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Bertanya (to ask) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of bertanya

Present tense
I ask
Past tense
sudah bertanya
I asked
Present perfect tense
sudah bertanya
I have asked
Future perfect tense
akan sudah bertanya
I will have asked
Future recent tense
bertanya nanti
I will ask
Future distant tense
bertanya kelak
I am going to ask
Present continuous tense
sedang bertanya
I ask
Past distant tense
dulu bertanya
I (a long time ago) asked
Past recent tense
bertanya tadi
I (recently) asked
Past very recent tense
baru saja bertanya
I (just now) asked

Examples of bertanya

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Atau mereka tidak mau bertanya?Or did they lust never bother to ask?
Aku tak membunuh siapapun jika kau ingin bertanya.I didn't kill anybody, if that's what you're asking.
Anda pernah bertanya jika aku bisa mengingat nama ibu saya.You once asked if I could remember my mother's name.
Aku bertanya apa yang terjadi.I asked what was happening.
Dan bertanya padanya apa dia mengambil anjingnya, artinya, Dia akan tahu siapa yang mengirimku.and asking him did he take the dog means that, well, he's going to know who sent me.

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