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Preguntar (to ask) conjugation

148 examples

Conjugation of preguntar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I ask
you ask
he/she/it asks
we ask
you all ask
they ask
Present perfect tense
he preguntado
I have asked
has preguntado
you have asked
ha preguntado
he/she/it has asked
hemos preguntado
we have asked
habéis preguntado
you all have asked
han preguntado
they have asked
Past preterite tense
I asked
you asked
he/she/it asked
we asked
you all asked
they asked
Future tense
I will ask
you will ask
he/she/it will ask
we will ask
you all will ask
they will ask
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would ask
you would ask
he/she/it would ask
we would ask
you all would ask
they would ask
Past imperfect tense
I used to ask
you used to ask
he/she/it used to ask
we used to ask
you all used to ask
they used to ask
Past perfect tense
había preguntado
I had asked
habías preguntado
you had asked
había preguntado
he/she/it had asked
habíamos preguntado
we had asked
habíais preguntado
you all had asked
habían preguntado
they had asked
Future perfect tense
habré preguntado
I will have asked
habrás preguntado
you will have asked
habrá preguntado
he/she/it will have asked
habremos preguntado
we will have asked
habréis preguntado
you all will have asked
habrán preguntado
they will have asked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I ask
(if/so that) you ask
(if/so that) he/she/it ask
(if/so that) we ask
(if/so that) you all ask
(if/so that) they ask
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya preguntado
I have asked
hayas preguntado
you have asked
haya preguntado
he/she/it has asked
hayamos preguntado
we have asked
hayáis preguntado
you all have asked
hayan preguntado
they have asked
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have asked
(if/so that) you have asked
(if/so that) he/she/it have asked
(if/so that) we have asked
(if/so that) you all have asked
(if/so that) they have asked
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have asked
(if/so that) you have asked
(if/so that) he/she/it have asked
(if/so that) we have asked
(if/so that) you all have asked
(if/so that) they have asked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera preguntado
I had asked
hubieras preguntado
you had asked
hubiera preguntado
he/she/it had asked
hubiéramos preguntado
we had asked
hubierais preguntado
you all had asked
hubieran preguntado
they had asked
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese preguntado
I had asked
hubieses preguntado
you had asked
hubiese preguntado
he/she/it had asked
hubiésemos preguntado
we had asked
hubieseis preguntado
you all had asked
hubiesen preguntado
they had asked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have asked
(if/so that) you will have asked
(if/so that) he/she/it will have asked
(if/so that) we will have asked
(if/so that) you all will have asked
(if/so that) they will have asked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere preguntado
I will have asked
hubieres preguntado
you will have asked
hubiere preguntado
he/she/it will have asked
hubiéremos preguntado
we will have asked
hubiereis preguntado
you all will have asked
hubieren preguntado
they will have asked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's ask!
Imperative negative mood
no preguntes
do not ask!
no pregunte
let him/her/it ask!
no preguntemos
let us not ask!
no preguntéis
do not ask!
no pregunten
do not ask!

Examples of preguntar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" fibra sensible ", donde se pregunta las preguntas difíciles otros tienen miedo de preguntar de gente como Weird Al Yankovic , kelsey grammer, y Scott baio."raw nerve," where he asks the tough questions others are afraid to ask of people like weird Al yankovic, kelsey grammer, and Scott baio.
" ¿Puedo preguntar cuál es su nombre?May I be so curious As to ask his name
"Demonios Bonsai". Pero si van a preguntar, mejor no se los tomen.- Banzai demons... but if you have to ask, don't... don't even drink it.
"Iré otra vez a la redacción a preguntar."I´ll go to the editor´s office to ask them again.
"Los mejores viajes responden preguntas que en el comienzo, ni siquiera pensabas en preguntar""The best travel" they answer questions in the beginning, "even thought to ask"
" Les pregunto , quieren una guerra total ?I ask you do you want total war?
"...seguramente las cosas que pregunto?"¶ Surely the things I ask ¶
"A veces me pregunto"."Sometimes i ask myself."
