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Vendre (to sell) conjugation

55 examples

Conjugation of vendre

Present tense
I sell
you sell
he/she sells
we sell
you all sell
they sell
Present perfect tense
he venut
I have sold
has venut
you have sold
ha venut
he/she has sold
hem venut
we have sold
heu venut
you all have sold
han venut
they have sold
Future tense
I will sell
you will sell
he/she will sell
we will sell
you all will sell
they will sell
Conditional mood
I would sell
you would sell
he/she would sell
we would sell
you all would sell
they would sell
Past perfect tense
havia venut
I had sold
havies venut
you had sold
havia venut
he/she had sold
havíem venut
we had sold
havíeu venut
you all had sold
havien venut
they had sold
Past impf. tense
I was selling
you were selling
he/she was selling
we were selling
you all were selling
they were selling
Imperative mood
let him/her sell!
let's sell!
let them sell!
Imperative negative mood
no venguis
don't sell!
no vengui
don't let him/her sell!
no venguem
let's not sell!
no vengueu
don't sell!
no venguin
don't let them sell!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria venut
I would have sold
hauries venut
you would have sold
hauria venut
he/she would have sold
hauríem venut
we would have sold
hauríeu venut
you all would have sold
haurien venut
they would have sold
Future perfect tense
hauré venut
I will have sold
hauràs venut
you will have sold
haurà venut
he/she will have sold
haurem venut
we will have sold
haureu venut
you all will have sold
hauren venut
they will have sold
Preterite past tense
I sold
you sold
he/she sold
we sold
you all sold
they sold
Past anterior tense
haguí venut
I had sold
hagueres venut
you had sold
hagué venut
he/she had sold
haguérem venut
we had sold
haguéreu venut
you all had sold
haguéren venut
they had sold
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) sell
(so that you) sell
(so that he/she) sells
(so that we) sell
(so that you all) sell
(so that they) sell
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was selling
(so that you) were selling
(so that he/she) was selling
(so that we) were selling
(so that you all) were selling
(so that they) were selling
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi venut
(so that I) have sold
hagis venut
(so that you) have sold
hagi venut
(so that he/she) has sold
hàgim venut
(so that we) have sold
hàgiu venut
(so that you all) have sold
hagin venut
(so that they) have sold
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués venut
(so that I) had sold
haguessis venut
(so that you) had sold
hagués venut
(so that he/she) had sold
haguéssim venut
(so that we) had sold
haguéssiu venut
(so that you all) had sold
haguessin venut
(so that they) had sold
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi vendre
(so that I) sold
vagis vendre
(so that you) sold
vagi vendre
(so that he/she) sold
vàgim vendre
(so that we) sold
vàgiu vendre
(so that you all) sold
vagin vendre
(so that they) sold
Periphastic past tense
vaig vendre
I sold
vas vendre
you sold
va vendre
he/she sold
vam vendre
we sold
vau vendre
you all sold
van vendre
they sold
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver venut
I had sold
vas haver venut
you had sold
va haver venut
he/she had sold
vam haver venut
we had sold
vau haver venut
you all had sold
van haver venut
they had sold

Examples of vendre

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Els nois es sentiren rosegats per l'enveja; pero els que sofriren les més amargues punyides foren els que s'adonaren massa tard que havien contribuit a aquesta odiada esplendor, en vendre bitllets a Tom a canvi de la riquesa que ell havia acoblat venent privilegis d'emblanquinar.The boys were all eaten up with envy--but those that suffered the bitterest pangs were those who perceived too late that they themselves had contributed to this hated splendor by trading tickets to Tom for the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges.
No la vull pas vendre.I don't want to sell him."
-Ja m'ho pensava: els nois d'aquest poble malden més i fan més el ximple per atrapar seixanta centims de ferro vell per vendre'l a la fundició, del que farien per guanyar el doble de moneda en una feina regular."I judged so; the boys in this town will take more trouble and fool away more time hunting up six bits' worth of old iron to sell to the foundry than they would to make twice the money at regular work.
