Per aquest motiu moltes famílies van decidir quedar-se on viuen." | That’s why many families decided to stay where they live”. |
Aamjanata pensa que aquesta ordre no és raonable, perquè hi ha molts treballadors que exigeixen quedar-se fins tard: | Aamjanata thinks that this directive is unreasonable as it is a requirement for many jobs to stay late: |
Va decidir quedar-se a Baba Amr, tot i que l'exèrcit sirià va reconquerir-lo després d'haver-lo bombardejat tres mesos. | He decided to stay in Baba Amr even after the Syrian army re-captured the neighborhood after bombing it for three months. |
Persones que sempre tenen curiositat per conèixer la teva història, d'on véns, cap a on vas, quant de temps duus de viatge, quants quilòmetres ja has recorregut entre altres exclamacions tan simples i gracioses que, al cap i a la fi, sempre acaben en el que sempre s'espera: una invitació a quedar-se. | People that always are curious to know your story, from where you are coming from, how long you've travelled, how many kilometres you've crossed, among other simple and funny thoughts that always end up with an invitation to stay. |
Sempre és més fàcil quedar-se a casa i veure com passa el temps sense involucrar-nos-hi. | It is easier to stay at home and watch the world go by without us than to get involved. |
T'importa si ... ... em quedo aquí una mica més? | Do you mind if I stay here a Iittle Ionger? |
Em quedo amb tu. | It's fine. I'II stay. |
Vés-te’n, ja em quedo. | You go, I'II stay. |
No, jo em quedo, em vull estirar. | No, I think I’m just going to stay here and... take a little cat nap. |
I dius: "Em quedo al llit." | You figure you'll stay in bed. |
Quan et quedes a un lloc, caus en un ritme monòton: t'aixeques, et fas un café, agafes el tramvia o el metro per anar a l'oficina i el 80 per cent del teu dia és previsible. | When you stay in one place you get into this daily rhythm, you get up, grab a coffee in the morning, you take a tram or metro and you go to your office, and 80 percent of your day is predictable. |
L’oncle Jack s’empiparà molt si sap que et quedes una setmana. | Uncle Jack would be very much annoyed if he knew you're staying on till next week at the same hour. |
Tu et quedes aquí, a la consola de control. | You stay here at the control console. |
I quan te n'hauràs anat, et quedes on siguis, o desapareixeràs. | And when you're gone... you stay gone... or you be gone. |
- Et quedes aquí un segon? | -Yeah. You don't mind staying here, do -Sure. |
Tot i que jo sé que es queda aterrida a casa quan sóc enmig dels enfrontaments, prega per mi i em dóna suport. | Although I know she stays at home terrified when I am out during clashes, she prays for me and supports me |
Jo...odiaria haver de decidir... qui es queda a dalt i qui baixa. | I'd hate to have to decide who stays up and who goes down. |
M'agrada la gent que es queda en un lloc. | I like a man that stays put. |
Llavors em giro i veig el president que està mort, allà, "Patxi" Jijón es gira, i a mi m'empenten cap a fora i "Patxi" es queda amb el president mort. | Then I turn around and I see the president, dead, and there Patxi Gijón turns back, and I get pushed out and Patxi stays with the president... dead. |
- El nano es queda. | - The kid stays. |
Si ens quedem, abans de matar-nos ens torturaran. | If we stay, before being killed, we will be tortured. |
Si ens quedem aquí, en passarà una cosa horrible. - ¿Pare Powell no cuidarà de nosaltres? | If we stay here, somethin' awful will happen to us. - Won't Daddy Powell take care of us? |
Explotarem, si ens quedem aquí. | We'll blow up if we stay here. |
O ens quedem, o marxem. | Excuse the pun, but we're either staying or we're living. |
Ens quedem aquí amb la seva mitja taronja i vostè el va a cercar. | We stay here with your little tulip in there and you go get our guy. |
És només que mai em havia quedat en el teu casa abans. | I just never stayed over your house before. |
Si no, no m'hauria quedat amb tu. | Or else I wouldn't have stayed here with you. |
T'estimaries més que la mare s'hagués quedat? | Do you ever think that Mom should have stayed home? |
Sense els polis s'hauria quedat a casa tota la vida. | Without the cops he would have stayed here the rest of his life. |
Si podem creuar la frontera sense problemes i us quedeu amb nosaltres tota la nit sense provar de fugir, al matí us deixaré anar. Com sé que mantindràs la paraula? | So you help us get across the border without incident, you stay with us... through the night without trying anything funny, without trying to escape... and in the morning, I'm gonna let you guys go, all of you. |
Si podem creuar la frontera sense problemes i us quedeu amb nosaltres tota la nit sense provar de fugir, al matí us deixaré anar. | So you help us get across the border without incident. You stay with us through the night without trying anything funny, without trying to escape. And in the morning, I'm gonna let you guys go, all of you. |
No us quedeu tota la nit. | Uh, just don’t stay up all night, okay? |
Mira, vosaltres us quedeu a l'autocaravana. | Look, you guys, you stay in the Rambler. |
Després de posar electricitat en el tub ple d'electrons... ...després d'encendre's ¿es queden encesos... ...o poden quedar-se sense energia? | After putting electricity into the tube full of the electrons... after they're lit up, do they stay lit up or can they run out of energy? |
Es queden aquí? | You stay here? |
- Senyor, senyor, només queden la línia groga. | - Sir, sir, just stay behind the yellow line. |
La majoria, les claus es queden en el gerro. | Most of the time, the keys stay in the jar |
Es queden fora tota la nit, fins i tot quan estem dormint? | Do they stay out there all night, even when we're sleeping? |
