Tippel (to guess) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of tippel

Present indefinite tense
I guess
you guess
he/she to guess
we guess
you all guess
they guess
Present definite tense
I guess
you guess
he/she guesses
we guess
you all guess
they guess
Past indefinite tense
I guessed
you guessed
he/she guessed
we guessed
you all guessed
they guessed
Past definite tense
I guessed
you guessed
he/she guessed
we guessed
you all guessed
they guessed
Conditional present indefinite tense
I would guess
you would guess
he/she would guess
we would guess
you all would guess
they would guess
Conditional present definite tense
I would guess
you would guess
he/she would guess
we would guess
you all would guess
they would guess
Conditional past indefinite tense
tippeltem volna
I would have guessed
tippeltél volna
you would have guessed
tippelt volna
he/she would have guessed
tippeltünk volna
we would have guessed
tippeltetek volna
you all would have guessed
tippeltek volna
they would have guessed
Conditional past definite tense
tippeltem volna
I would have guessed
tippelted volna
you would have guessed
tippelte volna
he/she would have guessed
tippeltük volna
we would have guessed
tippeltétek volna
you all would have guessed
tippelték volna
they would have guessed
Future indefinite tense
fogok tippelni
I will guess
fogsz tippelni
you will guess
fog tippelni
he/she will guess
fogunk tippelni
we will guess
fogtok tippelni
you all will guess
fognak tippelni
they will guess
Future definite tense
fogom tippelni
I will guess
fogod tippelni
you will guess
fogja tippelni
he/she will guess
fogjuk tippelni
we will guess
fogjátok tippelni
you all will guess
fogják tippelni
they will guess
Subjunctive present definite tense
(if/so that) I guess
(if/so that) you guess
(if/so that) he/she guess
(if/so that) we guess
(if/so that) you all guess
(if/so that) they guess
Subjunctive present indefinite tense
(if/so that) I guess
(if/so that) you guess
(if/so that) he/she guess
(if/so that) we guess
(if/so that) you all guess
(if/so that) they guess
Conjugated infinitives
I to guess
you to guess
he/she to guess
we to guess
you all to guess
they to guess

Examples of tippel

Example in HungarianTranslation in English
- Meg tudná tippelni?-What if you had to guess?
- Nagy vakmerőség lenne tippelni.- It is so reckless to guess.
- Nem akarok tippelni.Er, don't want to guess.
- Nem is akarok tippelni.I can't even begin to guess.
- A drága nejemre tippelek.-I'm guessing my darling wife.
- A szerelem kifürkészhetetlen útjaira tippelek.How? Mystery of love would be my guess.
- Akkor tippelek.- I'll take a guess.
- Arra tippelek én is, de szinte semmim sincs, amivel dolgozni lehetne.It's my best guess, but I've got barely anything to work with here.
- Arra tippelek, hogy nem ő az.I'm gonna guess that's not him.
- Borzalmasan tippelsz.That's a terrible guess.
- Csak jól tippelsz.Lucky guess.
- Jól tippelsz.- Pretty good guess.
- Most tippelsz?- Are you guessing?
- Na mit tippelsz!- Take a wild guess.
- A másik lehetőség, hogy tippelünk. És akkor négyből háromszor a testvéreid egy újabb koporsó felett sírdogálhatnak majd.- Well, the alternative is we guess, and there's a three out of four chance that your little brother and sister will get to cry over another coffin.
- Erre tippelünk.-It's our best guess.
- Mindannyian iszunk. De ha jól tippelünk, te iszol!We all take a shot, but if we guess correctly, you take a shot.
16-ra tippelünk.We're guessing around 16.
Arra tippelünk, hogy még mindig az épületben van.Our best guess is that the guy is still in the building.
Biztos nem csak tippeltek.Wasn't on a guess.
Egy tanár áll a diák mögött, és "igen"-t mond... minden egyes alkalommal, amikor helyesen tippeltek.A teacher will stand behind a student and say "yes" Each time they guess correctly.
Mondok egy melléknevet, ami leírja az ágybéli teljesítményetek, ti pedig tippeltek, vajon melyikőtökre vall.I'll throw out an adjective describing how one of you is in bed, and you guess who it is.
Nem tippeltek?Want to take a guess?
Szóval tippeltek.So they guessed.
