Vestides de dalt a baix amb els tradicionals shalwar qameez i amb xadors que els cobrien el cap, les germanes van sortir al jardí privat de casa seva per ballar. | Fully clothed in traditional shalwar kameez, chadars draping their heads, the teenage sisters stepped outside their home into their private garden, to dance. |
Una altra de les opcions força a "Varoufakis a ballar i cantar "My Anaconda" 14 cops davant de la Merkel". | Another options forces "Varoufakis to dance and sing 'My Anaconda' 14 times in front of Merkel." |
Els treballadors sanitaris del centre International Medical Corps a Makeni, la ciutat més gran de Sierra Leone, van ballar i cantar per a celebrar l’ocasió. | Medical workers at the International Medical Corps treatment center in Makeni, the third largest city in Sierra Leone, danced and sang to mark the occasion. |
Nigèria seria el paio ric i gras que intenta ballar amb totes les noies. | #IfAfricaWasABar Nigeria would be the fat rich dude trying to dance with every girl. — WILL SESSIONS (@OfficialBafmiQ) July 27, 2015 |
I si ballem? - Sap ballar? | - Can you dance? |
Tot el que recordo és que ballo d'ençà que m'aguanto dreta. Ningú no ballava a la meva família. | All I remember is that when I started to stand I started to dance... and nobody in my family had ever danced. |
-Només ballo pel ¨14 de Juliol. | - I only dance on July 14th. |
El gris es torna blau quan ballo amb tu | ¶ but gray skies turn to blue ¶ ¶ when i dance with you |
Bé, si l'àvia ens coneix i veu que som normals, com que jo a vegades ballo dormint, o tu et tenyeixes els cabells rossos sense cap raó, veurà qui som, entesos? | I mean, if abuela gets to know us and sees that we're somewhat normal, like how I sometimes dance in my sleep and how you sometimes dye your hair blonde for no reason, then she'll see us for who we really are, okay? |
Vinga, que balles de meravella. | Come on, you're a wonderful dancer. |
Disculpeu, la meva germana balla tan malament ... | Excuse me, my sister dances so clumsily ... |
I ara els didgeridus mentre Ridjimiraril balla la seva dansa de la mort. | And now the didgeridu as Ridjimiraril dances his own death dance. |
I si ballem? - Sap ballar? | - Can you dance? |
# Així que ballem tota la nit les cançons dels Rolling Stones # # quan vaig despertar estaven xuclant els meus ossos # | ¶ so we danced all night to the rolling stones ¶ ¶ when I awoke, they were chewing on bones ¶ |
Quan siguis morta i sentis com tremola el taüt... voldrà dir que jo i els meus col·legues hi ballem a sobre. | When you're dead , and arkkusi shake , - you know that I and my colleagues dance in your grave . |
Cantem i ballem i es basa en activitats en equip. | We-we sing and we dance and it's full of inducing community-based activities. |
Promet-me que no te'n aniràs fins que ballem. | Hey, promise me you won't leave until we get at least one dance. |
He ballat amb dones vestides amb l'Hijab, sota l'aurora boreal. | I have danced with hijab-clad women under the Northern Lights. |
I bé, aquest xal ha ballat en tots els racons del món, i ara és teu. | So... this shawl has danced across the stages of the world, and now it's yours. |
Quan dues persones no han ballat juntes durant un temps i tornen a intentar-ho, és millor aprendre amb una nova parella. | When two people haven't danced together for a while and they try to learn, it's actually better to learn with a new partner first. |
Tots dos, aneu, balleu. | Both of you now, go, dance. |
Les dones pakistaneses canten i ballen fins i tot a les ciutats més conservadores, però normalment només davant dels familiars de confiança. | Pakistani women dance and sing even in the most conservative towns, but usually only with trusted family. |
Moltes mai ballen davant dels ghair (desconeguts), per tal d'evitar que es pose en dubte l'honor de la família. | Many never dance in front of ghair (outsiders), to avoid casting a shadow on their family’s honor. |
A les que ballen. | The ones that dance, Bud. |
Sobre el pont d'Avinyó tots ballen, tots ballen ... | On the bridge of Avignon we all dance there, we all dance there |
- Tots ballen ... | - We all dance... |
Els morts hi ballaran aquesta nit. | The dead will dance here tonight. |
Així era com aquells germans ballaven. | That's how hard those two brothers were dancing. |
Quan vulguis que una d'aquestes balli per a tu, avisa'm. | His fleece was black as coal, yeah Any time you want a lap dance with that girl, kid, just let me know, all right? |
Volen que balli claqué. | They want me to tap-dance. |
No entraré al laboratori a demanar-li que es despulli i balli per mi. | I'm not going to walk into the lab,ask her to strip naked and dance for me. |
-Noparlis així, quan ballis! | - Don't talk like that when you dance! |
Marcelo Vieira i Cristiano Ronaldo (del Reial Madrid) van celebrar un gol ballant la coreografia de la cançó l'octubre del 2011. | Marcelo Vieira and Cristiano Ronaldo (of Real Madrid C.F.) celebrated a goal dancing the song's choreography in October 2011. |
Per a molts, el vídeo de les germanes Chilas és completament normal, però a la seva ciutat natal, dues noies ballant sota la pluja, tot i estar completament vestides, és considera un acte eròtic. | To many, the Chilas sisters’ video seems completely ordinary, but in their hometown, girls dancing in the rain, even fully clothed, is seen as erotic. |
Ho veus? Estàs ballant. | See, you're dancing. |
Estàs ballant amb la princesa! | You're dancing with the princess. |
A més, diu que qui voldrà veure el meu cul gros ballant. | Plus, she said, who wants to see my big ass dancing, anyhow? |