Estas facile al ni samopinii kun li. | It is easy for us to agree with his opinion. |
Mi ne povis samopinii kun li. | I couldn't agree with his opinion. |
Mi ĵus skribis adapton pri Elckerlyc kaj mi neniam samopinias kun Anne. | I have written an adaptation of Everyman and I never agreed with Anne. |
Ni samopinias. | We agree. |
-Ĉu vi samopinias? | - You think so too? |
-Mi samopinias. | - Isn't that great? |
Estis la libro, sed mi samopinias kun ĝi. | It was the book, but I agree with it. |
Miaj gepatroj ne samopiniis. | My folks didn't think so. |
Ni samopiniis, ke ne estis iu alternativo. | We agreed that there was no other alternative. |
Ĉiuj membroj de la klubo samopiniis kiel mi. | All the members of the club agreed with me. |
Ni samopiniis. | We concurred. |
Mi supozas, ke ili samopinios kun ni. | I gather that they'll agree with us. |