鳥 死ぬ 蛇 来る | Yeah. Matter of fact, I did. |
エヴァン、私はあなたを追いかけることはありません、来る! | Evan, don't run. Don't make me chase you! |
来る? | You up for a field trip? Yes. |
来る? | Coming? |
いいや 来ない | They will not come. |
ナヴィーン 来ない? | Naveen, you coming? |
メールの返事が 来ない | She isn't answering any of my texts. |
あなたの知らない その… 確固たる時間がありますからね だから 来ない | She and her husband have accumulated a history... ...That you don't know anything about, |
パパは 絶対に 来ない! | Dad... never... shows! |
来ます! | What if there are buttons on the sleigh I don't know about? |
さて ... 誰も、必ずしも知りません どこかで、来ます。 | Well... we're not really sure. |
今 来ます ちょっと気分がすぐれないので | On his way. He's not feeling well. |
来た | She's here! |
来た [ ルーメン ] | Pod central. |
あんたは馬なしでその小径を下って 来た? | I couldn't say. |
ほら、来た | There he is! |
来い!急いで! | Come on, move it. Come on! |
- 来い - ナアスコブ! | "Get moving." "Nørreskov!" |
来い! | Is that what you do on Jasoom? |
手を上げろ! 来い! | Down on the floor, now! Down! |
来い ゲップ! | Come on, gobber! |
- 来て お腹が空いただろう | - Please, come. You must be hungry. - Thank you! |
来て。 | Come here. |
来て | I have more reasons to stay awake now. Come on. |
来て ママ | Victoria.. |
さあ 来て | Come on. Come on, now. |
ジョン、来られる? どこ? | John,can you come get me? |
<手応えを 感じるときが 不意に くる> | The time when you can feel the response, suddenly appears. |
まだしっくり こない | I guess I haven't adjusted yet. |
たすけ こない | No help here. |
貴女を女王に戴(いただ)きます | In the name of all that is good and just in this land |
きた/ | It's here! |
おっ きた これか・・・ | Wait, I think I found it. |
よし きた | This is where I come into play. |
おおっ きた きた! | Right. Oh! |
きた! | Fire. Incoming! |
くれ | Do you drink? |
「"くれ"だと? | Get you? Give you? |
ブラックホーク、すぐに救護に向かって くれ、民間の少年が貴重なものを持ってる | Army Black Hawk requested. |
おれ、ダムダム、ガムガム、くれ | Hey, you dum-dums bring me gum-gum? |
さぁ、飛ぶんだ、こい | Hey, you gotta jump. Let's go. |
- こい クランク - 何処だ?ここ? | Yeah, I think so. Jesus. |
こい | Come. |
こい・・・ | Safe. Come... |
- こい ほら | Come on, let's go. |
さあ、きて。 | It's squishy. |
きて | Who's in the living room? You're not making sense. |
きて 逃げないと | Come. |
- きて! | - Come on! |
さあ、きて。 やりましたね。 | Come on. We did it. |
き・・ きこえる | I... I can. |
き 「服部半蔵殿に 此度の本意を訊かんと欲す」 | There to learn from Hattori Hanzo the truth of this matter. |
それはクダいくつ身代金のために見ているだけ小さな部分 'き。 | Could have been a smaller faction just looking for some ransom money. |
き、君は・・・ バラバラだった・・・ | - You were so... You were so torn. You-you-you were broken. |
\xA4T\xA5_BAR_き, き\xB2y, \xA5u\xAEt\xA8皺y | - You're excellent. You're brilliant. - All right. |
こ 公爵様 そ それは無理です ハロルド 愚かな公爵は本当にバカなのね | I will love you I will love you |
だが 明 日 は違 う こ こ は祖国の地だ | And so tomorrow what will happen? To me, it's simple enough: |
要塞を取 る こ と よ り 勝つ こ と の 方が難 しい | It's easy enough to take fortresses, but it's hard to win a campaign. |
的 我らは あ扈IプI,こ あガつただlプ'C己さいま哲 | Our only duty is to return your his corpse. |
こ こ... | Soul's in pain... |