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Concordar (to agree) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of concordar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I agree
you agree
he/she/it agrees
we agree
you all agree
they agree
Present perfect tense
he concordado
I have agreed
has concordado
you have agreed
ha concordado
he/she/it has agreed
hemos concordado
we have agreed
habéis concordado
you all have agreed
han concordado
they have agreed
Past preterite tense
I agreed
you agreed
he/she/it agreed
we agreed
you all agreed
they agreed
Future tense
I will agree
you will agree
he/she/it will agree
we will agree
you all will agree
they will agree
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would agree
you would agree
he/she/it would agree
we would agree
you all would agree
they would agree
Past imperfect tense
I used to agree
you used to agree
he/she/it used to agree
we used to agree
you all used to agree
they used to agree
Past perfect tense
había concordado
I had agreed
habías concordado
you had agreed
había concordado
he/she/it had agreed
habíamos concordado
we had agreed
habíais concordado
you all had agreed
habían concordado
they had agreed
Future perfect tense
habré concordado
I will have agreed
habrás concordado
you will have agreed
habrá concordado
he/she/it will have agreed
habremos concordado
we will have agreed
habréis concordado
you all will have agreed
habrán concordado
they will have agreed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I agree
(if/so that) you agree
(if/so that) he/she/it agree
(if/so that) we agree
(if/so that) you all agree
(if/so that) they agree
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya concordado
I have agreed
hayas concordado
you have agreed
haya concordado
he/she/it has agreed
hayamos concordado
we have agreed
hayáis concordado
you all have agreed
hayan concordado
they have agreed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have agreed
(if/so that) you have agreed
(if/so that) he/she/it have agreed
(if/so that) we have agreed
(if/so that) you all have agreed
(if/so that) they have agreed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have agreed
(if/so that) you have agreed
(if/so that) he/she/it have agreed
(if/so that) we have agreed
(if/so that) you all have agreed
(if/so that) they have agreed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera concordado
I had agreed
hubieras concordado
you had agreed
hubiera concordado
he/she/it had agreed
hubiéramos concordado
we had agreed
hubierais concordado
you all had agreed
hubieran concordado
they had agreed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese concordado
I had agreed
hubieses concordado
you had agreed
hubiese concordado
he/she/it had agreed
hubiésemos concordado
we had agreed
hubieseis concordado
you all had agreed
hubiesen concordado
they had agreed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have agreed
(if/so that) you will have agreed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have agreed
(if/so that) we will have agreed
(if/so that) you all will have agreed
(if/so that) they will have agreed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere concordado
I will have agreed
hubieres concordado
you will have agreed
hubiere concordado
he/she/it will have agreed
hubiéremos concordado
we will have agreed
hubiereis concordado
you all will have agreed
hubieren concordado
they will have agreed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's agree!
Imperative negative mood
no concuerdes
do not agree!
no concuerde
let him/her/it agree!
no concordemos
let us not agree!
no concordéis
do not agree!
no concuerden
do not agree!

Examples of concordar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Tengo que concordar con el Dr. Solomon.I'm afraid I'd have to agree with Dr. Solomon.
Adam, tengo que concordar con aquel crítico, Gregorovich.Adam , I have to agree with that critical , Gregorovich .
Ahora veo que no vamos a concordar.I can see we're not going to agree.
Bueno, por conveniencia voy a concordar con eso, pero tengo... tengo que tomar una avión, y ese caballero de allí...Well, just for the sake of expediency, I'm going to agree, but I do-- I do have to catch a plane, and this gentleman over here--
Con lo que tengo que concordar.That I'll have to agree with.
"Bueno, puedo básicamente cambiar lo que el Congreso aprobó al adjuntar una carta diciendo, no concuerdo con esta parte, o no concuerdo con esa parte;"Well, I can basically change what Congress passed by attaching a letter saying, I don't agree with this part, or I don't agree with that part;
- Ahora sí concuerdo contigo.- It's the first thing I agree with:
- Creo que concuerdo con su teoría.I think I agree with your theory. Yes!
- Desafortunadamente, concuerdo contigo!Unfortunately, I agree with you!
