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Guardarsi (to look at) conjugation

76 examples
This verb can also mean the following: beware

Conjugation of guardarsi

Present tense
mi guardo
I look at
ti guardi
you look at
si guarda
he/she/it looks at
ci guardiamo
we look at
vi guardate
you all look at
si guardano
they look at
Present perfect tense
mi sono guardato
I have looked at
ti sei guardato
you have looked at
si è guardato
he/she/it has looked at
ci siamo guardati
we have looked at
vi siete guardati
you all have looked at
si sono guardati
they have looked at
Past preterite tense
mi guardai
I looked at
ti guardasti
you looked at
si guardò
he/she/it looked at
ci guardammo
we looked at
vi guardaste
you all looked at
si guardarono
they looked at
Future tense
mi guarderò
I will look at
ti guarderai
you will look at
si guarderà
he/she/it will look at
ci guarderemo
we will look at
vi guarderete
you all will look at
si guarderanno
they will look at
Conditional mood
mi guarderei
I would look at
ti guarderesti
you would look at
si guarderebbe
he/she/it would look at
ci guarderemmo
we would look at
vi guardereste
you all would look at
si guarderebbero
they would look at
Past impf. tense
mi guardavo
I used to look at
ti guardavi
you used to look at
si guardava
he/she/it used to look at
ci guardavamo
we used to look at
vi guardavate
you all used to look at
si guardavano
they used to look at
Past perfect tense
mi ero guardato
I had looked at
ti eri guardato
you had looked at
si era guardato
he/she/it had looked at
ci eravamo guardati
we had looked at
vi eravate guardati
you all had looked at
si erano guardati
they had looked at
Future perfect tense
mi sarò guardato
I will have looked at
ti sarai guardato
you will have looked at
si sarà guardato
he/she/it will have looked at
ci saremo guardati
we will have looked at
vi sarete guardati
you all will have looked at
si saranno guardati
they will have looked at
Present subjunctive tense
mi guardi
(if/so that) I look at
ti guardi
(if/so that) you look at
si guardi
(if/so that) he/she/it look at
ci guardiamo
(if/so that) we look at
vi guardiate
(if/so that) you all look at
si guardino
(if/so that) they look at
Present perf. subjunctive tense
mi sia guardato
I have looked at
ti sia guardato
you have looked at
si sia guardato
he/she/it has looked at
ci siamo guardati
we have looked at
vi siate guardati
you all have looked at
si siano guardati
they have looked at
Imperative mood
look at!
si guardi
look at!
let's look at!
look at!
si guardino
look at!
Conditional perfect tense
mi sarei guardato
I would have looked at
ti saresti guardato
you would have looked at
si sarebbe guardato
he/she/it would have looked at
ci saremmo guardati
we would have looked at
vi sareste guardati
you all would have looked at
si sarebbero guardati
they would have looked at

