- Kun sairastaa syöpää, - sitä vastaan taistellaan! | When you have cancer you fight, because it doesn't matter if you beat it or not. |
Ei ole tarvinnut sairastaa. | I haven't had so much as a common cold. |
Hän sairastaa skitsofreniaa. | When she's on her thorazine, we don't have a problem. |
Jotta he voisivat sairastaa hinkuyskää yhdessä. | So they could both have whooping cough together. |
Kaksi teistä sairastaa, ja yksi on ollut tuhma kisu. | Two of you have been sick, and one of you has been a very naughty kitty. |
- Entä jos sairastan sitä? | So what if l do have it? |
Ellet tietäisi syövästäni, et arvaisi, että sairastan syöpää. | If you didn't know I have cancer, you wouldn't know I have cancer, right? |
Sain tietää, että sairastan AVM:ää. Se tarkoittaa suunnilleen sitä että voin kuolla halvaukseen koska tahansa. | I found out that I have a condition called AVM... which basically means I couId have a stroke or aneurysm at just about any time. |
- Et ota mitään, sairastat vain. | Taken nothing, just have the cold. |
Kerroin Estellelle, että sairastat parantumatonta tautia | You know, I told Estelle you have a terminal disease. - What? |
Mitä sairastat? | What do you have? |
Onko se totta että lepraa sairastavat joutuivat kantamaan ennen kelloja? | Is it true lepers used to have to carry around bells? |
Ymmärrän, että kaikki muut sairastavat bulimiaa - mutta kleptomaanikotkin ovat sairaita. | It's all about bulimia in this house and I totally gel that. But we shouldn't cast off the kleptomaniac because they also have a disease. |
Ensiksi luulin termiittien saaneen minut, Tiedäthän, sairastin syöpää. | Now, at first, I thought the termites had gotten me. You know, I was sick... cancer. |
Kun olin viisi, sairastin polion. | When I was 5, I had polio. |
Lapsena minäkin sairastin sitä. | As a child... I, too, had keckinger's. |
Sama juttu, kun sairastin flunssan. | It's like that amazing time I had the stomach flu. |
Voimme jatkaa siitä, mihin jäin, kun sairastin vuonna 1999 anemiaa. | We can pick up right where I left off in 1999 when I had pernicious anemia. |
Kunnioitan erilaisuuttasi lain vaatimassa määrin. Käytit lomasi, kun sairastit roberkuloosia. | Now, look here, Bender, I respect your diversity... to the extent the law requires... but you used up all your days off... when you had that bout with roberculosis. |
- Ei. Hän sairasti pitkään. | He had been sick a long time, so ... |
- Hän sairasti rokon pienenä. | But I told you he had measles when he was 3. |
- Nainen sairasti ALS-tautia. | - Who had been inflicted with lou gehrig's disease. |
Henry VIII aloitti isojen kalukukkaroiden trendin, koska hän sairasti kuppaa. | Actually, Henry VIII started the trend of large codpieces because he had syphilis. |
Hän sairasti kaksi viikkoa ennen kuolemaansa- ja dramaattinen käänne tapahtui juuri kun hän näytti paranevan. | Insiders say she had a flu for two weeks before passing away, but they were totally unprepared for the dramatic turn the illness took just as it seemed she was recovering. |
Väistin osuman, kun Ariel ja Bridget sairastivat. | I dodged the bullet when Ariel and Bridgette had it. |
- Minä en sairasta. | I haven't had a sick day since before you were born. |
- Sinä et sairasta koskaan. | Oh, you haven't been sick a day in your life. |
- Tulin katsomaan sairasta täti-parkaani. | I have come to visit my poor ailing aunt. |
-Emme, ellei teillä ole sairasta lasta. | - Not unless you have a sick kid. |
-Esitin sairasta. | I have been complacent. |
"Aivokalvontulehdusta sairastava kädetön tyttö torjui murtovarkaan." | A girl with meningitis confronted a burglar despite having no arms. |
- Enkä ole sairastanut sitä. | - Nor have I ever had them as a child. |
- Hän on sairastanut leukemiaa 4-vuotiaasta asti. | He's had leukemia since he was 4. |
- Koska hän on sairastanut vasta pari viikkoa. | He's had the disease for maybe two weeks. |
En ole koskaan sairastanut isorokkoa. | I've never had smallpox. |
Et sairastanut vesirokkoa lapsena. | You never had chicken-pox as a child. |