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Beber (to drink) conjugation

147 examples

Conjugation of beber

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I drink
you drink
he/she/it drinks
we drink
you all drink
they drink
Present perfect tense
he bebido
I have drunk
has bebido
you have drunk
ha bebido
he/she/it has drunk
hemos bebido
we have drunk
habéis bebido
you all have drunk
han bebido
they have drunk
Past preterite tense
I drank
you drank
he/she/it drank
we drank
you all drank
they drank
Future tense
I will drink
you will drink
he/she/it will drink
we will drink
you all will drink
they will drink
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would drink
you would drink
he/she/it would drink
we would drink
you all would drink
they would drink
Past imperfect tense
I used to drink
you used to drink
he/she/it used to drink
we used to drink
you all used to drink
they used to drink
Past perfect tense
había bebido
I had drunk
habías bebido
you had drunk
había bebido
he/she/it had drunk
habíamos bebido
we had drunk
habíais bebido
you all had drunk
habían bebido
they had drunk
Future perfect tense
habré bebido
I will have drunk
habrás bebido
you will have drunk
habrá bebido
he/she/it will have drunk
habremos bebido
we will have drunk
habréis bebido
you all will have drunk
habrán bebido
they will have drunk
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I drink
(if/so that) you drink
(if/so that) he/she/it drink
(if/so that) we drink
(if/so that) you all drink
(if/so that) they drink
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya bebido
I have drunk
hayas bebido
you have drunk
haya bebido
he/she/it has drunk
hayamos bebido
we have drunk
hayáis bebido
you all have drunk
hayan bebido
they have drunk
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have drunk
(if/so that) you have drunk
(if/so that) he/she/it have drunk
(if/so that) we have drunk
(if/so that) you all have drunk
(if/so that) they have drunk
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have drunk
(if/so that) you have drunk
(if/so that) he/she/it have drunk
(if/so that) we have drunk
(if/so that) you all have drunk
(if/so that) they have drunk
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera bebido
I had drunk
hubieras bebido
you had drunk
hubiera bebido
he/she/it had drunk
hubiéramos bebido
we had drunk
hubierais bebido
you all had drunk
hubieran bebido
they had drunk
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese bebido
I had drunk
hubieses bebido
you had drunk
hubiese bebido
he/she/it had drunk
hubiésemos bebido
we had drunk
hubieseis bebido
you all had drunk
hubiesen bebido
they had drunk
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have drunk
(if/so that) you will have drunk
(if/so that) he/she/it will have drunk
(if/so that) we will have drunk
(if/so that) you all will have drunk
(if/so that) they will have drunk
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere bebido
I will have drunk
hubieres bebido
you will have drunk
hubiere bebido
he/she/it will have drunk
hubiéremos bebido
we will have drunk
hubiereis bebido
you all will have drunk
hubieren bebido
they will have drunk
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's drink!
Imperative negative mood
no bebas
do not drink!
no beba
let him/her/it drink!
no bebamos
let us not drink!
no bebáis
do not drink!
no beban
do not drink!

Examples of beber

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"...aunque haya poco para beber de el.""..even if there's little to drink from it."
"Agua y agua por todas partes, y ni una gota para beber."Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink.
"Agua, agua por todos lados Sin una gota para beber""Water, water everywhere And not a drop to drink"
"Aquí beber, fumar y bailar está bien visto y besar chicas también""Here to drink, smoke and dance is highly valued and to kiss girls also"
"Así que te niegas a beber la sangre de mi querido hijo"."So thou refuse to drink my dear son's blood."
"Cuando bebo Monster me hace sentir totalmente Agrow. ""When I drink Monster it makes me feel totally agrow."
"Cuando bebo, es como si muriera."When I drink, it's like I die.
"Deberías beber sólo lo suficiente." Me bebo un par de copas después del día de trabajo y todavía tengo energía para trabajar.I drink a couple of glasses after the day's work and I still have energy to work.
"Disculpe, no bebo alcohol tan temprano"."Sorry, I don't drink alcohol so early in the day."
"El camello viaja sin beber y yo bebo sin viajar"."The camel travels without drinking and I drink without travelling".
"Si bebes Lafite, tienes una piel bella "."If you drink Lafite, you have beautiful skin."
"Si bebes, debes comer algo."If you drink, you have to eat.
"Te damos un gran corazón, pero si bebes vino, comenzarás a odiar al mundo."We are giving you a great heart... "but if you drink wine... "you will begin to hate the world.
"cuando bebes, tomas malas decisiones"."when you drink, you make bad decisions."
"¿No bebes vino?"Do you really not drink wine?
