Vi skal inspicere ledningerne og kontakterne. | We're here to inspect the wiring and the switches. |
- Vil han inspicere soldaterne? | We thought he might inspect our number one platoon. |
Hvis nogen vil inspicere dig, sender jeg dem ind. | If anyone wants to inspect you l'll send them in. |
- ville jeg inspicere den. | - I'd want to inspect it. |
Man er velkommen til at komme og inspicere varerne. | Those desiring to inspect the items for defects please step forward. |
I må stå af, mens vi inspicerer. | Sorry, folks, but you'll have to get out while we unload for inspection. |
- Herren inspicerer lord Yabus tropper. | MARI KO: He's inspecting Lord Yabu's troops. |
Briterne inspicerer os, når det passer dem. | The British find it amusing to inspect us at their convenience. |
Øverstbefalende Morrow inspicerer. | Starfleet Commander Morrow is on his way for inspection. |
Hvis du bare kommer herhen_BAR_og inspicerer den... | Howard, if you'd just come over and inspect the unit... |
På opfordring af min vært inspicerede jeg skibet. | At my host's invitation, I inspected the ship. |
"Godkendt, H. Calder." Det var dig, der inspicerede den? | "Approved, H Calder." You inspected it? |
-I 1995 inspicerede han Vamos som du drev. | In 1995 he inspected a restaurant you rworked in. |
Jeg inspicerede det grundigt. | l inspected it carefully. |
Shah Reza Pahlavi inspicerede Berlins politis æresgarde. | Stefan! The Shah inspected an honour-guard of the Berlin Police. |
Jeg har inspiceret båden. De bør vide, at jeg ikke kan svømme. | I've inspected this boat and I think you ought to know I can't swim. |
- En rabbiner har inspiceret det. | I think it means when a rabbi has inspected it or something. |
Vær venlig at underskrive dette dokument, for at attestere at jeg har inspiceret brevet for smuglervarer, uden på noget tidspunkt at have brudt fortrolighedsprivilegiet, ved at læse det vedlagte materiale. | Please sign this document, certifying that I inspected the communication for contraband, without at any time breaching attorney-client privilege by reading the materials enclosed herein. |
Min chef vil have det hele inspiceret og godkendt inden den 31. | My boss wants all his gear inspected and certified by the 31st. |
Vi fik bygningen inspiceret i sidste uge. | We had the building inspected last week. |