"Cuando tu caes sobre la roca y ves lo dura que la vida es ahí, tu veras por que no sonrió", Cuando le pregunto, por que el tornillo arriba de su cara un tanto así."When you come down on the rock and see how hard life is there, you'll see why I don't smile", when I ask him why he screw up his face so much.
"En la noche abro la ventana y pregunto a la luna"At night I open the window and ask the moon
! Bueno, ya que preguntas.- Well, since you ask, ha, ha...
! Eres una experta en hacer preguntas!You know how to ask them.
! Te he dicho que solo queremos hacer unas preguntas.I told you I just want to ask you some questions.
! ¿Por qué me lo preguntas a mí?Why do you ask me?
" fibra sensible ", donde se pregunta las preguntas difíciles otros tienen miedo de preguntar de gente como Weird Al Yankovic , kelsey grammer, y Scott baio."raw nerve," where he asks the tough questions others are afraid to ask of people like weird Al yankovic, kelsey grammer, and Scott baio.
" fibra sensible ", donde se pregunta las preguntas difíciles otros tienen miedo de preguntar de gente como Weird Al Yankovic , kelsey grammer, y Scott baio."raw nerve," where he asks the tough questions others are afraid to ask of people like weird Al yankovic, kelsey grammer, and Scott baio.
"Como es?" pregunta John."What's she look like?" John asks.
"Constantemente pregunta cuando su madre vuelve a casa..."He constantly asks when his mother will come home.
"Cuando él se lo pregunta, ella ríe y dice que no está pensando en nada.And what is she thinking? When he asks, she laughs and says she's not thinking of anything.
! No te estamos molestando, sólo preguntamos.We're not ganging up, just asking.
"Algunos de nosotros nos preguntamos, ¿si lo que hemos visto no es un sueño?""Some of us asked, if what we see is but a dream?"
"Bueno, le preguntamos a la gente si han visto al enemigo."Well, we ask people, 'Are you the enemy?
"El histórico asfalto era muy tentador, y por suerte, el alcalde y su señora que dirige esta pista se encontraban en los alrededores, entonces le preguntamos si podíamos usarla un poquito."'The historic tarmac was very tempting, 'and luckily, the Mayor and the lady who runs the track were around, 'so we asked if we could have a little go.'
"Es por eso que nos preguntamos si podias cumplir nuestro deseo..." "mandandonos por primera vez a una competencia nacional de porristas"."That's why we're asking you to fulfill our wish... to send us to the national cheerleading competition for the first time."
- Si me preguntáis a mí, es pestilente, una cloaca de fealdad repleta de bazofia.A capital fellow. If you ask me, milord, he's a stench in the nostrils... a sewer of ugliness, and a gutter brimming with slop.
- ¿Por qué no le preguntáis a Maria Olivia?Why not ask Maria Olivia?
- ¿Por qué no le preguntáis a esa pava?- You could try asking the chick.
-¿Y me lo preguntáis?- How do you ask?
Bien, iréis... a Bristik y preguntáis.OK, you'll go to Bistrik and ask.
"A los que me preguntan por qué viajo, les contesto:"To those who ask why I travel I usually reply:
"Ahora preguntan por tu dirección"Now they're asking your home address...
"Algunos me preguntan, ¿cómo estas?"Some ask me, how are you?
"Buscan a los generales y preguntan: ¿Por qué?MAN #2: "They looked to the generals" and asked, 'Why?
"Esos momentos olvidados me preguntan por qué nos separamos.""Those forgotten moments ask me why we ever separated."
" De que? " pregunté."From what?" I asked.
" Qué has estado haciendo? " le pregunté a mi marido."What have you been up to?" I asked my husband.
""Querido señor o señora,... .. yo pregunté si Willie podría estar con gente temerosa de Dios,... ..así que espero que así sea."""Dear Sir or Madam,... ..I asked if Willie could stay with God-fearing people,... ..so I hope he has. "
"Alguien lo estaba presionando". Y cuando le pregunté quién dijo: "Alguien de más arriba"."Somebody was strong-arming him." And when I asked him who, he said, quote, people up the food chain.
"Augustine, el viaje ha fallado." Yo le pregunté: "¿Por qué?""Augustine, the journey has misfired." I asked him: "Why?"
