenesThey would never have allowed Mrs. Haybourne to come and take their pictures.
Esas conversiones debieron ser desautorizadas.These conversions should be disallowed
Los Triunviros debieron darse cuenta de que estaban condenados y hecho una carrera para ello, y el Congreso los siguió.The triumvirs must have realized they were doomed and made a run for it, and the congress followed.
- ... te deberé un gran favor.- ... I will owe you the biggest favor.
Algún día, necesitarás un favor, y te lo deberé.One day, you'll need a favor, and I will owe you.
Si haces esto, te deberé una.You do this, and I will owe you.
Solo canta una canción adolescente con ellos, y te prometo, que te deberé una.Just sing one teensy little song with them, and I promise, I will owe you one.
Te deberé mucho mas que una cena a la luz de las velas.I will owe you so much more than just candlelight dinner.
Has amenazado mi matrimonio tratando de destruir la única luz en mi vida. Y por eso, me deberás más que tu vida.You threatened my marriage, tried to destroy the only light in my life, and for that, you will owe me as long as you live.
Me deberás una.Well, you will owe me.
Y a cambio, le deberás un favor a los humanos.And in return, you will owe the humans a favor.
El club te deberá una.- Club will owe you one.
Justo en la habitación de enfrente, estará Charles Widmore, uno de los hombres más poderosos de la ciudad y te deberá un favor.Charles Widmore, one of the most powerful men in this town, will owe you a favor.
Pero te advierto Cuando todo este dicho y hecho, usted, señor Me deberá una manzana y una disculpa.But I warn you when this is all said and done, you, sir will owe me an apple and an apology.
por qué, las mujeres no creerán la diferencia en su actuación, y usted lo deberá todos al amo.Why, women won't believe the difference in your performance, and you will owe it all to the master.
Le deberemos nuestros futuro a usted, reverendo.We will owe our future to you, Reverend.
Nosotros les deberemos $1,1 millones este mes.We will owe them $1.1 million this month.
Si perdemos esta audiencia, les deberemos $1.1 millones.Luigi: If we lose this hearing, We will owe them $1.1 million.
Un día, me deberéis un favor.One day, you will owe me a favor.
# Ustedes le deberán también #You will owe him, too
Los Sanno nos la deberán, si todo esto resulta.The Sanno will owe us, if all this goes well.
Todos tus placeres, deseos, y pesares, si tuvieras alguno se deberán a mí.All your pleasures, desires, and sorrows, should you have any you will owe to me.
La Casa Blanca se lo debería.The White House would owe him.
París le debería su existencia únicamente a usted.Paris would owe its existence to you alone.
Por favor, Chandler, yo te debería mucho.Please, Chandler, I would owe you so much.
Porque si lo hiciéramos Marshall me debería una por haber matado al perro de mi primo.Because if we did, then Marshall would owe me for killing my cousin's dog.
Te debería una para siempre.I would owe you for eternity.
Entonces me deberías mucho dinero.Then you would owe me a lot of money.
Y... me deberías una gorda por mentir por ti, ¿no?And, uh... you would owe me a big one for lying for you, right?
Si vendemos nuestra casa hoy, le deberíamos al banco 150 grandes.If we sold our house today, we would owe the bank 150 grand.
Y yo no quería que te preocuparas de lo que le deberíamos el resto de nuestras vidas.And I didn't want you worrying that we would owe him for the rest of our lives.
! Bien, John, de pronto me doy cuenta de que probablemente te deba una disculpa...OK, John, Im suddenly realising I probably owe you some sort of an apology...
- Alguien que le deba un favor.- Someone who owes you a favour.
- De hecho, no creo que deba agradecérselo.- In a way, I feel I don't owe you any thanks.
- Debo a Iowa más de lo que deba deberse - Oh- I owe Ioway more than anyone should owe
- Pagaré lo que te deba.Let my brother go, man. - l'll pay you whatever he owes you.
- No digo que me debas.And I'm not saying you owe me.
- Págales lo que les debas.- Pay them what you owe.
..a quien no le debas dinero?..you haven't borrowed money from?
A menos, claro, que le debas dinero a alguien.Unless, of course, you owe somebody money.
Bueno, eso no significa que tu le debas una.Well, that doesn't mean that you owe her one back.
- Tendrás lo que te debamos.- You'll get whatever you're owed.
-No lo sé. ¿Tal vez le debamos dinero?Um, maybe we owe him money?
Bueno, solo porque haya zafado por medio de una grieta grieta increíblemente enorme no significa que debamos dejarlo manejar.Okay, just because he slipped through the crack, this incredibly huge crack, doesn't mean he should be allowed to drive.
Como ser humano, no creo de debamos ejercer tal poder.As a human being, I don't think we have the right to wield such power.
Como usted crea que debamos hacerlo.However you thought we should do.
- No dejes que te deban.-I will. -Don't let her owe you.
- ¿ No puede un tio comprar unos cuantos bagles para sus amigos - para que le deban un favor y lo use para que despidan a alguien y poderle robar el puesto de co-manager y ya está?Can't a guy just buy some bagels for his friends so they'll owe him a favor, which he can use to get someone fired who stole a co-manager position from him anymore?
- ¿No quieres que te deban?- Don't you want people to owe you?
A todos los que me deban algo.Everybody who owes me anything of everything, okay?
Así, sea cual fuere la lealtad que se deban unas a otras, o a su antigua alma mater, el asesino no comparte su punto de vista.So whatever loyalty you think you owe to each other, or to your old alma mater, the killer doesn't share your view.
Puede que me debiera un poco de dinero.He might have owed me some money.
¿Mencionó a alguien más a quien le debiera dinero?Did she mention anyone else he may have owed money to?
"Nunca en el campo del conflicto humano tantos le han debido tanto a tan pocos"."Never on the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."
- Dos hombres, nos han debido seguir.- Two men, they must have followed us.
- Jo, debido a tu expulsión, no puedes estar en la escuela.- Jo, due to your expulsion, you are not allowed on school grounds.
- No. No. Has dicho... que era una falta de respeto venir a entrevistarte... sin haberme preparado como es debido, sin estar documentado.No, you said l showed no respect if l... lf l hadn't done my homework.
- Si Tom Stoddard no me hubiera debido un favor... - ¡Y te lo agradezco!- If Tom Stoddard hadn't owed me a favor... - I appreciate that!
"Este reino de Inglaterra es un imperio, "Regido por un jefe supremo y rey, Y no debiendo alianza alguna más que a Dios."This realm of england is an empire, "governed by one supreme head and king, and owing no allegiance except to god."
- El dueño llamado Tim Chang... desapareció debiendo tres meses de renta.The owner,a guy named tim chang, skipped out owing three months rent.
- No, no estoy jugando. - ¿Entonces como acabas debiendo un favor a alguien como Ray Arnold, Danny?- Danny. - No, I'm not gambling. - Then how do you end up owing a favour to someone like Ray Arnold, Danny?
- Tú quedas como de costumbre... debiendo a Dios y a todo el mundo.You'll hang around as usual, owing God and the world.
Al Bundy no se va a ir a la miseria debiendo $50,000.Al Bundy is not going into the gutter owing $50,000.
- Cuando debés plata.- When you owe money, only money?
- Hay un tipo al que le debés guita.There's a guy you owe over there, too.
-Me debés una.-You owe me one.
200 me debés.You owe me 200.

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