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Conocer (to know) conjugation

149 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: meet, become acquainted, get, to meet

Conjugation of conocer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I know
you know
he/she/it knows
we know
you all know
they know
Present perfect tense
he conocido
I have known
has conocido
you have known
ha conocido
he/she/it has known
hemos conocido
we have known
habéis conocido
you all have known
han conocido
they have known
Past preterite tense
I knew
you knew
he/she/it knew
we knew
you all knew
they knew
Future tense
I will know
you will know
he/she/it will know
we will know
you all will know
they will know
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would know
you would know
he/she/it would know
we would know
you all would know
they would know
Past imperfect tense
I used to know
you used to know
he/she/it used to know
we used to know
you all used to know
they used to know
Past perfect tense
había conocido
I had known
habías conocido
you had known
había conocido
he/she/it had known
habíamos conocido
we had known
habíais conocido
you all had known
habían conocido
they had known
Future perfect tense
habré conocido
I will have known
habrás conocido
you will have known
habrá conocido
he/she/it will have known
habremos conocido
we will have known
habréis conocido
you all will have known
habrán conocido
they will have known
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I know
(if/so that) you know
(if/so that) he/she/it know
(if/so that) we know
(if/so that) you all know
(if/so that) they know
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conocido
I have known
hayas conocido
you have known
haya conocido
he/she/it has known
hayamos conocido
we have known
hayáis conocido
you all have known
hayan conocido
they have known
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have known
(if/so that) you have known
(if/so that) he/she/it have known
(if/so that) we have known
(if/so that) you all have known
(if/so that) they have known
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have known
(if/so that) you have known
(if/so that) he/she/it have known
(if/so that) we have known
(if/so that) you all have known
(if/so that) they have known
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conocido
I had known
hubieras conocido
you had known
hubiera conocido
he/she/it had known
hubiéramos conocido
we had known
hubierais conocido
you all had known
hubieran conocido
they had known
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conocido
I had known
hubieses conocido
you had known
hubiese conocido
he/she/it had known
hubiésemos conocido
we had known
hubieseis conocido
you all had known
hubiesen conocido
they had known
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have known
(if/so that) you will have known
(if/so that) he/she/it will have known
(if/so that) we will have known
(if/so that) you all will have known
(if/so that) they will have known
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conocido
I will have known
hubieres conocido
you will have known
hubiere conocido
he/she/it will have known
hubiéremos conocido
we will have known
hubiereis conocido
you all will have known
hubieren conocido
they will have known
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's know!
Imperative negative mood
no conozcas
do not know!
no conozca
let him/her/it know!
no conozcamos
let us not know!
no conozcáis
do not know!
no conozcan
do not know!

Examples of conocer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" pero yo no pretendo conocer las respuestas. ""but I don't pretend to know the answers."
"... Siempre creí..." "... que vale más conocer la verdad..."I had always believed that it is better to know the truth than to live in ignorance.
"A este respecto, amigos, su revista mensual... "titulada "La pura verdad"... "les ayudará a comprender la forma de conocer..."In this respect, friends, his monthly magazine entitled" The plain truth"... help them understand how to know... and follow the road that will take you to the desired goal... and let them have everything they need in life."
"Ahí hay otro niño que nunca tendrás la oportunidad de conocer, el tuyo"."Here's another kid you'll never get a chance to know. Your own. "
! yo conozco al doctor!I know the doctor!
! yo no los conozco ni siquiera!I don't even know them!
! ¡No lo conozco!I don't know you!
" Le conozco, estuve en su casa." I've been to his house, I know him.
! ...Pero que se supone que conoces....But are already supposed to know.
! Mira, no conoces a este tío, ¿vale?Look, you don't know this guy, okay?
" ¿Sí? ¿Hace cuánto que lo conoces? "And I'm like, "Yeah, how long ya known him? "
! - Todo el mundo conoce a Mimi Caraway.- Everybody knows about Mimi Caraway.
" Al conoce Dios, Y Dios conoce zapatos "."Al knows God, and God knows shoes."
" Aquel que conoce esta Verdad está desprovisto de necesidades, y liberado "."He who knows this Truth is devoid of wants, and liberated"
"'Todo el mundo conoce las explosiones en Hyderabad .." ".. que han dejado 17 muertos y 119 heridos .. " ".. y ha conmocionado a toda la juventud de la nación."'And, everyone knows about the Hyderabad blasts...' '...that left 17 dead and 119 injured...' '...has shocked the entire youth of the nation.'
