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Preguntar (to ask) conjugation

63 examples

Conjugation of preguntar

Present tense
I ask
you ask
he/she asks
we ask
you all ask
they ask
Present perfect tense
he preguntat
I have asked
has preguntat
you have asked
ha preguntat
he/she has asked
hem preguntat
we have asked
heu preguntat
you all have asked
han preguntat
they have asked
Future tense
I will ask
you will ask
he/she will ask
we will ask
you all will ask
they will ask
Conditional mood
I would ask
you would ask
he/she would ask
we would ask
you all would ask
they would ask
Past perfect tense
havia preguntat
I had asked
havies preguntat
you had asked
havia preguntat
he/she had asked
havíem preguntat
we had asked
havíeu preguntat
you all had asked
havien preguntat
they had asked
Past impf. tense
I was asking
you were asking
he/she was asking
we were asking
you all were asking
they were asking
Imperative mood
let him/her ask!
let's ask!
let them ask!
Imperative negative mood
no preguntis
don't ask!
no pregunti
don't let him/her ask!
no preguntem
let's not ask!
no pregunteu
don't ask!
no preguntin
don't let them ask!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria preguntat
I would have asked
hauries preguntat
you would have asked
hauria preguntat
he/she would have asked
hauríem preguntat
we would have asked
hauríeu preguntat
you all would have asked
haurien preguntat
they would have asked
Future perfect tense
hauré preguntat
I will have asked
hauràs preguntat
you will have asked
haurà preguntat
he/she will have asked
haurem preguntat
we will have asked
haureu preguntat
you all will have asked
hauren preguntat
they will have asked
Preterite past tense
I asked
you asked
he/she asked
we asked
you all asked
they asked
Past anterior tense
haguí preguntat
I had asked
hagueres preguntat
you had asked
hagué preguntat
he/she had asked
haguérem preguntat
we had asked
haguéreu preguntat
you all had asked
haguéren preguntat
they had asked
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) ask
(so that you) ask
(so that he/she) asks
(so that we) ask
(so that you all) ask
(so that they) ask
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was asking
(so that you) were asking
(so that he/she) was asking
(so that we) were asking
(so that you all) were asking
(so that they) were asking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi preguntat
(so that I) have asked
hagis preguntat
(so that you) have asked
hagi preguntat
(so that he/she) has asked
hàgim preguntat
(so that we) have asked
hàgiu preguntat
(so that you all) have asked
hagin preguntat
(so that they) have asked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués preguntat
(so that I) had asked
haguessis preguntat
(so that you) had asked
hagués preguntat
(so that he/she) had asked
haguéssim preguntat
(so that we) had asked
haguéssiu preguntat
(so that you all) had asked
haguessin preguntat
(so that they) had asked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi preguntar
(so that I) asked
vagis preguntar
(so that you) asked
vagi preguntar
(so that he/she) asked
vàgim preguntar
(so that we) asked
vàgiu preguntar
(so that you all) asked
vagin preguntar
(so that they) asked
Periphastic past tense
vaig preguntar
I asked
vas preguntar
you asked
va preguntar
he/she asked
vam preguntar
we asked
vau preguntar
you all asked
van preguntar
they asked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver preguntat
I had asked
vas haver preguntat
you had asked
va haver preguntat
he/she had asked
vam haver preguntat
we had asked
vau haver preguntat
you all had asked
van haver preguntat
they had asked

