"Ma ei vihka neid, kellega võitlen, ma ei armasta neid, keda kaitsen. | Those that I fight I do not hate Those that I guard I do not love |
"Ma vannun pühalikult, et ma usun ja kaitsen | "I do solemnly swear... "that I will support and defend |
- Ma kaitsen õigusi ja tervet mõistust. | - Stand down ! - I stand up for sense and justice. |
- Eemaldan torpeedodelt kaitsed. | Release torpedo safety. |
- Kui kaua kaitsed maas on? | - How long would their shields be down? |
- Kust sa tunned James Barri? - Miks sa teda kaitsed? - Olen advokaat. | How do you know James Barr? –Why are you representing him? –I'm a lawyer. |
- Ma ilmselt loodan, et kui asi jõuab selleni, siis sa kaitsed mind kellegi teise asemel. | I guess I'm just hoping that if it came down to it, that you would protect me... Over someone who's not me. |
Imperaator kaitseb, kuid lisakontroll ei tee paha. | The Emperor protects, but it does no harm to double-check! |
Iraanis on olukord veel segane. Me ei tea, kas pantvange süüdistatakse spioneerimises, aga USA valitsus nõuab endiselt, et pantvangid vabastataks. USA kaitseb väidetavalt inimõigusi, aga tegelikult rikub neid rängalt. | What ever the conflicting signals from Iran today, for that matter everyday, about whether the hostages will or will not be tried as spies, the government of the United States has not deviated from its basic demands: the hostages must be freed. .. to defend human rights, it not only does not defend them, it violates them for all nations. |
Kes kaitseb vapralt haavatud südant. Võit on seda hinnalisem. | One that with noble courage does defend a wounded heart. |
Hakkame Renardile vastu, kaitseme küla. Ja maa, mida teie perekonnad põlvest põlve on harinud, saab teie omaks. | Face down Renard, defend the village and the land that your family has worked for generations will be yours. |
KeIIeIt kaitseme? | Who do you need protection from? |
Kui Wraithid tulevad, kuidas me ennast kaitseme? | When the Wraith do show up, and they will, how do we defend ourselves? |
Kui me seda teha ei suuda, siis me kaitseme neid. | And when we can't do that, we keep them safe. |
Kuidas me end selle vastu kaitseme? | How do we defend against it? |
Aga kuidas te kaitsete ennast? | But how do you defend yourselves? |
Härra, te kaitsete riigi ajalugu ja te olete kangelane. | Come on down from there for me, please. Sir, you protect our nation's history, and you're a hero. |
Ilmselgelt te kaitsete oma meest. | Obviously, you are defending your man. I respect that, I do. |
Isand Liu, kas te ei soovi teada, keda te kaitsete? | Master Liu, don't you want to know who you're protecting? |
- Sest nad arvavad, et kaitsevad seda saart minu eest, kuigi tegelikult soovin siit vaid lahkuda. | Because they're convinced That they're protecting the island from me, When, in fact, all I wanna do is leave. |
Ei tea, kas Iidsed kaitsevad ennast, kuna nad on otseses ohus? | Given the fact that they are personally threatened do you think the Ancients will take measure to defends themselves? |
Ei. Kassid ju teadolevalt kaitsevad oma territooriumi ja sellepärast ta ründaski. See veel ei tähenda, et ta on kurjast vaevatud. | All I'm saying is that cats are known... to be very territorial animals... and it's likely that it did attack... but that doesn't mean it was possessed. |
Elevandid on tugevad ja julged ja nad kaitsevad oma paarilisi. | You are a toad. You even look like a toad. And you look like a dog. |
- Ma ei tormanud kallale, vaid kaitsesin ennast. | -I didn't attack anyone. I was just trying to defend myself. |
Elba`l randumine ei päästnud kapteni elu, monsieur. - Ma kaitsesin kaupa. | Puttin' into Elba didn't save the captain's life, monsieur. |
Kui mina 8 aastaselt Stalingradi kaitsesin, mina ei mõtelnud enda eest. | When I was 8, defending Stalingrad, I didn't think for myself. |
- Nagu sa kaitsesid Otist? | Like you did with Otis? |
Kuid ma imetlesin, kuidas sa vapralt kaitsesid võitmatus vaidluses oma seisukohta, kui võrdlesid oma olukorda "Titanicuga". | But I did admire how you ferociously defended an unwinnable position by comparing your relationship to theTitanic. |
Ma olen sinus kahtlusi tekitanud, sest su vanemad ei teinud sulle teenet, kui nad sind valedega kaitsesid. | I've given you the benefit of the doubt because your parents did you no favors by protecting you with lies. |
Heites mind vanglasse, lõi ta kaks kärbest ühe hoobiga, kaitses oma isa ja osutas monarhiale teene. | He protected his father and did the monarchy a favour. |
Julian vaid kaitses end, ta ei teinud midagi valesti. | Julian was only defending himself, he did nothing wrong. |
Kui ta seda tegi, siis ta kaitses ennast. | If he did, then he was defending himself. |
Kuidas kaitses mind ainult temaga, ilma pereta üles kasvamine? | How did it protect me to grow up alone with no family but her? |
Meid ei huvitanud, keda me kaitsesime. | We didn't care who we were protecting. |
Te ei vaadanud seda lihtsalt kõrvalt vaid kaitsesite oma maad. | You didn't just stand by and watch it; - you defended your country. |
- Nagu ütlesid, teadis Porter mind asetäitjaks tehes, et kaitseksin elanikke iga hinna eest. | Because, like you said, when Porter made me second-in-command, he knew that I would do whatever I could to keep the civilians safe. |
"Kaitse oma olemasolu senikaua, kuni kaitse ei kahjusta inimest." | "Protect your own existence as long as such protection does not harm humans." |
"Ma olen ta arst." On see sinu kaitse? | "I'm his doctor" Is thatyour defrense? |
"kaitse kindlust" osa ning minul ei ole mingit kavatsust uuesti istuvat parti mängida. | "hold down the fort" detail to me, and I, for one, have no intention of playing the sitting-duck card again. |
Ma ei saa lasta sul seda teha, ma pidin sind kaitsema. | I can't let you do this, I suppose to protect you. |
Me oleme olnud siin all, Torni valvamas, ja meie lapsed ning nende lapsed omakorda hakkavad seda pärast meie surma kaitsema. | We've been down here, guarding The Tower, and our children and our children's children will protect it when we're gone. |
Rünnata Bardoni kuru, meelitada välja kuningas, tappa ta, kui ta seda kaitsema tuleb. | "Attack Bardon Pass. Draw out the king. "Kill him when he shows up to defend it." |
Peale nende poolt sulle tehtut kaitseda sa veel neid. | After all they've done to you, you protect them. |