Agarrar (to grab) conjugation

87 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: get, to have a go at, to hold on, to brawl with, to claw, hold, claw, cling, to cling to, to grip, to love, to get physical with, have, to grasp

Conjugation of agarrar

Present tense
I grab
you grab
he/she grabs
we grab
you all grab
they grab
Present perfect tense
tenho agarrado
I have grabbed
tens agarrado
you have grabbed
tem agarrado
he/she has grabbed
temos agarrado
we have grabbed
tendes agarrado
you all have grabbed
têm agarrado
they have grabbed
Past preterite tense
I grabbed
you grabbed
he/she grabbed
we grabbed
you all grabbed
they grabbed
Future tense
I will grab
you will grab
he/she will grab
we will grab
you all will grab
they will grab
Conditional mood
I would grab
you would grab
he/she would grab
we would grab
you all would grab
they would grab
Past imperfect tense
I used to grab
you used to grab
he/she used to grab
we used to grab
you all used to grab
they used to grab
Past perfect tense
tinha agarrado
I had grabbed
tinhas agarrado
you had grabbed
tinha agarrado
he/she had grabbed
tínhamos agarrado
we had grabbed
tínheis agarrado
you all had grabbed
tinham agarrado
they had grabbed
Future perfect tense
terei agarrado
I will have grabbed
terás agarrado
you will have grabbed
terá agarrado
he/she will have grabbed
teremos agarrado
we will have grabbed
tereis agarrado
you all will have grabbed
terão agarrado
they will have grabbed
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha agarrado
I have grabbed
tenhas agarrado
you have grabbed
tenha agarrado
he/she has grabbed
tenhamos agarrado
we have grabbed
tenhais agarrado
you all have grabbed
tenham agarrado
they have grabbed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have grabbed
(if/so that) you will have grabbed
(if/so that) he/she will have grabbed
(if/so that) we will have grabbed
(if/so that) you all will have grabbed
(if/so that) they will have grabbed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver agarrado
I will have grabbed
tiveres agarrado
you will have grabbed
tiver agarrado
he/she will have grabbed
tivermos agarrado
we will have grabbed
tiverdes agarrado
you all will have grabbed
tiverem agarrado
they will have grabbed
Imperative mood
let's grab!
Imperative negative mood
não agarres
do not grab!
não agarre
let him/her/it not grab!
não agarremos
let us not grab!
não agarreis
do not grab!
não agarrem
do not grab!