Examples of guardarsi

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Hanno paura a guardarsi negli occhi.They're afraid to look at each other.
- Per non guardarsi negli occhi. - L'hai notato tu?- They don't have to look at each other.
Adoro quando qualcun altro deve guardarsi le foto delle vacanze di Deeks.Love it when someone else has to look at Deeks's vacation photos.
Ah, come il paesaggio, belle a guardarsi, ma un tantino fredde.Like the scenery: good to look at but kind of frostbitten.
Alcuni attori non riescono a guardarsi nei programmi.Some actors can't look at the show.
" Apro l'album di famiglia e mi guardo bambino."I open the family album and look at myself as a boy.
- O ti gira la testa? - Quando mi guardo la mano vedo la bocca di una donna che bacia con la lingua un cane.When I look at my palm, I see a lady's mouth french kissing a dog.
A volte mi guardo allo specchio e non so chi sono.Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I don't know who I am.
A volte mi guardo allo specchio, e sono tipo... Chi sei, Adam?- Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, and I'm like... who are you, Adam?
A volte mi guardo le mani e non le riconosco nemmeno.'Cause sometimes when I look at my hands, I don't even recognize them.
- Lascia che papino ti guardi per bene.Let your Daddy get a good look at you.
- Lascia che ti guardi.- Let me look at you.
- Vuoi che ti guardi il piede?Want me to take a look at your foot?
Ad ogni modo, quando dopo ti guardi allo specchio come ti vedi?How do you look at yourself in the mirror, though?
Anche questa è fatta adesso è ora che io ti guardi in faccia.Now that's done with it's time to have a look at your face.
A De Kooning vengono pagati i diritti ogni volta che lo si guarda.De kooning gets a royalty every time someone looks at that.
A seconda di come si guarda la situazione, pare che abbiano entrambi valore.Depending upon on how one looks at the situation, it appears they both have merit.
Che ne dite se nessuno si guarda in modo diverso?How about nobody looks at anybody differently, huh?
E si guarda?And she looks at herself?
Guarda il pavimento, guarda i muri, si guarda le scarpe.He looks at the walls, the floor, his shoes.
A malapena ci guardiamo tra noi.We barely look at each other.
Conosciamo tanta gente... e noi ci guardiamo senza conoscerci.We know so many people, and we look at each other without knowing who we are.
Io e Rebecca ci guardiamo a malapena in faccia e l'unica cosa che voglio fare... l'unica cosa che ha senso per me, nessuno riesce a capirla.Rebecca and I can barely look at each other, and the only thing I want to do, the only thing that makes sense to me, nobody can understand.
Io ti prendo per il braccio, tu ti giri e ci guardiamo negli occhi.I pull you by the arm, you turn around, and we look at one another.
La differenzatra noi e te, David, è che noi ci guardiamo allo specchio senzamentire.The only difference between you and us, David, is we don't look at ourselves in the mirror and lie.
"Due al prezzo di uno." Io ho guardato Peter e lui... lui mi ha sorriso.And I looked at Peter and he-- he smiled back.
"Hai guardato tua moglie e hai visto un'estranea, eccetera."You looked at your wife and saw a stranger, et cetera.
"Ho guardato le stelle e ho pensato che deve essere terribile per un uomo volgere lo sguardo verso di loro mentre la morte lo avvolge e constatare che non c'è salvezza in quella moltitudine scintillante...""I looked at the stars and considered... how awful it would be for a man to turn his face to them... and he froze to death and see no help or pity... in all the glittering multitude."
"Mi ha guardato e ha fatto un gesto minaccioso.""She looked at me and made a threatening gesture."
"Non mi sono mai guardato allo specchio.I've never looked at myself.
- Beh, sapete, non sono fatti miei, pero'... voi due sembrate davvero innamorati, e... quando vedo una coppia che si guarda come vi guardate voi due... mi fa solo pensare che... forse andra' tutto bene in questo folle mondo.Well, you know, to each his own, but you guys really seem like you're in love. And when I see a couple who look at each other the way you do, I don't know, it just makes me think that maybe this crazy world is gonna be okay.
- Si'. L'unico problema e' che non vi guardate mai nello stesso momento.The only problem is you two never look at each other at the same time.
A feste private, incontri con la cittadinanza e partite di baseball vi guardate appena.House parties, town hall meetings, baseball games... you barely look at each other.
Beh lo vedo nel modo in cui a volte vi guardate.I see it in the way that you look at each other sometimes,
Ho notato come vi guardate voi due.I've seen the way that the two of you look at each other.
- Non vedi come si guardano?You see the way those two look at each other?
- Se si guardano le cifre, le missioni della NASA hanno sprecato una parte enorme del budget scientifico nazionale.If you look at the numbers, the NASA missions waste in inordinate amount of our nation's science budget.
