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Tenir (to have) conjugation

128 examples
This verb can also mean the following: possess, hold

Conjugation of tenir

Present tense
I have
you have
he/she has
we have
you all have
they have
Present perfect tense
he tingut
I have had
has tingut
you have had
ha tingut
he/she has had
hem tingut
we have had
heu tingut
you all have had
han tingut
they have had
Future tense
I will have
you will have
he/she will have
we will have
you all will have
they will have
Conditional mood
I would have
you would have
he/she would have
we would have
you all would have
they would have
Past perfect tense
havia tingut
I had had
havies tingut
you had had
havia tingut
he/she had had
havíem tingut
we had had
havíeu tingut
you all had had
havien tingut
they had had
Past impf. tense
I was having
you were having
he/she was having
we were having
you all were having
they were having
Imperative mood
let him/her have!
let's have!
let them have!
Imperative negative mood
no tinguis
don't have!
no tingui
don't let him/her have!
no tinguem
let's not have!
no tingueu
don't have!
no tinguin
don't let them have!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria tingut
I would have had
hauries tingut
you would have had
hauria tingut
he/she would have had
hauríem tingut
we would have had
hauríeu tingut
you all would have had
haurien tingut
they would have had
Future perfect tense
hauré tingut
I will have had
hauràs tingut
you will have had
haurà tingut
he/she will have had
haurem tingut
we will have had
haureu tingut
you all will have had
hauren tingut
they will have had
Preterite past tense
I had
you had
he/she had
we had
you all had
they had
Past anterior tense
haguí tingut
I had had
hagueres tingut
you had had
hagué tingut
he/she had had
haguérem tingut
we had had
haguéreu tingut
you all had had
haguéren tingut
they had had
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) have
(so that you) have
(so that he/she) has
(so that we) have
(so that you all) have
(so that they) have
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was having
(so that you) were having
(so that he/she) was having
(so that we) were having
(so that you all) were having
(so that they) were having
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi tingut
(so that I) have had
hagis tingut
(so that you) have had
hagi tingut
(so that he/she) has had
hàgim tingut
(so that we) have had
hàgiu tingut
(so that you all) have had
hagin tingut
(so that they) have had
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués tingut
(so that I) had had
haguessis tingut
(so that you) had had
hagués tingut
(so that he/she) had had
haguéssim tingut
(so that we) had had
haguéssiu tingut
(so that you all) had had
haguessin tingut
(so that they) had had
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi tenir
(so that I) had
vagis tenir
(so that you) had
vagi tenir
(so that he/she) had
vàgim tenir
(so that we) had
vàgiu tenir
(so that you all) had
vagin tenir
(so that they) had
Periphastic past tense
vaig tenir
I had
vas tenir
you had
va tenir
he/she had
vam tenir
we had
vau tenir
you all had
van tenir
they had
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver tingut
I had had
vas haver tingut
you had had
va haver tingut
he/she had had
vam haver tingut
we had had
vau haver tingut
you all had had
van haver tingut
they had had

Examples of tenir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
En principi s’adquiririenaquests drets al cap d’uns anys ipodrien arribar a tenir gairebé elsmateixos drets que els ciutadans dela UE.They will acquire theseover a period of years and eventuallywill have almost the same rights as EUcitizens.
El meu pre-assenyat pare em va treure la meva filla acabada de néixer dels braços i després vaig haver de fugir durant 500 anys després que tota la meva família fos assassinada per un psicòpata, però, bé, que no va tenir cap efecte secundari persistent.I only had my newborn ripped from my arms by my judgmental father and then had to run 500 years after my entire family had been slaughtered by a psychopath, but, hey, that didn't have any lingering side effects.
Hauries d'agraïr tenir amics amb quelcom més entre les orelles que no pas tu.You will be glad you have friends with a little more between the ears than yourself.
Ens amoïna que Northern Lights podria estar en perill i que ella pugui fins i tot tenir accés total.We're concerned Northern Lights might have been compromised and that she might even have full access.
I si pogués tenir el que amb tanta cura amagues a la mà?Oh, and if I could have what you have so carefully hidden in your hand?
Hi tinc un amic a Varsòvia.I have a friend in Warsaw.
Ni tan sols puc expressar Eixes coses amb exactitud Perquè tinc... he de conceptualitzar Idees complexes en este Estúpid i limitat llenguatge.I can't even express these things properly because i have to... i have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language.
Per què no tinc l'Internet?Why don't I have the internet?
- No tinc dona.I have no wife?
