" Si quieres tener una idea de sólo cuán grande es la participación británica ' en Afganistán se ha convertido , " sólo hay que mirar el tamaño de su base principal | 'If you want to get a sense of just how big the British involvement 'in Afghanistan has become, 'you just have to look at the size of its main base |
""A medida en que fuimos llegando... empecé a mirar a mi familia, allí, conmigo... y sentí una felicidad muy grande... por haber logrado vivir tan intensamente... un sueño que estuvimos juntos."" | "As we got closer... I started to look at my family there with me... and I felt great happiness... at having succeeded in living so intensely... the dream we had together. " |
"Dedícate a mirar nuestros esqueletos y no a los demás" | "Dedicate yourself to look at our skeletons and no others " |
"Dedícate a mirar nuestros esqueletos" | "Dedicate yourself to look at our skeletons" |
"Excepto por su color café oscuro los hígados parecían normales durante la necropsia". Sin revisar dentro, usted tiene que mirar el contenido del hígado, tomar secciones y analizarlas con un microscopio, y ver si no hay diferencias | "Except for the darker brown colour, livers appeared normal at necropsy." I mean... you can't do that without looking inside, you have to look at the content inside the liver, taking sections, showing under the microscope |
" no te miro, no te veo " ya sabes y dije: | "I don't look at you, I don't see you" And I said, "I think you have trouble in your romance." |
"Cuando las nubes llueven Te miro a mi contenido hearfs ". | "When the clouds rain down I look at you to my hearfs content." |
"Cuando les miro, sus palabras parecen vacías". | "When l look at them, their words seem so hollow." |
"Cuando miro a los ojos inocentes." | "When I look at her innocent eyes." |
"Cuando miro el mundo islámico desde este paradigma, | "When I look at the Islamic world from this paradigm, |
"... ¿Por qué te vuelves y me miras?" | ♪..why do you turn and look at me? |
"Algo sobre la forma en que me miras. | "SoMething about the way you look at Me. |
"Cuando me miras de esa forma" | When you look at me that way |
"Cuando me miras, desarrollo hoyuelos..." | When you look at me, I'm developing dimples... |
"Aquél que mira a una mujer con deseo ya ha cometido pecado en su corazón". | "He who looks at a woman with desire has already sinned in his heart". |
"Cada espejo te mira" | "Every looking glass looks at you" |
"El los mira de nuevo, despu�s vuelve a acostarse... mientras lame la sangre que le ensucia la boca." | He looks at us again, then he lies down again... While licking the blood spread on his lips. |
"El mundo mira mi belleza." | "The world looks at my beauty." |
"La mira..." | "Suddenly she gets up. He looks at her--" |
"Si nos miramos el uno al otro." | "If we look at each other." |
******* así que miramos todas las pisadas y vimos tu pelea con Grace | ****** So we took a look at all the footage,and we saw your fight with Grace. |
- Como un espejo. Eso es, papá, como un espejo... en el cual nos miramos. | It's like a mirror... to look at yourself in. |
- De pie y te miramos. | - Stand up and look at you. |
- Si miramos los dientes de atrás... | But if you look at the back teeth ... |
; Por qué me miráis asi? | Why do you look at me like that? |
Cuando la miráis... | When you look at her.. |
Hablas con ellos... os saludáis, pero no os miráis a los ojos. | You chat... you nod hello, but you don't really look at each other. |
He visto cómo la miráis. | I've seen the way you look at her. |
He visto cómo os miráis. | I seen how you look at that gal and the way she looks at you. |
" ¿Por la forma en que los hombres la miran mientras camina por el patio?" | “The way men look at her as she walks across the court?" |
"Coronel Merryweather, ¿por qué me miran de ese modo?" | "Col. Merryweather, why you all look at me so strange?" |
"Eso que miran a una mujer con lujuria, ya han pecado con ella en sus corazones." | "Those who look at a woman with lust, have already sinned with her in their hearts." |
