"Võta mind suhu, ma maitsen hästi." | "Put me in your mouth, I taste good". |
- Ma maitsen seda siis. | -I'll taste it, then . |
"Ja verine taevas vastsündinud taeva all, magus, kui maitsed, kuid kibe, kui kord alla neelatud." | "And he bloodied death under the newborn sky -- Sweet to taste, but bitter when once devoured." |
"On sellel midagi viga? On ta liiga kuum?" "Kas sa maitsed seda suppi?" | "Is the soup too hot?" "Will you taste the soup?" |
- Sa maitsed tõesti hästi. | Mm, you do taste good. |
"See maitseb samamoodi ja on tervislikum". Mul on kahju. | "it tastes the same and it's healthier." So sorry. |
"See maitseb samamoodi ja on tervislikum". | "It tastes the same and it's healthier." |
## Sa tead, see maitseb nii hästi ## | ## You know it tastes so good ## |
(Oigeid) See maitseb nagu perse. | (groans) This tastes like ass. |
Ja täna maitseme me kättemaksu magusat nektarit! | And today... ...we will taste... ...the sweet nectar... ...of revenge! |
Jätame neeru alles ja maitseme veidi vabadust. | You know, keep my kidney and get a small taste of freedom. Best of both worlds. |
Kui me maitseme inimverd, tekib mingisugune iha. Ja seda on peaaegu võimatu lõpetada. | When we taste human blood, a sort of frenzy begins, and it's almost impossible to stop. |
Kui me maitseme... inimverd, nagu mingi meeletus algab, ja seda on peaaegu võimatu peatada. | When we taste human blood, a sort of frenzy begins, and it's almost impossible to stop. |
- Ise näete, ise maitsete, ise puudutate. | - See it, taste it, touch it. |
Iga kord, kui te midagi meeletult head maitsete ning küsite "Mis see on?" on vastuseks alati "või". | Every time you taste something that's delicious beyond imagining, and you say, "What is in this?" The answer is always going to be "butter. " |
"Kuidas su huuled maitsevad. | "Of how your lips taste. |
"Mis maitsevad nii hästi." | With a taste that's oh so fine |
"Tulevad vanaema suured "fudge nugget'id" "Mis maitsevad nii hästi." | Come granny's big fudge nuggets with a taste that's oh so fine |
"tõesti asjad hakkavad sulle maitsema just nii nagu nad maitsevad," | "you really start tasting the real taste of what you're eating," |
Kas see ei maitse naljakalt? | Did it not taste funny? |
Riisil polnud viga, aga et sa teaks, kaheksajalg ei maitse sugugi nagu kana. | Well, the rice was okay, but just for the record, octopus does not taste like chicken. |
Su isa mõõk ei maitse nii lihtsalt minu verd. | Your father's sword will not taste my blood that easily. |
Aga mina uskusin, maitsesin kaupa. | But I was confident, having tasted the goods. |
Aga nii kui seda maitsesin, mõistsin, et see on kondiitrist Orhide. | But as soon as I tasted it, I knew it came from the Orchid Bak ery. |
Arvasin, et need on šokolaadikommid, mida ma sööks tavaliselt kamalukaupa, aga need maitsesid nagu... | I thought they were chocolate sprinkles, which I would eat, normally, by the fistful... but this tasted like... |
Dentiksid maitsesid paremini. | The dentics tasted better. |
Emme, ka sina maitsesid seda. | Mom, you tasted it. |
Jah ja sa maitsesid nagu riivatu plika. | (West Indian accent) Yeah and you tasted like a nasty girl. |
- Ma loodan et teile maitses. | - I hope it tasted good. |
- Ta on ainult maitses kohalikku kööki. | - He has only tasted the local cuisine. |
Berta oma maitses jõululikult. | Berta's tasted, I don't know, Christmassy. |
Kuulsin, et sina ja Soolikas maitsesite koos tökatit. | I heard you and Gut tasted some tar together. |
Arvad, et see on sellepärast, et mulle meeldib sind vaadata ja kujutleda, kui hästi sa maitseksid, Clarice? | Do you think it's because I like to look at you and imagine how good you would taste, Clarice? |
"... hääl, maitse, huvitav neiu," | Style, voice, taste... interesting girl, |
