- Chcę tylko porwać pana na chwilkę. | - I just want to grab you for a moment. |
- W porządku, porwij to. | - All right, grab it. |
Brzmi na "uderz i porwij". | Sounds like a bump and grab. |
porwałam jej torebkę z kluczami. | When i grabbed her bag, i got her house keys, too. |
- Pokazałam je Tomowi. A ona je porwała. | - Well, I was showing Tom and she grabbed them. |
A kiedy małpy porwały mnie, to było naprawdę szalone. | And when the mOnkeys grabbed me, things gOt really crazy. |
- Chyba ktoś go zaatakował i porwał. | Meaning somebody probably jumped him and then grabbed him. |
- D'Stefano porwał Holly? | And it was D'Stefano who grabbed Holly? |
Dlatego cię porwaliśmy. | That's why we grabbed you. |
Nie mogłeś mi o tym powiedzieć, zanim go porwaliśmy? | Don't you think you could have told me that before we grabbed him? |
- Myślicie, że go porwali, aby ośmieszyć USA? To całkiem możliwe. | You think they grabbed him to embarrass the U.S.? |
A to schody, z których drzewo porwało Griffina. | This is the staircase that Griffin was first grabbed by the tree. |
Coś mnie porwało w tym korytarzu. | Someone ran after me and grabbed me in that corridor... |
Fields, dwóch oprychów mnie porwało. | Fields, I've been grabbed by a couple of hoods. |