"Mírense chiquillas con su suave cutis y sus calendarios sociales bailando con sus piernas torneadas me enferman, me miran y me encuentran tan vieja y repulsiva... | Oh, look at you, aren't you great... with your smooth complexions and your social calendars... dancing around on your working legs. You make me sick! And you look at me... and you find me so old and repulsive! |
"Sabes, cuando tus ojos miran a otra persona... | "You know, when your eyes look at someone else's... |
"Cuando terminé, miré lo que había hecho. " | "when I finished, I looked at what I had done, |
"De repente, me di la vuelta... y miré la vieja foto de mi clase de la escuela... de cuando tenía 10 años. | """l turned and looked at the photo of my class at school," taken when l was 10. |
"El instante en el que la miré con amor en mis ojos..." | "The moment I looked at her with love in my eyes.." |
"La metí en un vaso y la miré por un rato, y luego la dejé ir porque Suzanne ya se quería dormir". | "I got it in a glass and looked at it for a bit, and then let it go 'cause Suzanne wanted to go to sleep." |
"Los miré y casi me congelo" | "I looked at them and all but froze" |
""Desde la primera vez que me miraste"". | "From the first time you looked at me". |
"Cuando de pronto me miraste y dijiste:" | "that you suddenly looked at me and said:" |
- Amarillo. - Tú miraste en la vianda. | You looked at the lunch box. |
- Cariño, ¿Seguro ... que miraste el programa últimamente? | - Honey, you sure... you sure looked at that schedule lately? |
- La forma en que me miraste. | - The way you looked at me. |
"... Pinocho se miró en el espejo ya no era el rostro de una simple marioneta de madera, sino la de un auténtico niño..." | Pinocchio looked at himself in the mirror his was no longer the face of a simple wooden puppet, but that of a real boy..." |
"..o me miró con ira .." | "..or looked at me in anger.." |
"Beatriz me miró y sus ojos estaban llenos | "Beatrice looked at me and her eyes were full |
"Cuando la miró, se enamoró de ella, y en un arranque de felicidad le hizo este bello regalo." | "When he looked at her, he fell in love for her, and in a fit of happiness made her this beautiful gift. " |
"El chico se sentó otra vez y se miró las botas. | "The boy sat down again and looked at his boots. |
Finalmente mirasteis el sobre, ¿cierto? | Finally looked at the envelope, did you? |
Mejoro, te trajeron y te pusieron en sus brazos. Ella te miro y tú la miraste. Os mirasteis durante una eternidad. | Then she got feeling better, they brought you in, and they placed you in her arms, and she looked at you, and you looked at her, and you just stared at each other for the longest time. |
Vi... cómo os mirasteis el uno al otro, lo vi. | I saw the way you looked at each other, I saw. |
"El joven soldado pedo su hermano se miraron. Pedo ambos sabían que el amor pedo la verdad pedo la valentía emergerían pedoaciendo sobre sus pies" | "The young soldier fart his brother looked at each other fart both knew that with love fart truth fart courage they would both emerge st-fart-ing on their feet." |
#Subí en calificaciones, tus ojitos dormilones me miraron otra vez. | ¤ As my grades rose, your sleepy eyes looked at me again. ¤ |
- Ellos solo me miraron como si fuera repugnante, ¿sabes? | - Bea: They just looked at me like I was this disgusting thing, you know? |
- Los polis ya lo miraron. | - The cops already looked at it. |
- Me miraron desde allí. | - They looked at me from there. |
Bueno, miraré eso ahora mismo. | Well, I will look at that right now. |
Bueno, ya sabes, cuando estés preparada para que lo mire, lo miraré, y... tengo que irme. | Well, you know, when you're ready for me to look at it, I will look at it, and, um, I got to go. |
Cuando quiera hablar con usted, lo miraré. | When I want to speak with you, I will look at you. |
Cuando quiera hablar contigo, te miraré. | When I feel like talking to you, I will look at you. |
