- Tengo que concordar con el Dr. Solomon. | I'm afraid I'd have to agree with Dr. Solomon. |
Adam, tengo que concordar con aquel crítico, Gregorovich. | Adam , I have to agree with that critical , Gregorovich . |
Ahora veo que no vamos a concordar. | I can see we're not going to agree. |
Bueno, por conveniencia voy a concordar con eso, pero tengo... tengo que tomar una avión, y ese caballero de allí... | Well, just for the sake of expediency, I'm going to agree, but I do-- I do have to catch a plane, and this gentleman over here-- |
Con lo que tengo que concordar. | That I'll have to agree with. |
"Bueno, puedo básicamente cambiar lo que el Congreso aprobó al adjuntar una carta diciendo, no concuerdo con esta parte, o no concuerdo con esa parte; | "Well, I can basically change what Congress passed by attaching a letter saying, I don't agree with this part, or I don't agree with that part; |
- Ahora sí concuerdo contigo. | - It's the first thing I agree with: |
- Creo que concuerdo con su teoría. | I think I agree with your theory. Yes! |
- Desafortunadamente, concuerdo contigo! | Unfortunately, I agree with you! |
- Espera, concuerdo contigo en que cuesta demasiado dinero. | - Wait, I mean, I agree with you that it costs too much money. |
- No digas nada. Ned, puedo entender que no concuerdas con... britfan20-12 que describe a Lucy como: "un títere mortal de Satanás". | Uh, ned, I take it you don't agree with, uh, britfan20-12 who describes lucy as, quote, "satan's deadly girl pawn? " |
- ¿No concuerdas conmigo? | - Don't you agree with me? |
-¿Por qué concuerdas conmigo? | -Why are you agreeing with me? |
Amy, ¿no concuerdas en que deberíamos irnos y hacer cola? | Amy, don't you agree we should leave now and get in line? |
Creo que no hay forma de avanzar si no concuerdas con ellos, si no eres igual que ellos en política, | Personally, I don't think there is any room to advance, if you don't agree with them, if you're not the same as them in politics, |
- A propósito, Christopher concuerda. | - Man was a legend. - Christopher agrees, by the way. |
- El Fuhrer, quien aprecia sus predicciones del futuro y quien tendrá en cuenta sus pronósticos históricos, y concuerda con usted por completo... | - The Führer, who appreciates your predictions for the future and who will regard to your.. ...historic prognosis, agrees with you entirely. |
- Nunca concuerda conmigo. - Mentira. | - She never agrees with anything I say. |
- fue un accidente. - Tú compañero, Paul Cosetti, no concuerda contigo, puso una queja y quiere que la investiguemos. | Your partner, Paul Cosetti, disagrees with you, he filed a complaint and wants us to investigate. |
...y concuerda con asesinar a alguien como si nada! | ...and agrees to murder, like it's nothing! |
- Menos mal, concordamos en lo mismo. | Good. l'm glad we agree on something. |
- No concordamos en algo. | - We disagreed about something. |
- Si concordamos, no discutamos. | - If we agree, then why are we arguing? |
- Sé que lo es. Tristemente, parece que es lo único en lo que concordamos. | That, sadly, appears to be one thing that we agree on. |
Ahora, eso es algo en lo que concordamos. | Now, that is something we can agree on. |
- ...ballenas concuerdan... | ...Arctic whales agree. |
- Los jueces defenitivamente concuerdan. | - The judges definitely agree. |
- Pues todos concuerdan conmigo. - Conmigo también. | - Well, they all agree with me so far. |
Ah... tal parece que nuestros amigos protestantes concuerdan con nosotros. | Ah... sounds like our protestor friends agree with us. |
Algunas teorías recientes no concuerdan. | Recent evolutionary theory would disagree. |
Lo siento que concordé. | I'm sorry agreed to it. |
Mira, yo nunca concordé con ningun entrenamiento. | Look, I never agreed to train. |
No lo pensaste, no te lo cuestionaste, simplemente concordaste. | No thought, no question, just agreed. |
Decidí me quedar fuera del negocio Pienso que concordó en quedarse en el lado creativo. | I agreed to stay out of bussiness I think you agreed to stay on creative side. |
Ella concordó más rápido de lo que yo esperaba. | She agreed quicker than I thought. |
Entiendo que Ud. concordó en ser del mismo equipo que Han. | It's my understanding that you agreed to be on the same team as HAN. |
Mi mujer fue transferida para allá, la familia concordó de irse, pero... no resultó bien. | She was transferred there, and we all agreed to go. But... it didn't work. |
Toda la clase concordó contigo. | The whole class agreed with you. |
He hablado de esto con las mejores mentes de la ciudad, Sr. Cass... y todos concordaron. | I have taken this up with the best minds in the city, Mr. Cass... and they're all agreed. Norman... |
Los joyeros concordaron en que era reciente pero ninguno lo hizo. | The jewellers agreed it was recent but none of them had done it. |
Números semejantes de personas concordaron y desconcordaron que el horóscopo fue hecho para ellos. | The same number of people agreed that the horoscope was accurate for them as disagreed.. |