"Querida Bertie antes me preguntaste a dónde fui.Dear Bertie... you asked me before where I went.
"¿Cuándo quieres decir, ahora o cuando me lo preguntaste?"When do you mean, now or when you asked me?
"¿Cómo podemos hacer cine mientras están bombardeándonos? ... ...me preguntaste una vez."How can we make a film while bombs are falling?" you once asked me.
'Tú me preguntaste' '¿Qué era lo que más me apetecía hacer? .''You asked me' 'what I wanted to do the most.'
* * preguntaste esta parte loca, así que ahora * * ni siquiera pedí permiso *♪ be mine ♪ you asked for that crazy part now ♪ ♪ I didn't even ask for permission ♪
" Entonces por qué lo hace? " él me preguntó, abrochando su espada y caminando hacia el mar."So why do it?" he asked me, buckling his sword and walking toward the sea.
" Le preguntó: ¿Quién es usted?"One asked, Who are you"
" me preguntó si no me siento unido"asked if i did not feel myself bound
"...que le preguntó hacia dónde iba."who asked him Where he was going.
"Acabo de matara a mis niños" El operador le preguntó: "¿Por qué lo hiciste?"The dispatcher asked "Why did you do this?"
En segundo lugar, ¿recuerdas que me preguntasteis para quién trabajaba y no os lo quería decir?Secondly, remember when you asked who I worked for and I wouldn't say
Nunca se lo preguntasteis, ¿verdad?You never asked him, did you?
Quizás es la forma en que se lo preguntasteis.Maybe it's the way you asked.
Solo... Nos preguntasteis si aceptábamos preguntas adicionales más allá del programa. No tenemos ningún problema con eso. ¿Qué decís?Rosa: it was just... we were asked, if we were willing to take some additional questions beyond the agenda, we don't have any problem with that what about you?
"Al tiempo, los discípulos vinieron a Jesús y preguntaron:"at that time, the disciples came to jesus and asked,
"Cuando le preguntaron la razón, él contestó con un suspiro"When he was asked why, he said with a sigh
"Cuando le preguntaron por Eldon Wyck,"When asked about Eldon Wyck,
"Cuando preguntaron por qué tres,""When asked why a third,
"Ellos me preguntaron cómo sabía"* They asked me how I knew *
"Sólo dejame verlo y le preguntaré una sola y última pregunta:Just let me see him, and I will ask one last question:
- Entonces te preguntaré de nuevo.-Then I will ask you again.
- Le preguntaré...I will ask her...
- Se lo preguntaré a ella.- You will ask her.
- Se lo preguntaré al médico.- I will ask the doctor.
Así que... preguntarás, ¿no?So you will ask, huh?
Bueno, me preguntarás dentro de un rato en qué trabajo.Well, you will ask me in a few minutes what I do for a living.
Me detendré en la primera estación que vea, pero tú preguntarás.I will stop in first o'clock station that he/she sees but you will ask.
Porque muy pronto, me preguntarás quién es la más bella y no te gustará la respuesta.Because one day soon, you will ask me who the fairest of them all is, - and you won't like the answer.
Regla número 2, no me preguntarás nada y responderás lo que sea que te pregunte.Rule number two: You will ask nothing of me, and you will answer any question that I ask you.
"...tu destino, Dios te preguntará "¿Díme cual es tu deseo?"" "... Your destiny, God will ask you "Tell me what's your wish? "
- Bueno, le preguntará?- But you will ask him?
- Jack le preguntará cuando despierte, o hará que uno de nosotros lo haga.Jack will ask her when she wakes up, or he'll have one of us ask her.
- La policía le preguntará a Bob, si algo extraño... pasó en los últimos días.Police will ask Bob Jr.
- Pero ella preguntará...- But she will ask...
(Steve) Bueno, pararemos en el próximo lugar que veamos, le preguntaremos a alguien ahí y seguimos nuestro camino.Good we will stop in the next one place that we see we will ask to somebody there and we follow our road.
- Le preguntaremos.- We will ask.
Allí hay dos caballeros, les preguntaremos.Yonder are two gentlemen, we will ask them.
