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Quedarse (to stay) conjugation

40 examples

Conjugation of quedarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me quedo
I stay
te quedas
you stay
se queda
he/she/it stays
nos quedamos
we stay
os quedáis
you all stay
se quedan
they stay
Present perfect tense
me he quedado
I have stayed
te has quedado
you have stayed
se ha quedado
he/she/it has stayed
nos hemos quedado
we have stayed
os habéis quedado
you all have stayed
se han quedado
they have stayed
Past preterite tense
me quedé
I stayed
te quedaste
you stayed
se quedó
he/she/it stayed
nos quedamos
we stayed
os quedasteis
you all stayed
se quedaron
they stayed
Future tense
me quedaré
I will stay
te quedarás
you will stay
se quedará
he/she/it will stay
nos quedaremos
we will stay
os quedaréis
you all will stay
se quedarán
they will stay
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me quedaría
I would stay
te quedarías
you would stay
se quedaría
he/she/it would stay
nos quedaríamos
we would stay
os quedaríais
you all would stay
se quedarían
they would stay
Past imperfect tense
me quedaba
I used to stay
te quedabas
you used to stay
se quedaba
he/she/it used to stay
nos quedábamos
we used to stay
os quedabais
you all used to stay
se quedaban
they used to stay
Past perfect tense
me había quedado
I had stayed
te habías quedado
you had stayed
se había quedado
he/she/it had stayed
nos habíamos quedado
we had stayed
os habíais quedado
you all had stayed
se habían quedado
they had stayed
Future perfect tense
me habré quedado
I will have stayed
te habrás quedado
you will have stayed
se habrá quedado
he/she/it will have stayed
nos habremos quedado
we will have stayed
os habréis quedado
you all will have stayed
se habrán quedado
they will have stayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me quede
(if/so that) I stay
te quedes
(if/so that) you stay
se quede
(if/so that) he/she/it stay
nos quedemos
(if/so that) we stay
os quedéis
(if/so that) you all stay
se queden
(if/so that) they stay
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya quedado
I have stayed
te hayas quedado
you have stayed
se haya quedado
he/she/it has stayed
nos hayamos quedado
we have stayed
os hayáis quedado
you all have stayed
se hayan quedado
they have stayed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me quedara
(if/so that) I have stayed
te quedaras
(if/so that) you have stayed
se quedara
(if/so that) he/she/it have stayed
nos quedáramos
(if/so that) we have stayed
os quedarais
(if/so that) you all have stayed
se quedaran
(if/so that) they have stayed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me quedase
(if/so that) I have stayed
te quedases
(if/so that) you have stayed
se quedase
(if/so that) he/she/it have stayed
nos quedásemos
(if/so that) we have stayed
os quedaseis
(if/so that) you all have stayed
se quedasen
(if/so that) they have stayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera quedado
I had stayed
te hubieras quedado
you had stayed
se hubiera quedado
he/she/it had stayed
nos hubiéramos quedado
we had stayed
os hubierais quedado
you all had stayed
se hubieran quedado
they had stayed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese quedado
I had stayed
te hubieses quedado
you had stayed
se hubiese quedado
he/she/it had stayed
nos hubiésemos quedado
we had stayed
os hubieseis quedado
you all had stayed
se hubiesen quedado
they had stayed
Future subjunctive tense
me quedare
(if/so that) I will have stayed
te quedares
(if/so that) you will have stayed
se quedare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have stayed
nos quedáremos
(if/so that) we will have stayed
os quedareis
(if/so that) you all will have stayed
se quedaren
(if/so that) they will have stayed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere quedado
I will have stayed
te hubieres quedado
you will have stayed
se hubiere quedado
he/she/it will have stayed
nos hubiéremos quedado
we will have stayed
os hubiereis quedado
you all will have stayed
se hubieren quedado
they will have stayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's stay!
Imperative negative mood
no te quedes
do not stay!
no se quede
let him/her/it stay!
no nos quedemos
let us not stay!
no os quedéis
do not stay!
no se queden
do not stay!

