kui sa ükskord saad aru ,kuipalju on selles üksmeelses lahenduses auke, siis võibolla algad avama oma meelt globaalse soojenemise depatti vastaspoolele. | Once you realize how many holes there are in the consensus solution you may begin to open up your mind to the other side of the global warming debate as a whole. |
"Euro 2008 õhtu algab endise politseiniku Howard Webbiga." | Tell us this evening begins the Euro 2008 for Howard Webb, the policeman. |
"Iga reis algab esimese sammuga." | 'Every journey begins with the first step.' |
"Ja te teate, mil viimne arvete õiendamis päev algab, | "and you shall know when the final day of reckoning begins |
"Kui algab lahing, on kaotused alati hiigelsuured, kuid meie drooniprogramm lubab meil lüüa vaenlast minimaalsete kaotustega eraisikute seas". | "And when the fight begins, collateral damage is always a factor," "but our U.S. drone program lets us hit our enemies with the fewest civilian casualties." |
Enne kui me algame, kas ma võiksin küsida, et kas Ameerika koolides on see normaalne, et mind pannakse prügikasti ja veel jäetakse peale tunde ka? | Can I just say before we begin that only in the current distressed condition of the American public school system could I be deposited headfirst into a garbage can, and yet I'm the one who winds up receiving disciplinary action? |
Me algame | We'll begin |
Me tahame, et te teaksite, et me oleme teie jaoks olemas, et teid toetada, kui ta algate oma "igavesti ja õnnelikult" seiklust. | We want you to know that we are here for you, to support you as you begin your "happily ever after" adventure. |
Te alles algate. | You just begin. |
"B" tähega algavad nimisõnad, Sophie? | The common nouns begin with "B", Sophie? |
- Las mudamängud algavad! | Let the Mud Games begin! |
- Loomad, mis algavad "L" tähega. | Animals begin with "A". |
- See ei alga L-tähega. - Ma tean. | - That does not begin with an 'L'. |
Haridus on protsess, mis ei alga ega lÕpe kindla tunniplaaniga... | For education is a process that does not begin and end on some set schedule... |
Jõehobu ei alga i tähega. | "Hippo" does not begin with l. |
Keskkonnamõju ei alga sünnihetkel. | Environment does not begin at birth. |
- Tapmised algasid peale tema tulekut. | The killing spree began once she arrived. |
- Üle maailma on seismoloogid teatanud tohututest häiretest kõigis ookeanides, mis ilmselt algasid umbes 15 minutit tagasi. | - Seismologists are reporting an enormous disturbance throughout the world's oceans which apparently began about 15 minutes ago. |
. - Üle maailma on seismoloogid teatanud tohututest häiretest kõigis ookeanides, mis ilmselt algasid umbes 15 minutit tagasi. | - Seismologists are reporting an enormous disturbance throughout the world's oceans which apparently began about 15 minutes ago. |
Aeglase lämbumise asemel algasid Charles Freckil hallutsinatsioonid. | In time to suffocate calmly… Charles Frack began to hallucinate. |
"Nii algas minu uus elu..." "uue nimega ja kõik minus oli uus." | "Thus I began my new life... "in a new name and with everything new about me. |
"Nii algas mu mugav elu nüüd." | "Thus began my life now what which was just comfortable." |
Usun, et me oleme selle koha all, kus me algasime. | I believe we're under the area where we began. |
- See ei alanud Münhenis. | It did not begin in Munich. |
Minu klientide reis ei alanud Havannast, nagu väidetakse. | My clients' journey did not begin in Havana, as they keep claiming more and more emphatically. |
- Ma tean, et me kohtingud ei alga ega lõpe hästi, kuid keskel on midagi kütkestavat. | - So I know our dates aren't beginning or ending well, but I find the middle intriguing. |
- See ei alga L-tähega. - Ma tean. | - That does not begin with an 'L'. |
Aga minu lugu ei alga Austraalias. | But my story doesn't begin in Australia. |
Andesta, kindral, aga minu nägemus uutest Ühendriikidest ei alga mässuga. | I'm sorry, General, but my vision of the new United States doesn't begin with a military coup. |
"Miski on kohustatud algama. | "Something's bound to begin. |
- Pidi algama täna. | - Was to begin today. |
- Plaanikohaselt peaks see algama - nüüd. | It's scheduled to begin... ...now. |
Enne seda, kui oletatav ajasilmus peaks algama, loome me väljamineva ussiaugu, näiteks Tollani maailma. | Before this loop is supposed to begin again,... ..we establish an outgoing wormhole to, say, the Tollan home world. |
*Ainult sellest kohast, puhtast eksistentsist saab alata muutus.* | [Feel what it means to be alive.] [Only from this place, of pure existence can you begin to change..] |
- Kas võime alata? | - May we begin? |
- Las Manhunt alata! | - Let the manhunt begin! |
- Las võistlus alata! | - Let the competition begin. |
- Hommikust. Näib, et pidu on alanud. | Looks like the celebration's begun. |
- Jah, see on alanud. | So it's begun? |
- Jah. Põhjas on alanud suur sakside pealetung. | ln the north a massive Saxon incursion has begun. |
- Jah. Põhjas on alanud suur sakside pealetung. | ln the north a massive Saxon incursion has begun. |
- Kokkuvarisemine on alanud. | - The prominence has begun collapsing. |
- Mats minevikust. ...ehitustööd on alanud, et asendada originaalsed puidust tugistruktuurid detailidega, mis vastavad kaasaegsetele turvanõuetele. | Blast from the past. ... construction has begun replacing the original wooden support structure to meet modern safety standards. |
- Me ei saa. - Väljalaskeprotseduur on alanud. | - Launch sequence has begun. |
Sõda üle maailma olid alanud, 40 aastat kannatusi. | The wars of the world had begun. Forty years, off and on, they endured. |
I Maailmasõda oli alanud. | World war I had begun. |
Ja just nii oli alanud võidujooks Mike Delfino nimel. | And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun. |
Ja kuna oli sügis, kool oli alanud. | And now that it was autumn, the school year had begun. |
Homme algavat kohtumõistmist jälgib kogu maa meedia, Lapsed vanuses 8-80 takerduvad sellesse nagu rumeenlastest trapetsiartistid. | His trial, which begins tomorrow, has taken center ring in a national media circus... as children of all ages from eight to 80... hang on each new development like so many Romanian trapeze artists. |
Ja siis algaks uus ajastu. | And then a new age would begin. |
Nüüd algaks mu täiuslik suvi... | Satisfactory conclusion to the whole operation. Now, my perfect Sunday would begin with... |