- Kui ma upun, siis on see sinu süü. | - If I drown, it's all your fault. |
- Ma upun ja sa vead mind parvele. | - I drown, and you tow me back to the rig. |
- Ma upun siin. | I am drowning here. |
- Ma upun ära. | I'm going to drown. |
**Sa ei suuda seda, sa upud.Pead lahti laskma.** | **You can't, you'll drown. You have to let go.** |
- Järgmine kord, kui upud ookeanis kutsu Free Willy! | - Next time you're drowning in the ocean call Free Willy! |
- Järgmine kord, kui upud ookeanis... ...kutsu Free Willy! | - Next time you're drowning in the ocean... ...call Free Willy! |
- Kopsud lähevad vedelikku täis, hingata ei saa ja upud omaenda röga sisse. | Lungs fill up with fluid. You can't breathe. And you end up drowning in your own mucus. |
- Sa upud. | - You'll drown. |
Ja nüüd ma loodan, et kui päike tõuseb, sulatab selle jõe ja see naine upub. | And now I'm kind of hoping that the sun comes up, thaws that river and that woman drowns. |
Kaks tundi hiljem tuleb ta Londonisse, mürk halvab lihased ja ta upub. | Two hours later he comes to London, the poison paralyses the muscles and he drowns. |
Kui ta sealt väljub, lendab õhku. Kui jääb sinna, siis upub. | He leaves, he blows, He stays, he's drowns. |
"Mike, me upume. | "Mike, we're drowning. |
- Sa pead silmas, et me mõlemad upume? | - D'you mean we shall both be drowned? |
Te veel upute verevoogudes. | You will drown in a river of blood. |
Täna te upute. | Tonight you drown. |
Viie minuti pärast on tuba liiva täis ja te upute sellesse! | In five minutes this room will fill up, and you're all gonna drown in kitty litter! |
Aga upuvad alati parimad ujujad. | But it is always the best swimmers who drown. |
Inimesed kukuvad redelitelt ja upuvad oma vannides kõikjal terves naabruskonnas. | people falling off of ladders and drowning in their jacuzzis all over the neighborhood. |
Isegi peale aastaid ajaloolisi uurimusi, mida rohkem inimesed püüavad end defineerida, seda rohkem nad upuvad omaenda segadusse. | Even with years of historical research, the more humans try to define themselves, the more they drown in their own confusion. |
Kui hoone vee alla jääb, upuvad nad ära. See eeldab suurt uputust. | If the facility floods, they'll drown you know that |
- Ma ei upu. | - I'm not drowning. |
Kas nad ei uppunud ära? Vampiirid ei upu. | Vampires cannot drown. |
Nii et sa ei ärka, eelistad märjaks saada. Siin basseini pole, seega sa ka ei upu, eks? | You won't do it, prefer to get a little wet... no pool in here, so you're not drowning, are ya? |
Rahunege, teiega on kõik korras, te ei upu kusagile. | Relax! Come on, you're OK. You're not drowning. |
- Ma uppusin ära. | - I drowned. |
Ma kunagi uppusin äärepealt ühes tiigis, kui ma olin laps. | I nearly drowned in a pond once when I was a child. |
Ma peaaegu uppusin ðokolaadi piima segusse! | I almost drowned in chocolate milk-mix! |
Ma peaaegu uppusin šokolaadi piima segusse! | I almost drowned in chocolate milk-mix! |
Ma peaaegu uppusin. | I almost drowned. |
- Ei, nad uppusid. | They never found each other and they drowned. |
- Mida? Mu autot tulistati ning jälitajad lendasid jõkke ja uppusid. | - My car was totally shot out... ...and the men who were chasing us probably drowned. |
- Mul on kahju, et sa peaaegu uppusid. | - I'm sorry you nearly drowned. |
- Nad uppusid. | Which means they drowned |
"Meie sukeldujad just leidsid ta, ta uppus merre.'' | "Our divers have just found her, she drowned in the sea." |
"Saksamaa luureteenistus uurib koos Lõuna-India politseiga... Bourne'i kaasosaliseks peetava Saksa naise surma, kes... uppus jaanuaris jõkke, kui tema auto sillalt vette libises." | Germany's BND are working with police in southern India on an investigation into the death of a German woman, believed to be an accomplice of Bourne's, who drowned in January in a river after her car skidded off a bridge. |
"Susie Willis uppus, olles kinni autos Dawsoni Beachi ligidal." | "Susie Willis drowned, trapped in a car near Dawson's Beach." |
"Tead, et selles basseinis üks laps peaaegu et uppus?" | "Did you know there was a kid nearly drowned in that pool? |
Te mõlemad uppusite, toimetades inimesi laevadesse ja meie koos dr Zelenkaga jäime ruumidesse lõksu. | You both drowned while attempting to get our people into ships, and we, along with Dr. Zelenka, we found ourselves trapped. |
Härra Valladon võidi küll järvest leida, aga kindlasti ta ei uppunud. | Monsieur Valladon may have been found in the lake... but he did not drown. |
Kevin Franks ei uppunud. | Kevin Franks did not drown. |
Ta ei uppunud. | She did not drown. |
Kõik upuksid ju ära. | Surely everyone would drown? |
- Jen, sa ei upu. | -Jen, you're not gonna drown. |
- Ma ei upu. | - I'm not drowning. |
- Miks sa siis ei upu? | - Then why aren't you drowning? |
Aga kui sa ei upu, aitame sul loobuda narkotsist ja tubakast. | But, if you don't drown, we can at least help you to give up smoking and drug-taking. |
Minge vette ja uppuge | Into the water and drown. |
Mulle meeldis see kitarr Minge vette ja uppuge | I liked that guitar. Into the water and drown. |
"Kes aga solvab sellist last, peaks kandma veskikivi kaelas ja uppuma meresügavusse." | "But who so shall offend one of these little ones..." "it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck..." "and he were drowned in the depth of the sea." |
- Me peaksime lisaks veel uppuma. | I think we'd have to jump out and drown. |
- Ei saa lasta tal uppuda. | Can't let him drown. All right. |
- Kas sa ei mõista, kui kergesti sa oleksid võinud ära uppuda? | - Don't you know how easily you could have drowned? |
- Ma ei taha kellegi röga sisse uppuda. | I don't wanna drown in anybody's mucus. |
- Soovin, et oleksin sel suvel uppunud. | -I wish I'd drowned this summer. |
- Südameta oleksin ammu uppunud. | -If I didn't have a heart, I would have drowned long ago! |
Aga ta ei uppunud, vaid jäi ellu. | But not drowned. He survived. |
Aga õnneks oli Dino koos minuga loomaaias ja ta andis konnale oma käpaga kõva lahmaka, ja siis ta oleks peaaegu ära uppunud. | But luckily Dino was with me at the zoo and he gave a big whack to the baddy in the water and then he nearly drowned! |
Naine on uppunud. | A woman has drowned. It's awful. |
Arvestades seda, et sa just päästsid mind vetsupotti uppumast.... ...tunnen end päris hästi | Well, considering that you just saved me from drowning in a toilet, I'm pretty good. |
Hüppasin jõkke, et näha, kas ta päästab mind uppumast. | I jumped into a river to see if he'd save me from drowning. |
Kohtusime, kui teda uppumast päästsin. | I rescued her from drowning in our club pool. |
Kas oled kunagi kedagi kohanud, kes suudaks 45 minutit niimoodi ilma ära uppumata sumada? | You ever seen anyone that can tread water like that for 45 minutes without drowning? |