L’OMC estableix les condicions perquè els seus membres es puguin defensar contra les pràctiques injustes, com ara el dúmping (vendre per sota del cost de producció), una pràctica que alguns exportadors fan servir per competir amb les altres empreses del sector.The WTO sets conditions under which its members can defend themselves against unfair practices like dumping (selling below cost) through which exporters compete against their rivals.
La mirada innocent de la Neda no ens permet vendre el nostre honor a una dictadura.Neda's innocent gaze does not let us to sell our honour to a dictatorship.
Estic content quan tinc molts clients, sinó, si no venc prou, el cap em renya.I'm happy when I get many customers because my boss scolds me if I do not sell much.
Et venc pixats meus per 100 dòlars.I could sell you my pee for $1 00.
-No, no les venc.No, I don't sell them.
Si venc un ou, en tindré prou per comprar-me un vaixell.lf I sell one egg, I'll have enough to buy a ship.
Si venc el meu portàtil, podem aconseguir segons en aquests carbassons.If I sell my laptop, we can get seconds on those squash blossoms.
Després la dus a sopar i li vens Amèrica.Then take her to dinner and sell her America,
Després t'ho vens tot.You can sell it all later.
Però tu no vens mai res.But you never sell anything.
I ho vens a cases bones, a festes on hi ha nens rics que tenen diners per cremar.And you sell this with fancy houses, at parties with rich kids have got money to burn.
Per poder podrir-se el fetge amb aquest rom immund que vens?What for? Rot their innards out sooner with the blue ruin you sell 'em?
Segons els testimonis oculars, Khadri va cridar: "Aquest és un home jove que ven cigarretes perquè no té feina", abans que les flames consumiren el seu cos.According to eye witnesses, Khadri shouted: "This is a young man who sells cigarettes because of unemployment," before flames consumed his body.
El periodisme que parla del Iemen hui dia no tracta d'informar sobre la veritat o d'inspirar la gent perquè pense de manera independent, sinó de veure qui pot escriure la història més sensacionalista sobre el país - sense importar quantes vegades s'haja contat ja la història - perquè és això el que ven.Today’s journalism on Yemen is no longer about getting the facts right, or inspiring people to think independently, it is about who can write the most sensationalized story on the country – no matter how many times it has already been told – because that is what sells.
Per exemple, la cadena de supermercats Trader Joe's decora algunes de les seues botigues amb calaveritas (calaveres decorades) i ven flors zempazuchitl (calèndules), entre altres productes.For example, the supermarket chain Trader Joe's decorates some of their stores with calaveritas (decorated skulls) and sells zempazuchitl flowers (marigolds), among other products.
Quina classe d'home ven al seu propi fill?What kind of man sells his own son?
Ella ven la seva vagina, i tu la teva espasa.She sells her sheath and you sell your blade.
I si els venem, tindrem el suficient per començar una nova vida. Però on anirem?But the animals are ours and if we sell them... we will have enough to start a new life.
Però els animals són els nostres. I si els venem, tindrem el suficient per començar una nova vida.But the animals are ours and if we sell them... we will have enough to start a new life.
I quan ell hagué finit, encara vivent i sencer, el fluctuant impuls que havien sentit de rompre llur jurament i salvar la vida del pobrissó detingut i trait s'esvaí i cessa, perque evidentment aquell inic s'havia venut a Llucifer, i seria fatal de ficar-se en cosa pertanyent a un poder com aquell.And when he had finished and still stood alive and whole, their wavering impulse to break their oath and save the poor betrayed prisoner's life faded and vanished away, for plainly this miscreant had sold himself to Satan and it would be fatal to meddle with the property of such a power as that.
Joe l'Indi repetí la seva declaració, amb la mateixa calma, uns quants minuts després, en procedir-se a l'enquesta, sota jurament; i els minyons, veient que els llamps eren encara fermats, es consolidaren en llur creença que Joe s'havia venut al diable.Injun Joe repeated his statement, just as calmly, a few minutes afterward on the inquest, under oath; and the boys, seeing that the lightnings were still withheld, were confirmed in their belief that Joe had sold himself to the devil.