Anche se si guardano i movimenti, la camminata e cose del genere,Even if you look at the movements, the walk and stuff like that,
Annusano il profumo dei fiori, si guardano l'un l'altro e sorridono."smell the scent of flowers look at each other and smile"
Avete presente quando sull'aereo c'e' turbolenza, si guardano le hostess e se sorridono e continuano a servire da bere vuol dire che e' tutto ok?You know when you're on a plane and there's turbulence, you look at the flight attendants, and if they're still smiling and serving drinks, you know everything's gonna be okay?
E sembrava che avessi avuto una piacevole visita da tua sorella, ma dopo che lei se ne ando', uscisti, ti guardasti intorno e e quando mi vedestiAnd it seemed like you had a nice enough visit from your sister, but after she left, you came out, and you were looking around and... and when you looked at me...
" ll ragazzo si risedette e si guardò gli stivali."The boy sat down again and looked at his boots.
Lo sposo si guardò le mani; "è vero!"The groom looked at his hands, it's true!
- Io e Albert ci guardammo.- So, Albert and I looked at each other.
Diana ed io ci guardammo a vicenda.Diana and I looked at each other.
Io e mia sorella ci guardammo.My sister and I just looked at each other.
"Il giovane soldato peto suo fratello si guardarono peto entrambi sapevano che con amore peto lealtà peto coraggio ne sarebbero entrambi venuti fuori in peto"The young soldier fart his brother looked at each other fart both knew that with love fart truth fart courage they would both emerge stfarting on their feet.
E per molte lune Evolet e D 'Leh si guardarono e l'amore nei loro cuori divenne sempre più forte.And for many moons Evolet and D'Leh looked at each other and the love in their hearts grew stronger.
I discepoli si guardarono l'un l'altro, sgomenti, senza capacitarsi di quelle parole.The disciples looked at one another, at a loss as to whom He meant.
Mamma l'accompagnò al pullman... e si guardarono.Mama went with him to the bus-stop... And they looked at each other: papa in the window, mama on the pavement.
Non ti ricordi quando ci guardavamo e ci eccitavamo?Don't you remember when we used to look at each other and get excited?
"Non ho piu' la forza, Paul, di aspettare che tu mi guardi.""I've lost the strength, Paul, to wait for you to look at me.
"Sono la luce nei tuoi occhi quando mi guardi.'I am the light in your eyes when you look at me.'
# Ho visto il modo in cui mi guardi. #I've seen the way you look at me
# Il mio # # cuore si ferma # # Quando mi guardi #♪ My heart stops when you look at me ♪
# Il mio cuore si ferma # # Quando mi guardi #♪ My heart stops when you look at me ♪
- E invece si guardi adesso.- now look at you.
- Ma si guardi.- Now look at you. - That's right.
Alla mia famiglia piace che li si guardi, quando ti parlano.My parents like you to look at them when you speak.
Ay, Ma si guardi!Ay, look at you!
Beh si guardi.No? Well, look at yourself.
Voglio che li guardiate, e voglio che vi guardiate e vi chiediate:So I want you to look at them, and I want you to look at each other and ask yourself,
Se guardate i lavori di Al Pacino, vedrete che quando e in scena e difficile che si guardino gli altri attori.And if you look at any of Pacino's work... it's very difficult to watch any other actor if he's on the screen.
"Gesu' Cristo, guardati, stai ancora trasportando queste rocce del cazzo."jesus, god, "look at yourself, "moving these goddamn rocks again.
"Ma guardati!"- "look at you!" - (Laughs)
# Proprio a me? # - Ma guardati, sei proprio elegante.Well, look at you, all fancy.
# Siediti, guardati, # # non vuoi essere qualcuno?# Sit down, take a look at yourself # Don't you want to be somebody?
- A proposito di cambiamenti, ma guardati. Gia'.Speaking of changes, look at you.
"Ehi, perche' non mi lasci fuori?" Cristo, ma guardatevi, ragazzi.Hey, why don't you leave me out of it? Gee, look at you guys.
("gallo") Ma guardatevi: la 'coppia della porta accanto', preferita d'America!Well, look at you two, America's favorite boy and girl next door.
- Be', guardatevi intorno.Well...just look at them.
- Dai ragazzi, guardatevi.Come on, look at you guys.
- Ma guardatevi!Oh, look at you two!
Finché un giorno, nel '68 o nel '69, guardandosi allo specchio, dice: "Caspita, sono EIvis tale e quale"But one day, like, 1968 or '69... he's looking at himself in the mirror and says, "Damn, I look like Elvis."
Stanno cominciando a capire come funzionano i loro corpi, guardandosi allo specchio. Qui c'e' uno specchio, quindi come...have been set up to develop much They are beginning to understand how their bodies work, by looking at a reflection of themselves.
Stava guardandosi intorno e ha sbattuto contro la macchina di quel signore.She was gawking around, looking at things and smacked into that fella's car.

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