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Questionar (to ask) conjugation

84 examples

Conjugation of questionar

Present tense
I ask
you ask
he/she asks
we ask
you all ask
they ask
Present perfect tense
tenho questionado
I have asked
tens questionado
you have asked
tem questionado
he/she has asked
temos questionado
we have asked
tendes questionado
you all have asked
têm questionado
they have asked
Past preterite tense
I asked
you asked
he/she asked
we asked
you all asked
they asked
Future tense
I will ask
you will ask
he/she will ask
we will ask
you all will ask
they will ask
Conditional mood
I would ask
you would ask
he/she would ask
we would ask
you all would ask
they would ask
Past imperfect tense
I used to ask
you used to ask
he/she used to ask
we used to ask
you all used to ask
they used to ask
Past perfect tense
tinha questionado
I had asked
tinhas questionado
you had asked
tinha questionado
he/she had asked
tínhamos questionado
we had asked
tínheis questionado
you all had asked
tinham questionado
they had asked
Future perfect tense
terei questionado
I will have asked
terás questionado
you will have asked
terá questionado
he/she will have asked
teremos questionado
we will have asked
tereis questionado
you all will have asked
terão questionado
they will have asked
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha questionado
I have asked
tenhas questionado
you have asked
tenha questionado
he/she has asked
tenhamos questionado
we have asked
tenhais questionado
you all have asked
tenham questionado
they have asked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have asked
(if/so that) you will have asked
(if/so that) he/she will have asked
(if/so that) we will have asked
(if/so that) you all will have asked
(if/so that) they will have asked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver questionado
I will have asked
tiveres questionado
you will have asked
tiver questionado
he/she will have asked
tivermos questionado
we will have asked
tiverdes questionado
you all will have asked
tiverem questionado
they will have asked
Imperative mood
let's ask!
Imperative negative mood
não questiones
do not ask!
não questione
let him/her/it not ask!
não questionemos
let us not ask!
não questioneis
do not ask!
não questionem
do not ask!

