Privar (to deprive) conjugation

85 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to be in vogue, refrain, to prohibit, pass, fall unconscious, to enjoy immensely, enjoy, to do without, to refrain from doing something, prohibit, to pass out

Conjugation of privar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I deprive
you deprive
he/she/it deprives
we deprive
you all deprive
they deprive
Present perfect tense
he privado
I have deprived
has privado
you have deprived
ha privado
he/she/it has deprived
hemos privado
we have deprived
habéis privado
you all have deprived
han privado
they have deprived
Past preterite tense
I deprived
you deprived
he/she/it deprived
we deprived
you all deprived
they deprived
Future tense
I will deprive
you will deprive
he/she/it will deprive
we will deprive
you all will deprive
they will deprive
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would deprive
you would deprive
he/she/it would deprive
we would deprive
you all would deprive
they would deprive
Past imperfect tense
I used to deprive
you used to deprive
he/she/it used to deprive
we used to deprive
you all used to deprive
they used to deprive
Past perfect tense
había privado
I had deprived
habías privado
you had deprived
había privado
he/she/it had deprived
habíamos privado
we had deprived
habíais privado
you all had deprived
habían privado
they had deprived
Future perfect tense
habré privado
I will have deprived
habrás privado
you will have deprived
habrá privado
he/she/it will have deprived
habremos privado
we will have deprived
habréis privado
you all will have deprived
habrán privado
they will have deprived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I deprive
(if/so that) you deprive
(if/so that) he/she/it deprive
(if/so that) we deprive
(if/so that) you all deprive
(if/so that) they deprive
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya privado
I have deprived
hayas privado
you have deprived
haya privado
he/she/it has deprived
hayamos privado
we have deprived
hayáis privado
you all have deprived
hayan privado
they have deprived
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have deprived
(if/so that) you have deprived
(if/so that) he/she/it have deprived
(if/so that) we have deprived
(if/so that) you all have deprived
(if/so that) they have deprived
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have deprived
(if/so that) you have deprived
(if/so that) he/she/it have deprived
(if/so that) we have deprived
(if/so that) you all have deprived
(if/so that) they have deprived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera privado
I had deprived
hubieras privado
you had deprived
hubiera privado
he/she/it had deprived
hubiéramos privado
we had deprived
hubierais privado
you all had deprived
hubieran privado
they had deprived
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese privado
I had deprived
hubieses privado
you had deprived
hubiese privado
he/she/it had deprived
hubiésemos privado
we had deprived
hubieseis privado
you all had deprived
hubiesen privado
they had deprived
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have deprived
(if/so that) you will have deprived
(if/so that) he/she/it will have deprived
(if/so that) we will have deprived
(if/so that) you all will have deprived
(if/so that) they will have deprived
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere privado
I will have deprived
hubieres privado
you will have deprived
hubiere privado
he/she/it will have deprived
hubiéremos privado
we will have deprived
hubiereis privado
you all will have deprived
hubieren privado
they will have deprived
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's deprive!
Imperative negative mood
no prives
do not deprive!
no prive
let him/her/it deprive!
no privemos
let us not deprive!
no privéis
do not deprive!
no priven
do not deprive!

Examples of privar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"No, no, Mavis, tú eres una gran artista... y no sería justo privar al mundo de tu genio"."No, no, Mavis, you are a great artiste, and it wouldn't be fair to deprive the world of your genius."
- No pretendo privar a tu hijo de un padre, si es lo que te preocupa- I don't intend to deprive your son of a father, if that's what you're worried about.
- Y sería un crimen privar la vista de nuestras piernas- And it would be a crime to deprive the male population of this school
... ..privar a la gente de su deprive people of their liberty.
Basta con privar a una familia...Sufficient to deprive a family...
En el nombre de Dios, el Padre todo poderoso, te privo de la comunión del cuerpo y la sangre de Nuestro Señor.In the name of God, the all-powerful Father, I deprive you of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord.
Hijo y Espíritu Santo, y de todos los santos, te privo de la Comunión del Cuerpo y Sangre de Nuestro Señor...Son, and Holy Ghost, and all of the saints, I deprive you of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord...
Si escribo primero, la privo de la oportunidad de que me escriba a mí ella primero.If I write her first, I deprive her of the opportunity to write to me first.
Me privas de todo.You deprive me of everything.
Mi reina, ¿por qué nos privas del placer de tu danza incomparable?Why do you continue to deprive us of the pleasure of your incomparable dancing?
No te privas de nada.You deprive yourself of nothing.
Quieres a mis hombres para protegerte, Y aun así les privas de sus mujeres.You want my men to protect you and yet you deprive them of their women.
Te privas de ellas.You deprive them.
Aquel que se los priva es un asesino".The one which deprives them is a murderer.
Bueno, pero eso me priva de un placer.All right, only it deprives me of a pleasure.
Contaminan el proceso, predisponen al jurado, y priva al acusado de un juicio justo.It taints the process, it brainwashes the jury, and it deprives the defendant of a fair trial.
