Aquest desafiament ja es recollia al Tractat de Maastricht (1992), peròva ser a l’octubre de 1999, en unacimera especial a Tampere (Finlàndia), quan els líders de la UE van tractar eltema amb profunditat. | cific steps to make the Union a single‘area of freedom, security and justice’.This means guaranteeing the fundamental rights of Europe’s citizens andensuring fair treatment of nonEU citizens legally resident in Europe. |
Ara bé, perquè la població immigrant se senti part de la nostra societat, l’hemde tractar amb justícia i garantir-li que disposa de les eines per participar íntegrament enles nostres societats. | To enable immigrants to feel part of oursociety we must treat them fairly, and ensure that they have the right tools to participatefully in our societies. |
No tenen nacionalitat, així que no podem demanar-los que s'integren en aquest país ni tractar-los com a ciutadans amb tots els drets i deures corresponents. | They're without nationality so how do we demand them to be integrated in this country and treat it as its citizens with all the rights and duties. |
Significa estar condemnat a la solitud i a la indiferència, fins i tot per part de la teua família i amics; ser víctima del seu menyspreu i la seua compassió per ser de la manera que eres. que intentaran convéncer-te, o convéncer-se ells mateixos, que és tan sols una malaltia i que hauria de tractar-se el més aviat possible. | It means being doomed to loneliness and indifference towards you, even from your own family and friends; their scorn and pity about you being the way you are. their attempts to convince you, or convince themselves, that this is just a disease and that it should be treated as soon as possible. |
Apreneu a tractar els éssers humans com a éssers humans, abans que com a xiques, xics o gais... | Learn to treat human beings as human beings, rather than as girls, boys, or gays... |
Per què tracto així el cèsar? | "Because and done Cesar treat like this?" |
- Ho tracto com un ruptura. | I treat it like a breakup. |
Ens tractes com a passerells. | You treat us like a pack of galahs. |
Per què tractes així el cèsar? | Because and done Cesar treat like this? |
Si tractes les persones com una merda, no en treus res. | If you treat people like dirt, they won't be to productive. |
Però si tractes la merda com si fossin persones... | How about if you treat dirt like people? |
Em tractes amb fredor cada dia de l'any | You treat me coldly each day in the year |
Un sistema polític i econòmic sencer - que tracta una meitat de la humanitat com a animals - ha de ser destruït juntament amb les altres formes, més evidents, de tiranies que ofeguen el futur de la regió. | An entire political and economic system - one that treats half of humanity like animals - must be destroyed along with the other more obvious tyrannies choking off the region from its future. |
Sé que sospita de mi, però em tracta bé. | I know he suspects me, and yet he treats me well. |
Vet aquí com tracta els amics. | This is how Leary treats his friends. |
No tenim cap raó per què em tracta tan malament, em what've anat i fet? | Don'tknow any reason why he treats me so poorly, what've I gone and done? |
Li desitjo de tot cor que algun dia algú la tracti com vostè tracta als seus pacients, i que no tingui cap mitjà per defensar-se. | I hope from the bottom of my heart that one day someone treats you the same way you treat your patients, and that you too will have no way of defending yourself. |
Et tractem per vasculitis. | We're treating you for vasculitis. |
Però aquí tractem les nostres dones amb respecte. | - But here we treat our ladies with respect. |
He recomanat que tractem això com a una incursió hostil. | I've recommended we treat this as a hostile incursion. |
El movia la millor intenció del món i l'havien tractat com un ca, com un veritable ca. Ella se'n penediria algun dia, potser quan fos massa tard. Ah! | He had meant the best in the world, and been treated like a dog--like a very dog. |
Els permisos laborals i els exàmens mèdics han deixat de ser un obstacle: arreu de la UE tothom té dret a ser tractat en igualtat de condicions pel que fa als drets laborals i als avantatges socials i fiscals. | Work permits and medical exams are no longer obstacles: within the EU, you are entitled to be treated equally in terms of employment rights, with all social and tax advantages. |
Per exemple, aquest any es van detectar molts antipalúdics defectuosos i falsos en països en vies de desenvolupament, però això va ser després que ja s’haguessin tractat pacients amb aquests fàrmacs. | For instance, many defective and counterfeit antimalarials were reported in developing countries this year but only after patients had been treated. |
Des d'Al Jazeera, The Guardian, The New York Times, CNN o fins i tot Buzzfeed , tots han publicat articles sobre la recent onada separatista, però molts pocs han tractat el tema seriosament o n'han identificat les arrels culturals del moviment sobiranista, que s'endinsen profundament al sol de la història mediterrània (Buzzfeed, però, és l'excepció en aquest cas). | Al Jazeera, The Guardian, The New York Times, CNN and even Buzzfeed have all published articles about the recent separatist surge, but very few have seriously treated or even acknowledged the sovereignty movement's cultural roots, which extend deep into the soil of Mediterranean history (Buzzfeed, however reductively, being the exception here). |
Peter és tractat com qualsevol altre. | Peter gets treated like everyone else. |
-Ja que em tracteu així, ho veuré, Tom.- I posa sa ma menuda damunt la d'ell, i hi hagué una mica de baralla. | "Oh, _you_ don't want to see!" "Now that you treat me so, I _will_ see." |
És així com tracteu els déus dels vostres pares? | Is this how you treat the Gods of your fathers? |
Crec que és una bona causa i, a més, val la pena llegir les preguntes freqüents per entendre com tracten els refugiats un cop rescatats. | I think this is a worthy cause, but their FAQ is worth reading to understand how they treat refugees once they’re rescued. |
- Com et tracten? Franz? | How are they treating you? |
- Em tracten com una nena. - Vinga, Claire! | They treat me like a child. |
Ells tracten el càncer en el soterrani. | They keep cancer treatment in the basement. |
Els seus pares el tracten com si fos un nadó. | His parents treat him like he's a baby there. Flynn, do you want me to heat up some of that lasagna to hold you over till dinner? |
De mode que, perquè vols que tracti pacients... em deixes tractar pacients. | So, because you want me to treat patients, you're not letting me treat patients? |
Li desitjo de tot cor que algun dia algú la tracti com vostè tracta als seus pacients, i que no tingui cap mitjà per defensar-se. | I hope from the bottom of my heart that one day someone treats you the same way you treat your patients, and that you too will have no way of defending yourself. |
Que en Morty et tracti així després del que el teu pare va fer per ell... | For Morty to treat you this way after what your father did for him... |
De mode que, perquè vols que tracti pacients no em deixes tractar pacients. | So, because you want me to treat patients, you're not letting me treat patients? |
No em tractis com a ells. | Don't treat me like them. |
Suposo que em creuràs si et dic que estimo la teva mare tant com tu, per tant, et prego que no em tractis com un idiota incapaç de decidir sobre el que és obvi. | I take it you believe me when I say I love your mother as much as you do. So please, don't treat me as if I was a total idiot incapable of doing the obvious. |
El que fa il·legal que no la tractis com filla. | Making it illegal for you not to treat her like a daughter. |
Esbrinem a què tipus de zebra estem tractant. | Let's find out what kind of zebra we're treating here. |
- Puc provar-ho tractant-lo. | - I can prove it by treating it. |
He estat tractant els vostres ferits. | I've been treating your wounded men. |
M'estàs tractant com un idiota? | Are you treating me like an idiot? |
Va ser un assassinat a sang freda que, en aquest moment, estem tractant com un afer de drogues. | This was a cold-blooded killing which we are, at present, treating as drugs-related. |