Normalment no solc estar d'acord amb el senyor Barrow, però no. | Anyway, you don't have to dress him, just see he's got everything he needs. |
Marieta, marieta, fugiu al vostre casal. Se us cala foc a la casa, i estan sols vostres infants. I ella emprengué el vol i se n'ana a veure-ho, cosa que no sorprengué al noi, perque sabia de qui-sap-lo temps que aquest insecte era credul quant a incendis, i ell havia posat a prova la seva simplicitat més d'una vegada. | A brown spotted lady-bug climbed the dizzy height of a grass blade, and Tom bent down close to it and said, "Lady-bug, lady-bug, fly away home, your house is on fire, your children's alone," and she took wing and went off to see about it--which did not surprise the boy, for he knew of old that this insect was credulous about conflagrations, and he had practised upon its simplicity more than once. |
Ni tan sols se sentia lladrar als gossos. | I couldn’t even hear a dog bark! |
Tenia tan sols quatre anys quan vaig deixar Armènia, però en perspectiva no sé si sóc afortunat o no de no recordar-me de tot el que vaig deixar enrere. | I was only four when I left Armenia, but in retrospect I don’t know whether that’s fortunate or not as I am unable to remember everything I left behind. |
Necessitem un full de ruta clar per saber com volem fer això, i no sols exaltar-nos. | We need a clear roadmap on how we whant to do this, not just excitement. |
Probablement, la majoria de nepalesos que han generat una controvèrsia on no n'hi havia, ni tan sols sabien que en realitat el Nepal compta com a part de l'Índia a l'hora de calcular la recaptació de les pel·lícules de Bollywood. | Probably, most of the Nepali citizens who created a controversy where none existed, weren’t even aware that Nepal is, in fact, counted as part of India for the express purpose of counting the domestic shares of Bollywood films. |
Actualment, totes les instàncies del Consell estan presidides durant sis mesos, pertorns rotatoris, per un sol Estat membre. | At present, all the bodies of the Council are chaired for six months by a single Member State in turn. The Constitution does not make any fundamental changesto this system. |
Ara bé, tant si el porta per protegir-se de la sorra, del sol o per fumar una pipa, el que no canvia és el fet que, i ací rau l’autèntic problema, hi ha gent a qui, evidentment, no se li ha explicat ben bé en què consisteix la guerra. | But whether he was wearing it to protect against the sand, the sun, or to smoke a pipe doesn’t really matter. The real problem is that clearly, some people were not told exactly what a war is all about |
La Copa del Món del 2014 comença al Brasil el 12 de juny i la febre futbolística ha esclatat a Bangla Desh, com sol passar cada quatre anys. | The FIFA World Cup 2014 is about to begin in Brazil on June 12 and 'World Cup fever' has gripped Bangladesh, like it does, every four years. |
El clergue saudita Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari esmenta en un vídeo a YouTube que la Terra és estacionària i no gira al voltant del sol. | Saudi cleric Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari says in a video on YouTube that the Earth is stationary and doesn't rotate around the sun. |
La Terra és estacionària i no gira al voltant del sol i qui digui una altra cosa que no sigui això és “un home racional, a qui ningú no fa cas”!! | Earth is stationary and does not rotate around the Sun and whoever says anything other than this is "a rational man, no one pays attention to"!! |
Les seves 20 comissions, que preparen els treballs de les sessions plenàries, així com els grups polítics, se solen reunir a Brussel·les. | It has 20 committees which do the preparatory work for plenary sessions, and a number of political groups that usually meet in Brussels. |
Els immigrants indocumentats i els demandants d’asil se solen excloure d’aquests cursosintroductoris, ja que els governs intenten evitar la falsa creació d’expectatives a faltad’un estatus legal garantit. | Undocumented migrants and asylum seekers are typically excluded from introductioncourses, as governments wish to avoid raised expectations in the absence of a securelegal status. |
Es pot treure algun profit de les cartes enviades a Roscomnadzor (així com els nostres adversaris solen i adoren fer) en les quals reiterem que el projecte és útil, important i necessari per a moltes persones? | Is there any point in writing letters to Roscomnadzor (as our opponents love to do) saying that our project is useful, important, needed, and helpful to people? |
Aquest vídeo es va convertir en el més buscat utilitzant #Bahrain, quan els cibernautes van reaccionar a la notícia. Les forces del règim de Bahrain retiren els senyals que se solen erigir cada any per l'aniversari d'Aixura. | #Bahrain regime forces remove manifestations that are usually put up in Ashura annual anniversary #ReligiousFreedom — AlwefaqEN (@AlWefaqEN) October 17, 2015 |
Tinc una teoria sobre les dones atractives. I tu ho ets molt. Se solen amagar sota una capa de burrades, com tu. | I have a theory about women who are beautiful, 'cause you're beautiful... who bury themselves under layers of crap, like you do. |