Examples of preguntar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La seva tia es posa a plorar, i vinga preguntar-li com podia malmetre d'aquesta manera son cor de velleta; i finalment li digué que continués i s'arruinés, i que, amb tants de disgustos, portés sos cabells grisos a la tomba, perque ja era inútil de fer cap més provatura.His aunt wept over him and asked him how he could go and break her old heart so; and finally told him to go on, and ruin himself and bring her gray hairs with sorrow to the grave, for it was no use for her to try any more.
El ministre d’Afers Estrangers suec, Carl Bildt, havia parlat de tècniques de diplomàcia discreta quan se li va preguntar sobre l'estratègia del ministeri per a l’alliberament dels periodistes.Carl Bildt, the foreign minister, had referred to methods of quiet diplomacy when asked about how the Swedish Foreign Ministry were working for the release of the journalists.
Li vaig preguntar sobre la pena de mort i em va dir que el projecte de llei s’introduirà per primera vegada en la seva forma original.I asked about the death penalty and he told me that the Bill will be first introduced in its original form.
Vaig preguntar a Bahati sobre el turisme, si el “preocupa que les persones deixin de visitar Uganda si s'aprova el projecte de llei?”.I asked Bahati about tourism, “are you concerned people will stop visiting Uganda if you pass the Bill?”
Així, doncs, li vaig preguntar què passava en els casos consentits entre adults en privat.I then asked what about consenting adult in private.
No m’agradaria parlar com a representant de l’Àsia central, com a algú que no és de Londres, Toronto o Washington, i que pregunta “Nois, què esteu fent?”. En canvi, com que sóc de l’Àsia central, pregunto “Nois, què estem fent?”.I would like to speak as a representative of Central Asia, as a person that isn't from London, or Toronto, or Washington, who is asking "Guys, what are you doing?", but as a person from Central Asia asking "Guys, what are we doing?"
I jo em pregunto:And I keep asking myself:
I jo em pregunto: Hi ha alguna cosa igualment bonica i un lloc tan ric en el món sencer?And I keep asking myself: is there any other equally beautiful and rich place in the whole world?
- No. Bé, la raó per la qual et pregunto-- que el teu padrastre sigui un predicador i tot això.Well, the reason I ask-- Your step-pa bein' a preacher and all.
Perquè creu que ho pregunto?- Why do you think I ask?
Mentre Tom anava menjant-se el seu sopar i robava el sucre en oferir-se-n'hi avinentesa, la tia Polly li feia preguntes que eren plenes d'artifici i molt pregones, perque volia atrapar-lo en revelacions perjudicials.While Tom was eating his supper, and stealing sugar as opportunity offered, Aunt Polly asked him questions that were full of guile, and very deep--for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments.
El presoner aixeca sos ulls per un moment, pero torna a acalar-los quan son curial digué: -No tinc preguntes a fer.The prisoner raised his eyes for a moment, but dropped them again when his own counsel said: "I have no questions to ask him."
-No tinc preguntes a fer- replica l'advocat de Potter."I have no questions to ask him," Potter's lawyer replied.
La Marta i l’Albano utilitzen la raó i la paraula, copsen els detalls importants que semblen voler amagar-se i fugir de control i han fet les preguntes més adients als responsables polítics.Marta and Albano employ reason and rhetoric, grasp important details about a seemingly covered-up and out-of-control issue and they have asked the politicians responsible very appropriate questions.
‏@antloewenstein: Els mitjans #Australians faran les preguntes necessàries sobre la comunitat #Sionista després del descobriment d’un altre més que probable espia? http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/02/12/prisoner-x-was-mossad-agent-ben-zygier/‏@MiaRubySydney: The plot thickens RT @JamalDajani Prisoner X arrest is related to the Mossad's assassination in Dubai using stolen Australian passports Prominent Australian author and blogger Antony Loewenstein tweeted a link to Richard Silverstein’s blog Tikun Olam: ‏@antloewenstein: Will #Australian media ask necessary questions about #Zionist community after exposure of another likely spy? http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2013/02/12/prisoner-x-was-mossad-agent-ben-zygier/ …
L'autor del bloc es pregunta: «Què pretenem? Demostrar al món que no som pobres?»The blogger asks: "what are we trying to do: show the world that we are not poor?"
Shareef pregunta:Shareef asks:
Agisa pregunta:Agisa asks:
La blocaire també pregunta:The blogger also asks:
Un altre lector, Shakha, pregunta :Another reader, Shakha, asks :
Ara preguntem: què hem aconseguit?Now we ask, "How far have we come?"
La crisi dels refugiats a Europa ha fet que molts ens preguntem com podem adreçar ajudes econòmiques i atenció als refugiats sirians i altres.The refugee crisis in Europe has many asking how they can direct their funds and attention to Syrian and other refugees here.
Per tant, aquesta nit, preguntem-nos:So tonight, let us ask ourselves:
No preguntem.We don't ask.
Ho sabrem si els hi preguntem.We'll know if we ask.