Quan el venut poble fidel sortí en corrues a fora, hom deia que gairebé fóra plaent d'ésser entabanats altra vegada per a sentir l'himne, cantat d'aquella manera, de bell nou.As the "sold" congregation trooped out they said they would almost be willing to be made ridiculous again to hear Old Hundred sung like that once more.
De tota manera ja no hi ha productors, atès que han venut els seus terrenys per construir-hi, segur que d'aquí un temps n'hi haurà més... Però de què viuran els restaurants quant aquests turistes se'n vagin? De fet, haurem de pensar en avisar els guies turístics de la desaparició d'un lloc d'interès que des de sempre ha estat sempre un orgull per a NIÇA.More room for restaurants...In any case there there are no longer any local producers, they all sold their farmland and turned it into building plots, so there won't be any soon enough… But who will keep these restaurants viable when the tourists go elsewhere... incidentally, we should think about alerting the tourist guides about the disappearance of this attraction which has historically been the glory of NICE.
"Les cases són molt maques però, i la nostra existència?", es pregunta Rovaldo Herculino Batista, un riberenc que ha venut la casa que li va concedir l'empresa constructora de la central hidroelèctrica, ja que no ha pogut trobar feina a Nova Mutum:“The houses are really pretty, but what about our existence?”, asks Rovaldo Herculino Batista, a river dweller who sold the house he received from the power plant company because he did not find a job in Nova Mutum:
Em veneu un Rolls, i ara de sobte, un Volkswagen també està bé?You sell me the Rolls, and now the Volkswagen is suddenly okay?
El reportatge de Nodaros parla de les barraques en les quals s'obliga a viure els treballadors, que paguen el lloguer als seus patrons; dels supermercats il·legals que venen productes caducats per dues o fins i tot tres vegades el seu preu; i de l'escandalosa tolerància per part de les autoritats que no han fet res per aturar això malgrat els més de 150 expedients contra ells.Nodaros’ report speaks of shacks in which the workers are forced to live and pay rent for to their bosses, illegal supermarkets among them selling expired products at two and three times their price, and a shocking tolerance from the authorities who have done nothing to stop this despite the 150 plus cases on file against them.
Els russos intenten de totes les maneres ventar els rubles que posseeixen: venen els rubles per dòlars i euros o compren a corre-corrents electrònica, queviures i roba.Russians are looking to unload their rubles any way they can—either by selling them for dollars and euros, or buying up electronics, groceries, and clothes.
M’agradaria que algun periodista de mitjans escrits em digués per què hauria de prendre’ls seriosament quan venen 30.000 diaris i som més de 38.000 milions d’ugandesos.I would like any journalist in print to tell me why I should take them seriously when they sell 30K copies yet we are 38M Ugandan. — Sam (@Samwyri) May 1, 2015
Tot i que acabes tenint la sensació que han acabat fent millor l'anunci que no pas el producte que venen hahaha.Although you get the feeling they wound up making a commercial better than the product they're selling LOL.
Alguns habitants de Belgrad han declarat i s'han queixat sobre venedors del carrer que venen mantes i roba vella als refugiats a prop de l'estació de tren del centre a preus de fins a quatre vegades superior del que trobarien a les botigues.Some Belgrade residents have reported and complained about street venders selling blankets and old clothes to refugees near the downtown train station—at prices three-to-four times higher than you find in retail stores, no less.
L'Eva vendrà les accions a en Johan, però encara no ha signat.Eva will sell Johan's shares, but she hasn't signed yet.
Jo vaig contestar que només els vendria a aquells que feia més de mitja hora que s'hi esperaven.We replied that we would sell to those who had lined up for more than 30 minutes.