" El demandado bebe en exceso, celebrar orgías . "Disculpe ."The respondent drinks to excess, hold debauches." Excuse me.
" El maquinista, bebe licor y juega'"The motorman, drinks hooch and gambles."
" Él bebe leche embotellada""He drinks bottled milk."
"Cuando una mujer bebe baja la guardia. ""When a woman drinks, her guard is down. "
"Dile a tu patrona, que si bebe leche seguirá joven".Tell your owner, if she drinks milk, she'll remain young!
"Ahora bebemos abiertamente."Now we drink openly.
"Et maintenant" bebemos vino amargoEt maintenant we drink a bitter wine
"No me voy a sentar hasta que nos digas qué bebemos, gordo"."I will not sit down, fat man, until you tell us what we drink."
"No nos escondemos, bebemos a plena vista""We're not in hiding, we drink in full sight"
"Y fluye en el río que bebemos"And it runs into the river that we drink
"En verdad, en verdad os digo,... que si no coméis la carne del Hijo del Hombre y no bebéis su sangre... no habrá vida en vosotros. El que come la carne...""Verily I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
- Veo que no bebéis nada, Víbora.- I notice you're not drinking. - I'm holding my own here.
- ¿La bebéis?- Do you drink it?
- ¿Nunca bebéis nada caliente?- You never drink anything hot?
- ¿Qué bebéis, chicos? - Zimas.- So what are you guys drinking?
! - Y en realidad no beben.- And actually, they don't drink.
"Cuando hay un mamón que paga, todos beben, incluso los abstemios y los que tienen úlceras."He doesn't drink.
"En la emboscada de la pubertad, las doncellas florecen, ignorantes del peligro que las acecha escuchan la radio, beben té, desprevenidas perderán su libertad.In puberty's ambush, maidens bloom, all unaware of impending doom They listen to the radio, drink tea, unaware they will lose their liberty
"Me compadezco de aquellos que no beben... ""I pity the foo! who doesn't drink
"Nadie parpadea cuando todos beben""No one blinks when everyone drinks"
"Agua de la vida"... Ya bebí de esto, hace mucho tiempo.I drank some of that a long time ago.
"Incluso me bebí de un trago una tormenta esperando por ti.""Even drank up a storm waiting for you."
"Miraba a los niños, yo bebí de las fuentes, hay más de una respuesta a estas preguntas señalándome en una línea torcida...""I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains, there's more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line..."
"Queridos mamá y papá ... después de mucho tiempo, bebí cerveza y comí pata de cerdo!"Dear mom and dad... after a long time, I drank beer and I ate pig foot!
"oh, bebí mucho.""ooh, I drank too much."
"No es cómo eres, lo que comiste y bebiste ... ""It isn't about how you are, what you ate and drank..."
- Comiste a destajo y bebiste allí.- You feasted and drank there.
- Está bien, es que bebiste demasiado.- Okay, is that you drank too much.
- La bebiste anoche.- You drank it last night.
- La bebiste, Billy.- You drank it, Billy.
" Y bebió rocío verdadero de una copa de cristal."And drank real dew out of a crystal goblet.
"...bebió un poco de vino sin que yo lo supiera.""drank some of that wine without my knowledge.
"Donde bebió tarros de agua sulfurosa mezclada con leche de cabra y hierbas.""where he drank pints of sulfurous water mixed with goat's milk and herbs."
"El buey gris que bebió toda el agua en el valle" es la escarcha, cuyas hojas atrapan a los barcos detrás de él."The grey ox that drank all the water in the valley" is the frost, which leaves trapped angry boats behind it.
"Licor elaborado hasta la última gota. Se lo bebió a palo seco, vagabundo apestoso.""Hooch brewed to the last drop He drank it raw, stinking slob"
"...y en ese momento nos bebimos todas las cervezas?""and that time we drank all the beers"
"Y nos bebimos el sorbete azul.""And drank the blue sherbet."
"y bebimos té de hierbas juntos."and drank herbal tea together.
# Así que bebimos toda la noche #¶ so we drank all night from the keg ¶
- Además bebimos demasiado.Plus we drank too much.
El té que bebisteis estaba envenenado.The tea that you drank was poisoned.
No sé qué bebisteis, pero tenía que ser fuerte.I don't know what you drank, but it must've been potent.
¡No me digáis que os la bebisteis sin daros cuenta!Don't tell me you both drank it without noticing!
"Y los dos la bebieron"♪ And drank them both up ♪
"Y todos la bebieron"♪ And drank them all up ♪
Además, su mujer y Pressman bebieron del mismo vaso... ni siquiera enfermaron.Besides, his wife and Pressman both drank from the same glass. They didn't even get sick.