Examples of questionar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Temos que nos questionar...We need to ask...
- Tendes de questionar-vos...- You need to ask yourself--
- Tens de te questionar.- Need to ask.
- temos de nos questionar...- you have to ask yourself...
- És polícia, treinada para questionar. - Vocês não sabem nada?You're a copper, trained to ask questions.
Agora questiono-me se me devo envolver nisto.Now I ask myself... if I should get involved with this.
Claro que questiono.Of course I ask myself.
Dizes-me para seguir um caminho e tu optas por outro, mas quando te questiono em relação a isso, dizes muito pouco e tentas dar a impressão que estou maluco.You tell me you're going one way, you go the other. And then when I ask you about it, you say something thin and try to make it sound like I'm going crazy.
Eles querem eliminar-te e eu não questiono isso.They want to eliminate and I ask no questions.
Eu não as peço nem as questiono.I don't... I don't ask for them. I don't question them.
E que constantemente te questionas o porquê, ele apanhou a Hope e não a ti.And that you are constantly asking yourself why he took Hope instead of you?
Já te questionas-te porque precisas saber?Ever asked yourself why you need to know?
Quando o teu chefe pede para fazeres uma coisa, questionas?When your boss asks you to do something, do you ask him why?
De volta ao helicóptero ele questiona outro membro da tripulação o que era tudo aquilo e disseram-lhe que era sarin.Back on the helicopter he asks another member of his crew what that was all about and he's told it was sarin.
Esta é a parte em que a irmã questiona as intenções da rapariga em relação ao irmão?Is this the part where the sister asks what the girl's intentions are with her brother?
Ninguém nos questiona, se é que me entendes.Nobody asks us any questions if you catch my meaning.
Obedece a ordens. Nunca questiona.Obeys orders, never asks questions.
Quando o médico-legista pede algo, ninguém o questiona.When the coroner asks for something, they don't question it.
De modo que o sistema tonal em causa, através de pesquisas, nos conduziu, inevitavelmente, a uma prova de fé, mediante a qual questionamos:So that the tonal system in question, through research, has led us inevitably to a test of faith, in which we ask:
Então porque é que nos questionamos à noite?Then why do we ask ourselves them at night?
Há alguém que ainda não questionamos.There's one person we haven't asked.
Não nos questionamos acerca dos outros pacientes e não nos vamos questionar acerca deste.We don't ask that about other ODs and we don't ask it about this one.
Não questionamos de onde a Pesquisa tira os números porque ela nunca está errada.And the reason we don't ask where Research gets its numbers from is because Research is never wrong.
"Quando questionado se o Joe Carroll estava vivo,"When asked if Joe Carroll was alive,
- Vou ser questionado de novo?- I'm gonna get asked back?
Bundsch não fez isso ao ser questionado sobre a Samantha Wabash, mas fez quando questionado sobre onde estava ontem à noite.About samantha wabash, but he did it again When asked about his whereabouts last night. That's not damning in and of itself.
E nela, fui questionado pelo fulano que me entrevistava se eu achava...And in it, I was asked by the fellow who was interviewing me whether I thought... If I...
E não sei aquilo que ouviste, Kalinda, mas, fui questionado por três membros da equipa do Bishop, e deixei bem claro que não podia ajudá-los em nada.And I don't know what you heard, Kalinda, but I was asked questions by three crew members in Bishop's crew, and I made it very clear that I couldn't advise them on anything.
Assim pessoas podem trabalhar juntas de forma a que questionam mais profundamente o papel do Governo.So people can work together in ways that ask a deeper question about the role of government.
E questionam-se: "Sinto-me feliz?"And you're asking yourself, "Do I feel happy?"
Há alturas em que os polícias questionam-se se estão a fazer o trabalho de Deus.Cops are often asked if they believe they're doing God's work.
Não questionam os detalhes.They don't ask specifics.
Procura por retardatários, famílias jovens, pessoas que precisam de dinheiro extra e não questionam muito.Look for stragglers, young families - People that need extra money and won't ask too many questions.
A Molly tem adormecido nas aulas na última semana. E quando a questionei sobre isso, ela disse que tem tido pesadelos.And when I asked her about it, she said she's been having some nightmares.
Acabei de pedir ao Clive para cometer suicídio profissional, e a seguir questionei a sua virilidade.I just asked Clive to commit career suicide, and then I questioned his manhood.
Há pouco, quando o questionei sobre o facto de estar perto de heroína outra vez, queria dizer qualquer coisa?Earlier, when I asked you about being around heroin again, you wanted to say something?
Nunca questionei o Ruxin porque poupei dinheiro.I never asked Ruxin questions because it saved money.
Não confiou em mim quando questionei onde é que ficava a Pedra Sangrenta.He became suspicious of me when I asked where the Bleeding Stone was.
- Nunca o questionaste sobre a guerra?But you never asked him about the war?
De certeza que te questionaste sobre porque razão é que a tua mãe te queria morta.Surely you must have asked yourself why she would want you eliminated.
Já te questionaste o porquê de ela ainda não ter voltado para casa, Matt?You asked yourself why she hasn't come home yet, matt?
Já te questionaste sobre isso?Have you asked yourself even one of these questions? Well, not yet.
Nunca te questionaste de como é que a tua mulher bebeu vinho envenenado que se destinava ao Batiatus?Have you never asked yourself how your wife came to sip a tainted wine that was meant for Batiatus?
A vossa gente da Segurança Mundial questionou-me sobre a Aliança Luciana.Your people from Homeworld Security asked questions about the Lucian alliance.
Até um homem enfadonho se questionou:Surely even a dull man has asked himself:
Chamei-te aqui porque se questionou a tua competência.l asked you here because your competency has been brought into question.
