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Saber (to know) conjugation

99 examples
Present tense
Present perfect tense
he sabut
has sabut
ha sabut
hem sabut
heu sabut
han sabut
Future tense
Conditional mood
Past perfect tense
havia sabut
havies sabut
havia sabut
havíem sabut
havíeu sabut
havien sabut
Past impf. tense
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
no sàpigues
no sàpiga
no sapiguem
no sapigueu
no sàpiguen
Conditional perfect tense
hauria sabut
hauries sabut
hauria sabut
hauríem sabut
hauríeu sabut
haurien sabut
Future perfect tense
hauré sabut
hauràs sabut
haurà sabut
haurem sabut
haureu sabut
hauren sabut
Preterite past tense
Past anterior tense
haguí sabut
hagueres sabut
hagué sabut
haguérem sabut
haguéreu sabut
haguéren sabut
Subjunctive of present tense
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi sabut
hagis sabut
hagi sabut
hàgim sabut
hàgiu sabut
hagin sabut
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués sabut
haguessis sabut
hagués sabut
haguéssim sabut
haguéssiu sabut
haguessin sabut
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi saber
vagis saber
vagi saber
vàgim saber
vàgiu saber
vagin saber
Periphastic past tense
vaig saber
vas saber
va saber
vam saber
vau saber
van saber
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver sabut
vas haver sabut
va haver sabut
vam haver sabut
vau haver sabut
van haver sabut

Examples of saber

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Bé, diga-li a Patty que vaig intentar avisar-la, i faça-la saber que presentaré una demanda contra ella per acomiadament improcedent.Well, uh, tell patty that I tried to warn her. And let her know that I'm filing a suit against her for, for wrongful termination!
Vull saber què ens tenen reservat els déus.I want to know what the gods have in store.
Creus que t'ha deixat saber que deixareu aviat la ciutat.You think she might have let you know that you were leaving town that soon.
Hi ha una gran diferencia a saber que les matava.It's a long way from knowing he was killing them.
Ha dit que el seu client acabava de perdre a sis dels seus socis de negocis i que li agradaria saber com van ser identificats i localitzats.He said his client recently lost six business associates and would like to know how those men were identified and targeted.
Miri, no a quina classe de joc estúpid està jugant... però tinc certa idea de quin és el codi de retorn... i he de posar-me en contacte amb el SAC immediatament.I don't know what stupid game this is you're playing... but I've got a good idea what the recall code is... and I have to get in touch with SAC headquarters immediately!
No ho , Missenyora.I do not know, My Lady.
Segueixo aquí, i el que he dit.Still here, and I know what I said.
Té molta força, no si el podràs aguantar.I like blue. I don’t know. This is kind of...
Ara que el seu intel·lecte funciona a un nivell que ni vosaltres ni nosaltres som capaços d'entendre, però el que és més important, té emocions, la compassió, l'empatia.I now know that his intellect functions on a level that neither you nor we are capable of understanding, but what's more important, he has the emotions, the compassion, the empathy.
Ja saps, només una mica. I...ha fet una tonteria.You know ... funny.
No té per què ser amor a primera vista, saps?You don't have to fall in love at first sight, you know.
Oh, volia dir que encara podríem treballar junts, saps, en les cançons.Oh, I just mean we could keep working together, you know, on songs.
Tu saps el que està fent?Do you know what he's doing?
Ja saps, vull dir, no serà altres viatges de camp.You know, I mean, there's going to be other field trips.
Es parla de dos americans, però ningú sap on són.There are rumors about two Americans but no one knows where they are.
Una noia sap el seu nom.A girl knows his name.
Déu sap, que no és aquesta la direcció que volia prendre.God knows, it isn't taking the direction I assumed it would.
I ningú en sap res.And nobody knows anything.
Hi ha un munt de trucs que ell se sap.There are a lot of tricks I knows
Els dos sabem qui ho ha fet.We both know who did.
Què sabem d'aquest producte?- It's something. - What do we know about the product?
No sabem ni com et dius.We don't even know what to call you.
No sabem on és.We don't know where he is.
Què sabem d'aquests cubs?What do we know about these cubes?
Ho hauria d'haver sabut, però no estava pensant amb claredat.Should've known better, but I wasn't thinking clearly.
Tot i això, el tribunal creia que no estava clar a qui es referien els articles i que Somyot, com a editor principal, hauria d'haver sabut les repercussions que aquella publicació tindria.However, the court believed that it was clear to whom the articles were referring and that as a senior editor, Somyot should have known full well about the ramification of their publication yet he did them any way.