Ahora, a juzgar por las pistas que encontraste, parece que bebieron de ella.Now, judging from those tracks you found, looks like they drank from it.
Algunos bebieron agua de la inundación que conseguían escarbando.Some drank flood water if they could scoop it.
"En tu honor, beberé la sangre de la virgen."In your honor, I will drink the blood of the virgin.
- Me la beberé toda.- I will drink it all.
- Puedes beber de la botella, yo beberé después.- You drink from the bottle, I will drink after you.
- Sí, me lo beberé.Yes, I will drink up.
- Yo beberé.- I will drink...
Ahora beberás Mot'Loch. Del Grial de Kahless.Next, you will drink mot'loch from the Grail of Kahless.
Antes de que mengüe la noche ¡beberás el esperma negro de mi venganza!Ere this night does wane you will drink the black sperm of my vengeance!
Como líder beberás el sake... Por favor toma la copa de Sake.As the leader you will drink the Sake... as an act that you are acknowledging him as your man.
Salvo que tú la beberás.Except you will drink.
También te la beberás.You will drink that too.
"El cadaver esquisito beberá el vino nuevo""The exquisite corpse will drink the new wine."
"El cadaver exquisito beberá el vino nuevo".The exquisite corpse... will drink the new wine.
"el que ha bebido, beberá".'He who drank, will drink again! '
- No, mi amor beberá- No, my sweetheart will drink.
Ahora tú y yo... beberemos juntas de nuevo.Now the two of us... will drink together again
Angie y yo rentamos el penthouse del Soho Grand, donde beberemos vino y nos complaceremos.And I had plans. Me and Angie rented the penthouse at the SoHo Grand where we will drink wine and pleasure each other.
Beberemos, beberemos por él.We will drink, we will drink to him.
Capitán Smith y yo beberemos whisky ahora.Captain Smith and I will drink whiskey spring,
El año que viene por estas fechas, los tres beberemos vino de sangre en los pasillos de la Comandancia cardassiana.By this time next year, the three of us will drink bloodwine in the halls of Cardassia's Central Command.
Vendrá el día en que tú, Luciano, y todos mis siervos cristianos, beberéis el agua de la libertad. Vosotros los primeros, Luciano.A day will come when you, Lucian, and all my Christian servants, will drink the water of freedom.
- Lo beberán todo.- The guys will drink ours.
Ahora que tengo el cáliz, invocaré a mis hijos y beberán, y hundirán tu mundo en la oscuridad.Now that I have the chalice I will summon my children and they will drink and we will plunge your world into darkness.
Atacarán, beberán sangre y desaparecerán sin siquiera ser notados.They will attack, they will drink blood and disappear without ever being noticed.
Claro que beberán.Of course people will drink it.
Esta noche todos en esta habitación beberán de ella.Tonight... everyone in this room... will drink from her.
A partir de entonces, Mark bebería vodka conmigo a todas horas.So, then Mark would drink vodka with me all the time.
Chardonnay para mi amiga, y algo que bebería un tío para mí?chardonnay for my friend, and, uh, something a guy would drink for me.
Desafortunadamente, mi madre bebería demasiado y no llevaba vestido, así que sé qué funciona...- Unfortunately, my mom would drink too much and not wear a robe, so I know what works...
Ella lo bebería y lo escondería ella.She would drink it, then hide it herself.
Ella se bebería su Kool Aid (polvo para hacer jugos).She would drink his kool-aid. She would drink his kool-aid. Very dangerous.
La beberías si estuvieras aquí.You would drink it if you were here.
No beberías tocar nada de esto.Not you would drink to play anything of this.
Tú también beberías si estuvieras casado con tu madre.You would drink, too, if you were married to your mother.
Esa era una de las cosas bohemias impecables de Olympia. Que habría una fiesta donde nadie bebería o se drogaría. Era algo sedentario y beberíamos café.That was one of the really kind of neat bohemian things about Olympia that there would be a party where there - ... no one would drink or do drugs they would sit there and ...
Correspondo a Vuestra Gracia, y si supierais qué de trabajo me he dado para conseguir esta paz, beberíais de todo corazón.I pledge your grace and, if you knew what pains I have bestowed to breed this present peace, You would drink freely.
! ¿Entonces cómo esperas que beba?Hey punk, how can you just drink like that?
"... le dice que no beba nada de"...tells her not to drink any
"...quién beba el agua que le daré", dijo el Señor "tendrá una fuente dentro de sí que brotará de vida eterna"."...who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, "will have a... spring "inside him welling up for eternal life.