- Amire az újságírók tippelnek... és amit Durk valójában hisz... nehezen ismerem ki magam a főfelügyelőn.- As to what the papers guess at... and what Durk really thinks... - He's not much to live with today. I can tell you that, sir.
A helyszínelők 9 millisre tippelnek.CSU's guessing nine mil.
De köztünk szólva, csak tippelnek.But between you and me, that's just a guess.
- De úgy tippelem, nem ő járat... legénymagazinokat.But I'm guessing she doesn't subscribe to... "lad" magazines.
- De, úgy tippelem hogy szerinted még... jön neked eggyel.But i'm guessing that you feel like you're... Owed one.
- Hát úgy tippelem... egy a háromhoz?Well, I guess maybe 1 -in-3.
- L.A.-ben és úgy tippelem Kaliforniában is, felteheted ezt a kis sárga matricáta lökhárítóra ami annyit jelent, hogy vezethetsz abban a speciális sávban.- So, in L.A. And I guess in California, you could put this little yellow sticker on the bumper which meant you can drive in the h.O.V. Lane by yourself.
- Nyolc, legfeljebb kilenc hetes, és úgy tippelem, az apa nem itt van.You're eight, nine weeks pregnant at most, and I'm guessing the father is not in this room. And the DNA test will prove that.
A feladat az hogy tippeljük meg hogy mennyi pénz van a bögrében.The assignment is to guess how many pennies are in the jar.
- Csak tippeltem, nem tudom, hogy talál-e.- I guessed so I don't know if it fits.
- Jól tippeltem.I guessed right.
- Ne áruld el, mielőtt tippeltem volna.- Don't say before I've guessed.
- Többre tippeltem.I'd have guessed longer.
- Én majomtámadásra tippeltem volna.I would have guessed ape attack.
- Mit nem tippeltél még?- What haven't you guessed? - "T".
Csak azt ne mondd kérlek, hogy tippeltél.Don't tell me you guessed, please.
Jól tippeltél.You guessed right.
Micsoda? Csak tippeltél?What, so you just guessed?
Szóval csak tippeltél.Meaning you guessed.
- Dean tippelt!Dean guessed!
Apu 188 kilót tippelt.Dad guessed 415 pounds.
Dr. Isles tippelt.- Dr. Isles guessed, Dr. Isles guessed.
Earl pedig arra tippelt, hogy maga valójában férfi.And Earl guessed you were a man.
Jó kis sztori, de rosszul tippelt.Not a bad story, but you guessed wrong
Erre tippeltünk mi is, mikor leléptél.Yeah, we guessed that when you took off.
Ha csak egy enzimen dolgozunk, mi lesz, ha rosszul tippeltünk?If we develop only one enzyme, what would happen if we guessed the wrong one?
Esetleg tippeltetek?Maybe you've already guessed?
Azt hittem, talán egy kicsit lassabban jön, mint ahogy tippeltétek, de ez a két balfék, akiket küldtetek megérkezett, és ők sem látták.I thought it might be going a little slower than you guessed, but these two numbnuts that you sent. They just showed up and they ain't seen it, either.
- Én reggelre tippelnék.- I would guess morning.
A vér már nem áramlott az ereiben, amikor, amit én egy sebészi fűrésznek tippelnék, elválasztotta a combjait a törzsétől.Blood no longer pulsed through her veins, when, what l would guess was a surgical saw, severed her thighs from her torso.
Pizzára tippelnék, de a kigyúrt hasad miatt, amit akkor láttam, amikor lesegítettél a gondoláról,I would guess pizza, but based on your ripply stomach I saw when you helped me get down off the gondola ride,
Jól tippelnél.You would guess right.
Legtöbbetek úgy tippelné, hogy az NFL csapatok legjobban kereső játékosai a hátvédek. És igazatok is lenne.Now, y'all would guess that, more often than not... the highest paid player on an NFL team is a quarterback... and you'd be right.
Hadd tippeljem meg!Let me guess.
Megkellett tippeljem a méreteidet, de szerintem egész jól skerült.I had to guess your measurements, but I think I did all right.
- Akkor tippeld meg!- Try and guess.
Ha nem tudsz egyet, tippeld a "B"-t, és menj tovább.If you don't know one, guess "B" and move on.
Szia, tippeld meg, hogy mit tanultam ma a suliban.Hey, guess what I learned in school today.
