Probar (to prove) conjugation

120 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: lo probó todo sin éxito, no, maría, prueba, with, no puedes probarlo, prueba a ver si está bueno, with clothes and similar, maría se probó el vestido, taste, to try, to taste, lo, try

Conjugation of probar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I prove
you prove
he/she/it proves
we prove
you all prove
they prove
Present perfect tense
he probado
I have proved
has probado
you have proved
ha probado
he/she/it has proved
hemos probado
we have proved
habéis probado
you all have proved
han probado
they have proved
Past preterite tense
I proved
you proved
he/she/it proved
we proved
you all proved
they proved
Future tense
I will prove
you will prove
he/she/it will prove
we will prove
you all will prove
they will prove
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would prove
you would prove
he/she/it would prove
we would prove
you all would prove
they would prove
Past imperfect tense
I used to prove
you used to prove
he/she/it used to prove
we used to prove
you all used to prove
they used to prove
Past perfect tense
había probado
I had proved
habías probado
you had proved
había probado
he/she/it had proved
habíamos probado
we had proved
habíais probado
you all had proved
habían probado
they had proved
Future perfect tense
habré probado
I will have proved
habrás probado
you will have proved
habrá probado
he/she/it will have proved
habremos probado
we will have proved
habréis probado
you all will have proved
habrán probado
they will have proved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I prove
(if/so that) you prove
(if/so that) he/she/it prove
(if/so that) we prove
(if/so that) you all prove
(if/so that) they prove
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya probado
I have proved
hayas probado
you have proved
haya probado
he/she/it has proved
hayamos probado
we have proved
hayáis probado
you all have proved
hayan probado
they have proved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have proved
(if/so that) you have proved
(if/so that) he/she/it have proved
(if/so that) we have proved
(if/so that) you all have proved
(if/so that) they have proved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have proved
(if/so that) you have proved
(if/so that) he/she/it have proved
(if/so that) we have proved
(if/so that) you all have proved
(if/so that) they have proved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera probado
I had proved
hubieras probado
you had proved
hubiera probado
he/she/it had proved
hubiéramos probado
we had proved
hubierais probado
you all had proved
hubieran probado
they had proved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese probado
I had proved
hubieses probado
you had proved
hubiese probado
he/she/it had proved
hubiésemos probado
we had proved
hubieseis probado
you all had proved
hubiesen probado
they had proved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have proved
(if/so that) you will have proved
(if/so that) he/she/it will have proved
(if/so that) we will have proved
(if/so that) you all will have proved
(if/so that) they will have proved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere probado
I will have proved
hubieres probado
you will have proved
hubiere probado
he/she/it will have proved
hubiéremos probado
we will have proved
hubiereis probado
you all will have proved
hubieren probado
they will have proved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's prove!
Imperative negative mood
no pruebes
do not prove!
no pruebe
let him/her/it prove!
no probemos
let us not prove!
no probéis
do not prove!
no prueben
do not prove!

Examples of probar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Antes de que usted logre llegar, usted lo hará Necesite probar el valor de su coche"Before you get there, you will need to prove your car's worth
"Con el fin de colmar las esperanzas de la humanidad Y probar que la autodeterminación es el lema de la humanidad.""To do what we can to fulfill humanity's promise and to prove that self-determination is the watchword of all mankind."
"Consulté a mis amigos," "desde el momento que no hemos recibido ningún chantaje," "y la cinta por si misma no puede probar nada,"l consulted my friends, since we haven't received any blackmailing, and the tape itself can't be strong enough to prove anything,
"Después de caerse, Miko tendrá que probar a los jueces que todavía merece avanzar a las finales"." After falling, Miko will to prove to the judges should still advance to the finals."
"El anfitrión tendría que probar su capacidad sobrenatural para el demonio. ""The host would have to prove its preternatural ability to the demon."
- O lo machaco y pruebo que los dos estáis equivocados.- Or crush him, and prove you both wrong.
- Si dejo galletas y se las come, pruebo que existe.- I thought if I left cookies and God ate them it'd prove he's real.
- Soy su hombre. Seguimiento, investigación, pruebo y desmiento sospechas... Y bailo divinamente, todo a precios razonables.I'm your man, I shadow, investigate, prove and disprove suspicions... and dance divinely, all at reasonable rates.
- ¿Cómo lo pruebo?- How do I prove it?
- ¿Qué tal si te lo pruebo?- What if I prove it to you?
"Creo que las pruebas para determinar su antigüedad podría datarlo en mil años."I believe tests will prove the book to be a thousand years old.
