Adopter (to adopt) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of adopter

Present tense
I adopt
tu adoptes
you adopt
il/elle/on adopte
he/she/it adopts
nous adoptons
we adopt
vous adoptez
you all adopt
ils/elles adoptent
they adopt
Present perfect tense
j’ai adopté
I adopted
tu as adopté
you adopted
il/elle/on a adopté
he/she/it adopted
nous avons adopté
we adopted
vous avez adopté
you all adopted
ils/elles ont adopté
they adopted
Past impf. tense
I was adopting
tu adoptais
you were adopting
il/elle/on adoptait
he/she/it was adopting
nous adoptions
we were adopting
vous adoptiez
you all were adopting
ils/elles adoptaient
they were adopting
Future tense
I will adopt
tu adopteras
you will adopt
il/elle/on adoptera
he/she/it will adopt
nous adopterons
we will adopt
vous adopterez
you all will adopt
ils/elles adopteront
they will adopt
Past perfect tense
j’avais adopté
I had adopted
tu avais adopté
you had adopted
il/elle/on avait adopté
he/she/it had adopted
nous avions adopté
we had adopted
vous aviez adopté
you all had adopted
ils/elles avaient adopté
they had adopted
Past preterite tense
I adopted
tu adoptas
you adopted
il/elle/on adopta
he/she/it adopted
nous adoptâmes
we adopted
vous adoptâtes
you all adopted
ils/elles adoptèrent
they adopted
Past anterior tense
j’eus adopté
I had adopted
tu eus adopté
you had adopted
il/elle/on eut adopté
he/she/it had adopted
nous eûmes adopté
we had adopted
vous eûtes adopté
you all had adopted
ils/elles eurent adopté
they had adopted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai adopté
I will have adopted
tu auras adopté
you will have adopted
il/elle/on aura adopté
he/she/it will have adopted
nous aurons adopté
we will have adopted
vous aurez adopté
you all will have adopted
ils/elles auront adopté
they will have adopted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’adopte
that I adopt
que tu adoptes
that you adopt
qu’il/elle/on adopte
that he/she/it adopt
que nous adoptions
that we adopt
que vous adoptiez
that you all adopt
qu’ils/elles adoptent
that they adopt
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie adopté
that I have adopted
que tu aies adopté
that you have adopted
qu’il/elle/on ait adopté
that he/she/it have adopted
que nous ayons adopté
that we have adopted
que vous ayez adopté
that you all have adopted
qu’ils/elles aient adopté
that they have adopted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’adoptasse
that I would adopt
que tu adoptasses
that you would adopt
qu’il/elle/on adoptât
that he/she/it would adopt
que nous adoptassions
that we would adopt
que vous adoptassiez
that you all would adopt
qu’ils/elles adoptassent
that they would adopt
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse adopté
that I had adopted
que tu eusses adopté
that you had adopted
qu’il/elle/on eût adopté
that he/she/it had adopted
que nous eussions adopté
that we had adopted
que vous eussiez adopté
that you all had adopted
qu’ils/elles eussent adopté
that they had adopted
Conditional mood
I would adopt
tu adopterais
you would adopt
il/elle/on adopterait
he/she/it would adopt
nous adopterions
we would adopt
vous adopteriez
you all would adopt
ils/elles adopteraient
they would adopt
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais adopté
I would have adopted
tu aurais adopté
you would have adopted
il/elle/on aurait adopté
he/she/it would have adopted
nous aurions adopté
we would have adopted
vous auriez adopté
you all would have adopted
ils/elles auraient adopté
they would have adopted
Imperative mood
let's adopt!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie adopté
have adopted
ayons adopté
let's have adopted
ayez adopté
have adopted

Examples of adopter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
""J"aimerai savoir si vous aimeriez adopter ma fille... car j"aimerai qu"elle est une famille comme la votre""."I'd like to know whether you'd like to adopt Kat... because I'd like her to have a family like yours".
"Cheers" devrait adopter cet enfant.I think Cheers should adopt this child.
"Je suis venu adopter un chien, "mais l'employée, Donna Meagle, "n'était pas là."Stopped by to adopt a dog, but the employee, Donna Meagle,
"Nous pourrions l'adopter."Well, we can adopt it."
"Nous pourrons adopter."We can adopt.
" Celui avec cette actrice qui a adopté ce bébé afro-américain, pas Charlize Theron, celle d'avant ""The one with the actress who adopted the African-American baby, but not Charlize Theron, the one before her"
" Félicitations, vous êtes parents d'un "reborn" adopté."Congratulations on becoming a proud parent "of an adopted reborn.
"Ce manuel a été adopté sans changements par rapport au manuel"This manual is adopted with no changes from the manual
"J'ai été adopté par une famille gentille"a nice family has adopted me
"J'espère que j'ai été adopté."I just hope I'm adopted."
"Professeur Matthew Brown adopte un enfant totalement orphelin !""Professor Matthew Brown adopts entirely unrelated child!"
"un jeune léopard tue un babouin, puis adopte son bébé"."leopard cub kills baboon and tries to adopt its baby."
- A l'hôpital du Nevada l'une de vous se présente en parent isolé et adopte l'enfant.At the hospital in Nevada one of you presents as a single parent and adopts the child.
- Elle adopte ?- She's adopting?
- Hey, je t'adopte.Hey, I'm adopting you.
"adoptez-moi, je veux être la'i'que...""please adopt me, l want to be secular."
- M. Monk, adoptez-la. - Pardon ?Mr. Monk, you should adopt the dog.
Alors téléphonez, et adoptez un enfant aujourd'hui.So please call and adopt a child today.
Alors, s'il vous plaît, adoptez-le.We'll help you... so please adopt him as your child
Emma: Excepte si ce sont de jolis petits garçons blonds? Auquel cas, vous les adoptez?Unless they're cute, little blond boys, in which case, you adopt them?
- C'est dingue, mais est-ce plus dingue que nos parents adoptant un enfant à leur âge ?- Okay, yes, it is crazy, but is it any crazier than our parents adopting a baby at their age?
Alors que l'attention de tous était tournée vers l'Aube Dorée, les partis du centre politique adoptaient son programme d'action en adoptant ainsi le visage du monstre.While everyone's attention was drawn to the Golden Dawn party the parties of the political center were adopting its agenda they were adopting the face of the beast.
Avec ce revirement complet de politique, le Président a dû s'aliéner ses donateurs institutionnels en adoptant une position très écologique.And what can only be characterized as a complete policy reversal... the President has surely alienated his corporate donors... by adopting a pro-environment stance.
Elle ne fait pas partie de cette famille Elle n'est qu'une charge... une charge que tu as imposée sur cette famille en l'adoptantShe is not a paRT of this family She is just a burden... a burden which you thrust on this family by adopting her
En adoptant ?By adopting?

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