Hem preguntat Hinojo què en pensa d'aquesta desconfiança per part de l'àmbit acadèmic:We asked Hinojo what he thinks about the suspicions shown by the academic field:
Quan es va dirigir als ciutadans espanyols a l'assemblea general de les Nacions Unides, va evitar el tema assegurant als presents a la cambra que cap dels altres líders mundials no li havia preguntat mai per Catalunya.When addressing the Spanish public at the UN General Assembly, he went out of his way assure those in the chamber that none of his fellow world leaders had asked him about Catalonia.
La cap de redacció de Wamda , Nina Curley, ha mostrat una posició més pragmàtica i ha preguntat si era realment inevitable:Editor-in-chief at Wamda Nina Curley was more pragmatic in her approach and asked if it was inevitable:
Ha sigut molt graciós quan ha preguntat el meu nom.It was very funny when she asked my name.
Ho sento senyor, em preguntat a recepció.In fact we asked at the desk
Si us plau, imagineu què faríeu en aquestes circumstàncies i pregunteu-vos "què puc fer jo pel bé de la pau?"Please imagine what you would do in such circumstances, and ask yourself “What can I do for the sake of peace?”
No pregunteu qui sóc.Don't ask who this is.
Està bé, pregunteu.Ok then, ask. Comfather!
Oh, amics meus, amics meus, no em pregunteu ... ...Oh, my friends, my friends Don't ask me
Oh, amics meus, amics meus, no em pregunteu Per a què va servir el vostre sacrifici.Oh, my friends, my friends Don't ask me What your sacrifice was for
Per la resta, ella és una jove segura i fins i tot calmada, però de seguida alça la veu quan li pregunten pel lideratge del país.She’s otherwise confident and even-keeled, but her voice rises suddenly when asked about the country’s leadership.
Si m'ho pregunten, ho negaré tot.Ifasked, I'll deny it.
Per què pregunten si eren llàgrimes d'alegria o de tristesa?Why do they ask were they tears of joy or sorrow?
Sona el telèfon a les tres de la matinada i era de recepció, i em pregunten: que vol una prostituta?The phone rings 3:00 in the morning. It's reception asking, 'Do you want a prostitute?'
-Si et pregunten d'on són...?- And if they ask where you got them?
Li preguntaré on va anar el diumenge.I will ask him where he went last Sunday.
El meu pare us preguntarà si hi ha alguna cosa més i vós li contareu alguna mentida intel·ligent.My father will ask you if there's anything more and you'll tell him some clever lie.
Què creus que ens preguntarà la policia quan vingui?What do you suppose the police will ask us when they come?
Els periodistes et preguntaran...The reporters will ask,
Li preguntaria si coneix Wagner, però només fingiria que no.I would ask if you know Wagner, but you'd only pretend you don't.
Recordes que em preguntaves com podries ajudar en Brody, a elevar el seu perfil?Remember you were asking how you can help Brody, raise his profile?
Jo em prendria un cruixent de Pistatxo, Si em preguntaren.I'd do with a nice pistachio crust, if asked.
Les protestes que han fet trontollar Turquia, el Brasil i Bulgària aquest estiu han arribat finalment a Egipte, on una sèrie de manifestacions multitudinàries en contra de les polítiques islamistes del president Muhàmmad Mursi ha desembocat en una segona revolució, o un cínic cop d'estat (segons a qui es pregunti).The protests that have rocked Turkey, Brazil and Bulgaria this summer have finally spilled into Egypt, where massive demonstrations against the Islamist policies of President Mohamed Morsi have led to a second revolution or a cynical military coup (depending on who you ask).
- No m’ho pregunti, Sr. Worthing.- Do not ask me, Mr. Worthing.
Perdoni que li ho pregunti. Però és important que sigui sincera.Excuse me for asking this, but it's important that you tell me the truth
Ara pregunti's, quin tipus d'home segrestaria aquells nens només per impressionar-nos al trobar-los?Now ask yourself, what sort of man would kidnap those kids just so he can impress us all by finding them?
No preguntis aquestes coses.Don't ask me such things.
- No ho preguntis.-Don't ask!
No preguntis, no diguis.Don't ask, don't tell.
- Cal que et preguntis... - No cal que faci res.- You need to ask yourself-- - I don't need to do anything.
"Em preguntin el que em preguntin, jo no sé res.""If I'm asked any questions, I know nothing.
en cas de dubte, disparin primer i preguntin després.If in doubt, shoot first and ask questions afterwards.
- Sí, amb Trina. Probablement preguntin sobre com estava aquell dia, o si semblava que estava pres.And I had two glasses of wine, and they're probably gonna ask you about my condition that morning, or whether you thought I had anything to drink.
No l'atabaleu preguntant-li com va sobreviure tants dies o per què la seva roba no està feta malbé.Don't bother asking how she survived for so many days. Why are her clothes not worn out?
Continua preguntant estupideses i baixo aquí mateix.You keep asking stupid questions I'm gettin' out at the next corner.
El servei està preguntant per a obtindre informació.The service is asking for an account of the information on there.
I ha estat preguntant per tu, I està patint,And he's been asking for you, and he is in pain,
Qué m'estàs preguntant, exactament?What exactly are you asking me?

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