Roosevelt y Churchill concordaron. | Roosevelt and Churchill have agreed. |
Todos concordaron en que es imposible. | They all agreed that it was impossible. |
Capitán Brown, como vecino, seguro que concordará en que el ferrocarril será el fin de Cranford | Captain Brown, I am sure, as our neighbour, you will agree that the railway will be the end of Cranford? |
Pero, si fué cometido un delito, concordará que tenemos que hacer justicia. | But if a crime has been committed, you will agree that justice must be served. |
Seguramente el Sr. Rafferty concordará en que no llegaremos a nada sin un grado de consideración de todas las partes. | Nyah, nyah, nyah... I'm sure that Mr. Rafferty will agree that we'll not get anywhere without a degree of consideration from all parties. |
Como dices, Antonio, pero otros concordarán con Posca. | As you say, Antony, but others will agree with Posca. |
Si comparas nuestros currículums, creo que la mayoría concordaría. | Line up our rйsumйs, I think most would agree. |
- Quizás mi padrastro no concuerde. | - My step-father may not agree. |
Aunque no concuerde con él, Bric no está equivocado. | Although I don't agree with His sentiment, bric isn't wrong. |
Dios me perdone que concuerde con Spock, pero él tenía razón. | God forbid I should have to agree with Spock, but he was right. |
Dudo que tu novia concuerde con eso. | I doubt your girlfriend would agree with that. |
Eso no quiere decir que la imagen que tienes de ti concuerde con la real. | That doesn't mean that your self-image agrees with reality. |
Me alegra que concuerdes. | Glad you agree. |
No tendrás nada con Shirley, a menos que concuerdes con ella. | Uh, you won't be getting any, by the way, from Shirley, unless you agree with her. |
Quizá no concuerdes conmigo, pero nada es más cruel que un cobarde y la matanza por venir quizá esté más allá de la imaginación. | Perhaps you won't agree... but nothing is crueler than a coward. And the slaughter to come... is probably beyond our imagining. |
Tal vez concuerdes con Clark en que es meloso. | You'll probably agree with Clark that it's sappy. |
Tal vez concuerdes con la imagen que venden del Paraíso. | So you agree with the image of Paradise: |
- ¡Ok! Mientras concordemos en eso. | As long as we agree on this. |
-Me alegra que concordemos. | I'm so glad you agreed with me, Mr Morgan. |
Claro que no, prefiero conversar sobre la naturaleza... aunque no concordemos. | - Certainly not! Not me. We can talk about nature, even if we don't agree on everything. |
Entonces, concordemos disentir. | Then let's just agree to disagree, shall we? |
Para eso quiero estos meses hasta que concordemos en qué significan las cosas. | That's what I'd want these few months for, till we agreed what things meant. |
A quién le pueda interesar en el Canal de Cine Independiente espero que concuerden en que les hemos mandado un gran documental sobre lo que es ser estudiante en la universidad-- | To whom it may concern at the Independent Film Channel... we hope you agree that what we've sent you... could be an extremely compelling documentary... on what it's like to be a student going to college and... |
Aún cuando todos concuerden con que el tiempo vuela cuando estás entretenido... es un hecho poco conocido que aún cuando no te estás divirtiendo... el tiempo puede seguir volando... y vuela rápidamente. | While everyone may agree that time flies when you're having fun, it is a little-known fact that even when you're not having fun, time still can fly... and it flies coach. |
Bien, quizás los tribunales no concuerden contigo. | Well, the courts might not agree with you. |
De pie quienes concuerden. | Those in agreement, rise. |
Esperemos que concuerden con Thor y piensen que esta nave es chatarra. | Hopefully they'll agree with Thor and think this ship's a piece of junk. |
Entonces Shipperly-- Neville-- amablemente a concordado de tomarte como su diccionario durmiente. | So Shipperly-- Neville-- has very kindly agreed to take you on as a sleeping dictionary. |
Hasta hace poco, habría concordado con usted. | Up until recently, I would have agreed with you. |
Pensé hayamos concordado que sería algo casual. Nada seria. | I thought we agreed it was going to be casual, nothing serious. |
Yo he concordado una reunión para las 4 de la tarde. | I've agreed to a 400 p.m. meeting. |
- Buena y seria publicación, en su articulo llamado "América en Guerra" incluye historiadores de primera línea, sociólogos y expertos en terrorismo y ellos identificaron los 80s la era del estado patrocinador del terror, concordando con la Administración Reagan. | specialists and experts on terrorism and they identify the 1980's as the era of state sponsored terror, agreeing with the Reagan administration. |
No, estaba solo concordando contigo. | No, I was just agreeing with you. |
¿Estás concordando con todo lo que digo para poder llevarme a la cama? | Are you just agreeing with everything I'm saying so you can get me into bed? |