Els residents de Fukushima es veuen empesos en una difícil decisió entre la por a la radiació, que no es pot veure ni olorar, i la "campanya de seguretat" de les autoritats, que causa gran angoixa i ruptures entre famílies, amics i veïns. | The residents of Fukushima are forced into a difficult decision between the fear of radiation, which cannot be seen or smelled, and the authorities' “safety campaign,” which is causing great distress and fraction between families, friends and neighbors. |
Com tothom, tu vas néixer en captivitat. Nascut en una presó que no pots olorar ni tastar ni tocar. | Like everyone else, you were born into bondage... ...born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. |
Si estàs parlant del què pots sentir... ...del què pots olorar, tastar i veure... ...llavors "real" son simplement senyals elèctrics interpretats pel teu cervell. | If you're talking about what you can feel... ...what you can smell, taste and see... ...then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. |
- Necessita olorar-lo? No. | - Do you need to smell it? |
No necessito olorar-lo. | I don't need to smell it. |
És el seu perfum el que oloro?. | Is that her perfume I smell? |
Crec que oloro a cremat. | I think I smell something burning. |
Els oloro d'una hora lluny. | I can smell Jews. |
Ho oloro. | I smell it. |
És el seu perfum el que oloro? | Is that her perfume I smell? |
- Tu sempre olores a fred i solitud... - I també estranyament dolç com el cabells d'una anciana. | You always smell so cold and lonely... and it's also weirdly sweet like an old lady's hair. |
- Ja no ho olores? | -You don't smell it anymore? |
Imagino que també olores molt bé. | I imagine you smell very nice too. |
I tu olores a Aqua Velva. | And you smell like Aqua Velva. |
Si olora algun dels teus companys, desbudellarà la petita i dolça Thea com a una truita. | If he even smells your partners, he will gut sweet little Thea like a trout. |
No m'haguessin dit que deixés anar als gossos tret que els gossos haguessin olorat una rata. | They wouldn't be telling me to call off the dogs unless them dogs smelled a rat. |
He olorat 18 perfums diferents, he tastat nou trossos diferents de pastís que tenien el mateix gust. | I've smelled 18 different perfumes, I've sampled nine different slices of cake, which all tasted identical. |
Crec que mai no he olorat un gat mort. | I'm not sure I've ever smelled a dead cat. |
He de ser més dur, més fort i més masculí que la resta de l'equip perquè si oloren una mica de gai en mi, ja no seré el seu company. | I got to be tougher, stronger and more manly than everyone else on the team because if they smell even a little bit of gay on me, I'm not their teammate anymore. |