El liberalismo priva a la revolución de una organización sólida y de una disciplina rigurosa.Liberalism deprives the revolution of solid organisation and strict discipline.
Es un delito menor, eso significa participaren un acto de violencia que priva a la comunidad de la paz y la tranquilidad que merece.What is that? Breaching the peace is minor. That means participating in an act of violent or turbulent nature... that deprives the community of the peace and tranquility it deserves.
Me preocupa de lo que te privamos tu madre y yo.I just worry that your mother and I deprived you.
Siempre espero que pierda, su poder mágico, cuando le privamos de él.I always expected to lose your magic powers when we deprive you of those.
Te privamos de la potestad de celebrar la Santa Misa, ...tanto por los vivos, como por los difuntos.We declare you deprived of the right to offer sacrifice to God, and to celebrate the Holy Mass, both for the living and for the dead.
Y mi hija me recordó que al haber hecho eso la privamos de su comisión, así que...And my daughter correctly reminded me that, in doing so... we deprived you of the commission, so-
Y por la autoridad de Dios Todopoderoso, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo y por nuestra autoridad, te quitamos el hábito clerical y te privamos de los ornamentos de la religión.By the authority of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and by our own authority, we strip you off of the clerical habit, and we deprive you of the ornament of religion.
Sólo porque os dé la gana nos priváis de la Clorisee.You deprive us without a scruple of a great play!
"Cuando te privan de algo, sólo consiguen que lo desees con mas ganas ".'When you're deprived of something, it just makes you all the more hungry for it.'
- Las personas, miles de años hasta ahora, si lográramos sobrevivir, no tendrían mucho respeto por las culturas que los privan de las cosas que tenemos ahora eso disminuye su mundo para ellos.People thousands of years from now, if we manage to survive, aren't gonna have much respect for cultures that deprived them of the things that we now have that diminish their world for them.
-En España privan estas monas.-In Spain deprive these monkeys.
Así que ha llegado a esto, un decente y trabajador de esta gran nación, privan a un padre el deber básico de primera necesidad, el beneficio por hijo!So it has come to this, that a decent, hard-working man of this once great nation should be deprived of a parent's basic staple - the child benefit!
Los privan del sueño, de alimentos, simulacros de ejecución, ese tipo de cosas.They'll be deprived of sleep, starved of food, mock executions, that type of thing.
- Prometí que no lo diría pero como lo privé de su postre, le traeré algunos esta tarde.Well, I promised my supplier I wouldn't tell but since I deprived you of your dessert I'd be more than happy to bring some by the Infirmary later this afternoon.
Como ya dije, en mi pasado no me privé de placeres, sobre todo en lo que respecta a convivir con mujeres.I believe I have already said, my past was hardly deprived of pleasures, especially when it came to socialising with the ladies.
El amor de que les privé de niños ...The love that they were deprived of as children...
Pienso que te entusiasmaste con esta boda... porque yo te privé de la tuya.I figure you got so taken up with this wedding... on account of I deprived you of your own.
que era alguien más, y yo le privé de ese placer, ¿una última alegría antes de morir?he was someone else, and I deprived him of that pleasure, one last joy before dying?
- Y como resultado, me privaste de mi nieta.- And as a result, you deprived me of my granddaughter.
A quien tú privaste de las bellezas del mundo y quien nunca se quejó.The one You deprived of the beauties of the world and who never complained
Entonces no solo está cosa existe, pero ahora nos privaste a todos de un pastel.So not only does this thing exist, but now you have deprived everyone of cake.
Me privaste de mi infancia.You deprived me of my childhood.
Me privaste de mi libertad... de mi casa... de mi humanidad.You have won. You've deprived me of my freedom... and my home... my humanity.
- Él me privó de todo.- He's deprived me of everything.
Cometí... un error. y me privó de tanto.I made... one mistake, and it deprived me of so much.
Cree que usted lo privó de ese honor.I understand he thinks you deprived him of that honor.
Creo que se les privó de oxígeno al nacer.I think you were deprived of oxygen at birth.
Cuando se privó a las ratas de una grasa específica en su dieta, las células de su cuerpo lo compensaron produciéndolas en demasía.When the rats were deprived... of a specific fat in their diet, their body cells compensated by overproducing it.
Creo que a mi hija la privaron severamente de dormir... como resultado del estrés y la sobrecarga de trabajo.I believe that my daughter was hugely sleep deprived as a result of both stress and workload.
La privaron de una opción médica crucial porque su médico no estaba de acuerdo con ella.She was deprived of crucial medically relevant option... because her doctor did not approve obit.
Lo libraron de la investigación del caso y le privaron de su cargo.He was relieved of the investigation and deprived of his office.
Los Diez Mandamientos, en el lugar donde las Leyes de Nuremberg fueron decretadas... que privaron a todo los judíos alemanes de sus derechos.The Ten Commandments, in the place where the Nuremberg Laws were decreed that deprived all German Jews of their rights.
Me golpearon. Repetidamente me privaron del sueño.I was beaten... repeatedly deprived of sleep.
Una vida de la que te privaré, como hice con tu padre.A life I will deprive you of, just like I did your father.