Wiglaf, jo no tinc fills i si este dimoni em mata, vaig arreglar amb els heralds Que tu sigues rei.Wiglaf, I have no sons and if this demon kills me, I have arranged with the heralds that you shall be king.
Però ara no tens temps.But you don't have the time.
Em penso que tens molt poca experiència declarant-te.I am afraid you have had very little experience in how to propose.
No en tens ni idea.You have no idea.
No tens una consciència?Don't you have a conscience?
No ho tens en els teus actes.You don't have it in you to act.
Bé, si ho fa, veuré si el meu ós té un amic.Well, if he does, I'll see if my bear has a friend.
Europa té una llarga tradició d’acollida de persones procedents d’altrespaïsos que es veuen forçades a fugirde casa seva a causa de la guerra oles persecucions.Europe has a long tradition of welcoming people from other countrieswho are forced to flee their homesbecause of war or persecution.
A més, la Unió té competències en matèria de coordinació de les polítiqueseconòmiques i d’ocupació dels Estats membres, així com en matèria depolítica exterior i de seguretat comuna, que inclou una política de defensacomuna.The Union also has competence to coordinate the economic and employmentpolicies of the Member States, and to define and implement a commonforeign and security policy, which includes a common defence policy.
El vell oncle no es va enganyar, té bons ulls!That old uncle was right, he has good eyes!
U, té unes cames tan boniques que ningú mirarà les teves, i dos, té eixos cabells que li agrada tocar-se i hipnotitzar tothom.One... she has beautiful legs so no one will be looking at yours, and two... She has that huge hair that she loves to toss around and upstage everybody with.
Ni tampoc volem perdre el contracte que tenim amb vosaltres.We enjoy the contract you have with us.
Ja saps, necessitaves una història creïble, Perquè realment ni tu ni jo tenim una.You know, you needed a believable back-story, 'cause you and me, we don't really have one.
Així que, parlant d'això, tenim un altre gran esdeveniment al caure.So, speaking of which, we have another big event coming up.
Us pregunto ara... Val la pena, quan tenim proves innegables... sí, evidència incontrovertible... de què l'infern existeix?Well, I ask you what is it worth. . . . . .when we have undeniable proof. . . . . .yes, incontrovertible evidence. . . . . .that hell exists?
Com nosaltres tenim la nostra.But let us have our life too. Okay?
*Mai ho he tingut, però...*♪ I never had but N'
Estic bé, hem tingut un petit accident.I'm all right, thanks. We had a little accident. I can't tell you about it now.
Ell no hi ha tingut res a veure.It had nothing to do with him.
L'Oliver i jo hem tingut un petit contratemps amb la moto.Ollie and I just had a little motorcycle mishap.
A vegades un Khal troba que els seus genets no han tingut una bona batussa en mesos.Sometimes a Khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months
Quantes persones hi teniu?How many people do you have here?
De debò creus que el que teniu en Barney i tu és tan fràgil?Do you really think what you and Barney have is that fragile?
- Hi teniu càmeres aquí?- Do you have cameras here?
Podeu amagar-ho i negar-ho, però teniu un cor gentil.You may cover it up and deny it, but you have a gentle heart.
Sé que tu i els teus nous amics teniu el Mirakuru.I know you and your new friends have the Mirakuru.
Potser alguns diran que no se'ls hauria de permetre anar-hi. Que tenen cases... mares, pares.Perhaps some will say... that you should not be allowed to go yet, that you are too young, that you have homes, mothers, fathers, that you should not be torn away.
Ja entenc, però estava entre vostès i el Museu d'Història Natural, i sincerament, vostès no tenen dinosaures.No, I understand, but it was between you and the Museum of Natural History... ...and frankly, you don't have dinosaurs.
Sembla que les víctimes tenen símptomes idèntics.The victims have Apparently Identical symptoms.
Alguns homes tenen un do per a aquestes coses, i d'altres no.Some men have a gift for this sort of thing, some don't.
-Aquests periodistes no tenen dret.These so-called journalists have no right... You're not biased?
Els tindré tots o no me n'emportaré cap.I will have them all or take none.
Aviat tindré un nou deixeble... més jove i més poderós.Soon I will have a new apprentice- one far younger and more powerful.
Jo... tindré...I-I will... I will have...
I tindré pietat de qui jo vulgui tenir-la.I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
Si la meva Casa cau, no tindré res a amagar.If my house should fall, I will have nothing to hide.
Wass porta totes les investigacions, per tant, tindràs temps per a recuperar-te.Wass is managing all active investigations, so you will have time to recover.