Bueno, preguntaremos a quienquiera que entre por esa puerta principal.Well, we will ask whoever comes through that front door.
Cuando veamos a mamá se lo preguntaremos y ella no los contaráWhen we see mom we will ask it to him and she won't count them
"Otros preguntarán, lo sé,... ¿por qué no un frasco de píldoras, y no esta jeringa espantosa".'Others will ask, I know, why not a bottle of pills, 'and not this ghastly syringe.
"¿De quién es esa mansión sobre la colina?", preguntarán, y será mía."Who's got that big house on the hill? " people will ask, and it'll be me.
- Así fue. Se preguntarán cómo una mujer como tú podría matar a un hombre joven y fuerte como Matthew.People will ask how a woman like you could have killed a strong young man like Matthew.
- Sabes que no puedo, mis padres preguntarán muchas cosas.You know I can't. My parents will ask just so many questions.
- Todos preguntarán por qué hizo esto.~ Everyone will ask why she did this.
- Te preguntaría lo mismo, pero ya no es mi trabajo preocuparme por eso.I would ask the same thing of you, except it's not my job to care anymore.
- ¡Les dije que preguntaría!- I told them I would ask!
Agatha Christie se preguntaría que qué tenemos en común.Agatha Christie would ask "What do we all have in common?"
Ahora, si yo fuera un buen detective, te preguntaría,Now, if I was a good detective, I would ask you, why would you assume I was here to investigate you?
Así que lo que yo preguntaría, tal vez, es, ¿cómo quieres manejar eso?So what I would ask, maybe, is how do you want to handle that?
No, preguntarías a un león, porque lo bueno de ser león, es que eres experto en leones.No, you would ask a lion, Because by virtue of being a lion, A lion is an expert on lions.
Sabía que preguntarías eso.I knew you would ask that.
Sólo tú preguntarías eso.Only you would ask that.
Y aún así me preguntarías si pasaría el resto de mi vida con un hombre 20 años mayor que yo, que ni siquiera conozco, y mucho menos amo.And yet you would ask me to spend the rest of my life with a man 20 years my senior, one I do not even know, much less love.
Y si tuvieras segunda oportunidad, preguntarías...And if you had a second chance, you would ask...
El Rey y Price preguntarían dónde realmente se fue su dinero.The King and Price would ask, where their money really went.
Manzano y Whitworth preguntarían cómo llegaron las drogas a su bolsa.Manzano and Whitworth would ask how the drugs got into that duffel bag.
Pero si lo hicieran, preguntarían al koala Phil cómo hacerlo.But if they did, they would ask Koala Phil how to do it.
Pero te preguntarían por el dinero.But they would ask you about the money.
Y la respuesta es que si hubiera una carta firmada y archivada en alguna parte preguntarían por qué.And the answer, of course, is that if there was a signed letter sitting in a file someplace somebody would ask why.
" - Sí, y dice que te pregunte a ti. "(Claire) i did, and she said to ask you.
"A quien sea que usted pregunte, la respuesta será la misma""Whoever you ask, the answer will be the same"
"Espera a que pregunte"." Wait till I ask."
"No, nunca pregunte esta semana señor justo, donde se han ido."nay, never ask this week, fair lord, where they are gone,
"Olympic Carrier", Boomer, me dicen que les pregunte como han escapado de los Cylones.I've been directed to ask how you escaped from the Cylons.
! - Es gracioso que tú lo preguntes!Funny you should ask.
! Eso depende de por quién preguntes, ¿No?That depends on who you ask, don't it?
""No me preguntes, es puro éxtasis"""Don't ask me, it's pure ecstasy"
"Así que no preguntes."So don't ask.
"En grandes países, cosas pequeñas.." ni lo preguntes.You shouldn't ask such small questions in a big country.
"Lo que necesita ser sabido, requiere que nos preguntemos""For what needs to be known, requires us to ask."
- Llamémoslo y preguntemos.Let's call him and ask.
- Mejor preguntemos a alguien.- Maybe we should ask someone.
- No lo sé, preguntemos a los "Goonies".- I don't know, let's ask the Goonies.