En el reds y pone amarillo, si se presenta en una luz romántica... na+turalmente, yo lo miraré. | In reds and yellows, if it's shown up in a romantic light... naturally, I will look at it. |
- Si esperas redimirte ante mis ojos, mirarás a estos restos y me diras exactamente que es eso que te perdiste. | If you hope to redeem yourself in my eyes, you will look at these remains and tell me exactly what it is that you missed. |
Algún día le mirarás, odiándole con cada fibra de tu ser. deseando que muera de la forma más violenta posible. | Someday you will look at him, hating him with every fiber of your being, wishing that he would die the most violent death possible. |
Confío en que lo mirarás antes de descartarlo completamente. | I trust that you will look at it before you dismiss it outright. |
Cuando encuentres a uno, no importa de qué clase, te pararás y lo mirarás, a ese trozo de vida que has destruído, y pensarás para tí, | When you catch one, no matter what kind it is, you will stop and you will look at it, at this piece of life that you destroyed, and you will think to yourself, |
En ese punto, me mirarás con la misma vacuidad con la que me miras ahora... totalmente inconsciente... de la desafortunada referencia cinematográfica. | At which point, you will look at me with much the same vacancy with which you stare at me now, utterly unaware of the unfortunate cinematic reference. |
"Un día Lewis me mirará y todo estará bien." | "One day Lewis will look at me and everything will be all right." |
- Revisemos lo de aduanas. - Basta, Miri, nadie te mirará. Mirarán, créeme. | let go over the stuff for customs enough, Miri, no one will look at you they will look, beleive me |
-Y la gente te mirará con respeto. | - People will look at you with respect. |
Bien, quizás después de esta noche la gente me mirará como un campeón denuevo, no como *** | Well, maybe after tonight people will look at me as a champion again, not a point- shaver. |
Con el tiempo, esa puerta se abrirá, y cando lo haga, el mundo nos mirará. | Eventually, this door is going to open, and when it does, the world will look at us. |
Marie y yo miraremos el programa para ver si podemos descubrir algunos secretos. | Marie and I will look at the program itself... to see if we can't unlock a few more secrets. |
Si mi nena quiere ver una araña, entonces miraremos una araña. | My baby wants me to look at a chandelier, then a chandelier I will look at. |
Te miraremos morir mientras vemos morir a la Tierra. | We will look at death while we die on Earth. |
¿Si quieres mirar una escuela pública, miraremos una escuela pública, ok? | You wanna look at a public school, we will look at a public school, okay? |
Cuando me ponga a ello, Riley estará tan espléndida... que las otras niñas se mirarán sus vestidos y se pedearán. | When I'm through, Riley will look so good, the other kids will look at their own outfits and fart. |
El jurado te mirará, un buen chico... sin desarrollar, con un poco de asma, y me mirarán a mí, y se lo tragarán. | Jury will look at you, nice boy, no form, little bit of asthma, and they look at me, and they buy it. |
Entonces los otros me mirarán avergonzados, pero siento que está huyendo de mí. | Then the other will look at me in shame, but I feel like it's slipping away from me. |
Esos lo res del Almirantazgo lo mirarán como a un pedazo de galleta podrida. | Those Admiralty Lords will look at him like he was a piece of rotten biscuit. |
Las chicas te mirarán más adelante. | The girls will look at later. |
- Bueno, lo último que quería era andar por una ciudad donde todo el mundo me miraría como si fuera una asesina en serie. | Well, the last thing I wanted to do is stick around town where everyone would look at me like I was a serial killer. |
Apuesto que Infernus mira a Andrómeda de la misma forma que un pit bull miraría a un gran filete jugoso. | I bet infernus looks at Andromeda the same way A pit bull would look at a big, juicy steak. |