"... Todo aquel que ama, es nacido de Dios, y conoce a Dios"Everyone who loves has been born by God and knows God
! Ni siquiera Io conocemos, mamá!We don't even know him, Mom!
" Así es como lo conocemos que es el último tiempo " ."That is how we know it is the last hour."
" Los vemos en la cafetería Con alguien que conocemos"See them at the coffeehouse With someone else we know
" y así es como lo conocemos que es la última hora ."and that is how we know it is the last hour."
"A donde voy lo sabéis, y ya conocéis el camino"."Whither I go ye know, and the way ye know."
"Chicos", dijo él, "no me conocéis Y tampoco os importa... "And, "Boys, " says he, "you don 't know me and none of you care a darn..."
"En Italia no conocéis el cine hablado, conocéis el cine doblado. " Tenía toda la razón."In Italy you don't know talking films, you know dubbed films. " And he was absolutely right.
"Quizá me conocéis, pero yo no os recuerdo."Maybe you do know me, but I really don't remember you.
! Los dos conocen las reglas!You both know the rules!
" Al ser traicionadas por hombres que nos conocen"Being betrayed by men who know us
" Conocemos a la entrometida policía Pero no conocen nuestra melodíaWe know the nosey policemen but they don't know this tune
" Pocos conocen la verdadera historia detrás de Sara Farley."Few people know the true story behind Sara Farley.
""Frío"" es una palabra que los nadadores de invierno no conocen.Cold is a word but winter swimmers don't know it.
! Lo conocí.I knew him.
"Así que todo el tiempo que lo conocí," "me estaba hundiendo más y más en la depresión," "mientras fingía con Eleanor que no necesitaba tomarlas."So all the time I knew him, I was sinking deeper and deeper into depression, whilst pretending to Eleanor I no longer needed to take them.
"Cuando conocí a Chris Turk, supe que era un tipo con el que podría salir de fiesta de por vida".I knew this was a guy I could party with forever. Yeah!"
"Debajo de tu falso pudor, eres más puta que todas las putas... que conocí en mi juventud".Underneath your false pudor, you are more puta than all putas... that I knew in my youth "".
"Desde que te conocí..."Since I knew you..
"Más viejo que el hombre que conociste, pero no imagino no volver a ver" Older than the man you once knew, but I cannot imagine not seeing again
"Recuerda a la chica que conociste... .. y perdónala"."Remember the girl you knew... "..and forgive her.
"Vete y olvida que me conociste.Leave the country. Forget you ever knew me.
"Y entonces, de repente, ahí estabas tú" y... me conociste""And then, suddenly, there was you, and... you knew me."
# Todo lo que verás es a una chica que una vez conociste #* All you will see is the girl you once knew *
"Christmas Moultrie conoció a Ward Allen mejor que cualquier otra persona que haya vivido, y aunque uno haya nacido en una mansión y el otro en la esclavitud, eran almas gemelas"."Christmas Moultrie knew Ward Allen "better than any other person that lived, "and although one to the manor born
"En Bagdad... había un joven que nunca conoció a su padre... una noche, cuando la luna brillaba sobre la ciudad... tenía unas monedas... para un helado, así que entró en una heladería y pidió uno.\"In Baghdad... there was a youngster that never knew his father... a night, when the moon shined on the city... he had some coins... to buy an ice cream, so he got into an ice cream shop and asked for one.
"Pero, te juro que no conoció otros forma de fuga de la prisión. ""But, I swear I knew no other way to break out of this prison."
"Private Ira Hayes" conoció su lado.Private Ira Hayes knew his side.
"¿ La civilización asi como la conocimos volverá algún día?"Will civilisation as we knew it ever return?
# La noche que nos conocimos lo supe #♪ The night we met I knew that
- La conocimos esta noche.- None of us knew her before tonight.
- Le conocimos antes.-We knew him first.
Así que, ¿los dos os conocisteis creciendo?So, you two knew each other growing up?
Debió serlo cuando lo conocisteis, ya no.You're telling us he walked? Well, he might have been solid when you knew him, but he ain't solid now.
