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Alustama (to begin) conjugation

68 examples

Conjugation of alustama

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I begin
you begin
he/she/it begins
we begin
you all begin
they begin
ei alusta
(do/does) not begin
it is begun
ei alustata
it is not begun
Past tense
I began
you began
he/she/it began
we began
you all began
they began
ei alustanud
did not begin
it was begun
ei alustatud
it was not begun
Conditional mood
alustaksin, alustaks
I would begin
alustaksid, alustaks
you would begin
he/she/it would begin
alustaksime, alustaks
we would begin
alustaksite, alustaks
you all would begin
alustaksid, alustaks
they would begin
ei alustaks
would not begin
it would be begun
ei alustataks
it would not be begun
Imperative mood
let him/her/it begin
let's begin
let them begin
be begun
Imperative negative mood
ära alusta
do not begin
ärgu alustagu
let him/her/it not begin
ärgem alustagem, ärme alustame
let him/her/it not begin
ärge alustage
do not begin
ärgu alustagu
let them not begin
ärgu alustatagu
do not be begun
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been begun
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen alustanud
I have begun
oled alustanud
you have begun
on alustanud
he/she/it has begun
oleme alustanud
we have begun
olete alustanud
you all have begun
on alustanud
they have begun
ei ole alustanud, pole alustanud
(have/has) not begun
on alustatud
it has been begun
ei ole alustatud, pole alustatud
it has not been begun
Pluperfect past tense
olin alustanud
I had begun
olid alustanud
you had begun
oli alustanud
he/she/it had begun
olime alustanud
we had begun
olite alustanud
you all had begun
oli alustanud
they had begun
ei olnud alustanud, polnud alustanud
had not begun
oli alustatud
it had been begun
ei olnud alustatud, polnud alustatud
it had not been begun
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin alustanud; oleks alustanud; alustanuksin; alustanuks
I would have begun
oleksid alustanud; oleks alustanud; alustanuksid; alustanuks
you would have begun
oleks alustanud; alustanuks
he/she/it would have begun
oleksime alustanud; oleks alustanud; alustanuksime; alustanuks
we would have begun
oleksite alustanud; oleks alustanud; alustanuksite; alustanuks
you all would have begun
oleksid alustanud; oleks alustanud; alustanuksid; alustanuks
they would have begun
ei oleks alustanud; poleks alustanud; ei alustanuks
would not have begun
oleks alustatud
it would have been begun
ei oleks alustatud; poleks alustatud
it would not have been begun
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) begins
ei alustavat
(allegedly) does not begin
(allegedly) it is begun
ei alustatavat
(allegedly) it is not begun
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat alustanud; alustanuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has begun
ei olevat alustanud; polevat alustanud; ei alustanuvat
(allegedly) has not begun
olevat alustatud
(allegedly) it has been begun
ei olevat alustatud; polevat alustatud
(allegedly) it has not been begun
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it begin
ärgu alustagu
so that he/she/it do not begin
so that it be begun
ärgu alustatagu
so that it not be begun
Jussive perfect mood
olgu alustanud
so that he/she/it have begun
ärgu olgu alustanud
so that he/she/it do not have begun
olgu alustatud
so that it have been begun
ärgu olgu alustatud
so that it not have been begun
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while beginning
while beginning
(due to/following/for) beginning
for the purpose of beginning
without begin
that can be begun
being begun

