Jah, ma osalen kihluspeol. | Yes, I will be attending the engagement party. |
Kui ma pensionile lähen ja osalen mingil gala-õhtul, kus austatakse kolme esimest naispresidenti - mind ja kaht teist, keda ma olen inspireerinud, siis tahan ma tagasi vaadata sellele märkimisväärsele pärandile ja mitte mõelda, et ma võlgnen oma karjääri mingile opossumile. | I mean, look, when I retire, And I'm attending some gala Honoring the first three female presidents in history-- |
Ma ei lase Kellyl määrata, millistel kooliüritustel ma osalen. | And I'm certainly not going to let Kelly determine what school functions I attend. I'm going to this, Harry. |
Ma osalen missal... | I attend Mass... |
Ma ei teadnud, et ka sina sellel osaled. | I wasn't aware that you were attending. |
Ma loodan et sa ka osaled. | Ah, well, I hope you will attend. |
Olgu. Ütle oma mehele, kui ma võidan, siis sa osaled teaduskonna sümboosiumil ja kannad lipsu. | Tell your guy, if I win, you attend the faculty symposium, and you wear a tie. |
Sa naased koju ja osaled oma naise matustel. | Ye will return to yer home and attend to yer wife's funeral. |
Muidugi globalistide tähtsaim nina, David Rockefeller, - on siin oma ihukaitsja, James Ford'iga, kes alati osaleb. | Of course Globalist Kingpin, David Rockefeller, - seen here with his body guard, James Ford, always attends. |
Kuningas ja mina osaleme missal, nagu oli planeeritud! | The King and I should attend Mass as planned. |
Mäletad, kui Leonard ütles, et me ei saa tulla su etendusele kuna me osaleme molekulaarse positrooniumi sümpoosiumil? | Remember how Leonard told you we couldn't come to your performance because we were attending a symposium on molecular positronium? |
Reedel osaleme me molekulaarse positrooniumi sümpoosiumil. | Friday we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium. |
Kas osalete ka tänasel hukkamisel? | Will you be attending the execution tonight? |
Ma sooviksin teid kõiki tänada, et osalete selle üritused Dr Meinheimeri auga, kes teeb oma ajaloolise kõne homme. | I'd just like to thank you all for attending this event in honor of Dr. Meinheimer who will make his historic address tomorrow. |
Ma tahaks teid kõiki tänada, et te osalete sellel tänutasu üritusel mu kalli, lahkunud isa auks. | I want to thank you all for attending this honorarium for my dear, departed Daddy, |
Aga nähes, kes osalevad, olen ma selles kindel. | But having seen who would be attending, I'm now certain. |
Kahe päeva pärast toimub koosolek juhtkonna vahetuseks, kõik kohalikud juhid osalevad. | There's a succession board meeting in 2 days, all the regional bosses will attend it. |
Kaitseministeerum ja esimees osalevad. Valitsus jälgib läbi satelliidi ja Kabineti varustatakse transkriptidega. | The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs will be attending in person, the State will be monitoring via satellite. |
Kindral Ramizi teadaanne on ilmselt meeltmööda lääneriikide juhtidele, kes osalevad Budapestis maailmarahu tippkohtumisel. | General Ramiz's announcement is expected to be welcomed by many of the western leaders attending the World Security Summit in Budapest. |
Ei, ei, ei. Ma ei osale. | No, no, no, I'm not attending. |
Hr. Austen, pean teatama, et ma täna teie teenistusel ei osale. | Mr Austen, I must inform you that I shall not attend service today. |
Ma osalesin ja aitasin teda selles. | I attended and helped him with that. |
Ma osalesin kunagi ta loengul. | I attended a lecture of hers once. |
Ma osalesin väga huvitaval lõunasöögil. Organiseeritud Hank Paulson poolt, veidi rohkem kui aasta tagasi... mõnede ametnikega ja mõned... tegevdirektorid suurimatest pankadest Ameerikast. | I attended a very interesting, uh, dinner, organized by Hank Paulson a little more than one year ago... with some officials and a couple of, uh... |