Examples of agarrar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Nem sequer sei como morrer." Tinha a cabeça às voltas, a tentar agarrar-se a algo, mas nada resultava. Nem o Keith nem ninguém.I don't even know how to go, my mind kept spinning trying to grab onto something, but nothing was enough, not even Keith or anyone, nothing was enough!
- Diz-me para te agarrar o cu!Tell me to grab your arse!
- Eles tentavam agarrar-te.- They was trying to grab you.
- Estava a tentar agarrar o seu...- He was trying to grab your...
- Eu há pouco quero o agarrar para um momento.- I just want to grab you for a moment.
"Eu não vivo a vida do abnegado, nem eu agarro outro vinho."I don't live the life of the selfless, nor do I grab another's wine.
"Quando chegarmos às escadas, agarro a Emily firmemente pelo pulso.""and as we reach the stairs, I grab Emily firmly by her wrist.
- Agarrem esses que eu agarro o "Sr. Stinki".- Okay, you guys grab all those rats. I'll pick "Mr. Stink."
- Não, eu agarro-a e tu mete-la num saco.- No, I grab her, you bag her.
- Vou lá e agarro-o.-I go in and I grab him.
- "Porque não te agarras à minha sela."-"Why don't you grab onto my sattle-horn?"
- Porquê não o agarras tu?- Why don't you grab him?
Adoro quando agarras a minha mão.I love it when you grab my hand.
Apontas ao olho, agarras o lábio... leva-la pela sala... e cegas o merlim.You aim for the eye, grab the lip... lead her around the room- blinding the marlin.
Assim que vires a minha mão a mexer agarras no teu dinheiro.Okay, now, the minute you see my hand move, grab your money.
"O cão agarra o gorila pelos testículos" é a piada?ALICE: "The dog grabs the gorilla by the nuts," is the punch line?
"Vou passar por ali", mas assim que o faço, um polícia de choque vem, agarra-me e diz que não posso estar ali."I'll go through there", but as soon as I do a riot cop comes, he grabs me, says I can't be there.
- E agarra-me a salsicha.- And she grabs me by the wiener.
- Ele aparece e agarra-a por trás.He comes, he grabs you from behind.
- Ele tenta descobrir porque faz isso, ele agarra-a, está a ver, assim.- When you go to find out why he's doing it, he grabs hold of you, you see, like that.
-Porque não o agarramos agora? -Não.- Why don't we just grab him right now?
Assaltamos o lugar, agarramos o dinheiro e vamos.We stick the place up, we grab the money and we're done.
Assim que ela ir embora, agarramos o pó e saímos daqui.As soon as she's gone, we'll grab the dust and get out of here.
Depois, agarramos em tudo o que encontrar-mos.Then, we grab everything we can find.
Dizem que em tempos de crise agarramos no que é mais importante.They say in a time of crisis, you grab the thing most important to you.
"Eu tinha uma navalha na mão podia tê-lo agarrado e ter-lhe cortado o pescoço."I had a razor in my hand I could have grabbed him and slit his throat.
- Depois de ele me ter agarrado.After he grabbed me, yes.
- Ela não teria agarrado na arma.- She wouldn't have grabbed the gun.
- Eles podiam ter agarrado na arma.- Yeah, they could have grabbed the gun.
Alguém deve ter agarrado e fugido.Someone must've grabbed it and run off.
- Não, os peixes não agarram pessoas.No, fish don't grab people!
Agora, para todas, viram-se e agarram nos tornozelos.Now, everyone, turn around and grab your ankles.
Aparentemente, as pessoas saem a meio da noite e agarram-nas com com as próprias mãos.Apparently, people go out in the middle of the night And grab them with their bare hands.
Bem, um ou dois Borays passam por ele agarram duas mulheres mas... normalmente só perdemos um pouco de grão.Then one or two Borays ride past him and they grab a couple of our females but... mostly we just lose a little grain.
Depois, agarram atrás do joelho.Then you grab behind the knee.
"Eu agarrei o traseiro de uma adolescente num comboio apinhado a caminho do trabalho e ela apanhou a minha manga.""I grabbed a female junior high school student's buttocks in a crowded train to work, and she caught my sleeve."
- E eu passei-me, e... sabem, agarrei alguns comprimidos da minha mãe, e foi então que vocês apareceram.And I just flipped out, and... you know, grabbed some pills from my mom's stash, and that's when you showed up.
- Então, agarrei o tipo pelos colarinhos!- So I grabbed the guy by the collar.
- Foi um acidente. Atraímo-la aqui, agarrei-a.We tricked her here, I grabbed her.
- Não, fui eu que a agarrei.- No, I grabbed it.
- Foi por isso que subiste e agarraste na caçadeira depois de teres sido esmurrado na cara.That's why you went upstairs and grabbed your shotgun after being punched in the face.
- Mas agarraste-me o braço.But you grabbed me...
Adorei a cena quando agarraste o apoio do helicóptero quando estava a partir.I loved it when you grabbed onto the bottom of the chopper as it was taking off.
Ao contrário de ti, que agarraste o primeiro idiota que apareceu.As opposed to you, who grabbed the first blimp that floated by.
Conseguiste que ela saísse da sala, não sei como, provocaste uma sobre-tensão, agarraste numas quantas disquetes ao acaso, não foi? E demagnetizaste todas, antes de as trocar pelas da Cameron.You got her out of the room somehow, you made the power surge happen, but you grabbed a bunch of random disks, didn't you, and demagnetized them all before swapping them for Cameron's?