Examples of quedarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... que nuestro amor llegó para quedarse... ""...our love is here to stay
"Caballeros, su trabajo es quedarse aquí y no hacer nada"."gentlemen, your job is to stay put and do nothing. "
"Como Lot tuvo miedo de quedarse en Soar se estableció en la montaña con sus dos hijas donde se instaló en una cueva."Since Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar, he and his two daughters settled in the hill country, where he lived in a cave.
"Con mucha más nieve en el pronóstico con la mayor parte de nieve llegando mañana, esperando de 10 a 12 centímetros en el area de Cypress Rose, así que van a querer quedarse en casa y abrigarse porque las carreteras van a estar resbaladizas."With a lot more snow in the forecast with the bulk of the snow arriving late tomorrow, expecting ten to 12 inches in the Cypress Rose area, so you're gonna want to stay in and bundle up, because those roads are going to be slippery.
"Cuando María y José llegaron a Belén después de un largo viaje buscaron un sitio donde quedarse.""When Mary and Joseph reached Bethlehem after a long and tiring journey, they looked for a place to stay."
! - Gina, quédate en el auto.Gina, stay in the car.
" Cariño, quédate conmigo."Honey, stay here with me.
" No te vayas, quédate un poco más. ""Don't go, stay a bit longer."
"...quédate conmigo".stay with me
"Detente para hacer pis, pero quédate para toda la vida "?"Stop for a pee, but stay for a lifetime"?
"Encantado de verlos Bleibe, reste, quédese.''Happy to see you Bleibe, reste, stay.
"Por su mami, por favor quédese Por sólo cuatro días'"For your Ma's sake, please stay on for just four days"
"Quédese en mi casa quédese conmigo"."Stay by my house, stay by me!
"Váyase a casa y quédese allí"."Go home and stay there."
"quédese en su propia sala de estar."stay right in your own living room
- De acuerdo, quedémonos.-All right, let's stay.
- Más tarde, quedémonos aquí un poco más.- Later on, let's stay here for a while. '
- No, quedémonos.- No, let's stay.
- Papá, quedémonos en el pueblo... El abuelo pagara.Dad, let's stay, anyway grandpa is going to pay.
- ¡Por favor, quedémonos!- Please let's stay!
- Al menos quedaos hasta que tengamos a Vargas.~ At least stay until we have Vargas.
- Buscad a D'Artagnan en el campamento y quedaos con l. - ¿Y tú?- Seek D'Artagnan and stay with him. Do you?
- Niños, quedaos en la barca.Kids, stay in the boat.
- Niños, quedaos y cuidad de la yaya.Boys, stay and look after Nanny. Oh, all right.
- No cuelgues, quedaos justo donde estáis.Stay put, stay where you are.
"Encantado de verlos Bleibe, reste, quédense.''Happy to see you Bleibe, reste, stay.
"Vengan por las carreras de caracoles, quédense por las chimichangas.""Come for the snail racing, stay for the chimichangas." Huh?
# Chicos y chicas quédense lejos del lagoBoys and girls stay away from the lake
- Bien, entonces, quédense vestidos.- [ Both ] Yeah. - Well, then, stay in those clothes.
- Bien, quédense atrás.- All right, stay back.
" me hubiera quedado en casa.""I wish I'd stayed at home."
"Ojalá me hubiera quedado en Hollywood y seguido siendo un actor súper estrella.I wish I stayed in Hollywood and just stayed a superstar actor.
"Si Kohei no hubiera caído enfermo, me hubiera quedado entre sus brazos.Had Kohei not been ill, I'd have stayed in his arms.
"Todos mis deseos se han quedado sin cumplir.""All my wishes stayed unfulfilled."
# Y si vemos algún chico rico en camino le haremos desear haberse quedado en casa♪ And if we see any rich kids on the way We'll make 'em wish they stayed inside
*Lanzando los dados y quedándose fuera hasta las tres*♪ Rolling dice or staying out till 3:00 ♪
- Los testigos vieron... a un hombre quedándose en su casa la semana pasada.A witness saw a man staying at your house last week.
- Luego resultó que ella estaba quedándose con su mejor amigo, Paul.- Then it turned out she was staying with their best friend, Paul.
- Pueden ayudar quedándose aquí.You can help by staying here.
- Pueden ayudar quedándose fuera de mi camino.- You can help by staying out of my way.

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