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Otsustama (to choose) conjugation

78 examples

Conjugation of otsustama

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I choose
you choose
he/she/it chooses
we choose
you all choose
they choose
ei otsusta
(do/does) not choose
it is chosen
ei otsustata
it is not chosen
Past tense
I chose
you chose
he/she/it chose
we chose
you all chose
they chose
ei otsustanud
did not choose
it was chosen
ei otsustatud
it was not chosen
Conditional mood
otsustaksin, otsustaks
I would choose
otsustaksid, otsustaks
you would choose
he/she/it would choose
otsustaksime, otsustaks
we would choose
otsustaksite, otsustaks
you all would choose
otsustaksid, otsustaks
they would choose
ei otsustaks
would not choose
it would be chosen
ei otsustataks
it would not be chosen
Imperative mood
let him/her/it choose
let's choose
let them choose
be chosen
Imperative negative mood
ära otsusta
do not choose
ärgu otsustagu
let him/her/it not choose
ärgem otsustagem, ärme otsustame
let him/her/it not choose
ärge otsustage
do not choose
ärgu otsustagu
let them not choose
ärgu otsustatagu
do not be chosen
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been chosen
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen otsustanud
I have chosen
oled otsustanud
you have chosen
on otsustanud
he/she/it has chosen
oleme otsustanud
we have chosen
olete otsustanud
you all have chosen
on otsustanud
they have chosen
ei ole otsustanud, pole otsustanud
(have/has) not chosen
on otsustatud
it has been chosen
ei ole otsustatud, pole otsustatud
it has not been chosen
Pluperfect past tense
olin otsustanud
I had chosen
olid otsustanud
you had chosen
oli otsustanud
he/she/it had chosen
olime otsustanud
we had chosen
olite otsustanud
you all had chosen
oli otsustanud
they had chosen
ei olnud otsustanud, polnud otsustanud
had not chosen
oli otsustatud
it had been chosen
ei olnud otsustatud, polnud otsustatud
it had not been chosen
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin otsustanud; oleks otsustanud; otsustanuksin; otsustanuks
I would have chosen
oleksid otsustanud; oleks otsustanud; otsustanuksid; otsustanuks
you would have chosen
oleks otsustanud; otsustanuks
he/she/it would have chosen
oleksime otsustanud; oleks otsustanud; otsustanuksime; otsustanuks
we would have chosen
oleksite otsustanud; oleks otsustanud; otsustanuksite; otsustanuks
you all would have chosen
oleksid otsustanud; oleks otsustanud; otsustanuksid; otsustanuks
they would have chosen
ei oleks otsustanud; poleks otsustanud; ei otsustanuks
would not have chosen
oleks otsustatud
it would have been chosen
ei oleks otsustatud; poleks otsustatud
it would not have been chosen
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) chooses
ei otsustavat
(allegedly) does not choose
(allegedly) it is chosen
ei otsustatavat
(allegedly) it is not chosen
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat otsustanud; otsustanuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has chosen
ei olevat otsustanud; polevat otsustanud; ei otsustanuvat
(allegedly) has not chosen
olevat otsustatud
(allegedly) it has been chosen
ei olevat otsustatud; polevat otsustatud
(allegedly) it has not been chosen
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it choose
ärgu otsustagu
so that he/she/it do not choose
so that it be chosen
ärgu otsustatagu
so that it not be chosen
Jussive perfect mood
olgu otsustanud
so that he/she/it have chosen
ärgu olgu otsustanud
so that he/she/it do not have chosen
olgu otsustatud
so that it have been chosen
ärgu olgu otsustatud
so that it not have been chosen
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while choosing
while choosing
(due to/following/for) choosing
for the purpose of choosing
without choose
that can be chosen
being chosen