"a menos que haya pruebas de que esto no es así,"unless some evidence proves us wrong,
# Si lo hicieron, lo sabía Pero no tenemos pruebas #If they did it, then I knew it but we've nothing that can prove it
- ? Tiene pruebas?- Can you prove it?
- Ahora ya no tienes pruebas.- Now you never can prove who the murderer was.
"En mi opinión, este pasaje prueba que los Musulmanes Negros legítimamente se oponen, a todas las guerras por motivos religiosos.""In my opinion, this passage proves "that Black Muslims are legitimately opposed "to all wars on religious grounds.
"Esto prueba que encuentras a la elegida cuando no la estás buscando" Isabel."this just proves you find the one when you're not looking" Isabel.
"Gas Propano" Sí, parece un soldado nazi blanco y gordo, pero eso prueba mi teoría.Yes, it looks like a Nazi storm trooper, but that only proves my point.
"La ejecución de Ian Campbell prueba que no se negocia con criminales."The brutal execution of Officer Ian Campbell... proves that you cannot make deals with vicious criminals.
"La esperanza sin duda pone a prueba al hombre""Hope proves a man debtless."
- Como probamos eso?- How do we prove that?
- Entonces, lo probamos.Then we prove it.
- Espo lo está verificando... pero si probamos que se fue justo antes de la hora del asesinato... eso nos podría ayudar a atraparlo.Espo's checking right now, but if we can prove that he left just before our time-of-death window, then that should help us nail him for the murder.
- No si probamos su culpabilidad.- Not if we can prove he's guilty.
- No, lo sabemos, lo probamos.- No, we know. We proved it.
Pero si probáis vuestra valía recibiréis los Discos de Mishakal.But if you prove yourselves worthy, you will receive the Disks of Mishakal.
Tendré que deteneros a los dos si no probáis vuestra inocencia. ¿Cómo ...?I will either have to arrest you both or you will have to prove your innocence how...?
"Científicos prueban que el cielo de gatos es real, el de humanos no lo es!""Scientists prove cat heaven real, human heaven not!"
"Enhorabuena, 55 millones de dólares prueban que los críticos estaban equivocados.""Congratulations, 55 million dollars proves that critics were wrong."
"Las clausulas de la 16ª Enmienda no prueban el nuevo tipo de impuesto.""The provisions of the 16th amendment can prove no new power of taxation. "
"Los Idus de Marzo" y "Los Descendientes" lo prueban las nominaciones."the ides of march" and "The Descendants" but nominations have to prove ?
- Bueno, está diciendo que estás tan involucrada como él, y que hay grabaciones que lo prueban.Well, he's saying... He's saying that you were as involved as him and that there's tapes to prove it.
- Sí. Les probé que se equivocaban.Yeah, I proved 'em wrong.
A diferencia de ella, se lo probé cada día.Unlike her, I proved it every day.
Al menos probé mi punto.Anyways, I sort of proved my point, regardless.
Ayer lo era, hasta que yo, sin quererlo, probé que no era así.Yesterday it was until I unintentionally proved it wasn't.
Claro que la probé, por supuesto, pero nunca pude entender qué... por qué les gustaba.Undoubtedly I proved it, of course, but I could never understand what... why they liked.
- Bueno, probaste tu punto.You're really gonna go through with this? - Well, you've proved your point.
- Bueno, realmente probaste algo.- Well, you certainly proved something.
- Lo sé, me lo probaste.- I know, you proved that to me.
- Sólo cállate, ya probaste tu punto.Just shut up, you proved your point.
- ¿Qué fórmula complicada probaste?- And what complicated formula, Christy, have you proved?
"Pero a pesar de que tenías razón, se probó que estabas equivocado. ''But though you were right, you were proved wrong. '
"pero eso, como se probó..."but that, as it proved...
"¿Por qué elegir a un tipo que ya te jodió una vez que ya probó que es desleal?""Why take a man who already burned you once... "who already proved himself disloyal?"
- ... lo que también probó que eran capaces de tener opiniones diferentes.- ... who also proved they were capable of having opposite opinions.
- ..y probó que los 3000 crores de mi padre... le pertenecen a él y no a ti.....and proved that my father's 3000 crore.. ...belongs to them, and not yöu.
Hoy probasteis que estaba equivocado.You proved me wrong today.
- Ellos probaron--- They proved...
-No lo probaron.-You haven't proved it.
Ambas probaron ser una fuerza letal.The two proved themselves a deadly force.
Análísís de sangre probaron que él no era el padre. Pero no eran admísíbles en Calífornía.Blood tests proved Chaplin could not be the father but they were inadmissible under California law.
