Bueno, ¿a quién tengo que ser para atreverse a cuestionar su palabra? | Well, who do I have to be to dare question your word? |
Cada vez que vacilas toma sólo un poco de esfuerzo para ir más lejos y para atreverse a disfrutarlo. | Each time you hesitate. it takes only a little effort to go further and to dare enjoy it. Softly caress your body. |
Desmayarse, atreverse, estar furioso... Áspero, tierno, liberal, esquivo. | To swoon, to dare, to be furious coarse, gentle, liberal, elusive |
Es maravilloso atreverse a salir y enfrentar las cosas. | It's so wonderful to dare to go and charge things again. |
Es necesario que los inspiren, para invitarlos a unirse a usted, atreverse a ser tan grande como son. | You need to inspire them, to invite them to join you, to dare them to be as great as they are. |
"Toma una carta que se corresponda con el lugar al que llegues... y atrévete a decir la verdad... | "Draw a card that corresponds with the space you land on and dare to tell the truth. |
- ¡Dispara, atrévete! | Let me see what you dare. |
Adelante amigo, colócalo en la vagoneta, atrévete. | Go ahead,man,put him in a van,how dare you. |
Ahí viene. ¡Anda, atrévete! | Here he comes. Go on, dare! |
Atrévete a repetirlo, a ver, ¡atrévete a repetirlo! | You dare say that again! You just dare! |
- Cómo atrévase le? | - How dare you? |
Bien, atrévase. | Well, dare. |
Me fulminó con la mirada como queriendo decir: "atrévase a revelar mis secretos". | Oh, he looked at me black as thunder as if to say, "You dare tell my secrets abroad". |
¡Salte usted, atrévase con esa vergüenza de ganado! | You go, if you dare, with those animals! |
- Atrevete... solo atrevete! | - You dare... you just dare! |
Estoy buscando algo mas grande... ...unasituaciónde atrevete-a-ser-grande. | I'm looking for something bigger a dare-to-be-great situation. |
Hu Yiu Ding, atrevete a decirlo otra vez. | Hu Yiu Ding, you dare say that again |
Vamos, atrevete a tomarlo. | Now, take the money if you dare |
Vamos, dale una patada, atrevete. | Come on, kick it in. Go on, I dare you. |
" que su respuesta pío me arrancaría aparte de que no me he atrevido a hacerlo. " | "that his tweet reply would rip me apart that I haven't dared do it." |
"Hay que conquistar, conseguir, llegar a la Cima... saber que no hay sueño que no debe ser atrevido. " | One must conquer, achieve, get to the top to know there's no dream that mustn't be dared. |
"Hayqueconquistar,conseguir, llegar a la cima ... saber que no hay sueño que no debe ser atrevido. " | "One must conquer, achieve, get to the top... to know there's no dream that mustn't be dared." |
"Podría haberme atrevido a escribir una carta de amor para tí | "Would I have dared write a love letter to you |
"Soñando más sueños que ningún mortal se habría atrevido a soñar". | "Dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." |
Nadando, volando, atreviéndose a la nada... | Swimming, flying, daring into nothingness... |
Pero la verdad siempre está ahí, mirándonos a la cara, atreviéndose a estar en desacuerdo, haciéndonos entender y haciendo lo que se necesita. | But the truth is always there, staring us in the face, daring us to disagree, begging us to understand and to do what needs to be done. |