" Aga sellese ma küll usun. " | " But I do believe in this." |
" Aga sellese ma küll usun." | " But I do believe in this." |
"" Ma usun Kärbse Klubisse, selle tavadesse ja ideaalidesse. | " I believe in the Fly Club, its traditions and its ideals. |
"...usun, et see oleks mul elu parim aeg. | "... I believe I would be having the time of my life. |
"Grave Encounters 2" Kas sa usud seda? direktorid Vicious Brothers. | 'Grave Encounters 2' Can you believe that? directors The Vicious Brothers. |
"Grave Encounters 2" Kas sa usud seda? | 'Grave Encounters 2' Can you believe that? |
"Kas sa usud Jumalasse?" | ¡and he says, ¡°Do you believe in God? ¡± |
"Kas sa usud mind Joseph? Kas sa usud?" | Do you believe me, Joseph? |
"Inimene, keda ma kõige rohkem imetlen on mu ema, kuna ta on võitleja, kes ei anna kunagi alla selle osas, mida ta usub ja ta ei anna kunagi alla minu suhtes. | "The person I admire most.. ".. is my mother, because she is a fighter.. ".. who never gives up on what she believes in.. ".. and she never gives up on me. |
"Kes minusse usub, see elab, isegi kui ta sureb." | "He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. " |
"Me kutsume üles igat moslemit, kes usub jumalasse ja loodab tasule alluma jumala tahtele". | We call on every Muslim who believes in God... and hopes for reward... "to obey God's command". |
"Kui leiab infot tema või mina..." - "...Selle peale annan mina oma sõna" - "Me usume teid." | - Word - We believe you guys |
"Me usume, et teie raamat muudab kokakunsti Ameerikas sama palju kui Rombaueri "Söögitegemise Rõõm" muutis tavalist söögitegemist. | "We believe that your book wilI do for French cooking in America "what Rombauer's the Joy of Cooking did for standard cooking. |
"Kas te usute jumalasse?" Kõik sõltub sellest? | "Do you believe in God?" It all hinges on that? |
"Kas te usute jumalasse?" | "Do you believe in god?" |
"Ta on tülin." "Senini, sest ta näeb välja mässajana te usute, et tal polnud vastutustunnet iseseisvaks elamiseks." | "Yet because he's seen as a rebel you believe he hasn't the responsibility to live independently." |
- Ja te usute kõiki neid rumalusi? | You believe that crap? |
"Inimprojekt". Miks inimesed seda paska usuvad? | "Human Project. " Why do people believe this crap? |
"Ja need märgid järgnevad nende poolt, kes usuvad: | "And these signs shall follow them that believe; |
"Krüptozooloogid usuvad, et see võis olla iidsete kiskjate üks alamliike, tõenäoliselt Mesonychid." | "Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid." |
"Need, kes minusse usuvad, surevad, kuid ometi nad elavad. | "Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live. |
"Britid ei usu, et meie pühendumus on siiras." | "The British do not believe we are committed to our cause." |
"Ma ei usu enam Jumalat. | "I do not believe in God any more." |
"Mida ma pean tegema?" " Ma ei usu enam Jumalat. | "What am I to do? "I do not believe in God anymore. |
Aasta tagasi mõrvati nende liider Aslan Masklov milles usutakse olevat mängus CIA käsi. | A year ago, their leader, Aslan Masklov, was assassinated in what is believed to be a CIA hit. |
FBI allikad kinnitavad, et Bertrami usutakse olevat kurikuulus sarimõrvar Red John, keda otsitakse taga rea kohutavate mõrvade pärast üle kogu California keskuse. | F.B.I. sources confirm that Bertram is believed to be the notorious serial killer Red John, wanted for a string of grisly murders across the California heartland. |
Ja usutakse, et just selle koha peal sünnib Kapten James Tiberius Kirk. | And it is believed that on this very spot... Captain James Tiberius Kirk will be born. |
*** Vaata, kuidas ta läheb *** Ja mina uskusin seda odavat libu. | And I believed that cheap little tramp. |
- Eemalolek murdis mu südame, aga uskusin, et sul on nii turvalisem. | It broke my heart to stay away, but I believed you'd be safer if I did. |
- Isegi mina peaaegu uskusin. | - Almost believed it myself. |
- Ja ma veel uskusin teid. | - And to think I believed you. |
"Olid mõned, kes soovitasid lepitust otsida ja uskusid, et ülestõus ainult vihastab vaenlast. | "There were some who advocated accommodation, "who believed the enemy would only be enraged "by outright rebellion. |
