Prøvde ikke jeg å adoptere den 18 år gamle koreanske jenta? | Didn't I try to adopt that 18-year old Korean girl? |
Din forrige sjef sa at han prøvde å adoptere deg. | I talked to your former C.O. He tells me he tried to adopt you. |
Tre par har sagt seg villig til å adoptere Ruths baby. | The "Baby Savers" also said three different couples have volunteered to adopt Ruth Stoops' baby. |
Er det overhodet mulig å adoptere et ankerbarn? | Is it possible to adopt an anchor child ... |
- Jeg overveier å adoptere et barn. | -I am thinking about adoption. |
Kanskje vår Timba vil adoptere den stakkars lille tingen. | Perhaps our Timba will adopt the poor little thing. |
Vi kan adoptere ham! | - We could adopt him. |
- Vi kan adoptere. | - We can adopt some. |
Dere kan ikke få selv, så dere vil adoptere. | Can't have one of your own, so you want to adopt. |
Dere kan adoptere et barn. | You could adopt a child. |
Men den som adopterer meg, må adoptere Bamse også. | But whoever adopts me has to adopt Teddy too. |
Da adopterer vi. | So we adopt. |
Du er ikke den første som adopterer bort et barn. | You're not the first to put a child up for adoption. |
Vi adopterer. | We'll adopt. |
Og kanskje han adopterer meg og får oss av sosialen. | And maybe he gonna adopt me and take us off the welfare. |
Mrs. Berent adopterte meg. | Mrs. Berent adopted me. |
Cheeta adopterte en familie, men vi må fø på dem. | Cheeta's adopted a family, but we have to feed them. |
Det var jo jeg som tok ham inn, adopterte gutten, kan du si. | After all, l, I took him in, adopted the lad, you might say. |
Menneskene adopterte meg som en av sine egne. | You see, the Human Beings adopted me as one of their own. |
Men da han ble tatt i Las Vegas, adopterte Papa Angelo ham. | But when he was knocked over in Vegas, the old man, Papa Angelo, adopted him. |
Ingenting sier "adopter meg" som en underlig oppfinnelse. | Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention. |
Gjør det offisielt, og adopter ham. | Well, I say you make it official and just adopt him. |
Du sa du bIe adoptert av Mrs. Berent. | You said you'd been adopted by Mrs. Berent. |
Vi kunne ha adoptert, siden du ikke kunne få flere. | Maybe we could have adopted a family, since you couldn't have any more. |
Du vil bli adoptert som hans sønn. | You will be adopted and made his son. |
Du er adoptert. | You've been adopted. |
Hør her: "Lady Sheila, teaterbitt adoptert datter" "av Lord Upward, og blivende brud til stjernen Bill Hanson, sa:" | Listen to this: "Lady Sheila, stage-struck adopted daughter of Lord Upward and bride-to-be of juvenile lead Bill Hanson, said..." |