El hijo que vos nunca conocisteis.The son you never knew.
Hermanos de la nueva nación de Kiss-killa, no estoy ante vosotros como el Augie Farks que conocisteis.I stand here before you not as the Augie Farks you once knew.
Muchos de los que estáis aquí esta noche me conocisteis como un miliciano marchando en las bases del partido en los primeros años del Movimiento y camaradas del Partido lo mismo que era un miliciano entoncesMany of you here tonight knew me... as an SA man... marching in the rank and file... in the first years of the Movement. And Party Comrades, just as I was an SA man then... so I am still an SA man today!
"Las personas que lo conocieron describen Isaías como tener el temperamento severo y áspero."People who knew him described Isaiah as having stern and harsh temperament.
"Un intelecto asombroso", si usted habla con personas que lo conocieron."An astonishing intellect", if you talk to people who knew him.
"¿Te das cuenta de que hay personas en este mundo que nunca conocieron a sus abuelos?""Do you realize that there are people in this world who never knew their grandparents?"
*También los buenos autores que alguna vez conocieron mejores palabras*♪ Good authors, too, who once knew better words ♪
"De cualquier manera, conoceré tus sentimientos y mi corazón estará en paz""Either way, I will know your true feelings and my heart will be in peace.
A algunos los conoceré.Some of you I will know.
A partir de ahora, conoceré cada uno de tus movimientos.From now on, I will know your every move.
Ahora sólo rezo. No me abandones ahora. Muéstrame el camino y así lo conoceré.d And now I pray d d Do not forsake me d d Show me the way d d And I will know d
Bueno ¿cuándo conoceré a la señorita Perfecta?Good ¿cuándo I will know to the Perfect señorita?
"A partir de ahora, Alice, conocerás algo más de los misterios del laberinto,"By now, Alice, you will know something of the mysteries of the labyrinth.
"Y conocerás la verdad, y la verdad te hará libre"."And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
- Así conocerás mi historia, los fantasmas.- So you will know my story, the ghosts.
"Recorreré la tierra y mi hambre no conocerá límites"."I shall walk the Earth and my hunger will know no bounds. "
"Roma le conocerá vestido de oro"."Rome will know him in cloth of gold."
*en los buenos y en los malos tiempos* *repartimos verdadero amor* *y encontré un lugar* *donde todo el mundo conocerá* *mi feliz cara bigotuda* *esto es el show de Cleveland.* Subtitulos.es* through good times and bad times * * it's true love we share * * and so I found a place * * where everyone will know * * my happy mustached face * * this is the cleveland show. * (chuckles)
- Alguien les conocerá.- Someone will know them.
1er. capítulo, en el que conoceremos una isla, increíblemente pequeña, quizás en el Mediterráneo, el Gran Ducado de Abacco, a su encantador tirano, Ramón XXII (Harry Liedtke), último heredero de una pequeña corona y una deuda pública muy respetable,Chapter 1, wherein we will know an incredibly small island which might be in the Mediterranean Sea, the Great Dukedom of Abacco, its charming tyrant, Ramon the 12th (Harry Liedtke), last heir to a little crown and to a quite big public debt,
Ahí es cuando conoceremos su identidad.That's when we will know his identity.
Así conoceremos su voluntad. O bien confirmar el reinado del Rey Íficles, o bien terminarlo.Then, you will know his will either to confirm King Iphicles' reign, or to end it.
Así nos conoceremos mejor.So we will know better.
"y conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres".You will know the truth and this truth will set you free."
Así conoceréis la nada: Es la única realidad.You will know nothingness - it is the only reality.
Leed más periódicos, conoceréis mejor el mundo.Read more newspapers, you will know better about the world
"Por nuestras acciones, la gente de Australia conocerán el poder de nuestra fe.By our actions, the people of Australia will know the power of our faith.
"en donde todos conocerán"♪ Where everyone will know
* Where everyone will know * (* Donde todos conocerán *)* Where everyone will know *
- Todos en el país la conocerán.- Everybody in the country will know you.
Ahora los Espectros conocerán la total convicción de los Hoffanos.The Wraith will know the full conviction of the Hoffan people.
- No está por la zona, si no, la conocería.It's not in our area, otherwise I would know.
- Si fueran nuestros, Martijn... - yo los conocería.If they were our friends, Martijn, I would know who they are.
