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Kenal (to know) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of kenal

Present tense
I know
Past tense
sudah kenal
I knew
Present perfect tense
sudah kenal
I have known
Future perfect tense
akan sudah kenal
I will have known
Future recent tense
kenal nanti
I will know
Future distant tense
kenal kelak
I am going to know
Present continuous tense
sedang kenal
I know
Past distant tense
dulu kenal
I (a long time ago) knew
Past recent tense
kenal tadi
I (recently) knew
Past very recent tense
baru saja kenal
I (just now) knew

Examples of kenal

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku tak terlalu kenal ibunya Leslie, dan aku tak tahu apa itu Tellenson Award, tapi pada saat ini di hidupku, kedengarannya bagai malam ajaib.I don't really know Leslie's mom, and I don't know what the Tellenson Award is, but at this moment in my life, it sounds like a magical evening.
Jadi, kau kenal Lyle sejak lama, benar?So, you known Lyle all your life, right?
- Tapi aku tak kenal siapapun disana.But I won't know anybody there. Oh, I know.
Aku kenal komandan pasukan Merah.I know the red force's commander‎.
Dengar, ada kau dan aku yang kau kenal.Look, there's you and the me that you know.

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