Brillan las chicas como centavos nuevos así nadie me miraría y vería mis errores como madre. | Shine those girls up like new pennies so nobody would look at me and my failings as a mother. |
Camino cada mañana en medio de la confusión de un gran pueblo con la misma libertad y paz que podeís encontrar en un pueblo de campo, y miró a los hombres que encuentro como miraría a los árboles y animales en el bosque. | I walk every morning in the middle of the confusion of a great people with the same freedom and peace that you can find in a country town, and I look at the men I meet as I would look at trees and animals in a forest. |
En una película... el jefe de estación miraría al andén... y diría: | In a film... the station master would look at the platform... and say: |
Lo más emocionante en la vida era contemplar cómo me mirarías. | The excitement of life was very much to see how you would look at me. |
Lo que me emocionaba tanto era contemplar cómo me mirarías. | The excitement of it was very much to see how you would look at me. |
Sólo me estaba preguntando si mirarías una foto y...y... Dime si reconoces a esta persona. | I was just wondering if you would look at a picture and -- and... |
Algunos mirarían este vaso y dirían: | Some guys would look at this glass and say: |
Así que... si alguien saboteó el avión de Marsh, sabían que los investigadores mirarían el accidente de Dubai y asumirían que fue un problema similar con la pieza. | So... if someone sabotaged Marsh's plane, they knew that the investigators would look at the Dubai crash and assume it was a similar issue with that screw. |
Cuando perdí todo ese peso, pensé que los hombres me mirarían de otra manera, pero no fue así. | When I lost all the weight, I thought men would look at me differently, but they didn't. |
Sabías que todos te mirarían y yo lo vería. | You knew that everyone would look at you and I'd see it. |
Y luego los nativos que justo estaban observando esto, se mirarían unos con otros y dirían, "Wow, acabamos de ser visitados por Dios". | And then the natives who just witnessed this would look at each other and say, "Wow! We were just visited by God." |
" Oye, Karp, mire en lo La forma que usted lleva puesto eso traje. | "Hey, Karp, look at the way you wear that suit. |
"No importa la forma que se mire". | "No matter which way you look at it." |
"Quiero esto, para que nadie me mire". | "Give me that outfit so nobody'll look at me"? |
"Quizá hoy me mire a los ojos como antes. | - "Maybe today she'll look at me like she used to. She'll |
"bueno, este niño tiene una enfermedad rara o una bendición poco común según de cómo se mire." | "well, this child has a rare disease or a rare blessing depending on how you look at it. |
! No me mires! | Don't look at me. |
"Cuando enamorado te pido una mirada, es siempre inútil y profunda insatisfacción que nunca me mires como yo te veo." | "In love when I ask for a look, what is deeply unsatisfying and always futile, is that you never look at me from where I see you." |
"Cuando me mires" "Sabrás qué esperar" | "When you look at me" "You'll know what to expect" |
"No la mires o te dejará ciego." | "Don't look at her or she'll blind you." |
"No me mires, ¡mira abajo!" | "Don't look at me, look down!" The problem is... |
"hey, espera un minuto miremos esto fria racional y cuidadosamente, y veamos de verdad, cómo se sostiene esto, caerá en el ostracismo. | "hey, wait a minute, let's look at this coolly and rationally and carefully, and see actually how much merit, how much this stands up, they will be ostracized. |
- Bien. Entonces no le importará que miremos... sus registros para conseguir sus nombres. | So you won't mind if we look at your records to get their names. |
- Bueno , miremos esto. | Okay. Let's take a look at this. |
- Vamos, miremos la ciudad. | - Come on, let's look at the city. |
- Ven, miremos ese hueco. | Here. Let's look at this void. |
- A mi no me miréis. | - Don't look at me. |
- No les miréis. | Don't look at them. |
- así que no me miréis. | - so don't look at me. |