Examples of alustama

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
" Daamid," alustan ma."Ladies," I begin.
- Jah, alustan algusest.I'm sorry, before we begin,
- Kui sa sulged soojakuvamispordid, siis ma alustan numismaatilist vahemaade kalibreerimist, et lõpetada harpuunikahjustuste parandamine.- Lf you'll close the thermal-imaging ports, I'll begin cycling to numistatic distance calibration, completing our harpoon repairs.
Enne kui sa alustad, peaksid mind tutvustama.Before you begin you should introduce me.
Enne kui sa alustad, pean ma ütlema, et mul on probleeme suurte uudiste käsitlemisega.Before you begin, I should say that I have problems processing big news.
Aga mõnikord pole see tee selge. Sisemaailma teooria on näide kuidas iga hing alustab tühjalt lehelt ja saab mustriks, mille on valinud sinu hing enne kui sa ise selleni jõuad.The Inner Map Theory is an example of how each soul begins with an imprint, all compacted into a pattern that has been selected by your soul before you've even gotten here.
Barrakuuda alustab sööstu.The barracuda begins its descent.
Beck alustab uut treeningut, kui Zed kohtub uue sõbraga.Beck begins a new training regiment while Zed meets a new friend.
CBS Uudiste Moskva korrespondent, Barry Petersen, alustab meie reportaaþi.CBS News Moscow correspondent, Barry Petersen, begins our coverage.
Iga hetk peaksid uksed avanema ... ja me saame heita esimese pilgu kuningannale, kui ta alustab üle viie aasta oma esimest visiiti Los Angelesse.Any minute now, we expect the doors to open. And we'll get our first glimpse of the Queen, as she begins her first visit to Los Angeles in over five years.
"Homme alustame uuesti.""Tomorrow we begin again."
- Hästi. Mida varem alustame, seda parem.The sooner we begin, the better.
- Ja me tahame, et meid ümbritseksid sõbrad, kui me alustame oma töödega. See oleks ainult loomulik.And we want our friends around us, of course, surely, as we begin our labours.
- Kas ma võin sinuga veidi rääkida, enne kui te Mr. Churchilliga uut laulu alustate.- Dear, I wonder if I might say a word to you... before you and Mr. Churchill begin another song.
- Miks? No, sina ja su pere alustate uut elu. Aga minul on asju ajada.Well, you and your family are beginning a new life But I need to renew the old one
Anne kui alustate, paar põhireeglit.Before you begin, a few ground rules.
Enne, kui sisenete meie maailma ja alustate esimest aastat... on meil teile väike ülesanne. Võite nimetada seda testiks.Before you can enter our world and begin your year, our council has a small task for you to complete.
"ning alustavad oma ränkrasket teekonda munajuhade suunas."and begin their treacherous journey towards the fallopian tubes!
- Las alustavad nemad.- Let them begin.
- Mina alustasin.- I began the fight.
- kui ma alustasin tema õpetamist.- That I began his tutorials.
7. aastasena alustasin võitluskunstide õppimist.I began studying kungfu at seven.
Aga miski hoidis mind tagasi. Iha, lootus. Siis alustasin ma otsinguid.But something held me back, a longing, a hope, and I began to search again.
Alates hetkest, kui ma alustasin tööd raamatuga, Leidsin ma end muudkui küsimas sama küsimust.From the moment I began working on the book I found myself asking one question over and over. :
- Apollo 10 astronaudid alustasid rituaali meenutavaid ettevalmistusi õhkutõusuks.- The astronauts of Apollo 11... . - . began their ritual-like preparations for this blastoff.
- Ma ei tea. Sa alustasid...- You began...
Aasta pärast tema kadumist, alustasid kurjad keeled keelepeksu, et Totenkopf töötas maailmalõpu masina kallal.One year after his disappearance, ominous rumors began circulating. Whispers that Totenkopf had begun work on what was darkly hinted to be a doomsday device.
"...alustas samuti oma otsingut. ""...also began his quest. "
"Paljas Maja" alustas Goya eraldumist religioossest ikonograafiast.."'The Nude Maja' began Goya's separation from religious iconography..."
- Horemheb alustas oma püha sõjaga.Horemheb has began his holy war.
- Jah, ta alustas etendustega.- Yes. He began on the stage.
- Me kõik alustasime kui ükskõik kes!- We all began as something else!
Ei, me alustasime vaenlastena, sest teised ütlesid, et me seda oleme.No, we only began as enemies, because that's what the others told us to be.
Et te siis alustasite oma karjääri romaanide kirjutamisega?So you began your career writing novels?
Ma mäletan, kui te seda lauset alustasite.I can remember when you began this sentence.