Aviat tindràs el Diamair i la perdició d'Artur estarà al teu abast.'Soon you will have the Diamair and Arthur's Bane will be in your grasp.'
Porta-me-la i tindràs una casa.Bring her to me, and you will have a home.
No tindràs res a lamentar, estimada nena.You will have no regrets, my dear child.
En Proctor tindrà el seu dia als tribunals.Proctor will have his day in court.
I si ara, vostè i jo, arribem a un acord, només tindrà un problema:And if we make a deal you will have only one problem.
El següent vídeo explica l'impacte que el projecte tindrà en la comunitat LGBT i també en les seves famílies i amics:The following video explains the impact this bill will have on the LGBT community as well as their families and friends:
I ja no els tindrà, per més que parle.And he will have no more, for all his talk.
Tot i que el més mínim esforç per reduirbarreres ja tindrà un efecte en la participació immigrant, les estratègies d’inclusió mésprofitoses seran les que s’incloguin en un procés de canvi general en la culturaorganitzativa.While any effort to lower access barriers will have apositive effect on immigrant participation, the most successful inclusion strategies will bethose which are embedded in an overall change of organisational culture.
I si els venem, tindrem el suficient per començar una nova vida. Però on anirem?But the animals are ours and if we sell them... we will have enough to start a new life.
I la setmana vinent, tindrem una nova Suprema.And by next week, we will have a new Supreme.
Llavors és més interessant: tindrem una segona ronda de votacions basada en les vostres recomanacions.Then it gets interesting: We will have a second, separate round of voting based on your recommendations.
Si utilitzes aquestes habilitats. Tu i jo junts tindrem un futur brillant. Tu i jo?If you master these skills, you and I will have a bright future together.
La majoria tindrem prou punts, i hem de decidir el que farem.I think most of us here will have enough. Each of us will decide what to do.
El canvi ha arribat a Cardiff. I em plau anunciar que tots i cadascun de vosaltres tindreu un paper en el brillant futur d'aquesta empresa.Change is coming to Cardiff, and I'm pleased to announce that each and every one of you will have a role to play in this company's bright future.
Potser els de l'FBI tindreu més sort.Maybeyou folks in the FBI will have more luck. -Ifwe can work together, it's possible.
Quan creieu que la tindreu?When do you think you will have that amount of money?
No dubtem que els blocaires del Carib tindran molt més de què parlar (els resultats de les eleccions recents a Jamaica, per exemple) i esperarem seguir la blocosfera regional mentre continuem esforçant-nos per un intercanvi d'idees significatiu.We have no doubt that in 2012, Caribbean bloggers will have a lot more to talk about - the outcome of Jamaica's recently-held general elections is just one topic that comes to mind - and we look forward to following the regional blogosphere as we continue to strive to facilitate a meaningful exchange of ideas.
Els nous paquets de medicaments tindran segells amb hologrames tridimensionals i altres caractrístiques per indicar que són autèntics.New packets of the drugs will have three-dimensional hologram seals and other features to indicate the drugs are authentic. "Is this drug real or counterfeit?
Ara vostè i la seva dona tindran una mica de companyia.You and Mrs. Barnell will have some company for a bit, l guess.
Fent servir les tecnologies de la informació, els polítics tindran un millor coneixement de les TI de mitjà a llarg termini mentre aprenen a adaptar-se a les últimes tecnologies: això possiblement portarà a un govern en línia i a (la integració de) comunicacions i radiodifusió.Using Information Technology, politicians will have better understanding of IT in the mid to long term while learning to adapt themselves to latest technologies: this will potentially lead to e-government and communication and broadcasting.
Si els constructors volen sang indígena, en tindran.If the constructors want indigenous blood, they will have it.
En Caleb en tindria 17.KENNETH: Caleb would have been 17.
Si no ho haguessin fet, les tindria ales dues.If they hadn't I would have had you both.
El quatre de juliol s'acostava, pero aviat deixa de recórrer-hi amb el pensament (deixa de pensar-hi abans que hagués usat per quaranta vuit hores les seves cadenes), i fixa les seves esperances en el vell jutge de pau Frazer, que es trobava aparentment en son llit de mort i tindria uns grans funerals públics, ja que fou tan enlairat funcionari.Fourth of July was coming; but he soon gave that up--gave it up before he had worn his shackles over forty-eight hours--and fixed his hopes upon old Judge Frazer, justice of the peace, who was apparently on his deathbed and would have a big public funeral, since he was so high an official.