Van rá mód, hogy csak... meggyőzzelek, hogy... nézd meg őket és tippeld meg a halál okát?Is there any way I could just persuade you to look at these and guess cause of death?
"Hadd tippeljek."Let me guess.
- Hadd tippeljek! Fizika a szakterülete.Let me guess, you majored in Physics?
- Hadd tippeljek! Rath küldte, mi?- Let me guess, Rath.
- Hadd tippeljek! Újra megnyitja a nyomozást, és kideríti mi okozta a tüzet?- Let me guess here... you're gonna reopen the investigation to find out what caused the fire?
- Hadd tippeljek!- Let me guess.
"Hé, tippelj, ki pisil, ha nevet.""Hey, guess who pees when she laughs."
- Csak poénból, tippelj, nem fogod elhinni!Just for fun... just take a guess. You're not gonna believe it.
- Csak tippelj!- Just guess.
- Csak tippelj.- Just have a guess.
- Gyerünk, tippelj!Come on, you gotta guess. Ryan. Ryan.
- És tippeljen, ki van vele.- And guess who's with him.
A bátyja megtudta, aztán tippeljen mi volt!His brother found out, and guess what?
Azt akarják, álljon ki beszélni, és tippeljen, ki helyére kerül.They want you to speak from the stage and guess who you're replacing.
Csak tippeljen!Your best guess.
De tippeljen egyet!But guess what?
Ha megkéri, hogy tippeljünk, ki lehet maga, sikítani fogok.If you ask us to guess who you are I shall scream.
Ne tippeljünk, majd visszatérünk erre, ha lesz pontos létszám.Let's not guess, I'll get to you sometime with an accurate figure.
- Gyerünk, tippeljetek.- Go on, guess.
- Semmi segítség, csak tippeljetek.- No clues, just guess.
- tippeljetek, ki volt az.- guess who it turns out to be.
- és tippeljetek kit adott ki.- and guess who popped up.
Gyerünk, csak tippeljetek egy jót.Come on, just give it a good guess.
Ezt tetézve, tippeljenek ki vezette a konvojt?And on top of that, guess who was leading the convoy?
Miért nem hagytad, hogy tippeljenek?Come on. You're supposed to let them guess.
Én ... azt akartam, hogy tippeljenek.I was gonna have them guess. - Oh, I didn't...
És tippeljenek, ki lenne a tökéletes jelölt a megüresedett helyre?And guess who the perfect front-runner would be to fill the vacancy.
# Ha tippelnem kéne, azt mondanám a majom-feladó ezt jópofának hiszi ## If I had to guess I'd say the monkey-sender thinks it's great #
- Akkor hol van? - Ha tippelnem kellene...- If I had to guess...
- Egyelőre senki sem tudja, de ha tippelnem kell, szerintem több százmilliós tisztítási költség.- Who can say at this point but if I had to guess, I'd say in the area of 100 million for cleanup costs.
- Ha tippelnem kellene, azt mondanám, egy Unas volt.- If I had to guess, I'd say it was an Unas.
- Ha tippelnem kellene, olyan 3 millió $ értékű áru?If i had to guess, maybe $3 million worth?
- Ha a tiéd, tudod, tilos tippelned.- When you put your own clue in, you're not allowed to guess. You know that.
- Szerinted mit csinálhat, ha tippelned kéne?- If you had to guess, what's it look like it's doing?
Ha meg kéne tippelned az okát...If you were to guess at a reason.
Ha tippelned kell, szerinted milyen lehet a sós, tojásos, zöldséges, sertésmáj leves? - Zöldséges?Hey, if you had to guess, what do you think the salty egg vegetable sponge liver pig soup tastes like?
Ha tippelned kell, tippelj "B"-t.If you have to guess, guess "B."
- Ha tippelnie kellene?- If you had to guess?
- Ha tippelnie kéne?- If you had to guess.
Doki, ha tippelnie kellene, akkor mit mondana?Doc, if you had to guess, what would you think?
Ha meg kéne tippelnie, mennyit mondana?If you had to guess the price, what would you say?
Ha már a versenyről van szó, ezek közül a lányok közül, ha tippelnie kellene, ön szerint ki a legnagyobb vetélytársam?Speaking of the C word, of all the girls here, if you had to guess, who would you say would be my biggest competition?
Csak tippelnünk kell.We're just supposed to guess!

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