Ma püüan teid juhtida tagasi kohta, kust te alustasite.I will attempt to conduct you back to the space you began...
Seega sel ööl, kui alustasite Emily vaimude väljaajamisega, kohtusite selle deemonliku kummitusega esimest korda?So this night, when you began to prepare Emily's exorcism was it your first encounter with this demon ghost?
Härra Harland ei alustanud kõnesoleva raamatuga tööd enne juulit.Mr. Harland did not begin work on the book in question until July.
"Kui kogud kokku kõik oma võidetu ja riskid veel korra sellega" "ning kaotad, alusta otsast peale" "ja ära pajata sõnagi oma kaotusest,""If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss yours is the earth and everything that's in it and, which is more, you'll be a man, my son."
"Väkk" isegi mitte ei alusta kirjeldust sellest, mida ma kogesin."Yikes" does not even begin to describe what I experienced.
- Siis alusta koheselt selle protseduuri läbiviimist.- Then begin the process immediately.
Naised, alustagem.Ladies, let's begin.
Niisiis, alustagem. - Hästi.Anyway, let's begin.
Olgu,alustagem meie veregrupp test .Okay, let's begin our blood type test.
" Ärge alustage mängu, kui ei kavatse lõpuni minna." " Mured mängus kestavad, kuni mängija jõuab Jumanjini.""Adventurers beware. Do not begin unless you intend to finish. The exciting consequences of the game will vanish... only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name."
" Ärge alustage mängu, kui ei kavatse lõpuni minna.""Adventurers beware. Do not begin unless you intend to finish.
Avage testid ja alustage tööd.Open your test books and begin work.
Colson, alustage üleujutamistColson, I want you to begin the flooding.
"Me kaotasime häkkeri." - Ütle, et oleme 3 tunni kaugusel reaktori sulamisest ja peaksime alustama kohe ulatuslikku evakueerimist."We lost our hacker." Tell him we're three hours away from a reactor meltdown, and we should begin a large-scale evac now.
- Ruttu, Leela, peame kiiresti alustama Maa taasrahvastamisega.- Hurry Leela. We don't have much time to begin repopulating Earth.
- Räägin oma vaatenurgast. Kui tahad rahu, pead alustama libahuntidest.If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves.
"Doktor räägib, et mul on aeg alustada suhtlust inimestega väljast."Doctor tells me I have to begin socializing with people from the world outside
"Et alustada algusest, meenub mulle, et sündisin..."To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born... "
"Ma ei tea kust alustada."l don't know where to begin.
"Teid komandeeritakse kadettide õppelaagrisse, et alustada Virginia armee väljakoolitamist.""You are ordered to report with the corps of cadets to camp instruction to begin training and organization of the Provisional Army for the defense of the Commonwealth of Virginia."
# Ja ikka oleme me alles alustanud ### And yet we've just begun ##
# Ja ikka, me oleme alles alustanud ## And yes, we've just begun #
Sa oled alustanud. - Esimene õppetund.- You have begun - Lesson number one
Sa oled alustanud.- You have begun
Suur jumal, kes on alustanud, viib selle lõpuni.May the Lord, who has begun this... -bring it to perfection.
Teie Majesteet on alustanud suurt tööd, pagendades Rooma koletisliku iidoli.- Your Majesty has begun a great work, banishing the monstrous idol of Rome.
- Me oleme alustanud.We have begun.
Andke teada, et oleme alustanud.Let him know proceedings have begun.
Ma tahan, et sa teaksid, et peale sinu vestlust peaministriga, oleme me võtnud neli kahtlustatavat Teise Laine liiget vahialla, ja me oleme alustanud ülekuulamistega.I want you to know that since your conversation with the prime minister, we have taken four suspected members of Second Wave into custody, and we have begun interrogations.
Ma tahan, et teaksid, peale sinu vestlust peaministriga oleme me võtnud neli kahtlustatavat "Teise Laine" liiget vahi alla ja me oleme alustanud ülekuulamistega.[Ambassador] I want you to know that since your conversation... with the prime minister this morning... we have taken four suspected members of Second Wave... into custody... and we have begun interrogations.
Võib-olla kellelegi, kelle treeningut sa olid alustanud, aga ei viinud lõpule.Maybe someone whose training you had begun but never finished.
Kui oleks, ma alustaks.But if I did I would begin.
Ma alustaks ravi, nagu oleks tegu, ütleme, dengue palavikuga või ühega neist haruldastest verehaigustest.I would begin treatment as if it were, say, dengue fever or one of the other rare blood disorders.

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