Si hagués sabut que et trobaves en alguna classe de perill, mai no m'hauria allunyat de tu.If I'd have known you were in any kind of danger, I'd never have stayed away.
Si jo hagués sabut això, m'hauria matat abans i estalviat aquesta guerra.If I had known this, I would have killed myselfbefore and spared you this war.
Ho hauria d'haver sabut.I should have known better.
Fa segles que no juguem a bolos, sabeu?Hey, and you know it's been about a hundred years since we've been bowling.
Cauríem morts en terra: no sabeu la cosa?We'd drop down dead--don't _you_ know that?"
Alguns de vosaltres ja sabeu per què sou aquí.Some of you already know why you are here.
Nanos, sabeu el que heu de fer, oi?You guys know what to do, right?
I què en sabeu els irlandesos de cuina?The Irish don't know how to cook.
Com alguns de vostès saben, el Consell ha sol·licitat... que els juraments de seguretat siguin per escrit... per tots aquells que tinguin coneixement d'aquest afer.As some of you know, the Council has requested... ...thatsecurityoaths be obtained in writing... ...fromeveryonewho has knowledge of this event.
"Un cop comptats i comprovats, li donaran l'imprès d'ingrés CRM 114." "En aquest imprès hi haurà d'escriure el seu número de compte, "que només saben ell i el banc."Once the bonds are counted and confirmed McCallister will receive a CRM- 114 deposit form and on this form he inputs his account number that only he and the bank know.
Els nens saben on està amagat.The children know where it's hid. John knows. Is that it, Harry?
Amb l'Íngrid Griesen. Aquesta es la raó per la que saben tant de mi.That's how they know so much about me.
Els veïns saben que et mors de gana.The neighbors know you're starving.
Coneixeré seus petits secrets, sabré el que ells saben.We will learn their little secrets We will know the things they know One day more!
Llavors sabré que ha tornat a situar-se en el camí correcte.Then I will know that he has been reset onto the correct path.
Quan ho faci, sabré que ell ha estat posat sobre el camí correcte.When he does, I will know that he has been reset onto the correct path.
- Sí, demà ho sabré.-Yes, I will know tomorrow.
I sabràs que el meu és el nom del Senyor, quan la meva venjança caigui damunt teu."And you will know My name is the Lord... when I lay My vengeance upon thee."
I sabràs que no hi ha res dins meu que no sigui amor per tu.And you will know that there is nothing inside me for you now but love.
Però quan te la xutis, sabràs per què és més cara.But, when you shoot it, you will know where that extra money went.
Així que... Quan el seu cos estigui als teus peus, la seva sang humida contra la teva pell, llavors sabràs com em sento!So... when her body lies at your feet... her blood wet against your skin... then you will know how I feel!
Qualsevol que et conegui ho sabrà.Anybody who knows you will know.
Qui sabrà el seu nom llevat dels familiars i de les persones de la seua comunitat?Who will know her name aside from her family and the people of her community?
El pare ho sabrà si ho fas.Father will know if you do.
Qualsevol que et conegui ho sabrà. 177.000 dòlars?Anybody who knows you will know. $177,000?
El pare ho sabrà si ho fas. senyor dels set regnes i protector del regne,Father will know if you do. ...Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm,
I sabreu que jo sóc el Senyor, quan la meva venjança caigui damunt vostre"."And you will know I am the Lord... "when I lay My vengeance upon you."
Es tant egocèntric que creu que les víctimes sabran la raó i qui ho ha fet.He's so self-centered he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it.
Llavors tots sabran que ets un infame.Then everyone will know that you are infamous.
En comparar-les,les autoritats sabran si un individu jaha sol·licitat asil en un altre Estatmembre.By comparing prints, authoritieswill know whether an individual hasalready applied for asylum in anothermember state.
Ha dit que jo sabria quan era el moment adequat per beure-ho.He said I would know when it was the right time to drink it.
- Tal vegada Déu ho sabria.Maybe God would know.
Déu sabria el què?God would know what?
- Qui ho sabria?Who would know?
Ningú més sabria com fer-ho.No one else would know How to do that.
Només tu ho sabries.Only you would know that.
Si poguessis sentir el poder que corre dins meu, sabries que una fletxa no em fa por.If you could feel the power that is surging through me... you would know that I do not fear an arrow.
Si sapiguessim el que pensa, ho sabríem tot.If we knew what he was thinking we would know where Europe stands
Estic bastant segur que vosaltres ho sabríeu si ho hagués fet.Pretty sure you guys would know if I did.
Però això ho sabríeu si us haguéssiu preocupat de venir i dirigir la botiga, Grimes.But you would know that if you ever bothered to come in and actually manage the store, Grimes.