Examples of otsustama

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
- Oletame, et ma otsustan seda uskuda ja sind aidata. Raven ei kuulaks mind.Let's just say for the sake of... the sake, that I choose to believe you... that I choose to help you.
Aga ma olen näinud meest, kes sa olla võid, ja ma otsustan sellesse mehesse uskuda.But I've seen the man you can be, and I choose to believe in that man.
Aga ma otsustan siia jääda.But I choose not to. I choose to stay here.
Aga kui otsustad Aydindrili jääda, ei sea sa mu autoriteeti enam kunagi kahtluse alla.But if you choose to stay in Aydindril, you will not question my authority again.
Aga kui sa otsustad jääda, pead sa töötama täie jõuga.But if you choose to stay, we need you at full capacity.
Aga kui sa otsustad siia jääda ja võidelda, on nad ohus.- But if choose to stay and fight,
Aga see vist juhtubki kui otsustad olla korporatsiooni majas... pigem kui ühikas.But I guess that's what happens when you choose to stay at a frat house, rather than the dorm room we assigned you.
"Armastus on mässuline lind, mida keegi ei suuda taltsutada. Ja seda on tulutu kutsuda, kui ta otsustab keelduda."Here’s the line. “Love is a rebellious bird that nobody can tame… …and it’s all in vain to call it if it chooses to refuse.”
Aga tõelise mehe mõõduks on see, kuidas ta otsustab neile katsumustele vastata.But the true measure of a man is how he chooses to react in the face of those trials.
Ja seda on tulutu kutsuda, kui ta otsustab keelduda.""And it's all in vain to call it... "if it chooses to refuse."
Ja ta otsustab teha ohverduse.And he chooses to make the sacrifice.
- Selles peitubki konks, sest me kõik vastutame selle eest, kelle juhiks valime ning keda otsustame järgida.And that's the catch, because we're all responsible for who we pick to lead and who we choose to follow.
Aga kui otsustame olendit kaitsta, kaotame lootuse lepingut sõlmida.But if we choose to defend the creature, we lose all hope of securing a treaty with the Dugs.
Aga see, kelle otsustame mitte jätta, saadame minema.But the one that we choose not to keep goes.
Ainult meie ise otsustame neist igaühe tähtsuse üle.We alone choose the importance of each.
Aga kui te otsustate jääda, pidage meeles, et see oli teie valik.Come in. But if you choose to stay, remember, you chose to be here.
Kui otsustate neile vastu seista, olge päikesetõusuga siin.If you choose to make a stand, be here at sun up.
Kui te otsustate mulle selja keerata, nagu ka oma maale,If you choose to turn your back on me... on your country...
Kui te otsustate sellele dokumendile alla kirjutada, siis arvestage pantvangide vereplekkidega enese peal.If you choose to sign this corrupt document, understand that you will also be staining it with the blood of the remaining hostages.
Kui te otsustate teha mitte midagi, usun ma, et Cyril jätkab mõrvadega, kuni linnas pole enam inimesi.But if you choose to do nothing now, I believe Cyril will continue to do the same thing over and over again and until... until there is no one left in this city.
- Ma ei sunni ühtegi meest minema surma, kuid ma ei takista neid, kui nad otsustavad minna.- I'll no force, any of my men to go to their deaths, but I'll no stand in the way of any that choose to go.
Enamik otsustavad noa kasuks.Most choose the knife.
Hakkate mõtlema, et milleks on teil seda vaja, paljud otsustavad sel hetkel lahkuda.You'll start to wonder why you decided to do this, and most of you will choose to leave.
Ja isegi kui osa, mis on väga väike osa minust tahtis midagi muud... ma ikkagi otsustavad jääda siia.And even if a part, a very tiny part of me wanted something else... I'd still choose to stay here.
- Sina ei otsusta midagi, poiss.You do not choose anything, boy.
- Ja mina otsustasin, et panen omale selle.And I chose to put it on me.
- Ma otsustasin seda ignoreerida.- I chose to ignore it.
- Ei, sa valisid! Sa otsustasid tema eluga riskida.You chose to risk her life.
- Kuid siiski otsustasid sa neid mitte puudutada.- Of course I like girls. But you chose never to touch them.
2 vaprat noort inimest otsustasid pigem surra kui üksteist kaotada.Two brave young people, against all odds chose to die rather than to lose each other.
Aastaid tagasi oleksid võinud Slade'i ravida, kuid otsustasid ta tappa.You could've cured Slade, but you chose to kill him.
"Henry Crawford otsustas Mariaga mitte abielluda.""Henry Crawford chose not to marry Maria. "
"Ta otsustas püüelda uute võimaluste poole..." "... tubaka vallas""He chose to pursue some exciting new opportunities in... " "...tobacco. "
"Ta otsustas püüelda uute võimaluste poole...""He chose to pursue some exciting new opportunities in... "
- Bennett otsustas ise sind aidata.Bennett chose to help you.
- kuid me otsustasime vaadata helgemat poolt, ja nüüd...- but we chose to look at the bright side, and now...
- oleme me õnnelikud, et otsustasime ta alles jätta.- we're happy that we chose to have him.
Aga las ajalugu mäletab, et vabade meestena otsustasime sellise valiku kasuks!But let history remember that as free men we chose to make it so.
Kui ma näen teda aias ringi jooksmas ja oma kodutöid tegemas - - oleme me õnnelikud, et otsustasime ta alles jätta.And now when I see him play football in the garden or just doing homework, we're happy that we chose to have him.
Kui ma näen teda aias ringi jooksmas ja oma kodutöid tegemas oleme me õnnelikud, et otsustasime ta alles jätta.When l see him run around in the garden or doing his homework we're happy that we chose to have him.
Ainus põhjus, miks aitan teil uut mõrtsukat leida, on see, et kaua aega tagasi otsustasite mind aidata.The only reason I am aiding in your search for a new assassin is because long ago, you chose to help me.
Enne lahkumist. Ja otsustasite seda tähtsat infot varjata, söör?And you chose to withhold this crucial information, sir?