Tenia un secret que encara no estava disposat a dir; pero, si aquesta sediciosa depressió no es trencava aviat, no tindria més remei que descobrir-lo. Amb una gran ostentació d'alegria, digué:He had a secret which he was not ready to tell, yet, but if this mutinous depression was not broken up soon, he would have to bring it out.
- La premsa mundial tindria un dia en el camp de batalla.- World press would have a field day.
Però si prengués aquest martell aquí ... i et obrís el crani ... tindries els mateixos 3 forats ... al mateix lloc ... que el vell ben.But if I took this hammer here... and I bashed it in your skull... you would have the same three dimples.... in the same place... as Ol'Ben.
Si hagués tingut la intenció de estafarte, ja tindries els diamants.If I had intended to swindle you, I would have had diamonds.
Si sabéssim que hi ha terratrèmols perquè s'injecta gas, tindríem la causa controlada.If we knew that there were tremors because gas has been injected, we would have the cause controlled.
I excepte que fem la cirurgia per buscar els discos de memòria no tindríem manera de saber-ho.And short of performing surgery to find those memory disks, you would have absolutely no way of knowing.
Cert és que tindríeu amics d'enllà del mar Estret.Of course you would have friends from across the Narrow Sea.
No creuràs que tindrien pietat de nosaltres?You believe what they would have mercy?
Quants de mos lectors tindrien l'activitat i l'aplicació d'encabir-se a la memoria dos mil versicles, fins i tot per una Bíblia de Doré?How many of my readers would have the industry and application to memorize two thousand verses, even for a Dore Bible?
Si hi hagués justícia... ..els assassins de policies ho tindrien que sentir-ho tota l'eternitat.If there was any justice, cop killers would have to hear it for an eternity.
Jo podria obtindre alguna cosa. Barbara Keller tenia problemes per assegurar algunes monedes que va comprar,Barbara Keller was having trouble insuring some coins she bought.
I creia que jo tenia un mal dia.I thought I was having a bad day.
Jo tenia un mal dia, i tu no et callaves.l was having a bad day, and you wouldn't shut up.
No, estic aquí perquè pensava que tenia un afer amb vostè.No, and I'm here because I thought he was having an affair... with you.
Hem pensat que potser tenies un atac.We thought maybe you were having a fit or something.
Fou sempre el mateix somni, un que tingueres dins d'una habitació tancada, un somni sobre ser una persona... i com en molts somnis... hi ha un monstre al final.It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person... and like a lot of dreams... there's a monster at the end of it.
Tom romangué tan atarantat, que no tingué presencia d'esperit ni per a dir: -Quí se'n tira cap pedra al fetge, senyoreta Lluida?- fins que el temps escaient per a dir-ho fou passat.Tom was so stunned that he had not even presence of mind enough to say "Who cares, Miss Smarty?" until the right time to say it had gone by.
Joe no tingué ocasió d'esdevenir impacient abans que tornessin portant algunes belles llobines, un parell de perques del sol, i un barb petit: provisions per a tota una família.Joe had not had time to get impatient before they were back again with some handsome bass, a couple of sun-perch and a small catfish--provisions enough for quite a family.
En arribar la part agra del desenllaç, tingué un impuls d'aixecar-se i desemmascarar Alfred Temple; pero féu un esforç i s'obliga a romandre quieta, perque ella es deia, cor endins: -Ell dira que jo he esquinçat la lamina, ben segur.When the worst came to the worst, she had an impulse to get up and tell on Alfred Temple, but she made an effort and forced herself to keep still--because, said she to herself, "he'll tell about me tearing the picture sure.
Ana cap a l'escola, i tingué la sort de topar Becky Thatcher al cap de Meadow Land.He started to school and had the luck of coming upon Becky Thatcher at the head of Meadow Lane.
Fou la sorpresa més atarantadora de la decada; i tan pregona fou la sensació, que aixeca el nou heroi a l'altura de l'heroi judicial, i l'escola tingué dues meravelles a contemplar en lloc d'una.It was the most stunning surprise of the decade, and so profound was the sensation that it lifted the new hero up to the judicial one's altitude, and the school had two marvels to gaze upon in place of one.
Però en acabant tinguérem l’accident.But then we had the accident.
Però en acabant tinguérem l'accident.But then we had the accident.
I encara que estar lluny de tu aquests anys deuria fer-me oblidar l'amor que tinguérem... només m'ha fet estimar-te més.And I thought being away from you all these years would make me forget the love that we had together, but... it's only made me love you more.
-Tom, Tom! Jo seria l'anima més feliça del món si pogués creure que mai haguéssiu fet tan bon pensament com és aquest; pero ja sabeu que mai el tinguéreu. I jo també ho sé, Tom."Tom, Tom, I would be the thankfullest soul in this world if I could believe you ever had as good a thought as that, but you know you never did--and I know it, Tom."
