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Palvella (to serve) conjugation

125 examples
kotus type 67/tulla, no gradation

Conjugation of palvella

Present tense
I serve
you serve
he/she serves
we serve
you all serve
they serve
is served
Past tense
I served
you served
he/she served
we served
you all served
they served
was served
Conditional mood
I would serve
you would serve
he/she would serve
we would serve
you all would serve
they would serve
would be served
Imperative mood
let's serve!
be served!
Potential tense
I probably serve
you probably serve
he/she probably serves
we probably serve
you all probably serve
they probably serve
probably is served
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to serve
to serve
while serving
while serving
just about to serve
Passive infinitives
while not serving
not serving
Passive participles
not served
not served
Present negative tense
en palvele
I do not serve
et palvele
you do not serve
ei palvele
he/she do not serve
emme palvele
we do not serve
ette palvele
you all do not serve
eivät palvele
they do not serve
ei palvella
is not served
Past negative tense
en palvellut
I did not serve
et palvellut
you did not serve
ei palvellut
he/she did not serve
emme palvelleet
we did not serve
ette palvelleet
you all did not serve
eivät palvelleet
they did not serve
oli palveltu
had been served
Conditional negative tense
en palvelisi
I would not serve
et palvelisi
you would not serve
ei palvelisi
he/she would not serve
emme palvelisi
we would not serve
ette palvelisi
you all would not serve
eivät palvelisi
they would not serve
Imperative negative mood
älä palvele
do not serve!
älköön palvelko
let him/her/it not serve!
älkäämme palvelko
let's not serve!
älkää palvelko
do not serve!
älkööt palvelko
do not serve!
Potential negative tense
en palvelle
I probably do not serve
et palvelle
you probably do not serve
ei palvelle
he/she probably does not serve
emme palvelle
we probably do not serve
ette palvelle
you all probably do not serve
eivät palvelle
they probably do not serve
Present perfect tense
olen palvellut
I have served
olet palvellut
you have served
on palvellut
he/she has served
olemme palvelleet
we have served
olette palvelleet
you all have served
ovat palvelleet
they have served
on palveltu
has been served
Past perfect tense
olin palvellut
I had served
olit palvellut
you had served
oli palvellut
he/she had served
olimme palvelleet
we had served
olitte palvelleet
you all had served
olivat palvelleet
they had served
Conditional perfect tense
olisin palvellut
I would have served
olisit palvellut
you would have served
olisi palvellut
he/she would have served
olisimme palvelleet
we would have served
olisitte palvelleet
you all would have served
olisivat palvelleet
they would have served
olisi palveltu
would has been served
Imperative perfect tense
ole palvellut
you have served!
olkoon palvellut
he/she have served!
olkaamme palvelleet
we have served!
olkaa palvelleet
you all have served!
olkoot palvelleet
they have served!
olkoon palveltu
has been served!
Potential perfect tense
lienen palvellut
I probably have served
lienet palvellut
you probably have served
lienee palvellut
he/she probably has served
lienemme palvelleet
we probably have served
lienette palvelleet
you all probably have served
lienevät palvelleet
they probably have served
lienee palveltu
probably has been served
Present perfect negative tense
en ole palvellut
I have not served
et ole palvellut
you have not served
ei ole palvellut
he/she has not served
emme ole palvelleet
we have not served
ette ole palvelleet
you all have not served
eivät ole palvelleet
they have not served
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut palvellut
I had not served
et ollut palvellut
you had not served
ei ollut palvellut
he/she had not served
emme olleet palvelleet
we had not served
ette olleet palvelleet
you all had not served
eivät olleet palvelleet
they had not served
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi palvellut
I would not have served
et olisi palvellut
you would not have served
ei olisi palvellut
he/she would not have served
emme olisi palvelleet
we would not have served
ette olisi palvelleet
you all would not have served
eivät olisi palvelleet
they would not have served
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole palvellut
you have served!
olkoon palvellut
he/she have served!
olkaamme palvelleet
we have served!
olkaa palvelleet
you all have served!
olkoot palvelleet
they have served!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene palvellut
I probably have not served
et liene palvellut
you probably have not served
ei liene palvellut
he/she probably has not served
emme liene palvelleet
we probably have not served
ette liene palvelleet
you all probably have not served
eivät liene palvelleet
they probably have not served

Examples of palvella

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Ehkä saan joskus palvella presidenttinä.""Maybe one day, PH have my chance to serve as President,
"En pidä äänensävystänne, sir..." -"On kunnia palvella teitä!"I don't think I much care for your tone, sir. What an honour to serve under a captain with such a record,sir.