Ja ma võin teile öelda, mida see minu jaoks tähendab, et te mulle sellest kõige esimesena otsustasite rääkida.And I can't tell you what it means to me that I am the very first person that you chose to tell.
Ja otsustasite seda tähtsat infot varjata, söör?And you chose to withhold this crucial information, sir?
Ma ei otsustanud neid maha jätta, doktor.l did not choose to leave them behind, Doctor.
Mina ei otsustanud oma sünni üle... - See on väga tõsine asi. ...ja ma ei saa otsustada ka oma tulevase sünni üle.- I did not choose to be born... - This is very very serious. ...and I cannot choose to be born again.
Mina ei otsustanud oma sünni üle...- I did not choose to be born...
Ma palvetaksin, et sa otsustaksid linna säilitamise poolt.I was praying that you would choose to save the town.
- Sina ei otsusta midagi, poiss.You do not choose anything, boy.
Kui sa teda muidugi päästa ei otsusta.Unless you choose to save him, of course.
Kui tekib kiusatus, siis otsusta, et sa ei ütle midagi.If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything.
Ja siis otsustage, kas panete selle Thomase tuppa või poetan mina selle prl O'Brieni tuppa.And when you have, you can choose whether to put it in Thomas's room. Or give it to me, and I'll slip it into Miss O'Brien's.
Kui sa otsustad oma ülejäänud elu selle inimesega veeta, siis sa pead otsustama, kui palju sa temaga jagad.I mean, if you choose to spend the rest of your life with this person then you'll have to decide how much you'll share with her.
Kui te peaksite otsustama sekkuda, olen ma loomulikult sunnitud alla kirjutama. Miski, mida te minu arust peaksite otsustamisel arvestama.Should you choose to intervene, naturally, I'll be forced to resign, something I believe you should factor into your decision.
Käib sõda. Pead varem või hiljem otsustama, kelle poolel sa oled.This is a war, and sooner or later, you're going to have to choose:
Ma mõtlen kolimise peale. Et te oleksite vabad ise otsustama.I think we should move somewhere where you can choose either way
"Päikesetõus ja -loojang on iga päev, sinu otsustada, kas oled kohal või mitte."There's a sunrise and a sunset every day... "...and you can choose to be there for it.
- Aga sinu õigus ise otsustada?- What about your right to choose for yourself?
- Ta usaldas mind ja lasi mul ise otsustada.Let's just say he trusted me to choose.
-Kas ma ise ei saagi midagi otsustada?- Can't I choose by myself?
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul... kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette."I'm sorry for not bein' with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone.
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul..." kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette."I'm sorry for not being with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone.
"DowntonAbbey.muretse,ma juba otsustanud ülesse / alla kostüüm draama juba 1900 Inglismaal.""Downton Abbey.worry, I have already chosen An upstairs/downstairs costume drama in early 1900s England."
"Olete otsustanud alustada kodusõda."You have chosen to inaugurate civil war.
Siiski olen otsustanud senati tööst kõrvale jääda, et oma kaitsele keskenduda.However, I have chosen to withdraw from the senate to concentrate on my defense.
Ma ainult ei mõista, miks sa oled otsustanud veeta sellisel kriitilisel ajal nii palju aega Tauridega.I just do not understand why you have chosen to spend so much time with the Tau'ri at such a critical stage.
Ma kuulsin, et Harry läheb õhtust sööma koos Seani ja Tracyga ja sa oled otsustanud mitte nendega liituda?I hear harry's going to dinner With sean and tracy and you have chosen Not to join them?
Sa oled otsustanud mind trotsida.You have chosen to defy me.
Ajakirjandus on otsustanud võtta väga ebasoodsa vaate selle suhtes, mida me teha oleme üritanud. Aga avalikul arvamus muutub. Ja sina, Alex, kui ma võin teid Alex'iks kutsuda.The press has chosen to take a very unfavorable view of what we tried to do, but public opinion has a way of changing and you, Alex, if I may call you, Alex.
Ajakirjandus on otsustanud võtta väga ebasoodsa vaate selle suhtes, mida me teha oleme üritanud.The press has chosen to take a very unfavorable view of what we tried to do.
Fakt, et Joe Morgan on otsustanud siia elama asuda, on suurepärane täiend sellele elule, mida olen Parklandi kodanikele üritanud pakkuda.The fact that Joe Morgan has chosen to settle here... is a great testament to the way of life I've tried to maintain... for the citizens of Parkland.
Ja Demo, tema on otsustanud valida ränduri elu.And Demo, here, has chosen the life of a wanderer.
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul... kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette."I'm sorry for not bein' with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone.
"Andke andeks, et ma ei ole teiega sel hommikul..." kuid arvestades asjaolusid, mu pere ja mina oleme otsustanud olla omaette."I'm sorry for not being with you this morning, "but under the circumstances my family and I have chosen to be alone.
Kui olete otsustanud, tulete tagasi.If you have chosen, you'll simply return.
Kuna te olete otsustanud minuga kohtuda, siis õhtustate ehk siin?Since you have chosen to meet me, perhaps you will dine here tonight. - I'll be delighted.
Meil on au, et olete otsustanud selle aja meiega veeta.But we are most honored that you have chosen to spend that time with us.
Mu ema. Ta ütles mulle, ma polnud lihtsalt õnnetus või järglane, kes täidaks kohta, et tema ja isane, kellest ta hoolis, olid otsustanud jätkata elu.My mother, she told me that I wasn't merely an accident or a genetic birthing to fill the ranks, that... she and a male that she had cared about had chosen to yield a life.

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