- Et sa tõesti uskusid, mida räägid. | You actually believed the things you said. |
- Ja nad uskusid sind? | - And they believed you? |
"Fellide pere uskus, et mina peaksin, | "the fell family believed it should be I, |
"Kui ta meheks sirgus, uskus ta, et ainus võimalus oma saatuse ära kasutamiseks, on pöörata selg mõlemale oma vanemale ja keelduda nägemast pimedust, mis Maad ründab. | "When he became a man, "he believed the only way to seize his destiny "was to turn his back on both his parents |
"Ta oli hea sõdur,.. .. ja ta uskus tugevasti.. " | "and believed strongly in what we were doing..." |
"Ta oli hea sõdur,.. ..ja ta uskus tugevasti.." | Fourth Man: "He was a fine soldier, and he believed very strongly in..." |
- Ma ei suuda uskuda, et me uskusime. | - I can't believe we believed it. |
- Me uskusime sind! | - We believed in you. |
- Ta eitas seda ja meie uskusime teda. | He denied it and we believed him. |
- Seega te uskusite, et ta on mõrvar, kuid samas jätkasite romantilist suhet temaga? | So you believed him to be a murderer, but you continued to be romantically involved? |
Aga te uskusite sama asja. | You guys bumped heads. but you believed the same thing. |
Ei. - Seega te uskusite, et ta on mõrvar, kuid samas jätkasite romantilist suhet temaga? | So you believed him to be a murderer, but you continued to be romantically involved? |
"Aga prints Nuada ei uskunud inimeste tõotustesse. | "But Prince Nuada did not believe in the promises of man. |
-Kuni nüüdseni ma seda ei uskunud. | -Until now I did not believe it. |
Aga Markon ei uskunud. | - But Markon did not believe... |
Aga ma ei uskunud seda. | I did not believe it. |
Algselt usuti, et salakohtumine toimus Clintoni Washington DC kodus. | Initially it was believed that the secret meeting took place at Clinton's Washington, DC home. |
Antiikajal usuti, et iga mees, kes võib tappa kiiruse ja täpsusega, peaks olema võimeline ka elegantselt tantsima. | in ancient times, it was believed that any man who could kiII with speed and accuracy should be able to dance with grace as weIl. |
Bachmann usuti tapetud olevat autopommi plahvatuses kaks aastat tagasi Tshetsheenias. | Bachmann was believed to have been kiIled in a car bomb explosion in Chechnya four years ago. |
- Nagu mina sindki usuksin. | As I would believe you. |
Ilma selleta usuksin kõike, mida ta ütleb. | God, without this, I would believe anything that he says. |
Jah, ma usuksin seda. | Yeah, i would believe that one. |
- Aga kes teda usuksid? | - But who would believe him? |
Ilma vastupidiste tõenditeta nad usuksid meid. | With no evidence to the contrary, they would believe us. |
Kui naine oli vaba mees, usuksid nad tema sõnu ja otsustaksid naise kasuks. | Athelstan: If she was a free woman, They would believe her word, |
Las ma ütlen alguses, et vabandan sellise avaliku demonstratsiooni eest, aga ma tundsin, et on tähtis teha seda nende inimeste ees kuna nad juba teavad tõde ja kuna ma ei arvanud, et sa mind muul viisil usuksid. | Let me say in advance I'm sorry to make this such a public display, but I felt it was important to do this in front of these people because they already know the truth and because I didn't think that you would believe me otherwise. |
Ainus moodus, et te mind usuksite. | The only way you would believe me. |
Olgu, see üks kord mõtlesin välja. Aga selleks, et neid teisi usuksite. Neid päris nägemusi, mida ma ei mõelnud välja. | Well, l did make that up... so that you would believe my other visions. |
Asi on nii, et need munapead ja kõik teised võivad olla küll meist kõigist targemad, aga aastatega olen ma õppinud, et kui asi puudutab töökoha ohutust, siis sa isegi ei usuks, milliseid rikkumisi ma näinud olen. | Fact is, these eggheads and whatnot may be smarter than all of us put together in this room. But what I learned over the years, when it comes to safety in the workplace, you would not believe some of the violations that I've seen. |
Jumal tänatud! Sa ei usuks... | Oh, you would not believe... |
! Ma ei usu seda! | I don't believe it! |
"Britid ei usu, et meie pühendumus on siiras." | "The British do not believe we are committed to our cause." |