- Espera, concuerdo contigo en que cuesta demasiado dinero.- Wait, I mean, I agree with you that it costs too much money.
- No digas nada. Ned, puedo entender que no concuerdas con... britfan20-12 que describe a Lucy como: "un títere mortal de Satanás".Uh, ned, I take it you don't agree with, uh, britfan20-12 who describes lucy as, quote, "satan's deadly girl pawn? "
- ¿No concuerdas conmigo?- Don't you agree with me?
-¿Por qué concuerdas conmigo?-Why are you agreeing with me?
Amy, ¿no concuerdas en que deberíamos irnos y hacer cola?Amy, don't you agree we should leave now and get in line?
Creo que no hay forma de avanzar si no concuerdas con ellos, si no eres igual que ellos en política,Personally, I don't think there is any room to advance, if you don't agree with them, if you're not the same as them in politics,
- A propósito, Christopher concuerda.- Man was a legend. - Christopher agrees, by the way.
- El Fuhrer, quien aprecia sus predicciones del futuro y quien tendrá en cuenta sus pronósticos históricos, y concuerda con usted por completo...- The Führer, who appreciates your predictions for the future and who will regard to your.. ...historic prognosis, agrees with you entirely.
- Nunca concuerda conmigo. - Mentira.- She never agrees with anything I say.
- fue un accidente. - Tú compañero, Paul Cosetti, no concuerda contigo, puso una queja y quiere que la investiguemos.Your partner, Paul Cosetti, disagrees with you, he filed a complaint and wants us to investigate.
...y concuerda con asesinar a alguien como si nada!...and agrees to murder, like it's nothing!
- Menos mal, concordamos en lo mismo.Good. l'm glad we agree on something.
- No concordamos en algo.- We disagreed about something.
- Si concordamos, no discutamos.- If we agree, then why are we arguing?
- Sé que lo es. Tristemente, parece que es lo único en lo que concordamos.That, sadly, appears to be one thing that we agree on.
Ahora, eso es algo en lo que concordamos.Now, that is something we can agree on.
- ...ballenas concuerdan......Arctic whales agree.
- Los jueces defenitivamente concuerdan.- The judges definitely agree.
- Pues todos concuerdan conmigo. - Conmigo también.- Well, they all agree with me so far.
Ah... tal parece que nuestros amigos protestantes concuerdan con nosotros.Ah... sounds like our protestor friends agree with us.
Algunas teorías recientes no concuerdan.Recent evolutionary theory would disagree.
Lo siento que concordé.I'm sorry agreed to it.
Mira, yo nunca concordé con ningun entrenamiento.Look, I never agreed to train.
No lo pensaste, no te lo cuestionaste, simplemente concordaste.No thought, no question, just agreed.
Decidí me quedar fuera del negocio Pienso que concordó en quedarse en el lado creativo.I agreed to stay out of bussiness I think you agreed to stay on creative side.
Ella concordó más rápido de lo que yo esperaba.She agreed quicker than I thought.
Entiendo que Ud. concordó en ser del mismo equipo que Han.It's my understanding that you agreed to be on the same team as HAN.
Mi mujer fue transferida para allá, la familia concordó de irse, pero... no resultó bien.She was transferred there, and we all agreed to go. But... it didn't work.
Toda la clase concordó contigo.The whole class agreed with you.
He hablado de esto con las mejores mentes de la ciudad, Sr. Cass... y todos concordaron.I have taken this up with the best minds in the city, Mr. Cass... and they're all agreed. Norman...
Los joyeros concordaron en que era reciente pero ninguno lo hizo.The jewellers agreed it was recent but none of them had done it.
Números semejantes de personas concordaron y desconcordaron que el horóscopo fue hecho para ellos.The same number of people agreed that the horoscope was accurate for them as disagreed..
Roosevelt y Churchill concordaron.Roosevelt and Churchill have agreed.
Todos concordaron en que es imposible.They all agreed that it was impossible.
Capitán Brown, como vecino, seguro que concordará en que el ferrocarril será el fin de CranfordCaptain Brown, I am sure, as our neighbour, you will agree that the railway will be the end of Cranford?
Pero, si fué cometido un delito, concordará que tenemos que hacer justicia.But if a crime has been committed, you will agree that justice must be served.
