Kaip ir kiekvienas muziejus, mokykla ar ligoninė, parkas BIOSCOPE įkūnytų norą tarnauti Elzaso regiono žmonėms. | Like a museum, school or hospital, Bioscope is the embodiment of the determination to serve the public in Alsace. |
Pagrindinis ES tikslas — tarnauti savo piliečiams. | The EU exists to serve its citizens. |
Pagrindinis Europos Sąjungos tikslas – tarnauti savo piliečiams. | Serving Europe’s citizens e European Union exists to serve its citizens. |
Ir Audos malonumas yra tarnauti turkams. | And Auda's pleasure is to serve the Turks. |
Esu čia tarnauti gyvybei. | I try to serve life. |
Aš tarnauju? | l serve? |
Aš tarnauju Dievui, o ne žmonėms. | I serve God, not people. |
Primenu, kad tarnauju kitiems, pone Sperou, ne tik sau. | By remembering that l serve others, Mr. Sparrow. Not only myself. |
Jis turi, sinjore, didelį poreikį, kaip žmonės sako, tarnauti... lš tiesų, trumpai ir aiškiai kalbant, aš tarnauju pas žydą ir trokštu, kaip mano tėvas jums paaiškins... | He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve. Indeed, sir. The short and the long is, |
Bet aš tarnauju sostui, o sostas amžinas. | But I serve the throne, and the throne will endure. |
Mano kariai Uruk-hai kam tarnauji? | My fighting Uruk-hai whom do you serve? |
Dobby, tai, tai čia tavo šeimininkas šeima kuriai tu tarnauji Malfoy's | Dobby. So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys. |
Tai taip tu tarnauji savo miestui? | This is how you would serve your city? |
Kieno Dievui ir šaliai tu tarnauji? | Whose God and country do you serve? |
Esi Bažnyčios sesuo, bet tarnauji jiems, vienuolynui. | You are a sister of the Church and yet you serve them: the Priory. |
Mes tarnaujame jums. | Lord Stark, we serve at your pleasure. |
Mes tarnaujame Deivei. | We serve the Goddess. |
Aš tarnavau dvejus metus šiaurėje po to dvejus metus kovojom su japonais | I served two years up north, and two years to fighting the Japanese... |
Aš tiktai visada nuoširdžiai tarnavau jums, valdove. | I've only ever served you, my lord. |
Patraukit jį man iš akių! Nebetarnauju tavo tikslui? Kam aš tarnavau, kai išgelbėjau tavo šunėkišką gyvybę Gaugameloje? | I don't serve your purpose, what was I serving... |
Aš tarnavau jau... daug, daug metų... ir galiu tau užtikrintai pasakyti... nėra jokio triuko, kurio jie dar nematė. | I've served on the edge of it... for... many, many years... and I can tell you with certainty... there's no trick they haven't seen. |
Kiekvienas vadas, su kuriuo tarnavau, bandė įsiūlyti įprastą ginklą. | Every commander I've ever served under tries to get me to use a regulation gun. |
Kur tarnavai? | Where did you serve? |
Garbingai tarnavai savo daliniui, laivynui ir savo šaliai, sūnau. | You served your unit, your corps and your country with honor, son. Walk away with dignity. |
Maršalai, ištikimai tarnavai mano broliui, o prieš tai mano tėvui. | Marshal, you served my brother faithfully and my father before him. |
Tu gerai jam tarnavai, kai tarnauti buvo saugu. | You served him well when serving was safe. |
Ar kada nors tarnavai savo šaliai? | Have you served for your country? |
Jei „Taip“, nurodykite: tarnavo kaip šauktinis | If ‘Yes’, indicate if he served as a conscript |
tarnavo kaip šauktinis | if he served as a conscript |
Jeigu asmuo tarnavo Ispanijos ginkluotuose pajėgose, kartu su E 207 forma pridėkite karinės tarnybos knygelę (cartilla militar). | If the person concerned served in the Spanish armed forces, enclose a copy of the service record book (cartilla militar) with form E 207. |
Jei asmuo tarnavo Italijos, Latvijos, Lietuvos, buvusios TSRS, Slovakijos ar buvusios Čekoslovakijos armijoje, pateikite tarnybą patvirtinančio dokumento (Italijoje – foglio matricolare) arba tarnybą patvirtinančios pažymos (Italijoje – stato di servizio) kopijas kartu su E 207 forma, jei įmanoma. | If the person concerned served in the armed forces in Italy, in Latvia or in Lithuania or the former USSR, or in Slovakia or the former Czechoslovakia a copy of his service book (for Italy: ‘foglio matricolare’) or of his service record (for Italy: ‘stato di servizio’) should be enclosed where possible with the E 207 form. |
Sakai, tarnavo raštininku štabe? | He said he had served at headquarters? Military clerk? |
Drauge tarnavome. | We served together. |
Mes visi tarnavome. | We all served. |
Ieškau draugo, kartu tarnavome Irake. | Yeah. I'm looking for a friend of mine. We served in Iraq. |
Tada galėsime gyvent it tie karaliai, kuriems tarnavome. | Then we get to live like the kings we've served. |
Tačiau, kaip minima toliau 127 konstatuojamoje dalyje, žalos skirtumas yra ženkliai mažesnis nei nustatytas dempingo skirtumas, neįskaitant šios produkto rūšies, todėl pirmasis tarnaus pagrindu nustatant priemonių dydį. | Insofar as mentioned in recital 127, the injury margin is significantly lower than the dumping margin found without including this product type, and therefore will serve as a basis for establishing the level of the measures. |
Aš ir mano namai tarnausime Viešpačiui. | As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. |
Išeikit į priekį tie, kurie tarnautų armijoj, kurią surinksim! | Step forward, those who would serve for an army will be raised. |