"Haluatko totella ja palvella häntä -"Wilt thou obey him and serve him...
"Messiaat haluavat valtaa, eivät he halua palvella.""Power is what all messiahs really seek, not the chance to serve."
"Miten voin parhaiten palvella Kublaita ja hänen valtakuntaansa?""How do I best serve Kublai and his kingdom?"
"Elän palvellakseni, palvelen elääkseni." Hoet sitä jatkuvasti."I live to serve, I serve to live. "
"Silti palvelen maatani ja autan äitiäni ilolla."- But I'm happy to serve my country - and to help out my mom.
- Hän, jota palvelen.Then who is? - The one I serve.
- Koska minä palvelen häntä.We all serve him.
- Minä palvelen Stannisia.I don't serve the others. I serve Stannis.
"Jumalasi, jota niin palvelet...""..'Thy God whom thou serveth continually...'"
"Valitse itse tänä päivänä" "mitä jumalaa palvelet"-"Choose for yourselves... this day..." "...which God you will serve."
- En ole koskaan halveksunut eteläläistä - on väärin että palvelet Cao Caota.I'd never disrespect a talented Southerner but to serve Cao Cao is wrong
- Ja silti palvelet?- And yet you still serve?
- Ketä palvelet?- Who do you serve?
"Kilpailussa henkilökohtainen kunnianhimo palvelee yleistä hyvää.""In competition... SOLINEILSON: "...individual ambition serves the common good."
"Viisas mies ei koskaan kysy, mitä toinen palvelee." - "Vain hänen toimensa kertovat totuuden.""A wise man never asks what another man serves for only his actions will speak the true answer. "
- Cromwell palvelee meitä hyvin.Cromwell serves us well, sweetheart.
- Politiikka palvelee itseään.Politics serves itself.
- Se palvelee tarkoitustani.It serves a purpose. I'm...
- Me palvelemme herraamme.- We serve our master. Please come before--
- Me palvelemme teurastajaa.- We serve the butcher.
- Miten palvelemme sinua?How shall we serve you?
-"mutta mitä minuun ja talooni tulee" "mutta mitä minuun ja talooni tulee" "me palvelemme Jumalaa.""But as for me... and my house..." "But as for me... and my house..." "...we will serve the Lord."
-En sir, palvelemme kaikki kuningastaWe all serve the king.
- Olette varmaan johdossa. Tutkin sukkulanne tietokannan. Tiedän, että olette planeetalta nimeltä Maa ja palvelette Enterprise-aluksella.I took the liberty to examine the database in your shuttlecraft, so I know that you're from a planet called Earth, and that you serve on a vessel called Enterprise.
Elämä, jota niin jalosti palvelette, syntyy epäjärjestyksestä.Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction and chaos.
Etsimme sitä, jota te palvelette.That which you serve, we seek.
Hänen kauttaan palvelette muita.And through him, you serve others.
Ja kuitenkin palvelette heitä.- They have maria. For her I'll serve anyone.
"Kaikki sielut ovat orjuutettuja, jotka palvelevat pahoja.""All spirits are enslaved that serve things evil."
"Useat robottipalvelijat palvelevat koko päivän!"There are many robot servants, and they serve you all day.
- He palvelevat meitä, kuningattareni.They serve us, my queen.
- Ketä Pimeyden sisaret palvelevat?And whom do the Sisters of the Dark serve?
- Mitä tarkoitusta nämä tiedot palvelevat?- What purpose does this serve?
