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Tinggal (to stay) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of tinggal

Present tense
I stay
Past tense
sudah tinggal
I stayed
Present perfect tense
sudah tinggal
I have stayed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah tinggal
I will have stayed
Future recent tense
tinggal nanti
I will stay
Future distant tense
tinggal kelak
I am going to stay
Present continuous tense
sedang tinggal
I stay
Past distant tense
dulu tinggal
I (a long time ago) stayed
Past recent tense
tinggal tadi
I (recently) stayed
Past very recent tense
baru saja tinggal
I (just now) stayed

Examples of tinggal

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jika kau mau, aku akan meninggalkan perusahaan tapi aku akan tinggal di Korea.If you want, I will leave the company but I will stay in Korea.
Dan saya ingin kalian semua pergi dgn paspor protectory Swedia, dan semua yg tinggal di rumah2 negara2 netral, dlm damai.And I want you to leave all those with Swedish protectory passports, and all those staying in the houses of the neutral states, in peace.
Aku bercerita kepada Anda tinggal kembali.CLUTCH: l told you to stay back.
- Anda tinggal di sana selama itu?- You stayed there that long? Yeah.
- Anda tinggal di sini .- You stay here.

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