Al menos conocería a alguien.At least I would know someone.
Allí no nos conocería nadie.No one would know us there.
- Obviamente nos invitó porque está saliendo con un hombre de color, y asumió que lo conocerías porque es ? un hermano? .- She obviously just asked us out because she's dating a black man, and then assumed that you would know him because he's a "brother."
Bueno, entonces conocerías mi receta secreta.Well, then you would know my secret recipe.
Creí que conocerías a Zed.I thought you would know Zed.
Dijo que tú conocerías el camino.He said that you would know the way.
"Si llegáramos a saber eso sería el mayor triunfo de la razón humana pues entonces conoceríamos la mente de Dios"."If we ever learn this, it will be the ultimate triumph of human reason, "for then we would know the mind of God."
Bueno, al menos conoceríamos el orden y la disciplina... - y a quienes saben mantenerla!Well, you know, at least we would know order, and discipline - and who should do what!
Si pudiéramos descubrir la respuesta, conoceríamos la forma perfecta de hacer casi todo.If we could discover the answer, we would know the perfect way to do almost anything.
- Todos se conocerían.-Everybody would know everybody.
Carston se imaginó que conocerían a sus hombres.Carston figured they would know his own men.
Si lo supieran, lo conocerían.For if you did, you would know him.
Si me conocieran, conocerían también mi Padre.If you knew me, you would know my Father also.
" Haz que se conozca a sí misma Que te conozca"Bring her out to know herself To know you
"Alguien que no conozca nadie..."Someone nobody knows.
"Conoce a alguien que conozca a Tchang Tchong-Jen" "un pintor chino?""You don't know anyone who knows Tchang Tchong-Jen" "a Chinese painter?"
"Cualquiera que conozca el paradero de Hallie Gerard por favor contacte... ""Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Hallie Gerard please contact..."
"Cualquiera que me conozca sabe que tiendo a enojarme cuando me empujan hacia una esquina.Mm. "Anyone who knows me knows I've have a tendency "to bristle when pushed into a corner.
" Aunque conozcas, Señor, el secreto de nuestros corazones"."Thou knowest, Lord, the secret of our hearts."
"Quiero que conozcas a tu papá..."I'd like you to know your daddy...
"Quiero que me conozcas pero no puedo revelarte quién soy".I want you to know me but I can't reveal who I am.
"Quizás conozcas algún lugarcito donde ir"Maybe you know Some little places to go to
"Sabes, quizá haya alguien alguien más a quien conozcas en la clase."You know, maybe there's somebody... somebody else you know in the class.
"Soy tu papá, pero probablemente nunca nos conozcamos."I'm your father, but we'll probably never know each other."
* *algún lugar que sólo nosotros conozcamos* *algún lugar sólo...*♪ ♪ Somewhere only we know ♪ ♪ Somewhere only ♪
*Algún sitio que sólo tú y yo conozcamos*♪ Ah... oh ♪ ♪ Somewhere only we know? ♪
*Así que por qué no nos vamos* *a algún lugar que sólo nosotros conozcamos?♪ So why don't we go ♪ ♪ Somewhere only we know?
"Será la victoria más dulce que conozcáis.""It will be the sweetest victory you'll know."
# Oh, en la calle vive un tipo que quiero que conozcáis.? Oh, along the road there lives a guy l'd like you all to know
- ... que os conozcáis.- to get to know each other.
! Espero que los hurones conozcan a un buen doctor por que lo necesitaran!I hope the Ferrets know a good doctor, because they're gonna need one!
"Está autorizado para contactar con todos los agentes que te conozcan" ."He is authorized to contact all agents known to you. "
"de distintos países," sin distinción social. Para que se conozcan.From as many countries as possible, leaving aside social rank and all that, to get to know each other.
"y la oficina del Primer Ministro se ha negado a especular hasta que se conozcan más detalles."and the Prime Minister's office has refused to speculate until more details are known.
Cuando les conocí sentí como... si los conociera de hace años.When l met them l felt like... l have known them for years.
Era imposible que conociera el plan de Mitch.I couldn't possibly have known about Mitch Morgan's plan.
Es como si lo conociera de toda la vida.It is like I have known him all my life.
Me siento como si la conociera de toda la vida.I feel I have known her all my life.