Aprendí muchas cosas de los presos que normalmente serían ilegales, pero que probaron ser útiles más tarde en mi vida. Cosas como abrir candados y cajas de seguridad.I learned a number of things from the inmates that normally would be illegal... but have proved very useful to me in my later life, things like picking locks and cracking safes and--
"Yo, como todos nosotros, probaré mi lealtad al Führer... ..dando por él hasta la última gota de sangre.""I, like everyone of us, will prove to the Fuhrer my loyalty by the readiness to give every drop of my blood for him," he said then.
- Cruzando el Pacífico y llegando a 8.000 kilómetros de aquí probaré que los peruanos fueron los primeros pobladores de la Polinesia.- By crossing the Pacific for 5,000 miles, I will prove that Peruvians were the first to settle Polynesia.
- ¡Sí! Te lo probaré.I will prove it to you!
Bueno bueno, te lo probaréWell, fine, fine-- I will prove it to you.
Cuando Uds. dos aterricen allá probaré, por fin, que no hay vida inteligente en Marte.When you two land up there, it will prove once and for all... - that there really is no intelligent life on Mars. - All right, touché.
Si es inocente, lo probarás.If he is innocent, you will prove it.
Tengo fe en que probarás serme de utilidad a su debido tiempo.I have faith you will prove your usefulness to me in time.
# Eso probará que tu amor por mí es verdadero #♪ that will prove your love for me is true ♪
- El ADN probará tu inocencia?- DNA will prove you innocent.
- Si eso es cierto, esto lo probará.- Lf that's true, this test will prove it, son.
- Te digo una cosa... si estás mintiendo, la ciencia lo probará al final, y si no, no tienes nada de lo que's the thing ... if you're lying, science will prove it eventually, and if not, you have nothing to worry about.
- Tu ADN lo probará.- And your DNA will prove that.
Ahora, como demostración probaremos...Now, as a demonstration will prove...
Damas y caballeros del jurado les probaremos más allá de toda duda razonable que el acusado, Clyde David Dunner, es culpable de dos asesinatos en primer grado.Ladies and gentlemen of the jury we will prove to you beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant, Clyde David Dunner, is guilty of two counts of murder in the first degree.
Dentro de tres días le probaremos que se equivoca.In three days time, we will prove them wrong.
En el juicio probaremos, sin ningún género de dudas, que Hugh Killian y el Concejal Ronin Gibbons... el asesino y el político... eran cómplices en todo ello.A trial we will prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Hugh Killian and Alderman Ronin Gibbons... the killer and the politician... were complicit in all of it. Now...
Eso es lo que probaremos los tres en el juzgado.That's what the three of us will prove in court.
- Sí. Samantha dijo que los documentos probarán que mi hijo fue asesinado.Samantha says the documents will prove my son was murdered.
Además, estoy seguro de que verás que todos esos pequeños problemas probarán estar interconectados de formas que no podrías...Besides, I'm sure you'll find that all these little problems will prove to be interconnected in ways that you can't possibly...
Ahora sólo añadimos un poco de agua de mar... y los resultados le probarán a Herman... que estaba equivocado respecto a Charlie.Now all we do is add a little water from the ocean... and wait for the results that will prove to Uncle Herman... how wrong he was about Uncle Charlie. [Chuckling]
Confío en que esas órdenes probarán ser infructuosas.I'm confident those warrants will prove fruitless.
Creo que esta tierra y las muestras de minerales probarán que la vida es posible en MarteI think these soil and mineral samples will prove that life is possible on Mars.
Algo que probaría que Bastoche está vivo.Something that would prove that Bastoche is still alive.
Amigo... ésa es la única respuesta que probaría que eres de confiar.Amigo... that's the one answer that would prove you're all right.
Bueno, yo probaría que te equivocas.Well, I would prove you wrong.
Digo que eso probaría a la mujer.I say such a test would prove the woman.
Leslie, ¿Creíste que con esto probarías que no eres el super heroe mas imbecil de todos?Captain leslie hero, You thought this would prove you're not a lame superhero?
Sabía lo que probarías.l knew what you would prove.
DM probarían ser los verdaderos "adolescentes de silicio".Depeche Mode would prove to be the real silicon teens.
Lisa seguía a la espera de los resultados del test que probarían que su madre no era su madre.Lisa was still awaiting test results that would prove her mother was not her mother.
Mire, las muestras vaginales no probarían nada.You see, a swab would prove nothing.
O sea que el primer paso para probar mi culpabilidad ¿es asesinar a aquellos que probarían mi inocencia?So the first step to prove me guilty is to murder those who would prove me innocent?
Sucesos recientes han arrojado una nueva luz sobre evidencias concretas que probarían la existencia de vida extraterrestre, lo cual es la base de la devoción de Mulder por su trabajo.Recent events have shed new light on the factual and physical evidence that would prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, which is the foundation of Agent Mulder's devotion to his work.