Seguramente el Sr. Rafferty concordará en que no llegaremos a nada sin un grado de consideración de todas las partes.Nyah, nyah, nyah... I'm sure that Mr. Rafferty will agree that we'll not get anywhere without a degree of consideration from all parties.
Como dices, Antonio, pero otros concordarán con Posca.As you say, Antony, but others will agree with Posca.
Si comparas nuestros currículums, creo que la mayoría concordaría.Line up our rйsumйs, I think most would agree.
- Quizás mi padrastro no concuerde.- My step-father may not agree.
Aunque no concuerde con él, Bric no está equivocado.Although I don't agree with His sentiment, bric isn't wrong.
Dios me perdone que concuerde con Spock, pero él tenía razón.God forbid I should have to agree with Spock, but he was right.
Dudo que tu novia concuerde con eso.I doubt your girlfriend would agree with that.
Eso no quiere decir que la imagen que tienes de ti concuerde con la real.That doesn't mean that your self-image agrees with reality.
Me alegra que concuerdes.Glad you agree.
No tendrás nada con Shirley, a menos que concuerdes con ella.Uh, you won't be getting any, by the way, from Shirley, unless you agree with her.
Quizá no concuerdes conmigo, pero nada es más cruel que un cobarde y la matanza por venir quizá esté más allá de la imaginación.Perhaps you won't agree... but nothing is crueler than a coward. And the slaughter to come... is probably beyond our imagining.
Tal vez concuerdes con Clark en que es meloso.You'll probably agree with Clark that it's sappy.
Tal vez concuerdes con la imagen que venden del Paraíso.So you agree with the image of Paradise:
- ¡Ok! Mientras concordemos en eso.As long as we agree on this.
-Me alegra que concordemos.I'm so glad you agreed with me, Mr Morgan.
Claro que no, prefiero conversar sobre la naturaleza... aunque no concordemos.- Certainly not! Not me. We can talk about nature, even if we don't agree on everything.
Entonces, concordemos disentir.Then let's just agree to disagree, shall we?
Para eso quiero estos meses hasta que concordemos en qué significan las cosas.That's what I'd want these few months for, till we agreed what things meant.
A quién le pueda interesar en el Canal de Cine Independiente espero que concuerden en que les hemos mandado un gran documental sobre lo que es ser estudiante en la universidad--To whom it may concern at the Independent Film Channel... we hope you agree that what we've sent you... could be an extremely compelling documentary... on what it's like to be a student going to college and...
Aún cuando todos concuerden con que el tiempo vuela cuando estás entretenido... es un hecho poco conocido que aún cuando no te estás divirtiendo... el tiempo puede seguir volando... y vuela rápidamente.While everyone may agree that time flies when you're having fun, it is a little-known fact that even when you're not having fun, time still can fly... and it flies coach.
Bien, quizás los tribunales no concuerden contigo.Well, the courts might not agree with you.
De pie quienes concuerden.Those in agreement, rise.
Esperemos que concuerden con Thor y piensen que esta nave es chatarra.Hopefully they'll agree with Thor and think this ship's a piece of junk.
Entonces Shipperly-- Neville-- amablemente a concordado de tomarte como su diccionario durmiente.So Shipperly-- Neville-- has very kindly agreed to take you on as a sleeping dictionary.
Hasta hace poco, habría concordado con usted.Up until recently, I would have agreed with you.
Pensé hayamos concordado que sería algo casual. Nada seria.I thought we agreed it was going to be casual, nothing serious.
Yo he concordado una reunión para las 4 de la tarde.I've agreed to a 400 p.m. meeting.
- Buena y seria publicación, en su articulo llamado "América en Guerra" incluye historiadores de primera línea, sociólogos y expertos en terrorismo y ellos identificaron los 80s la era del estado patrocinador del terror, concordando con la Administración Reagan.specialists and experts on terrorism and they identify the 1980's as the era of state sponsored terror, agreeing with the Reagan administration.
No, estaba solo concordando contigo.No, I was just agreeing with you.
¿Estás concordando con todo lo que digo para poder llevarme a la cama?Are you just agreeing with everything I'm saying so you can get me into bed?

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