- Minä palvelin armeijassa.Look, I served.
-Minäkin palvelin ristiä.- I served the cross.
...palvelen teitä kuten palvelin Amerikkaa sodassa.And I intend to serve you the way I served the American people overseas when they needed me.
Edellisessä elämässä palvelin kuningattaren joukoissa Intiassa.In a previous life, I served with Her Majesty's forces in India. - Interesting sideline...
En kenellekään. Vannon isäsi, jota palvelin niin hyvin, kunnian kautta.I didn't show anyone anything, on the memory of your father, whom I served well.
- Badgadissako palvelit?Where was it you said you served again? Baghdad?
- Selvä. Sinähän palvelit Wienissä sodan jälkeen.Oh, Higgins, you served in Vienna after the war, didn't you?
-Carlo, missä palvelit?- Carlo, where have you served?
Ehkä koska palvelit väärää.Maybe that's because you served the wrong one.
Hän tietää, että palvelit armeijan kenttäsairaalassa Pohjois-Afrikassa.He knows that you served in North Africa in an army field hospital.
"1887 Sebastian Lyddiard, Herbert Lyddiardin pojanpojanpoika" - "joka palveli sir John Jarvisia..."'In 1887, Sebastian Lyddiard, great-grandson of Herbert Lyddiard, who'd served against Napoleon -
"Hän palveli maatamme kunniakkaasti.""He served our country with honor and dignity.
"Me täten todistamme, että Nam Sung Shik palveli tasavaltaa.""We hereby certify that Nam Sung Shik served the republic.
- Amanda palveli maataan.- Look, Amanda served her country.
- En mitään, kenraali. Sitä vain, - että Chuck palveli uskollisesti. Hänessä olisi potentiaalia järjestön analyytikoksi.Nothing,general.It's just... chuck's served his country with honor.
- Emmekö voi olla samaa mieltä, että palvelimme suojellaksemme avointa keskustelua, demokratian ydintä?Can't we agree that you and I served so that we could protect open debate, which is the very bedrock of democracy?
George ja minä palvelimme yhdessä, kun ilmavoimat todella oli - tämän maan ensimmäinen puolustuslinja.George and I served together when the Air Force really was... - ..our first line of defence.
Harjoittelimme yhdessä, palvelimme yhdessä ja meistä tuli hyvät ystävät.We trained together and served together and, well, we came to be good friends.
Hänen tekonsa oli hirveän väärin, tiedän sen nyt mutta olen yhä ylpeä, että palvelimme yhdessä.What he did was terribly wrong, I know that now but I'm still proud to have served with him.
Johnin isä ja minä palvelimme Kiinassa.John's father and I served in China.
Hra Blakeney sanoi, että palvelitte lordi Nelsonia Niilillä. Todellakin.Excuse me, sir, but Mr Blakeney said that you served under Lord Nelson at the Nile.
Kapteeni Parrish, palvelitte kuulemma kenraali Kirkpatrickin joukoissa Georgiassa.Capt. Parrish, they tell me you served with Gen. Kirkpatrick in Georgia.
Kenraali Kenobi, useita vuosia sitten palvelitte isääni kloonisodissa.General Kenobi, many years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars.
Kenraali Kenobi, vuosia sitten palvelitte isääni.General Kenobi, years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars.
Koska palvelitte siellä C-osaston komentajana tuskin tarvitsee selvittää alueen ongelmia.Sir, since you served as a C detachment commander I won't elaborate on the southern corps.
"Claytonille ja Matthewsille jotka palvelivat kanssani Kuubassa:"To the two Rough Riders, Clayton and Matthews, who served with me in Cuba...
- He palvelivat yhdessä. - Näytä se.- He and the victim served together.
- Hän ja Smith palvelivat Ranskassa.He and Sergeant Smith served in France together?
Ei väliä, missä tai milloin he palvelivat, - ei väliä, ovatko nimet maailmalle tuttuja, - jokainen heistä on inspiraation ja rohkeuden lähde.No matter when or where they served... no matter if their names are known to the world or only to us... each cherished colleague remains a constant source of inspiration and courage.