Després amuntegaren grans branques mortes fins que tingueren un forn braolador, i els retorna la joia al cor.Then they piled on great dead boughs till they had a roaring furnace, and were gladhearted once more.
El dimarts els minyons tingueren la mateixa pega.Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck.
Aquella nit tingueren un famós banquet d'ous ferrats, i un altre el divendres al matí.They had a famous fried-egg feast that night, and another on Friday morning.
Si-us-plau doni això al seu professional de rentat del cotxe, i que tingui un dia A-1.Please give this to your car wash professional, and have an A-1 day.
L'única cosa que has d'aconseguir és que la noia Stark tingui un fill.All you have to do is get a son in the Stark girl.
Pot que tingui un mica d'escuma.I might have some mousse maybe.
I tingui la bondat d'esperar a l'altra habitació.And have the goodness to wait in the other room.
Voleu que tingui càncer?Do you kids want me to have cancer?
La meva clau... vull que tu la tinguis.My key-- I want you to have it.
Que siguis un personatge, no vol dir que tinguis personalitat.Because you are a character... doesn't mean that you have character.
No és que tinguis moltes experiència en gestionar un... bé, a gestionar res.It's not like you really have any experience in running a...well, running anything.
Deixa el teu missatge que tinguis un bon dia.Leave a message, and have a beautiful day.
Dóna'm la sang que tinguis.Give me the blood you have.
Serà seu quan acabi la guerra i no tinguem cap altre necessitat estratègica amb ell.It is his once the war is over and we have no further strategic need for it.
I mentres tinguem suficient mà d'obra, tot és possible.And as long as we have enough manpower, everything is possible,
-No crec que tinguem cap alternativa.-We wouldn't have any alternatives.
M'agrada una reunió en la que ens tinguem que identificar al principi, perquè em obliga a ser honest a propòsit de qui sóc en realitat.I always love a meeting where we all have to identify the tab, because it forces me to be honest about who I really am.
Me... m'encanta que tinguem l'oportunitat de destruir el cap de setmana d'en Gary Blauman fent-lo fora del casament!I... love... that we have the opportunity to destroy Gary Blauman's weekend by kicking him out of the wedding!
Jo vull que tingueu avançaments.Ah. I want you to have breakthroughs.
Així que tingueu-ho a punt, d'acord?So have it ready, okay?
Que tingueu bon dia, pare.Well, you have a good day, Father.
M'alegra que no la tingueu.A wonder you don't have it.
Quina sort que tingueu problemes amb les rates.Lucky you guys have a rat problem.
Passarem una vegada més per cabina en cas de que tinguin alguna cosa que tirar.We'll also be coming through the cabin one more time in case you have anything remaining to discard.
Un cop els vampirs tinguin altres substàncies a part des éssers humans, és la meva fervent esperança de que tornaran a ser uns membres pacífics, respectuosos amb les lleis, i pagadors d'impostos de la nostra societat.Once these vampers have sustenance other than human beings, it is my fervent hope that they will return to being peaceful, law-abiding, tax-paying members of our society.
Llavors els deixarem que en tinguin.Then we'll let 'em have it.
Senyores, senyors, si us plau tinguin els seus papers preparats per a la inspecció.(Officer) Ladies and gentlemen, please have your papers ready for inspection.
Els països de la UE perseguiran elsactes terroristes que tinguin lloc en elseu territori, els que hagi comèsalgun dels seus ciutadans o residentso els que s’hagin comès contra elsseus ciutadans.EU countries will prosecute terroristacts that take place on their own soil orhave been committed by one of theirnationals or residents or against theirown people.
No, no, preocupar-me no... però he estat tenint aquest somni desagradable.No, not concerned, really... ...but I've been having this nasty dream.
Ja saps, va dir que, estàveu... tenint alguns problemes.You know, said that, you know, you guys were... having some issues.
És com... bé, quan jo estava tot fet malbé, sap, i... mig despert i mig inconscient... em passava molt tenint aquest somni.It's like. . . . . .when I was all smashed up, you know. . . . . .and half-awake and unconscious-like. . . . . .l kept having this dream.
És com el paio en aquell documental que seguia tenint dones que apareixien mortes al final de les escales.It's like the dude in that documentary who kept having women show up dead at the bottom of his staircase.
Oh, Frank, estic tenint problemes amb el meu transmissor al C-POD.I'm having trouble with my transmitter in C-pod.

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