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Sepakati (to agree) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of sepakati

Present tense
I agree
Past tense
sudah sepakati
I agreed
Present perfect tense
sudah sepakati
I have agreed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah sepakati
I will have agreed
Future recent tense
sepakati nanti
I will agree
Future distant tense
sepakati kelak
I am going to agree
Present continuous tense
sedang sepakati
I agree
Past distant tense
dulu sepakati
I (a long time ago) agreed
Past recent tense
sepakati tadi
I (recently) agreed
Past very recent tense
baru saja sepakati
I (just now) agreed

Examples of sepakati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Akhirnya, sesuatu sudah kita sepakati.Finally, something we agree on.
Aku melakukan apa yang kita sepakati.I did what we agreed to do.
Itu yang dinamis kita sepakati.That's the dynamic we agreed on.
Berikut adalah jalan yang kami sepakati dengan dewan yang perlu ditutup untuk lalu lintas selama proses penuangan, ...dari pukul 5:25 pagi hingga tengah hari.Here are the roads we agreed with the council that need to be closed to traffic for the duration of the pour, which is from 5:25 a.m. to midday.
Itu hal-hal yang kita sepakati, tentu saja.There are things we agree on, of course.

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