Disse-me que a Patty Hewes a questionou sobre a noite do Dia de Acção de Graças.She told me Patty Hewes asked you about Thanksgiving night.
Ele nunca se questionou.He's never asked that question.
Escrevendo sobre o que conhecia e quando dois agentes do governo me questionaram sobre o meu anel, vi uma oportunidade.Write what you know, and when two government agents asked about my ring, I saw an opportunity.
Foram tantos os que questionaram e tão poucos os que descobriram!So many have asked. So few ever find out.
Não te questionaram, mas tu contaste.You weren't asked, but you told.
- Talvez me questione sobre isso.Maybe she'll ask me about it.
A partir do momento que eu questione isto lá dentro.Once I'm asking questions from the inside.
Ambos. Mas eles são jovens, e não estão prontos para serem os meus 2ºs Comandantes. É por isso que preciso de alguém que me questione, e me dê um chuto no rabo se eu precisar, percebes?But they're young, and they're not ready to be my X.O., which is why I need somebody who can ask me the hard questions, who can give me a swift kick in the butt if I need it, you know?
E, depois, questione-se quanto mais disto está disposta a suportar.And then ask yourself how much more of this you really want to take.
Há quem se questione porque é que não fizemos mais para proteger os nossos Irmãos e Irmãs dado que o local é tão importante.There are those who ask why we did not do more to protect our brothers and sisters at such an important site.
Adoro que me questiones destas coisas.I love that you're asking these kind of questions.
Compreendo que estejas zangada, mas peço-te para que não me questiones nesse tom.I understand that you are upset, but I will ask you do not question me in that tone.
Não me questiones. Mas é verdade, acredita em mi.Please don't ask me any more, but it's true, believe me.
Não questiones os meus negócios, Claire.Don't ever ask me about my business, Claire.
Não questiones tanto o que é bom ou mau para ti.Don't ask yourself so much whether this or that is good for you.
Primeiro, nos questionemos:First, let us ask:
- Alyssa! Ela não pode aparecer do nada e esperar que as pessoas não questionem as suas intenções.- She can't expect to come out of nowhere and expect people not to ask questions about her intentions.
Depois do desaparecimento da Raina, sugerimos-lhes que quando encontrarem... este homem, o contenham primeiro e o questionem depois.After Raina's vanishing act, we advise that when you find this... man, you contain him first, ask questions later.
Essa é a sua maneira de evitar que as pessoas a questionem.That's just your way of keeping people from asking you anything.
Eu quero que nos questionem.I want them to ask.
Farto de que gente como Lowrie, Terry, e você questionem a minha posição.I'm tired of people like Lowrie, Terry, and you asking my position.
- Eu não sei. Mas, ontem, agrediu dois dos meus homens, questionando à cerca de mim, e do meu grupo.But, uh, yesterday, he roughed up a couple of my homeboys, asking questions about me and my crew.
E, francamente, quem conhece o meu lado filantrópico, tem-se questionando se sou eu.And frankly, a lot of people familiar with my philanthropic side have been asking... if it's me.
Eu estive questionando e aparentemente, tem oito novas famílias... desde que eu sai da cidade e quatorze desde os ataques.I am seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces around here and I did some asking around, and apparently, there are eight new families since I left town and 14 since the attacks.
O Departamento de Justiça está questionando o meu paradeiro.The Justice Department is asking about my whereabouts!
Perseguia-me, questionando-me sobre os itinerários.He's always hassling me, asking me about the schedules.
Como achas que sinto-me ao questionarem sobre a aventura e tenho que dizer que não fui convidado, que eu não era necessário.How do you think it feels when everyone asks you how the adventure was, and you got to say that no one asked you to go along, that you weren't needed?
E se questionarem se será mesmo aquilo que querem?Before they eat that egg, before they eat that steak, before they eat that chicken nugget and ask themselves, is that really what they want?
Não preciso de pessoas a questionarem.I don't need people asking questions.
Poderá existir apenas uma teoria unificada que permitirá a existência de estruturas tão complexas como os seres humanos, que conseguem investigar as leis do Universo e questionarem-se sobre a natureza de Deus.There may well be only one unified theory... that allows for the existence of structures... as complicated as human beings... who can investigate the laws of the universe... and ask about the nature of God.
Se me questionarem, posso não me lembrar de que o conheço.If asked, I may not recall if you and I have ever met.
Contudo, se me questionares acerca de um problema pessoal vou começar a fazer isto...However, if you ask me about a personal problem, l'm going to start doing this.
E depois és apanhada no meio e metido no assunto e nem sequer tens tempo... de te questionares sobre isso.And then you get caught up in it and you're kind of into it and just don't even have time to really ask questions about it.
E no entanto... não podes deixar de te questionar como Deus permite a morte e a destruição e desprezas-te por questionares isso.And yet... you can't help ask yourself how God can allow death and destruction and then despise yourself for asking.
Por isso, na minha opinião, é melhor não questionares e fazeres o que ele diz.So if you ask me. It's best up to question. And just do what he says.
Aposto que se questionarmos a tua amiga se ela gostou mais de viver contigo ou comigo, aposto que foi comigo.I bet you ... if asked if your girlfriend would prefer life that you had or that I had with me, I bet you would choose me.
É caso para nos questionarmos... quanta manteiga é possível comer?One has to ask oneself how much butter can one eat?
São muitas questões, mas não creio que na altura eu me questionasse assim tanto.There's lots of questions, but I don't think at the time... I was asking those questions too much.

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