始める 挿入中だ | I'm mounting up. |
- 始める? | - Game on. You can leave the bottle too. |
"ドミナスの名において 始める" | "In the name of Dominus, depart." |
成分はそうだが しかし... 静かにして聞くと... 彼らは口答えを 始める... | Ingredients are ingredients, but... if you go quiet and you just listen they start to talk back to you and they tell you what they need, and the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts. |
i'll start by calling your colleague あなたの 同僚に電話をする によって 私 始める at langemore langemoreで | Dr. Harris. |
始めない | We can't start this again. |
始めます | Here we go. |
嵐がやんだら 始めます | They'll set out when the storm's over. |
臨床試験を... 始めます | Human trials, take one. |
彼は探すことを 始めます | This could be the opening he's been looking for. |
それじゃ 始めます | In that case, we'll start straightaway. |
あっ, 始めた. - ははははは... | He's feeling no pain. |
Then you started あなた 始めた talking to yourself 自分と話す and it was obviously それ 明らかにそうだった very personal 非常に個人的 So l was stuck 私 張り付けられて in no man's land 無人地帯で | Then you started talking to yourself and it was obviously very personal. |
始めよ | Begin. |
- OK 始めて | - Okay, go ahead, sweetie. |
では 始めて | Let's see who comes first, who comes last |
始めて | Let's do it. |
どうぞ 始めて それとも私が二人にお仕置きを? | - Would you like some tea, ma'am? - Yes, I'll help myself. |
i could've been home with my family 私 家族と共に家にいたかもしれない having dinner 夕食を食べる instead of cleaning up your mess あなたの 混乱をきれいにする の代わりに because you bumped your head あなた 頭に突き当たったので and started to believe your cover あなたの カバーを信じるため 始められる | I could've been home with my family, having dinner instead of cleaning up your mess because you bumped your head and started to believe your cover. |
instead of cleaning up your mess あなたの 混乱をきれいにする の代わりに because you bumped your head あなた 頭に突き当たったので and started to believe your cover あなたの カバーを信じるため 始められる tell me 私に言いなさい | I could've been home with my family. having dinner... ...instead of cleaning up your mess because you bumped your head... ...and started to believe your cover. |
始めよう | Let's begin. |
さあ 始めよう | So I sniff around to see what's buried. Here we go. |
- まぁいい 始めよう - そうだな | ( Malik whispers in English ) Dude, can you speed things up? Don't forget his. |
よし 始めよう | Good. All right. |
始め... | Platoon! |
始め! | Fight! |
卍谷より 始め | Manjidani... begin. |
始め | Begin. |
54a2ー 始め | Five, four, three, two, one. |
はじめます! | Let go! |
はじめよ | Let's get started. |
そこで俺の顔を見て... はじめて... 俺の仕業だったと 気づくわけだ | I wish I could walk in just when it happens so right then you'd know it was me. |
はじめて? | Is this your first time? |
だから... 朝 起きたくなかった... はじめて 学校に行く日... | l just-- l didn't like to wake up. |
男が全てを賭して はじめて 得る物があるのだ | And no profit ever came without costing another man everything. |
さあ、ディーラー はじめよう | We should look into his finances. |
僕は常に君のことを考え 君も僕のこと考えてた もう考えるのを止めて はじめよう | I still think about you all the time and I know you've been thinking about me too, so let's just stop thinking and start doing. |
わかった はじめよう | If something like this happens again, i'll take my ravens and leave. |
よっしゃ はじめよう! | Ready to go? Alright |
では... はじめよう | Then hit me, if you can. |
はじめ! | No weakness! No pain! No mercy! |
(はじめ) 新撰組 三番隊組長 斎藤- 覚悟 ! | Prepare yourself Shinsengumi Third Division Captain Saito Hajime! |