- No creo que lo conocieras.- You wouldn't have known him
He encontrado otra chica para ti, y creo que te va a encantar, y va a ser como si la conocieras de toda la vida.I found another girl for you, and I think you're gonna love her, and it's gonna feel like you have known her forever. You have known her forever.
Me hubiera gustado que lo conocieras.I should have known him.
Puede que la conocieras.Maybe you have known her.
"Siento como si nos conociéramos desde hace mucho tiempo.""I feel we have known each other for a long time."
Parece que Liam y tú estais unidos como si fuerais parientes y os conocierais de siempre.Looks like you and Liam are bonding like you're related and have known each other forever.
Puede que se conocieran de la calle o de otro refugio.They may have known each other from the street or from a shelter.
Resulta que puede que se conocieran de fuera del patinaje.It turns out that they actually might have known each other outside of Roller Derby.
Si el asesino las conocía tan bien, ¿es posible que ellas lo conocieran?So, if the killer knew them that well, could they have known him?
Jim y Bev son tan hospitalarios que es como si los conociese de siempre.[Malle Narrating] Jim and Bev's hospitality is so gracious... I feel I have known them all my life.
No hay ninguna forma de que ella conociese cada homicidio de la ciudad.There's no way she could have known about every homicide in the city.
Porque Jason puede que no conociese a los Parker, pero su cómplice sí.How is that a good thing? Because Jason may not have known the Parkers, but his accomplice does.
Quizá no te conociese antes, pero te conozco ahora.I may not have known you before, but I know you now.
Parece como si tú y Api os conocieseis desde hace años.Sometimes I feel as if you and Api have known each other a long, long time.
" Conoced el presente, conoced el pasado."Know the present, know the past.
"Conoced el presente, conoced el pasado...""Know the present, know the past...."
Coyopa, Hunahpu, regresad a vuestro campamento, conoced a vuestros nuevos compañeros.Coyopa, hunahpu, head back to Coyopa, hunahpu, head back to camp, get to know your new
" El movimiento estudiantil fanático conocido como la Guardia Roja... ...hasurgidocomounafuerzapolítica reaccionaria genuinamente potente... ...quese aferraráacualquierexcusa para justificar la expulsión..."The fanatical student movement known as the Red Guard has emerged as a genuinely potent reactionary political force which will seize upon any excuse to justify the expulsion of all foreigners from China.
"La muy querida estaba desnuda y conociendo"The dear was naked and, knowing my desire..."
El hombre que conocé como Henderson fue uno de mis mejores operadores.The man you know as Henderson was one of my best operators.
"Una vez que entrás, si atravesás esa puerta, conocés el verdadero MIEDO""Once you log in, if you cross that door, you know the real FEAR "
" James y yo estábamos a punto de entrar en un región secreta de Birmania conocido como "el estado de Shan .'James and I were about to enter a secretive region of Burma known as 'the Shan state.
" Yo, Sidney Matson, conocido como Alce Matson... estando en pleno uso de mis facultades... declaro mi última voluntad y testamento."I, Sidney Matson, known as Moose Matson... "being of sound mind and under no duress... "make this my last will and testament.
"Lem, tú eres mi mejor amigo, y sí debo morir, por lo menos moriré conociendo a un tipo realmente genial."Lem, you are my best friend, and if I should die, at least I'll die knowing one really cool guy.
"Pero conociendo que mi buen hermano es un príncipe de la prudencia virtud, y honor le pido que se reponga de dicho disgusto y sabiamente, con carácter, como yo mismo no vuelva a poner su honor a descansar en la ligereza de una mujer pero agradeciendo a Dios por todo consolándose en la bondad de Dios.""But knowing my good brother to be a prince of prudence," virtue, and honour, "I do require him to throw off the said displeasure
"Querido Lou, ya no estoy mas por ahi asi que conociendo que tal vez esa es la situacion quiero tomarme el tiempo de decirte lo que realmento siento por vos, no solo como un amigo de toda la vida, pero como el tutor de mi amado hijo.Dear Lou, I'm not around anymore, so knowing that might be the case, I wanted to take the time to tell you how I really feel about you, not only as a lifelong friend, but as the guardian of my beloved children.
¿Lo conocé?Does he know him?
- Lo conocés de algún lado?- Do you know him at all?
- No me conocés.- You don't know me.

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