L'agost de 2011, Usmanov i Mamut van anunciar que vendrien SUP (alguns comentaristes van argumentar que l'article de Vedomisti s'havia publicat deliberadament per un comprador potencial per tal d'abaixar-ne el preu).In August 2011, Usmanov and Mamut announced that they would sell SUP (some commenters argued that the Vedomosti article was published on purpose by a potential buyer in order to reduce the price).
Les investigacions adicionals dutes a terme pels periodistes revelaren com els funcionaris municipals venien documentació falsa als treballadors immigrants i com la persecució policial va guanyar els periodistes "atenesos" l'hostilitat dels contractadors locals, cosa que explicaria, almenys parcialment, la limitada informació oferta al voltant del recent cas de violència.Further investigations by journalists revealed how local municipal officials were selling fake documentation to migrant workers, and police prosecutions meant that employers in the town became very hostile to “Athenian” journalists which might partly explain the limited information that has been reported about the most recent violence.
Una persona fa servir un telèfon per a xerrar pels descosits durant hores, mentre una altra demana al seu broker que vengui un paquet d'accions per valor de milions de dòlars.One person uses a telephone to pointlessly yap for hours, while another orders his broker to sell a portfolio of shares worth millions of dollars.
Potser el vengui a un altre costat.Maybe I'd better sell it somewhere else.
Després que et vengui a ella, potser li quedi prous diners per comprar-te aquest poni que tant vols.After I sell you to her, maybe she'll have enough left over to buy you that pony you want so much.
Li suggerim que en seu lloc, la vengui a França.We suggest that you sell to France instead.
No venguis a en Chuck i la Sarah massa barat.Don't you sell Chuck and Sarah short.
Oliver, no cal que me la venguis.Oliver, you don't need sell it to me.
No venguis les acciones del teu pare a en Boren.Don;t sell your dad's stocks share to Boren.
Proposo... que el venguem al millor postor.I say... we sell him to the highest bidder.
I que els venguin. A tots dos.And I want you to take 'em to the Greenville auction and sell 'em.
Digues als teus bancs que no venguin les accions.Tell your banks not to sell the stock.
I que els venguin.And I want you to take 'em to the Greenville auction, and sell 'em...
Hi ha d'haver un munt de llocs on venguin aquesta mateixa màscara.There must be a bunch of places that sell this exact same mask.
Compra coses que siguin més cares quan es venguin.Buy stuff that costs more when you sell it.
Els nois es sentiren rosegats per l'enveja; pero els que sofriren les més amargues punyides foren els que s'adonaren massa tard que havien contribuit a aquesta odiada esplendor, en vendre bitllets a Tom a canvi de la riquesa que ell havia acoblat venent privilegis d'emblanquinar.The boys were all eaten up with envy--but those that suffered the bitterest pangs were those who perceived too late that they themselves had contributed to this hated splendor by trading tickets to Tom for the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges.
En aquest joc els usuaris construeixen el seu propi imperi d'informació, necessari legal o il.legament, venent informació a una companyia d'assegurances i a determinats grups interessats així com subministrant protecció a través de hackers i mitjans de comunicació massius.In the game, users must build their own information empire by any means necessary, legal or illegal, selling information to insurance companies and key interest groups, and providing protection from hackers, activists, and the mass media.
Sóc lluny dels pares però els ajudo a viure amb els diners que guanyo venent bunyols.I'm now away from my parents who i support with the money I got from selling these snacks.
La campanya és un esforç col·lectiu per ajudar un pare sirià refugiat, que ha estat fotografiat recentment venent un grapat de bolis a Beirut, capital del Líban.The campaign is a collaborative effort to help a Syrian refugee father, recently photographed selling a handful of pens in Beirut, Lebanon.
Un pare sirià venent bolígrafs als carrers de Beirut amb la seva filla adormida.Syrian father selling pens in the streets of #Beirut with his sleeping daughter #Lebanon #Syria pic.twitter.com/KOz4mjW1rd — Gissur Simonarson CN (@GissiSim) August 25, 2015

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