Como siempre, sus argumentos son exactos y agudos, y me lamento que vuestra partida me privará en el futuro del consuelo que deriva de escucharlas.As always, your arguments are exact and acute, and I regret that your departure will deprive me in the future of the consolation I derive from listening to them.
Esta vez, ¡ningún vándalo con acné me privará de mi sabroso botín!And this time, no pimply hooligans will deprive me of my lickable loot!
Habiendo completado la producción deAllen Trespass, que se dice es la mejor película de ciencia ficción jamás hecha, parece que un enfrentamiento legal privará al mundo de verla algún día.With production complete on Allen Trespass, rumored to be the greatest science fiction movie ever made, it appears a legal showdown will deprive the world of ever seeing it.
Si no lo hacéis ese libro causará un daño irreparable en nuestros feligreses, les privará de la fe, de aquello en lo que necesitan creer.If you don't, this book will cause irreparable damage to our parishioners, will deprive them of their faith,... of what they need to believe.
¿Me privará, entonces, del placer de expresar mi buena voluntad?You will deprive me, then, of the pleasure of expressing my good will?
"Si el pueblo americano permite algún día a los bancos la emisión de su moneda... los bancos y empresas que crecerán a su alrededor privarán al pueblo de toda propiedad, hasta que sus hijos se despierten sin hogar en el continente que sus padres conquistaron.""If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency... the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. "
Les privarán de dormir.You will deprive them of sleep.
Si los aprisionan, privarán al mundo científico... de una gran oportunidad.If you imprison them, you will deprive the scientific world... of the greatest opportunity it's ever had.
El matrimonio me privaría de ambos.Marriage would deprive me of the chance of both.
No, no lo es, porque te privaría de tu crecimiento y desarrollo.No, it's not because, see, it would deprive you of your growth and development.
Pero ello me privaría de la ternura de tus labios.But that would deprive me of the tenderness of your lips.
Porque eso nos privaría de un valioso tiempo de estar juntos.Because that would deprive us of valuable bonding time.
'Es por nuestro país que estos hombres mueren noblemente en batalla, considerandojusto que no se los prive de ella, al igual que cada uno de sus sobrevivientes deberá estar dispuesto a esforzarse por ella.''It is for our country that these men die nobly in battle, thinking it right not to be deprived of her, just as each of her survivors should be willing to toil for her sake.
- ¿Y si os lleva hacia el agua? ¿O hacia el acantilado que se cierne sobre las olas y asume allí otra forma que os prive de la razón y os enloquezca?What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, or to the dreadful summit of the cliff that beetles oer his base into the sea, and there assume some other horrible form, which might deprive... your sovereignty of reason and draw you into madness?
Antes de que la enfermera Mount lo pille y me prive del placer.Before Nurse Mount gets to it and deprives me of the pleasure.
Es injusto que por nosotros se prive a su familia de usted por un puñado de libras.It seems unfair of us to deprive your family of you for the sake of a few pounds.
Estamos cansados de que prive a los ciudadanos de llevar armas.We are tired of citizens being deprived of carrying arms.
Hey, estoy dando mi opinión de artista, no prives a la gente.Hey, I'm getting my artistry talked about. Don't deprive people.
No le prives, ni a ti, de ese honor.Do not deprive him or yourself of that honor.
No me prives de ese placer.Don't deprive me of that pleasure.
No me prives de eso.Don't deprive me of that.
No me prives de esta manera.Don't deprive me like this.
No os privéis del conocimiento sólo porque venga de intelectuales.But don't deprive yourselves of these intellectual resources
No, no nos privéis de un invitado tan bonachón.Oh, no! Do not deprive us of such a simple-hearted guest.
- No dejaré que priven a mi hija... de su herencia después de todo lo que me he sacrificado.I will not let them deprive you of your heritage after all I've sacrificed.
", pero quien puede disfrutar de la libertad política ... si se ve privado de manera permanente de su libertad personal?"but who can enjoy political liberty... if he is deprived permanently of personal liberty?"
"Un padre inocente no debe ser privado de su derecho..."A blameless parent shall not be deprived of his or her right...
"acuerdan que sea privado para siempre de voz activa y pasiva "y del derecho de predicar."We order he be deprived forever of active and passive voice and of the right to preach.
- Ha privado de comedor a dos niños.You've deprived 2 kids of lunches!
- No, no, no... Tu cerebro está siendo privado de oxígeno.No, no, no, you're... your brain is being deprived of oxygen.
- Está privando a otros clientes.You're depriving other customers.
Ahora tiene cuatro minutos para grapar el aneurisma y quitar ese clip, que está privando de sangre al cerebro.Now he has four minutes to clamp the aneurysm and remove that clip, which is depriving the brain of blood.
Aumea, otra vez nos estás privando de ti.Aumea, again you're depriving us.
Crean grave desigualdad por privando a la gente de su parte justa.They create gross inequality by depriving people of their fair share.
Creo que los estaríamos privando de una gran parte de lo que es ser un adolescente.I think that we're depriving them of a great part of what it is to be a teenager.

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