He palvelivat perhettäni seitsemän vuosisataa.They served my family for seven centuries.
Danny, tammikuu lähestyy, ja minä olisin todella innoissani - jos palvelisit rinnallani varapresidenttinä.Well, Danny, come January, I would be so pleased if you would serve alongside me as my vice president.
Ehkä se palvelisi varoittavana tarinana. Ehkä se auttaisi minua ymmärtämään miksi.Maybe it would serve as a cautionary tale... and maybe it would help me understand why.
Häneltä vietäisiin arvonimet, ja hän palvelisi valtakuntaa siellä.Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile.
Se oli kova opetus, mutta se palvelisi minua hyvin.It was a hard lesson, but it would serve me well.
Yhteinen vihollinen palvelisi tarkoitusta hyvin.A mutual enemy would serve that purpose very well.
Me palvelisimme kaikkia.Ours would serve more people. - I wanna bring that home.
Hyvästä hinnasta palvelisitte vaikka sulttaania.I think you would serve the Sultan if the price was right.
Säädöksen mukaan paikalle koottiin myös nuoria miehiä - joista tehtäisiin eunukkeja, jotka palvelisivat kuningatarehdokkaita.In accordance with the protocol, young men were also rounded up to become eunuchs who would serve the queen's candidates during their time of preparation.
"En palvele enää kirkkoa.""I serve the Church no more."
"Suojele ja palvele" ja paskat.Back to you. VIKRAM: "Protect and serve" my ass.
- Athos ei palvele rinnallasi.Athos has made it clear he can never serve at your side again.
- Eivätkö ne mielestäsi palvele toisiaan?One serves the other, don't you think?
- En palvele Starkeja.I don't serve the Starks.
Jumalan armeliaisuus palvelkoon sinua.May God's mercy serve you.
Jatkakaa rauhassa ja palvelkaa sheriffiänne...Go forth... in peace... Iove and serve...
Lähtekää rauhassa ja palvelkaa Herraa.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Menkää ja palvelkaa Herraa.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Menkää rauhassa ja palvelkaa herraa.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Menkää rauhassa, rakastakaa ja palvelkaa jumalaa.Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Kansat palvelkoot sinua ja kansakunnat sinua kumartakootMay people serve you and nations bow down to you.
- Herra Braymer on täällä palvellakseen yhteisiä etujamme.Mr. Braemer is here to serve our mutual interests.
Chuck teki valintansa ja kuten me muutkin, hän teki sen palvellakseen maataan.Chuck made his own choice. And like the rest of us, he did it to serve his country.
He eivät eroa muista, jotka olemme pakottaneet alistumaan, sillä he ovat hylänneet aatteensa palvellakseen korruptoitunutta senaattia.They are no different from others that we have forced into submission. For they have forsaken their ideas to serve a corrupt senate.
He ovat tulleet palvellakseen sinua ja taistelemaan kuningasta vastaan. Tuck!They're here to serve you and fight against that king.
Hän ei pysty pakenemaan kohtaloaan, kuten sinäkään et pysty omaasi, - mutta yhden on tapahduttava palvellakseen toista.She cannot escape her destiny, just as you cannot escape yours, but one must happen to serve the other.
Miksi et ole täällä muslimiveljiesi kanssa palvelemassa maatasi?Why aren't you here with your Muslim brothers, serving your country.
Minä olin palvelemassa maata - ja vaimo petti minua hobokenilaisen kanssa.I'm off risking my neck, serving my country, she cheats on me with some jerk from Hoboken.
Kun Maailmainyhteisö lakkaa palvelemasta hyvää, minä lakkaan palvelemasta heitä.I recreated the commonwealth for good. The day it stops serving the good Is the day that i stop serving it.
Luuletko estäväsi minua palvelemasta heitä?Do you really think there's anything you can do to stop me from serving them now?
Veljenpoikasi tulee palvelemasta isänmaataan eikä saa edes kaljaa?Your nephew comes home from serving his country, and doesn't even rate a free beer?