"Ja ma sõin austreid millel oli tugev merevee maitse ja nende metalline maitse ja ma jõin nende külma mahla igast avausest ja ma loputasin alla veini mõrkja maitsega mul kadus tühi tunne ja ma muutusin õnnelikuks." | "As l ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea... ...andtheirfaintmetallictaste ... ...asIdranktheircoldliquid from each shell... |
"Ja ma sõin austreid millel oli tugev merevee maitse... ...ja nende metalline maitse... ...ja ma jõin nende külma mahla igast avausest... ...ja ma loputasin alla veini mõrkja maitsega... ...mul kadus tühi tunne... ...ja ma muutusin õnnelikuks." | "As I ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea... ...and their faint metallic taste... ...as I drank their cold liquid from each shell... ...and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine... ...I lost the empty feeling... ...and began to be happy." |
"Mu suus oli vere ja shokolaadi maitse, | "I had the taste of blood and chocolate in my mouth, |
"Tulge maitske veini | "Come taste the wine |
- Vaadake, maitske verd! | - Look, taste the blood! |
Ainult maitske. | Just a taste! |
- Issand sa oled kohutav! Olgu siis, Elmo, ma loodan, et sa oled valmis... maitsma kaotuse piinavat ja kibedat alandust. | [O'Bannion] Okay, Elmo, I hope you are ready... to taste the agonizing, bitter humiliation of defeat. |
- Nagu muutma asju paremini maitsma. | - Like making things taste better. |
- Oled ka sina seda meelt, et teenija peab kõike maitsma, mida ta toob, et see mürgitatud ei oleks? | Did you consider that the servant is required to taste everything she brings me for the threat of poisoning? |
-Ning maitsma? | -And taste? |
! Enne kui ta hakkab vanureid ja töötuid lõbustama, andsime talle maitsta, milline elu ootaks teda siin. | Anyway, the thing is, before he started entertaining the unemployed and the elderly, we gave him a taste of what life would be like out here. |
"Ei suuda ära oodata, et sind uuesti maitsta saaks." | "I can't wait to taste you again". |
"Ta pühib suhkru mu huulilt, et mind maitsta". | "And then he brushes the sugar off my lips so he can taste me." |
"Mõtlesin, et kast rannapalle osutuvad samuti peenekoorelisteks märgadeks greipideks, mida pole iial maitsnud. | "What I thought was a box of beach balls turned out to be the thinnest-skinned, dripping-wet grapefruits I'd ever tasted in my life. |
- Ei. Sest, kui oled kord seda juba maitsnud, tahad juua ainult seda. | Because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink. |
Kallis, seda on maitstud. | Sweetheart it's been tasted. |
Ma olen maitsnud su jõudu ja ma tean, et selle eest tuleb maksta ning ma olen nõus seda tegema. | I have tasted your power, and I know it don't come cheap, and I am willing to pay the price. |
Minagi olen maitsnud üksildaste pisarate soolasust. Vaene pisike, meil on nii palju jagada. | I myself have tasted the saltiness of lonely tears. _BAR__BAR_ Oh,pauvre petit. |
Minagi olen maitsnud üksildaste pisarate soolasust. | I myself have tasted the saltiness of Ionely tears. |
Nii et Sang on maitsnud ehtsat kraami, kas pole? | So Sang has tasted the real thing, has she? |
Sally tagumik on maitsnud vabadust. See ei lähe enam kunagi tagasi. | Sally's ass has tasted freedom, and it's never going back |
Sally tagumik on maitsnud vabadust. | Sally's ass has tasted freedom, |
Ma ei ole maitsnud sellist jõudu tükk aega. | I have not tasted such strength in so long. |
Jovian Sunspot maitseks hästi. | A Jovian Sunspot would taste good now. |
See 200 naela ube ja riisi, mille pidime vankrilt maha viskama, et kaalu vähendada, maitseks praegu palju paremini, kui need 200 naela raamatuid, mis meil on. | That 200 pounds of beans and rice... that we had to toss off the wagon to lessen the weight... would taste a whole lot better right now than the 200 pounds of books we got! |
See maitseks praegu jube hästi. | Man, that would taste so good right now. |
Sierra, see on kindlasti maitsev, aga olen kindel, et see maitseks mujal pareminigi. | l'm sure that tastes good here. It would taste better someplace else. |