T'importaria si saberes el que significa.You might, if you knew what it meant. ( Rattles )
Mai sabé que Sid cada nit el vigilava, tot i ajagut, i ben sovint desfeia l'embenament, i aleshores es decantava damunt el colze, escoltant una bella estona cada vegada, i després feia lliscar altre cop l'embenament alla on havia estat.He never knew that Sid lay nightly watching, and frequently slipped the bandage free and then leaned on his elbow listening a good while at a time, and afterward slipped the bandage back to its place again.
Neutralitzar a tot el que sàpiga qui sóc.Neutralizing everyone who knows who I am.
Per si li serveix de consol, vull que sàpiga que sóc innocent.If it's any consolation to you I want to you know I'm innocent.
És el poema simfònic més aconseguit que jo sàpiga fos escrit des de la guerra, i t'ho dic jo, Sixsmith, que la majoria de les seves millors idees són meves.It's the most accomplished tone poem I know of written since the war, and I tell you, Sixsmith, that more than of the few of its best ideas are mine.
No que jo sàpiga.Not to my knowledge.
No volem que ningú ho sàpiga encara.We don't want anyone to know yet.
Vull que sàpigues que estic bé.I want you to know I'm fine.
Només per a que ho sàpigues, un cop que aconseguim el que volem agafaré un ganivet, i degollaré aquest marit teu cap del Gabinet.Just so you know, once we get what we want, I am going to take a knife, and I am going to gut that Chief of Staff husband of yours.
Michonne, vull que sàpigues... la Penny, la meva filla, era morta.Michonne, I want you to know... Penny, my daughter, she was dead.
Espero que sàpigues el que estàs fent, Hovland.Hope you know what you're doing, Hovland.
Vull que sàpigues quant t'estimo.I want you to know how much I love you.
Que vostè hi vagi no canviarà absolutament res fins que sapiguem contra què ens estem enfrontant.Mr. President, you being out there isn't gonna change a damn thing till we know what we're dealing with. You'll be here, right?
El trucarem tan aviat com sapiguem res.We will contact you as soon as we know something.
Fins que no sapiguem qui és el nostre enemic...Until we know who our enemies are.
Farem plans en ferm quan sapiguem quan ens anem.We'll make firm plans when we know when we're leaving.
-Mireu, Huck: no ho provem més, aixo, fins que sapiguem que Joe l'Indi no hi sigui."Lookyhere, Huck, less not try that thing any more till we know Injun Joe's not in there.
No puc imaginar, per tant, que no sapigueu el que jo sé.I cannot imagine, therefore, that you do not know what I know.
Espero que sapigueu que sóc el vostre amic, Sansa.I hope you know that I'm your friend, Sansa.
No us puc dir res que ja no sapigueu.I can't tell you anything you don't know.
Perquè ho sapigueu, els dolents s'estan escapant! Necessitarem més ninots d'entrenament.Just so you know, the real bad guys are getting away. - We're gonna need more sparring dummies.
Només vull que sapigueuI just want you to know how--
Vol que ells li cantin la cançó de la mort, perquè tots els seus pares sàpiguen que està morint, i vinguin a ell.He wants them to sing his death song for him, so that all his fathers will know that he is dying, and come to him.
Potser ells no sàpiguen de nosaltres.Maybe they don't know about the rest of us.
Deixem que els Sanguinistes sàpiguen que estem tan ansiosos de matar com ells.Let the Sanguinistas know that we are willing to kill just as much as they are.
La investigació és estrictament "només allò que cal que sàpiguen" Des de quan?- The investigation is strictly need-to-know.
Bé, els haurem traspassat abans que sàpiguen què ha passat.Well, we'll be up and over before they know what's happened.
No sé si ho hagués fet així sabent que no anava a publicar-ho.I don’t know if I would do all of this without knowing that I will publish it.
Vaig plorar perquè tot el que podia fer era imaginar-me el meu fill, en aquella mateixa situació, sabent que estava a punt de morir i que ningú no l'ajudaria.I cried because all I could do is think of my son, in that position, knowing he was about to die and no one was there to help him.
Però no crec que la meva família dormís bé sabent que tu ets sota el mateix sostre.But I don't think my family would sleep well knowing that you were under the same roof.
No podria dormir per les nits sabent que les perdria.Couldn't sleep at night knowing I was gonna lose them.
No podia dormir sabent que fora de la meva habitació està la sala d'estar... i fora de la sala, el passadís... i immediatament adjacent al passadis estava això.I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and just outside our living room was that hallway, and immediately adjacent to the hallway was... this.

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