En katso toista kertaa sivusta, kun kansani alistetaan palvelemaan epäjumalia.- No! I will not stand by while we are once again subjugated into serving false gods.
Ikävä vain, etten päässyt palvelemaan alaisuudessanne.I'm just sorry it won't be you I'm serving under.
Miehinä, joista oli palvelemaan tässä armeijassa. Tai tunareina, jotka historia ja aika ennen pitkää unohtaa.Men worthy of serving in this army, or an embarrassment that history and time will eventually forget.
Olen kertonut sinulle aiemmin, että en ole kiinnostunut palvelemaan Utheria.I'm not interested in serving Uther.
Olen valmis taas palvelemaan maata.Mr. President, I'm ready to go back to serving the American people.
Joku joka luuli... palvelemalla maatansa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, voisi auttaa häntä taas löytämään itsensä.Someone who thought... By serving his country as best as he could, he might be able to find himself again.
Ne ovat isäni, herra. Rukoilen teitä, rohkea kuningas. Antakaa minun lunastaa isäni nimi palvelemalla teitä taistelussa.I beg you, bold king, to permit me to redeem my father's name by serving you in combat.
Voin vain toivoa, että saan sovittaa tekoni palvelemalla sinua - koko lopun elämäni.I only hope you allow me to atone by serving your will for the rest of my days.
Pidätämme oikeuden olla palvelematta sinua.And get out of this pub. We're reserving our rights not to serve you.
Sillä jos keksit tavan elää palvelematta mestaria,- ketään mestaria, - kerrothan sitten meille?For if you figure a way to live without serving a master any master then let the rest us know, will you?
Eikö tullut mieleesi että Baal´n palveleminen ei ole ainut kiinnostuksen kohde?Has it ever occurred to you that serving Baal may not be my only interest here?
Kansan palveleminen menee edelle.No task is too small when it comes to serving your people.
Kapteeni Tyreen - kuulostaako maasi palveleminen jälleen - paremmalta vaihtoehdolta kuin kahleiden raahaaminen?Captain Tyreen... does the prospect of serving under your country's flag once again... seem more attractive than dragging its chains in this prison?
Kuten sinun mädän hallituksesi palveleminen?What, like serving in your corrupt administration?
Mihin toisten ihmisten palveleminen on unohtunut?Whatever happened to people serving each other?
- Ei palvelemista.- Not serving.
- Totta! ei ole Jumalan palvelemista varten.- Right! is not a house for serving the Lord!
Ei tässä ole kuin minun nimeni. En harkitse muuta kuin maani palvelemista kuten tekin.The only name on this letter is mine, and the only option I'm considering is serving my country like you two did.
Hän tarjosi tapaa jatkaa maani palvelemista.He offered me a way to keep serving my country.
Isänmaan palvelemista sodan ja rauhan aikanaIt means serving your country in peace and in war. So let's raise--
- itse-palveleva, yli mielipiteytetty perse!- self-serving, overopinionated ass!
Dyson oli siis laumaeläin, herraansa palveleva soturi?Ugh! So you're saying Dyson was a pack-matey, liege-serving warrior dude?
Hän on palveleva upseeri jolta puuttuu puolet kasvoista ja myöskin vasen käsi.He's a serving officer with half his face missing, and his left hand as well.
Oletettavasti hän on yhä palveleva upseeri?Presumably he's still a serving officer?
Olette kentällä palveleva upseeri.Personal? You're a serving officer in the field.
""Olen palvellut teitä hyvin mutta arvostelukykyni on kyseenalaistettu.'I have served you well in the past, but my judgment has been called into question.
"Jos todella uskotte, että olen palvellut vain itseäni, olen menettänyt luottamuksenne iäksi.""If you truly believe that I have only served myself, "then I have forever lost your trust
- Erinomaista, - olet palvellut minua hyvin.Excellent. You've served me well.
- Hienoa! Olet palvellut maatasi hienosti, pikkuneiti.You have served your country proud, little lady.
- Jos olisit palvellut kapteenin kanssa...If you had served with Captain Quantrill...

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