"Martin McGowan fingiu pegar no cócó do seu cão, mas apenas agarrou o ar e continuou a andar.""Martin McGowan pretended to pick up his dog's poop, but just grabbed at the air and kept walking."
"O Agente Alvin Hillis de Sioux City não chegou a ver o que o agarrou pelos tornozelos e o arrastou para um campo de trigo, ao final da tarde de terça-feira.""Sioux City officer Alvin Hills "never saw what grabbed him by the ankles and dragged him into a cornfield late Tuesday afternoon."
"O pai bateu na cara do rapaz e então.. o checheno agarrou numa faca e espetou-a... no peito do oficial Volodya"."The father hit the boy in the face, and then the Chechen grabbed a knife and stuck it into the chest of the officer, Volodya".
"Pipper agarrou a trela do único companheiro que sempre conheceu,... e o detective e o seu Jack Russell foram para a baixa."Piper grabbed the leash of the only partner he'd ever known, "Piper grabbed the leash of the only partner he'd ever known, and the private eye and his Jack Russell headed downtown.
"Querida Miss Hart, Eu vi-a na cerimónia e na noite seguinte estava a sair duma festa quando este tipo horrível me agarrou no parque de estacionamento."Dear Miss Hart, I saw you on the pageant and the next night I was coming out of a party when this horrible guy grabbed me in the parking lot.
- Argyle, esses dois tipos... eles tinham máscaras, agarraram-me.-Argyle, these two guys- They had masks on. They grabbed me.
Acredito que a agarraram pelo pescoço.I'm speculating she was grabbed by the throat, like so.
As unhas dele agarraram aquilo em que estava a tocar quando sucumbiu.Yes, his fingers grabbed whatever he was touching when he succumbed.
Chegaram numa carrinha branca e agarraram-na.They pulled up in a white van, grabbed her.
De certeza que foram guardas que o agarraram, não reclusos?Are you sure it was guards who grabbed him, not inmates?
"queres que agarre num dos detidos e o atire ao chão?""you want me to grab one of the detainees and take him down for you?"
- Agora, agarre eles!- Now, grab 'em!
- Alguém agarre aquela cadeira.- Somebody grab that chair.
- Alguém lhe agarre a mão direita... Estás bem?- Someone grab her right hand... (Daniel) You're okay.
- Alguém o agarre!Somebody grab him:!
- Está bem, não me agarres, OK?- All right. Don't grab, OK?
- Não a agarres!- Bill, don't grab her! - Shut up, Matt!
- Não me agarres, mulher!Don't grab me, for God's sake!
-Não me agarres assim.-Don't grab me like that!
Bem, a não ser que te agarres ao cano.Well, not unless you grab the pipe.
- Está calada, e vocês agarrem tudo o que seja valioso.You shut up and the rest of you shut up and grab anything valuable.
- Fixe. Muito bem, agarrem-se.All right, grab on.
- Muito bem, agarrem no que puderem e vamos sair daqui.- All right, grab what you can and bail out!
- OK homens, agarrem-no.- OK, boys, grab him!
- Ok, garotos, agarrem o que puderem ....- All right, lads grab what you can head for the tree line.
- Então não vás agarrando a conta.So don't go grabbing' the check.
A minha mãe, agarrando na revista dela, iria subtilmente encontrar-se numa armadilha ao ler o anúncio do Red Ryder.My mother, grabbing for her copy of "Look" magazine would find herself cleverly trapped into reading a Red Ryder sales pitch. They traded Bullfrog.
A única coisa que ela lembra é de seu gato debaixo da cadeira e um braço a agarrando por trás.All she remembers is her cat crouching under a chair and an arm grabbing her from behind.
Bati com as portas do Castelo, Barrei-as agarrando numa das noviças como refém.Slamming shut the castle doors, I barred them grabbing one of the novices as a hostage.
E o poderoso Chihuahua entrou em acção agarrando a cobra com as suas mandíbulas e lutando com ela.And the mighty Chihuahua swung into action, grabbing the snake with its jaws and wrestling it to the ground.
Disseste que o Jack te tentou avisar antes de eles nos agarrarem?You said Jack tried to warn you before they grabbed us. Yeah.
E, volta e meia, as senhoras gostam de ter algo para agarrarem.And, you know, the ladies like something to grab on to, time and time again.
Esta é a vossa oportunidade de renascer das cinzas e agarrarem a glória.This is your opportunity to rise from these ashes and grab glory.
Hermann, Mouch, agarrarem os ferros e sigam o Boden.Herrmann, Mouch, grab irons and follow Boden.
Lembro-me de pessoas me agarrarem e me porem numa carrinha.I remember people grabbing me and putting me in the van.
- Até agarrares uma estátua.Until you grabbed a statue.
- Como posso saber? A última coisa de que me lembro é de estar para empalar o teu irmão e depois tu agarrares-me.Last thing I remember is I'm about to stake your brother, and then you grabbed me.
- Depois de tu me agarrares.- Only after you grabbed me.
- Não era suposto agarrares isso.- Not supposed to grab that.
- Tens de largar e de me agarrares.- I need you to let go and grab onto me. - I can't.
Se ambos agarrarmos armas, podemos igualar o terreno de jogo.If we both grab guns, we can level the playing field.
Se não o agarrarmos rapidamente, isto vai acabar antes mesmo de ter começado.If we don't grab him fast, this is gonna be over before it starts.

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