- Kuulsin, et osalesid Blake'i matustel. Miks? | - Heard you attended Blake's funeral. |
- Kuulsin, et osalesid Blake'i matustel. | - Heard you attended Blake's funeral. |
Sa osalesid Liber-8 koosolekul. Betty? | You attended a Liber8 meeting. |
millel osalesid kuninglikud õukondlased nagu Caignet. | Royal courtiers like Caignet attended. |
Hillary Clinton osales pool päeva. | Hillary Clinton had attended for half a day. |
Linda, ma olen siin all on vaagen, ja inimesed ümber nende osad ei mäleta viimast korda aja reisil senaator osales enda sündi. | Linda, I'm down here at the pelvis, and folks round these parts can't remember the last time a time-traveling Senator attended his own birth. |
No, jah, olgu, Bill Clinton läks sinna 1991, George Bush vanem osales juba 1985. | Well, yeah, well, Bill Clinton went there in 1991, George Bush Sr. attended back in '85. |
May Gilliam ei osalenud iga-aastasel rongkäigul vähi vastu. | Mays Gilliam did not attend this year's annual rally against cancer. |
Tema majesteet tahab teada, miks te ei osalenud kuninganna kroonimisel, kuigi olite sinna kutsutud. | His Majesty wondered why you did not attend the Queen's Coronation, as you were invited to do. |
Ajakirjandus võib kohale tulla, kuid ei osale uurimises. | The press will be invited to attend, not to participate. |
Ei, ei, ei. Ma ei osale. | No, no, no, I'm not attending. |
Hr. Austen, pean teatama, et ma täna teie teenistusel ei osale. | Mr Austen, I must inform you that I shall not attend service today. |
Igatahes, pean ma osalema kohtumisel. | At any rate, I have a meeting to attend. |
Kolonel Tavington, miks, peale kuut nädalat võtan ma osa ballist Lõuna Carolinas kui ma peaksin osalema ballides Põhja Carolinas? | Colonel Tavington, why, after six weeks am I still attending a ball in South Carolina when I should be attending balls in North Carolina? |
Kolonel Tavington, miks, peale kuut nädalat... ...võtan ma osa ballist Lõuna Carolinas... ...kui ma peaksin osalema ballides Põhja Carolinas? | Colonel Tavington, why, after six weeks... ...am I still attending a ball in South Carolina... ...when I should be attending balls in North Carolina? |
Kui ta nõustub nendes osalema? | If he agrees to attend. |
" Mandy kuldnokk , 17 , lootes , et osaleda | "Mandy starling, 17, hoping to attend |
"Teistest kohalikest uudistest, Lydel Hammond, Sr, eraklik miljardär, plaanib osaleda oma poja matustel Cedar Pine'is täna pärastlõunal." | In other local news, Lydel Hammond, Sr., the reclusive billionaire, will be attending the funeral of his son in Cedar Pine this afternoon. |
- Seal on mõned väikesed üritused, kus me isaga arvasime, et sulle meeldiks osaleda. | - Well, there are just a few small functions... your father and I thought that you might enjoy attending. |
Aastate jooksul oleme kindlaks teinud umbes 3 - inimest, keda nende oma nimekirjas ei ole, kes aga on osalenud. | Over the years we've identified, like, sometimes 3 - people who are not on their own list, who have attended. |
Kas te olete osalenud kommunistide koosolekutel? | Ever attended any meetings? MOSS: |
Ma hindan sinu kutset, kuid ma ei ole kunagi keskkooli pidu kaunistanud, veel vähem seal osalenud. | Well, I appreciate you asking. But I have never decorated a school dance before, much less attended. |
Mõned seovad selle veteran ajakirjaniku Martin Weineri surmaga, skeptiline ajakirjanik, kes sai südame infarkti, osaledes ühes Silveri esinemisel. | Many linked his exit from the limelight with the death of a veteran journalist, Martin Weiner, a skeptical reporter who suffered a heart attack while attending one of Silver's shows. |