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Berdiam (to stay) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berdiam

Present tense
I stay
Past tense
sudah berdiam
I stayed
Present perfect tense
sudah berdiam
I have stayed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berdiam
I will have stayed
Future recent tense
berdiam nanti
I will stay
Future distant tense
berdiam kelak
I am going to stay
Present continuous tense
sedang berdiam
I stay
Past distant tense
dulu berdiam
I (a long time ago) stayed
Past recent tense
berdiam tadi
I (recently) stayed
Past very recent tense
baru saja berdiam
I (just now) stayed

Examples of berdiam

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ingin bosan berdiam disini sepanjang hari?You gonna stay in this dump all day?
Bisakah kau berdiam di situ dan tidak bergerak?Can you just stay there and not move?
Aku tak berdiam di rumah.It's just I couldn't stay here in the house with him.
Dia berdiam diri di kamar sepanjang hariThe person stays in bed all day
Kau boleh berdiam diri dan menerima kesepakatanku,... atau menerima konsekuensinya.Now, you can stay calm and accept my deal... or accept the consequences.

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