Jo em quedaré, perquè és el meu deure com a president: el president no abandona La Moneda. | I will stay, for it is my duty as President. The President does not abandon the Moneda. |
Jo em quedaré, perquè és el meu deure com a president: | I will stay, for it is my duty as President. |
Jo em quedaré. | I will stay. |
Oh, ximpleries. Et quedaràs a la festa. | Oh, nonsense, you will stay here and see the party in full swing. |
En Durrant perdrà la feina i tu et quedaràs aquí cinc anys més. | Durrant will lose his job and you will stay here five years longer. |
Que passi el que passi, et quedaràs amb ells, seràs amb ells, els protegiràs. | That whatever happens, you will stay with them, be with them, protect them. |
Aquesta zona del planeta es quedarà a l'ombra durant 45 dies terrestres. | This zone of the planet will stay in shadow another 45 Earth days. |
La dona es quedarà amb nosaltres. | The woman will stay with us. |
77 es quedarà a la cambra fins que canvie el seu comportament. | 77 will stay in the black box until his behaviour is corrected. |
Clavé Hrunting En el pit de la mare de Grendel... ...i quan vaig traure l'espasa Del seu cadàver... ...Ia criatura va tornar a cobrar vida. Vaig tornar a clavar--li l'espasa I ací es quedarà. | I plunged Hrunting into Grendel's mother's chest and when I pulled the sword free from her corpse, the creature sprang back to life, so I plunged the sword back into the hag's chest and there it will stay. |
Perquè a no ser que tinguem accés a una força policial privada, en Vanch quedarà lliure per vagar pels carrers. | Because unless you have access to some private police force, Vanch will stay free to roam the streets. |
Si no vols venir a les bones, ens quedarem per enterrar la teva família. | If you will not return willingly... you will stay to bury your family. |
- - He dit que ens quedarem. | - I said we will stay. |
Els cavallers de la Vall es quedaran a la Vall, on han de ser, per protegir el seu senyor. | The knights of the Vale will stay in the Vale where they belong, to protect their lord. (Tyrion whistling a tune) |
Blanquejaré els teus diners, guardaré els teus secrets, però els nens es quedaran amb en Hank i la Marie, a on tenen la opció d'estar segurs. | I will launder your money, I'll keep your secrets, but the kids will stay at Hank and Marie's, where they have a chance of being safe. |
És la meva mare, si no fos això, em quedaria. | It's about my mother, otherwise I would, uh, I would stay. |
I m'odio per voler-les tant que em quedaria treballant a un lloc que defensa tot allò contra el que lluito. | And I hate myself for loving it so much that I would stay working at a place that stands for everything I stand against. |
M'ha dit que es quedava a Whitmore. | She was told me she was staying at Whitmore. |
- Com ho sabia que et quedaves allà? | How did he know you were staying there? |
Molts dels convidats es quedaren després per parlar amb els autors i agrair-nos la inicitiva, ja que no havien estat mai a un esdeveniment semblant. | Many of the guests stayed behind to talk to the authors and thank us for the initiative, as they'd never been to an event like it. |
- Vol que em quedi en aquest molí fins a la nit. | You persuade me to stay in this deserted mill until dark. |
Potser és millor que no em quedi. No me’n recordava de la festa. | Perhaps I'd better not stay, I had forgotten about the birthday. |
I no provarà el meu dolç de xocolata a menys que es quedi per al picnic. | And you don't get a smidgen of my fudge unless you stay for the picnic. |
Digues-li a na Lupe que es quedi fins divendres, jo no puc, perquè he convidat una gent a sopar. | Next Friday, ask Lupe to stay the night. I can't stay because I invited the company managers for dinner. |
Digues-li al Rei John que es quedi i assegura't que ningú vegi en Jack. | Tell Reverend John to stay. Make sure no one notices... and get everyone to leave. But what happened? |
No et quedis aquí, agafaràs fred. | Don't stay out here. You'll catch cold. |
Vull que et quedis. | I want you to stay. |
No et diré que et quedis o marxis. | I will not tell you to stay or go. |
Estarem bé. - Val. Però necessitar que et quedis fins tard matí. | - But I will need you to stay late tomorrow night. |
I no et quedis aquí per veure com sostinc el llibre. ¿D'acord? | Don't stay here to see how I hold the book, okay? |
Potser un dia es quedin en un hotel i duguin bones maletes, però no passa res. | So maybe one day they will stay in a hotel, will have nice rolling suitcases and that’s ok. |
La política d'immigració actual ha refrenat "l'obertura" dels anys 80, i s'obeeixen escales de valors molt estrictes, que depenen de les habilitats i la probabilitat que els immigrants es quedin al Canadà un cop hagin obtingut el passaport privilegiat. | The current immigration policy has reined in the "openness" that began in the 80s, and are currently adhering to strict scales of value depending on skills and the likelihood of the immigrants staying in Canada after obtaining that privileged passport. |
Jo vull que es quedin. | I want them to stay. |
No sé quanta estona estarem esperant ordres, però vull que, els veterans que es quedin i els substituts, a punt per lluitar. | I don't know how long we'll wait... but I want those who are staying, and all replacements, ready to fight. |
Quan les noies arriben, assegureu-vos que es quedin. | When the girls get in, make sure they stay in. |
M'imagino quedant-nos aquí una bona temporada. | I could see us staying here for quite a while. |
Crec que ens acabarem quedant aquí, ens desfarem del pis. | I think we'll end up staying here, get rid of the flat. |
S'està quedant amb la seva mare. | She's staying at her mom's. |
I quedant-vos, m'esteu donant temps per a aixecar un gran exèrcit. | And by staying, you've given me time to raise a large army. |