"Deja que me siente y beba en el suelo de la mezquita... ""Let me sit and drink on the Mosque ground..
"Entonces deje que la mujer beba esto mezclado con vino.""And let the woman then drink this mixed with wine."
! No lo bebas!Don't drink it!
" Franjo, no bebas."Franjo, don 't drink.
"El doctor", porque una vez que te la bebas... vas a necesitar uno.The M.D., because after you drink it, you're gonna need one.
"No bebas agua en India."Don't drink the water in India.
"No bebas en el almuerzo," "no comas hamburguesa cruda,""Don't drink at lunch," "Don't eat raw hamburger,"
"Chivas Regal", bebamos por el mañana."Chivas Regal", we have a drink for tomorrow.
"Comamos, bebamos y disfrutemos, porque mañana hemos de morir"."Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. "
"Comamos, bebamos y seamos felices porque mañana vamos a morir"."Let's eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
"Levantemos nuestras copas y bebamos a los buenos viejos días de colegioLet's raise our glasses and drink to the good old college days.
"Querido hermano, bebamos en paz.""Dear brother, let us drink in peace."
"y bebáis este vino,"'and drink this wine,
- Eso sí, todo lo que bebáis o cogáis de detrás de la barra, pagadlo, ¿vale?Just leave your money for drinks and stuff behind the bar somewhere, OK? - Yeah. - Yeah, behind the bar.
- Gertrude, no bebáis.Gertrude, do not drink.
- No bebáis y conduzcáis.- Don't drink and drive.
- No comáis ni bebáis nada, chicos.- Don't eat or drink anything here, guys.
"Coman y beban"Eat and drink
"Coman, beban y sean felices porque mañana morirán.""Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die."
"Cosacos, beban a la salud de mi difunto padre"."Have drinks, Cossacks, to my late father's health."
"No beban, no fumen y no tengan bebés hasta casarse"."Don't drink, don't smoke, "and don't have babies till you're married."
"Tomen y beban todos de él.""Take this, all of you, and drink from it.
"Hey, bebed de mi sangre...And he told people, "Hey, y'all, drink my blood.
"Tomad y bebed, éste es el cáliz de mi sangre... sangre de la alianza nueva y eterna... que será entregada por ustedes a todos los hombres... para el perdón de los pecados.""take this all of you and drink from it... this is the cup of my blood... the blood of the new and everlasting covenant... it will be shed for you and for all men... so that sins maybe forgiven."
- Bebed, Hermana, bebed.- Drink, Sister, drink
- Pero vosotros, por favor, bebed.But you, by all means, please, please, please drink.
- Todo el mundo, bebed.Everyone drink
! Has bebido mucho!See, you've drunk so much!
"...y un torpor soñoliento aqueja mis sentidos, como si cicuta hubiera bebido.""and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I have drunk."
"Dénnos agua que aun no hemos bebido.""Give us water We haven't drunk yet"
"He bebido esto en tu nombre. ""I have drunk this in your name."
"He bebido, y he visto la araña".I have drunk and seen the spider.
! No, no he estado bebiendo!No, I have not been drinking!
! Sí! Ahora debería estar bebiendo mi soda.Yeah, I'm supposed to be drinking a soda right now.
" No he estado bebiendo"♫ I've not been drinking. ♪
"... y el almuerzo fue muy largo y todo el mundo estaba bebiendo."and the lunch went really long, and everyone was drinking.
"... y permanecer en aquella casa comiendo y bebiendo de lo de ellos pues el trabajador es digno de su salario...""And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the labourer is worthy of his hire."
- Brindemos por el bebé de Mildred.- Let's drink to Mildred's baby.
- El bebé.- He drinks.
- Sí. Grandioso, déjame adivinar. ¿Tengo que beber sangre de la calavera de un bebé?Let me guess, I gotta drink blood out of a baby's skull?
- ¿Está bebiendo el bebé en tu panza?- Does he drink inside your belly now?
-- ¿Puedo tomar una copa con Ronnie, bebé?- Can I have a drink with Ronnie, baby?
"No beban, no fumen y no tengan bebés hasta casarse"."Don't drink, don't smoke, "and don't have babies till you're married."
- ¿No bebés café?- Do you drink coffee?
Así que brindemos por el bravo Sir John que salvó a los bebés, salvó vacas y terneros cortando en dos al famoso gusano D´Ampton."So drink the health of brave Sir John who kept the babes from harm. "Saved cows and calves by maing halves of that famous Lampton Worm!
Barney, mira. Tres bebés rubias bebiendo jugo "de mala decisión" a las ocho en punto.Barney, check it, three blond babies drinking bad decision juice at 8 o'clock.

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