Jeg gjorde det de bad meg om, og de forrådde meg. | l did the job they asked and they sold me out. |
Bare timer etter at faren døde, påberopte han seg ansvaret for farens gård, og bad om fritak pga. yrke. | Within hours of his father's death he submitted that he now has... responsibility for his father's farm, and has asked for Reserved Occupation status. |
Jeg bad ham om å komme og hjelpe meg ... | I asked him to come and help me... |
- Jo, men hun bad meg hente deg. | - Yes, and she asked me to pick you up. |
Han bad meg opp tiI dans. | He asked me to dance. |
To av de klaraste blant himlens stjerner vil gå eit ærend, og bed auga dine tindre i deira stad til dei kjem att. | Two stars up on the sky briefly left their spot for a while they asked your eyes to shine in their place, |
Ble han ikke, ved din invitasjon, bed om og møte opp i sovekammeret? | - Is it? Was he not, by your invitation, asked to come to the king's bedchamber? |
Jeg har tenkt mye på det dere har bedt meg om. | I've put a great deal of thought into what you've all asked of me. |
Du hadde ikke kommet hvis jeg hadde bedt deg. | You wouldn't have come if I just asked you to. |
Virkelig, vi kunne ikke bedt om et bedre utfall. | Really, we couldn't have asked for a better outcome. |
Nå blir du bedt om å gjøre mye mer. | Now you're being asked to do much more. |
Jeg har bedt deg ta klærne og stikke. | I asked you to pack up and go. |