"Atención, atención, diez piezas de oro al artista que pruebe ser digno de actuar en la fiesta de cumpleaños de Su Alteza Celestial la Princesa Violeta de Tamarang.""Hear ye, hear ye, "Ten gold pieces to the entertainer "who proves himself worthy of performing
"HBD muy agudo con corazón de oro que construye o arregla lo que sea busca MBS para segundo acto que pruebe que F. Scott Fitzgerald se equivocaba"."DWM with a sharp wit and a heart of gold who can build or fix anything seeks SWF for a romantic second act that will prove F. Scott Fitzgerald wrong."
- Es hora de que pruebe...It's time for you to prove...
- Espero que esto lo pruebe.- I hope this proves it.
- Pídale que lo pruebe.- Ask him to prove it.
*Será mejor que pruebes*You better prove ♪ ♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪
- Bueno, más vale que lo pruebes en la fiesta.- All right, man. You better prove it at this party then.
- ¿Quiere que pruebes que es inocente?- So she wants you to prove her innocence?
A menos que pruebes que esos venenos llegaron a los pozos no hay ningún caso.Unless you've proven that poisons reached the wells, there's no case.
A menos que pruebes que no querías pasar el rato con la gorda.Unless you can prove you weren't trying to make time with the fat lady.
- Bueno, yo digo que probemos esa teoría.- Well, I say prove that theory.
A menos que probemos privación de la libertad.Unless we can prove unlawful imprisonment.
A menos que probemos que Qassim no es un musulman sincero.Unless we can prove Qassim isn't a sincere Muslim.
A no ser que probemos que alguien estaba engañando a Merchiston todo el tiempo.Unless we can prove that someone was setting Merchiston up the whole time.
Ahora, probemos que eso es cierto.Now, let's prove that it's true.
Estaría loco si os diera un perro real hasta que os probéis a vosotros mismos.It'd be crazy to give you guys a real dog until you prove yourselves.
Hasta que probéis vuestra inocencia no tendréis ni un vasallo fiel.Unless you can prove your innocence... you will have no loyal subjects.
Vuestras carteras y móviles estarán en mi poder hasta que probéis que podéis seguir las reglas.Your wallets and cell phones will be in my care until you've proven to me that you can follow the rules.
"hay dinero en la mesa para que ustedes prueben esto""there's money on the table for you to prove this stuff"
- En este país... uno es inocente hasta que prueben que es culpable, no al revés.- In this country... one is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.
- Hasta que prueben que están listos.- Until you've proven you're ready.
. Quiero ver fotos que prueben eso.I want to see pictures to prove that.
A medida que su madre decía: "Vamos a ver lo prueben en los tribunales."As your mother would say, "Let's see them prove it in court."
Admítidlo ambos, miserables, ¡o probad vuestra inocencia!Admit it, you wretches, or prove your innocence!
"'Está bien que grite "No has probado ser menos indigna"Had'st thou less unworthy proved
"Lo he probado y puedo hacerlo que yo, Aaron Swartz, puedo cambiar el mundo.""I have proved that I can do it, that I, Aaron Swartz, can change the world."
'El viaje no fue concebido como una aventura, en el sentido de algo que deba ser probado o conquistado.'The trip wasn't conceived as an adventure, in the sense of something to be proved or conquered.
'Habiendo probado -como equipo- que nuestros coches son más seguros que los utilitarios deportivos, 'continuamos hacia adelante, hasta que pronto nos encontrabamos en un lugar muy especial.''Having proved, as a team, that our cars are safer than hot hatches, 'we continued onwards and soon, we were in a very special place. '
(Wil.) Betty, has probado tu excepcional potencial.- Betty, you've proved you have rare potential.
"Un trato anunciado ayer entre la Comisión que investiga los ataques de Septiembre 11 y la Casa Blanca esta probando ser bastante controversial."A deal announced yesterday between the White House and the Commission investigating the September 11th attacks attacks is proving to be rather controversial.
- Es un informe de metadatos sacado de la computadora del detective Prima probando que recibió- It is a metadata report taken from Detective Prima's computer proving that he was in receipt
Ahora lo estaba probando de nuevo.Now he was proving it again.
Ahora me ha forzado a declarar mi situación... probando, Sr. Tennyson, probando que, de nosotros dos... ud. es por lejos el mas considerable.Now you have forced me to uncover the situation proving, mr. Tennyson, proving that, of the two of us you are by far the more substantial.
Alguien está probando que es igual de capaz fuera de la cama como dentro.Someone's proving himself to be as capable outside the bedroom, as in.

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