- No, preguntemos a mamá.-No, let's ask mum.
""No me preguntéis Io que es Ia bondad, es aquello que es bueno."Why asketh thou me concerning that which you should do? "One who is and who isn't.
"¿Qué es Invigaron?", puede que os preguntéis."What is Invigaron?" you may be asking. Charlie?
*Nunca les preguntéis por qué*♪ Don't you ever ask them why ♪
- A dos hermosas mujeres, pero no me preguntéis más.Two beautiful women, but do not ask for more.
- No me preguntéis a mí.He's not asking me.
"... no pregunten qué puede hacer el país por ustedes... "... sino qué pueden hacer ustedes por el país"."...ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."
"Ahora, no pregunten porqué, absolutamente nadie sabe el motivo"."Now, please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
"Cuando futuras generaciones pregunten qué hicimos "en la guerra, debemos poder decir "que estábamos ahí afuera luchando "y que tenemos que dejar un legado "a las generaciones que vengan después de nosotros."When future generations ask what we did in the war, "we have to be able to tell them "that we were out here fighting,
"Cuando les pregunten a los jóvenes e inocentes, harán lo correcto."When you ask the young and innocent, they will do the right thing.
"No le pregunten a C.J. No sabe" ."Don't ask C.J. She doesn't know. "
Puede que el trabajador social se lo preguntara, pero yo tomé la decisión.I mean,that social worker might have asked him,but believe me,I made the decision.
Así que aquí va a haber montones de actividad y montones de pacientes, así que si tenéis alguna pregunta, preguntad, ¿vale?So there's gonna be lots of activity and a lot of patients, so if you guys have any questions at all,just ask,okay?
Así que si tenéis alguna pregunta Por favor, preguntad librementeSo if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
Cuando tengáis dudas, preguntad a otros sabios.When you have doubts, ask other learned men
Cuartel General, preguntad a la policía si han encontrado una niña de 10 años, con una sudadera roja.HQ, ask the police if they have found a 10-year-old girl, wearing a red hoodie.
"Ah, le he preguntado a Pia si tenía una amiga."Oh, I asked Pia if she had a friend.
! Cariño, sólo le estaba preguntando que iba a hacer.Darling, l was just asking her what she's going to do.
- ¿Te puedo hacer una preguntá?- Can I ask you something?
"Editar", ¿viste? , y ahora soy brutal con la edición y lo hermoso acerca de editar es cuando estás ahí sentado, haciendo la toma y preguntás: "¿Cuánto dura la canción?" y te dicen: "Seis minutos" y entonces sacás un par de versos y de repente queda mejor que antes..."Edit," you know, and now I'm brutal with editing, and the lovely thing about editing, when you're actually sitting there and doing the take, and you ask, "How long is the song?" and they say, "Six minutes,"
No preguntés boludeces.Don't ask stupid things, kiddo.
"Bhai" ha preguntado por ti."Bhai" Has asked for you
"Debias haberme preguntado ... ""You should have asked me, without asking me..."
"Debimos haberles preguntado si podíamos casarnos.""We should've asked them if we could get married."
! Te estoy preguntando si quieres un descanso,See, I'm asking... if you want to take a break.
"Cadenas" ha estado preguntando por ti.Chains has been asking about you.
"Hay "algo" preguntando por ti.""Some 'thing' is outside asking for you."
"No, de verdad, le estoy preguntando. ¿Quién soy?""no, really, I'm asking, who am I?"
Ahora preguntá cómo llegó una chica buena como yo a un negocio malo como éste.Now ask me how a nice girl like me got into a bad trade like this.
Digo yo, ¿por qué no? Hola. Entrá y preguntá.So why don't you go in and ask?
Si alguien me preguntá, ¿Porqué los comedores de carne?If somebody asked me, Just why meat eaters?
Vos, entrá y preguntá.Go in and ask.
- Es un retorcido pervertido si me preguntás.- He's a twisted little perv if you ask me.
- ¿Por qué me preguntás eso?-Why would you ask that?
-¿Por qué me preguntás por eso ahora?- why ask me about that now?
No preguntés.Don't ask.

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