- ¡He dicho que no miréis al bar! | - I said don't look at the bar! |
- ¡Nick! ¡No me miréis así, no! | - Don't look at me like that, Dawn. |
! No miren ala vía! | Don't look at the track! |
" 14 días para el centésimo partido ¿Adiós al bar de Benny?" Eh, muchachos, miren esto. | Hey, boys, look at this. |
"Jeez Louise", miren eso. | Jeez Louise, look at that. |
"Pero miren a este tipo". | and then I'm like, "Hey, look at this guy, though." |
"Sólo quiero que tus maravillosos sensibles ojos me miren como solían hacerlo entonces". | "I just want your wonderful, tender eyes "to look at me "like they did then." |
Es muy posible que los antiguos Griegos, miraran las erupciones volcánicas como la del Monte Etna, y podrían haber mirado ese enorme e irascible ojo rojo del volcán eructando rocas al rojo vivo y la lava, y podrían haber imaginado una especie de monstruoso hombre-montaña | It's very possible that the ancient Greeks, looking at erupting volcanoes like Mount Etna, might have looked at that huge angry red eye of the volcano as it erupted hot rocks and lava, and they might have pictured a sort of monstrous man-mountain |
"Mirad a la mujer infiel, mirad al amigo traidor"... con esa grandilocuencia un poco ridícula que otorga un sufrimiento? | "Look to the unfaithful wife, look at the treacherous friend '... grandiloquence this gives a little ridiculous that suffering? |
"mirad a esa chica consentida, indulgente, que está en las nubes". | "look at this spoiled, indulgent, clueless girl." |
"oh, dios mio, mirad esa gente." | "oh, my God, look at these people." |
- Bueno, mirad eso. | - Well, look at that. |
- Chico, chicos, chicos, ¡mirad! | - Guys, guys, guys, look at this! |
"Hay millones de ellos podríamos haber mirado! | 'There's millions of them we could have looked at! |
"Hay millones de ellos que podríamos haber mirado! | 'There's millions of them we could have looked at! ' |
"Ya haz mirado cada posible fuente dentro de la compañía y no haz podido encontrar una fuga". | You've already looked at every possible source in the company, and you couldn't find a leak. |
"Él me ha mirado." | "He looked at me." |
'Nunca incluso he mirado a otra mujer.' | I've never even looked at another woman but her.' |
! ¡¿Qué está mirando? ! | What are you looking at? |
! ¿Qué demonios estoy mirando? | What the hell am I looking at? |
" Lo que estoy mirando es: | "This thing that I'm looking at: |
"Dejen de llorar, la gente nos está mirando". | "Stop crying, people are looking at us." |
"Estoy de acuerdo, pero mientras estemos en este universo asumamos que ella me estaba mirando a mí". | "I'll agree, but while we're living in this universe let's assume she was looking at me." |
"Oh, mirá a ese borracho caminando con sus hijos." | "Oh, look at that drunk walking with his kids." |
- Además mirá el dinero que te salvé en chico punta. | -You had a sub-lower. Besides, look at the money I saved you on tip boy. |
- Ahora mirá este otro. | Now look at this one. 7134. |
- Mirá... todo lo que digo es: mirá a Bollo. | - Look... all l'm saying is look at Bollo. |
- No, mirá esto... | - No, look at this... |
# Se detiene cuando me mirás # | ♪ Stops when you look at me ♪ |
- Tú me mirás más que yo a mí; | - Well, you look at me more than I look at me; |
Cuando miras una tienda de electrónica y mirás esos dispositivos digitales negros, brillantes, que están dirigidos a una persona en particular que busca ponerse ese traje de súper héroe y convertirse en la "persona ocupada organizada". Es lo que sostiene. | you look at black, shiny, digital gadgets that are aimed at a particular person who is looking to wear that super hero costume and become the "organized, busy person". |
Escuché que si no te despertás al menos una vez por semana, mirás a tu compañero y pensás: | I heard that if you wake up at least once a week, look at your partner and you think: |
La mirás. | You look at her. |
No lo mirés con desprecio. | Don't look at him with contempt. |