Īpaša uzmanība jāpievērš tam, lai sievietes tiktu atbalstītas palikt darba tirgū, | Particular attention needs to be paid to ensuring that women are encouraged to stay in the labour market. |
Komisija tomēr atzīmē, ka šajos gados vidējais lielums trijos scenārijos svārstās diapazonā no 17,0 % līdz 22,7 %, pie kam divus gadus tas ir aptuveni 20,2 %. Šķiet, ka tas norāda uz vispārēju tendenci jaudas rezerves robežai palikt tuvu pie 20 %, ierēķinot pieļaujamo kļūdu. | However, the Commission notes that during these years the average of the three scenarios fluctuates between 17,0 and 22,7 %, with two years at around 20,2 % This seems to indicate that there is an overall tendency for the capacity margin to stay very much around 20 %, including some margin of error. |
Īpaši attiecībā uz pasākumu Greenpeace apgalvo, ka pasākums ir jāuzskata par veidu, kā Apvienotās Karalistes valdībai pārstrukturēt un nolīdzināt uzņēmumu – BNFL, lai tas varētu palikt tirgū un turpināt darboties kā veiksmīgs uzņēmums, atbrīvojoties no tā sliktākajiem aktīviem un tiem pievienotajiem iespējami nenomaksātiem parādiem. | As regards the Measure more specifically, Greenpeace contends that it should be looked upon as a way for the United Kingdom Government to restructure an ailing company — BNFL — by ridding it of its worst assets and the potentially unfunded liabilities attached to them, in order to allow it to stay on the market and continue as a successful company. |
Mani vecāki negribēja, lai es vēl ilgāk palieku Šveicē, tādēļ, pateicoties viņiem, mans galīgais lēmums bija 1991. gada beigās atgriezties mājās un sākt biznesu savā dzimtenē. | My parents didn’t want me to stay in Switzerland any longer, so thanks to them, my final decision was to return home at the end of 1991 and to start my business in my native country. |
Nelūdz, lai palieku. | Don't ask me to stay. |
Es palieku tepat. | I'm staying here. |
- Velns, paliec šeit. | - Damn it, stay back here. |
- Tu paliec. | - You stay inside. |
- Nē, paliec. | - No, stay in here. |
Mēs visi paliekam. | We're all staying. |
Nevēlos, lai mēs šeit paliekam. | I don't want us to stay here. |
Un acīmredzot mēs paliekam vieni. | And, apparently, we stay alone. |
- Un tu mani pasargāsi. - Es palikšu pie tevis, | And I will stay with you And you will keep me safe |
Tu paliksi pie mana... | You will stay with my... |
Nav skaidrs, vai tās tādas paliks ilgstoši. | It is unclear whether they will stay at that level for a sustained period. |
Ja tavs aizsardzības lūgums tiks apmierināts, tavi pirkstu nospiedumi paliks datubāzē līdz brīdim, kad tie tiks automātiski dzēsti. | If you are successful with your request for protection, your fingerprints will stay in the database until they are automatically deleted. |
Mana sieva un viņas māte paliks nometnē. | My wife and her mother will stay in camp. |
Lai mēs paliktu šeit mūžīgi. | Things would stay this way forever. |