"Ei, ma ei usu andestamisesse, just nagu ma ei usu ka hukkamõistmisesse." | "No, I don't believe in forgiveness anymore than I believe in condemnation". |
"Isa, sa ei kindlasti ei usu seda, kuid see sinu saatetud tðekk | "Dad, you're never going to believe this, but that check you sent me |
"Cryptozoologists uskuge võidi alamliik sõralisi kiskja võimalik mesonychid. " | "Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid." |
"Et kui see vorm pakub iseseisvat elu kellegile nagu mina, kellel veel hiljuti ei olnud aimu mida see tähendab, ja tagasi lükata keegi, kes on iseseisvuse kehastus, siis uskuge mind see vorm on alandav." | "So if this panel can offer independent living to someone like me who until recently had no concept of what that meant and refuse someone who's very life is an embodiment of independence then I believe the panel showed a prejudice." |
"Ärge uskuge haipi." | "Don't believe the hype." |
Ükskõik mida... ükskõik mida sulle keegi räägib, ära usu öeldust midagi. | No matter what... No matter who tells you what, do not believe anything they say. I... |
"...seda vähem kaldun ma uskuma, et kedagi tulebl. | "...the less inclined I am to believe that anyone will. |
"Kõik, kes teenivad peapiiskopkonnas peaks uskuma Jumalat, toetama uskumist Jeesus Kristusesse, osalema palvustel, austama kiriklikku juhtkonda, mitte võtma Katoliku kirikuga vastandlikku seisukohta..." | "All who serve in the archdiocese should believe in God... support belief in Jesus Christ... engage in prayer... respect ecclesiastical authority... not take a public position contrary to the Catholic Church... " |
"Ma hakkasin uskuma, et minust suurem jõud võiks taastada minu terve mõistuse." | "I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity." |
"Vali keegi minu kasvu ja kehaehitusega" ja pane nad uskuma, et see olen mina." | "And make them believe it's me" We did get an exact match. |
! Ma ei suuda uskuda, et ma ütlesin seda. | I-I-I can't believe I said that. |
! Ma eisuuda seda uskuda aga seeon veel hullemaks muutunud. | I can't believe it, but it got even crappier. |
"...pole põhjust uskuda, et selle põhjuseks on terroriakt..." | "... no reason to believe that this is the result of terrorist acts..." |
"Ei suuda oma õnne uskuda! | I don't even want to go "I can't believe my luck! |
"Jack, ma soovin, et sa oleks mind uskunud" | Jack: I wish you had believed me. John. |
"Pole kunagi saatusesse uskunud, kuni siiani. | "I've never believed in fate, or destiny, "or whatever, until now. |
- Aga ma ei uskunud seda kunagi. | - But I never believed. |
Las kuulutab avalikult, mida me kõik teame teda oma mustas südames uskuvat. | Get him to proclaim what we all know he believes in his coal-colored heart. |
Patmos Nanotechnologiesi, LLC-i ja I-nets Security Systemsi juhataja ütleb uskuvat osa olevat pärit JT8D reaktiivmootorist. Õhujõudude A-3 Skywarrior ründelennukist. | President and Chief Executive Officer of Patmos Nanotechnologies LLC and I-nets Security Systems he believes that the piece is a JT8D Turbojet Engine from the US Air Force A3 ScottWarrior. |
Emale öeldi oma preestri poolt, et sa surid sünnitusel. Ta süüdistas ennast sellesse uskumast... ja ta soovis taastada sinu süni järgsed õigused. | She blamed herself for ever believing it... and she wished to restore your birthright. |
Ja kuigi oli ta 88-aastane, ei lakanud ta kunagi uskumast. | And although she was 88 years old, she never stopped believing. |
Ja siis ma lakkasin uskumast. | And that's when I stopped believing. |
Kes oleks uskunud, et see on võimalik! | Who would have believed this was possible? |
Kumba vandekohus oleks uskunud? | Would've been her word against mine. And who do you think the jury would have believed? |
Ma poleks uskunud, et mehed võivad marssida sellisesse hävingusse. | I would not have believed that mortal men could march into the face of such destruction. |
"Tõelises maailmas ei usuks mind keegi." "23. veebruar." | No one in the real world would believe me. |
"Tõelises maailmas ei usuks mind keegi." | No one in the real world would believe me. |
- Keegi ei usuks Belgardi osalust! | No-one would believe Belgard was involved. |
- Keegi ei usuks seda. | No one would believe it. |